Be present...

By Vichara

With each step we take we are either thinking of what someone would say or what he or she have said already. The face they made from a comment or what potentially they will look like. We think of scenarios that could or should happen all while dipping it into the well of what did happen. We agree and disagree with each thought like they are separate beings. Unless all of us have miraculous powers, we can never completely know what could happen. Even as you read this you are thinking about how you would react to something in the future or why something happened in the past and replay those thoughts with you being the ultimate director. While you can be firm in your resolve and strive to the best you can do, you need to be open to the nuances of the present.

garble • \GAR-bul\ • verb
1 : to sift impurities from
2 *a : to so alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning b : to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment, transmission, or decipherment
Example Sentence:
Jim's stage debut was a success, for the most part, though he did garble a few of his lines in the opening scene.
Did you know?
“Garble” developed from Late Latin "cribellare," a verb meaning “to sift.” Arabic speakers borrowed "cribellare" as "gharbala," and the Arabic word passed into Old Italian as "garbellare"; both of these words also meant “to sift.” When the word first entered Middle English as "garbelen," its meaning stayed close to the original; it meant “to sort out the best.” But that sort of sifting can cause a distortion, and in early Modern English “garble” came to mean “to distort the meaning or sound of.”

With eyes open...

By Vichara

We are all grasping at straws of humanity in a desperate need to make sense of lives that sometimes intersect with such indifference it leaves us little strength and resolve to move forward. And even if we literally close our eyes to the events around us we still see images with our eyelids closed. We need to change our vision. Change what is out “there” and what inside our hearts as well. Easier said than done, as most would say right now, but there are ways. As I have stated in other times, it will not be the grandiose actions that will necessarily make the difference in the world around us. It will be in the small gestures, initiated by the heart, which will have the most profound effect. Try to do something very small for someone else today to try to help change the human landscape out “there” and in your own heart.

indubitable • \in-DOO-buh-tuh-bul\ • adjective
: too evident to be doubted : unquestionable
Example Sentence:
He was regarded as a film director of indubitable insight and talent, and his movies were among the most beloved in the history of cinema.
Did you know?
There's no reason to question the fairly straightforward etymology of "indubitable" -- a word that has remained true to its Latin roots. It arrived in Middle English in the 15th century from Latin "indubitabilis," itself a combination of "in-" ("not") and "dubitabilis" ("open to doubt or question"). "Dubitabilis" is from the verb "dubitare," meaning "to doubt," which also gave us our "doubt." The word "dubitable" also exists in English, and of course means "questionable or doubtable," but it is fairly rare.

A new currency...

By Vichara

There is a very popular movie where the lead actor states that greed is good. Somehow amassing a large personal collection of metal coins and paper will solve and can solve whatever you may need. Why yes since our world is set up in a manner where this currency is the means to obtain goods and services, no matter how large your collection it will only sustain you, it will not save you. If you are lying in a hospital bed with death nearby, this coin and paper collection will only keep machines going, not you. A dear friend once told me that he never has seen a U-Haul truck following hearse. Use these coins and paper to sustain you within reason but remember the currency of the heart is far more valuable to the world. The more you spend of this currency, through love, patience and compassion, the more it will return on your investment. So go a spend a lot of it today!

primogeniture • \prye-moh-JENN-uh-chur\ • noun
*1 : the state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents
2 : an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son
Example Sentence:
Brian argued that primogeniture gave him the right to the first piece of cake among his siblings.
Did you know?
In many civilizations, past and present, the state of being the oldest among siblings is a key component of inheritance law. “Primogeniture,” which first appeared in English in the early 17th century, derives from the Late Latin “primogenitura,” a combination of the Latin “primus” (“first”) and “genitura” (“birth”), from the past participle of “gignere” (“to beget”). For those who are youngest in birth order, a similar word applies -- “ultimogeniture” -- but this word is newer (first appearing in English in 1882) and much less common.

Beyond the walls...

By Vichara

While it is prudent to methodically maintain a safe barrier around ourselves, to protect us from those that may want to do harm, it is equally important that it has an element of being porous. This porous element will give an opportunity to encounter those individuals that may need help from you. Being born at this time we have all been given a mission. For some the dossier of events will be few, for some it will be many but we will all be given as much as we can handle. As the heart and spirit grow stronger and more confident we will gain the fortitude to carry more. Again it is good to maintain safety for your own heart but it is imperative to remember, as Siddhartha Gautama found out, life happens out there not behind any physical or metaphysical walls.

obtuse • \ahb-TOOS\ • adjective
1 a : not pointed or acute b : exceeding 90 but less than 180 degrees
*2 : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect
3 : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression
Example Sentence:
The child was so stubborn in her refusal to understand that I began to suspect she was being deliberately obtuse.
Did you know?
"Obtuse," which comes to us from the Latin word "obtusus," meaning "dull" or "blunt," can describe an angle that is not acute or a person who has a "dull" or insensitive mind. The word has also developed a somewhat controversial third sense of "hard to comprehend," probably as a result of confusion with "abstruse." It is now possible to speak of "obtuse language" and "obtuse explanations," as well as "obtuse angles" and "obtuse readers." This sense of "obtuse" is well established, but it may attract some criticism. If you're hesitant about using new meanings of words, you should probably stick with "abstruse" when you want a word meaning "difficult to understand."

Heal, thy pooch...

By Vichara

The one thing that has happened over the last number of years is the extreme blending of our work lives and our personal, much to the detriment of both. Perhaps with the increased use of technology it allows those “little notes” that may seem harmless work issues follow us home. A wise man once said “when we out a leash on our work and bring it home like a pet poodle yapping at our heels, we are neither here of there, neither at work nor at home which means we are not going to be at home anywhere”. Try to separate from it, turn it off. You tend to the poodle for roughly 8 hours a day which leaves maybe 4 hours for you, your family and home before head to slumber land. Leave the poodle at work.

implacable • \im-PLAK-uh-bul\ • adjective
: not placable : not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated

Example Sentence:
The convict made his plea for an early release to the implacable members of the parole board, who remained skeptical that he felt remorse for his crimes.

Did you know?
"Implacable" comes from the Latin word "implacabilis," with which it shares the meaning "not easily placated." Ultimately, it comes from the verb "placare," meaning "to calm" or "to soothe." "Implacable" adds the negative "im-" to the root to describe something that cannot be calmed or soothed or altered. The root "placare" also gave us "placate." You may ask, what about similar-looking words "placid" and "placebo"? These words are related to "implacable" and "placate," but not as closely as you might suspect. They come from the Latin verb "placēre," a relative of "placare" that means "to please."

To better understand...

By Vichara

In the science fiction series of book, The Hitchhikers’ Guide To The Universe (by Douglas Adams), there is this small aquatic being called a babel fish. Inserted into your ear, the babel fish will translate any foreign language spoken into your native tongue, thus rendering any miscommunication virtually impossible. Wouldn’t this be amazing if this existed today and could be utilized around the globe to better understand any person we would encounter? But I think it would only work up to a certain point. Understanding what another person is saying is one thing, having an understanding of they mean is a whole other thing. Even with the language barrier broken it still does not relieve us from utilizing a bigger skill, the skill to understand with the foundation of love, patience and compassion.

espiègle • \es-PYEGL\ • adjective
: frolicsome, roguish

Example Sentence:
"Her mother appeared, -- a handsome young country-woman, to whose features, originally sly and espiègle in expression, matrimony had given that decent matronly air…." (Sir Walter Scott, Old Mortality)

Did you know?
"Espiègle" is a corruption of "Ulespiegle," the French name for Till Eulenspiegel, a peasant prankster of German folklore. Tales of Eulenspiegel's merry pranks against well-to-do townsmen, clergy, and nobility were first translated into French in 1532 and into English around 1560. In the 19th century, Sir Walter Scott introduced his readers to the adjective "espiègle" and the related noun "espièglerie" (a word for "roguishness" or "playfulness") in his Waverley novels. Other 19th century authors followed suit, and even today these words are most likely to be encountered in literature.

They broke the mold...

By Vichara

They broke the mold after you were born…no really, they did! Seriously! There will never ever be another you. You are a unique individual with a unique set of physical and mental attributes that contribute to the immediate world around you and the much larger world out there. No really you do. By just reading these words that I write you inspire me and act as the impetus for me to write more. From that hopefully what I write will help you to think of things a bit differently and help somebody else. As they say that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in an Amazon forest results in the winds that sweep by your kitchen window this morning. So you being here, this incredibly unique individual can make a difference. It’s up to you how far you want to go.

reconcile • \REK-un-syle\ • verb
1 a : to restore to friendship or harmony b : settle, resolve
*2 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant
3 a : to check (a financial account) against another for accuracy b : to account for
Example Sentence:
I have reconciled myself to the fact that my two best friends may never be fond of each other.
Did you know?
"Adapt," "adjust," "accommodate," "conform," and "reconcile" all mean to bring one thing into agreement with another. "Adapt" implies a modification according to changing circumstances ("they adapted to the warmer climate"). "Adjust" suggests bringing something into a close and exact correspondence or harmony ("we adjusted the budget to allow for inflation"). "Accommodate" may suggest yielding or compromising to form an agreement ("he accommodated his political beliefs in order to win"). "Conform" suggests coming into accordance with a pattern, example, or principle ("she refused to conform to society's values"). "Reconcile" implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible ("I tried to reconcile what he said with what I knew").


By Vichara

Death to boredom! If you are bored you have your eyes closed both literally and figuratively. The “tapestry” that is unfolded to us everyday is so rich and dense that unless you see this someone has blinded you. Through repetition of our daily actions, some of them quite mundane, we can loose track of the simple beauty that ordinary things have! In the shower, the steady stream of water reflecting in the morning light can be a shower of feather weight diamonds cascading all around. The coolness of the morning air can hold nuances of fragrances that could unlock memories. Observing a couple people in a crosswalk ignites the imagination in that you wonder what secret plans they are talking about. A flock of pigeons that sweeps repeatedly in a pattern only known to them. Open you senses up to the cavalcade, it’s worth the price of admission.

palatable • \PAL-uh-tuh-bul\ • adjective
1 : agreeable to the palate or taste
2 : agreeable or acceptable to the mind

Example Sentence:
When I asked Griffin for his opinion of the restaurant he said, "The food was bland and unimaginative, but at least the wine was palatable."

Did you know?
"Palatable" comes from "palate," a Latin-derived word for the roof of the mouth. The palate was once thought of as the seat of the sense of taste, so the word eventually came to mean "sense of taste," or broadly, "liking." "Palatable" has been used in English to refer to palate-pleasing foods since 1664, but it isn't our only -- or our oldest -- adjective for agreeable tastes. "Savory" dates from the 13th century. "Toothsome" has been around since 1551. "Tasty" was first used back in 1603. And "appetizing" has been gracing culinary reviews since 1653.

Change can happen...

By Vichara

With a new day can there be a new change? An obvious question that, considering the exposed frailties and conflicts in the world, seems to be on the minds of many. I do not believe that this could be answered in one easy way. Instead of looking out there (TV, newspapers, internet) for the answers, I think that using a figurative mirror on our selves will begin to help. By only reflecting on how we incorporate the world in our lives, will we be able to help initiate change. Yes it is very obvious that the world issues are very large and overwhelming. Do not be discouraged, change can and will come but only if we change ourselves, one small piece at a time. You are not alone, we are not alone, they are not alone, and everything is inter-connected. So if we change, the whole world changes.

flocculate • \FLAH-kyuh-layt\ • verb
: to aggregate or coalesce into small lumps or loose clusters
Example Sentence:
During fermentation, yeast cells flocculate and either rise to the top or sink to the bottom of the vat.
Did you know?
In the late 16th century, scientists noticed that the loose masses separated from a solution or suspension through precipitation often resembled tufts of wool, and they began to refer to them as "flocks," using another word for "tufts." (This "flock" is not related to the word "flock" that refers to a group of animals, which comes from Old English "flocc," meaning "crowd" or "band.") About two centuries later, the Late Latin term "flocculus" found its way into English and was also used with the meaning "a small loosely aggregated mass." By the end of the 19th century, a whole word family had been formed, including the adjective "flocculent," the noun "floccule," and the verb "flocculate."

Re-focus our steps...

By Vichara

The impermanence of this existence underscores the value of the time we have been given. When you take death seriously, you take your life and the value of life more seriously. There is no re-boot button, no re-start, no re-charge; this is it for all we know. There has not been any scientific empirical proof of the existence of an after life. I know to some that words like this stab like a cold knife into reality but that is not totally the intent. The intention is to bring the attention into focus, hopefully act as a catalyst and shake all of our collective vision into acknowledging that regardless of what may be going on we are here and in many ways are truly blessed. Building on this resolve is not only good for yourself but for others around you that we encounter everyday. By having our vision a little more focused we can not just only take but give back as well with a renewed spirit infused with love and most importantly compassion.

foible • \FOY-bul\ • noun
1 : the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and point
*2 : a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior : weakness
Example Sentence:
The students admired their teacher despite his foibles and eccentricities.
Did you know?
The weakest part of a sword blade is the portion between the middle and the pointed tip. Back in the mid-1600s, English speakers borrowed the French word "foible" to refer to that most easily broken part of the sword or foil. Despite the superficial resemblance, "foible" does not come from "foil." The French "foible" was an adjective meaning "weak." (That French word, which is now obsolete, is derived from the same Old French term, "feble," that gives us "feeble.") The English "foible" soon came to be applied not only to weaknesses in blades, but also to minor failings in character. It appeared in print with that use in 1673, and now the "character flaw" sense is considerably more popular than the original sword application.

Look behind the curtain...

By Vichara

So much smoke and mirrors. We have been conditioned to believe most of what we see is the reality we need. But if we dare to look behind the curtains we will see the wizard(s) pushing the buttons and pulling the levers to manipulate how they want us to think and feel. For the most part we know this but there is a tendency to ignore this truth and shrug it off like someone shooing away a bothersome fly. The thing is the flies will always come back. Now I’m not saying we should cloister ourselves but always keep in mind that for the most part what we see is someone else’s folly. What I am suggesting, if you are up for the challenge, is to take part of the day and put aside the smoke and mirrors. Shut is all off and anchor yourself with your own thought and your own feelings and breathe. Find a place, even for a couple hours, where you can be the “director” and not the wizard.

trattoria • \trah-tuh-REE-uh\ • noun
: restaurant; specifically : a usually small Italian restaurant

Example Sentence:
Asked by his brother to recommend a restaurant, Marco suggested his favorite trattoria, which has the best linguini Bolognese in the city.

Did you know?
In Italian, "trattore" is the word for an innkeeper or restaurant owner. That word derives from the Old French verb "traitier," which means "to treat" and is related to the Latin "tractare," meaning "to drag about, handle, or deal with." "Trattoria," which first appeared in English in 1832, is one of several words that have entered our language to refer to a kind of specialized eatery -- in this case, one that specializes in Italian cuisine. Others that have come later include "bistro" (from French, 1921), "brasserie" (from French, 1864), and "taqueria" (from Mexican Spanish, 1982).

Drivers education for your brain...

By Vichara

Some of us will remember the common sense rule of the road to always leave a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you. The same applies when it comes to our thoughts. In this crazed multi-tasking world it is wise to watch out for tailgating thoughts. Allowing no distance between thoughts, both work and personal, leads to crashes that could ignite anger and frustration. I have learned that inserting a moment of meditation or a moment to breathe and recite a mantra acts like a traffic cop to separate crashing thoughts. By taking these moments it will lead to a slowing down and create a safety zone and an opportunity for the answers you need to form more fluidly. So instead of wasting your time cleaning up nasty thought crashes you gain more time to think clearly and enjoy you time behind the wheel of your shiny ding-free mind.

audacious • \aw-DAY-shus\ • adjective
1 : daring, bold
2 : insolent
*3 : marked by originality and verve
Example Sentence:
The band has been making original and creative music for well over ten years, but their latest album is by far their most audacious to date.
Did you know?
Shakespeare used "audacious" seven times in his plays. That in itself wasn't exactly an act of bold originality. The word, which comes from the Latin root "audac-" ("bold"), had been around for decades. But the Bard was the first to use "audacious" in its "insolent" sense ("Obey, audacious traitor; kneel for grace," Henry VI Part 2), and he may have been the first to use the adverb "audaciously." "Audacious" itself was something of an innovation in the 16th century: it was one of the earliest "-acious" words in English. Subsequently, we've added lots of "-acious" adjectives to our lexicon, including "pugnacious," "loquacious," "voracious," and even, in the 19th century, "bodacious" (which is most likely a combination of "bold" and "audacious").

To fly...

By Vichara

At various points in the day, when things can get a bit crazy and frenetic we all must take a few minutes, step back and breathe. Get off the “ride” for a moment just to remind ourselves that this is just not some random roller coaster ride but we all have a purpose here. A wise man once said “We can never know what real joy is until the mind is still. Some people are simply picking up a few crumbs of pleasure and trying to convince themselves that it is joy. We are not here to walk about pecking at crumbs like pigeons. Our destiny is to fly. Not just a few, but everyone that has been born.” It doesn’t matter what age you are, find your wings.

epoch • \EP-uk\ • noun
1 a : an event or a time that begins a new period or development b : a memorable event or date
2 *a : an extended period of time usually characterized by a distinctive development or by a memorable series of events b : a division of geologic time less than a period and greater than an age
Example Sentence:
The Victorian epoch is often seen as a time of great formality.
Did you know?
"Epoch" comes to us, via Medieval Latin, from Greek "epochē," meaning "cessation" or "fixed point." "Epochē," in turn, comes from the Greek verb "epechein," meaning "to pause" or "to hold back." When "epoch" was first borrowed into English, it referred to the fixed point used to mark the beginning of a system of chronology. That sense is now obsolete, but today "epoch" is used in some fields (such as astronomy) with the meaning "an instant of time or a date selected as a point of reference." The "an event or a time that begins a new period or development" sense first appeared in print in the early 17th century, and "epoch" has been applied to defining moments or periods of time ever sin

Shifting perceptions...

By Vichara

Ahhhh yes, the start of another workweek for the most of us. We don the mental and metaphysical armor to venture out in the battlefield known by some as “The Fast Lane” or “The Grind”. With our senses heightened we take our positions and wait for the day’s challenges. But what if we all shifted our perception just a bit and consider that we all are dealing with the same tense issues and anxieties. When you consider me part of you, in the universal sense, you gain more respect for life for everyone. I am part of you and you are part of me. You wouldn’t consciously hurt yourself, right? In the karmic sense whatever you inflict on someone else is ultimately to you as well.

jingoism • \JING-goh-is-uhm\ • noun
: extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy
Example Sentence:
Albert Einstein was a pacifist who found German jingoism, with its ultra-nationalistic ideology and militaristic policy, so objectionable that he left his homeland in 1933, never to return.
Did you know?
"Jingoism" originated during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, when many British citizens were hostile toward Russia and felt Britain should intervene in the conflict. Supporters of the cause expressed their sentiments in a music-hall ditty with this refrain:
"We don't want to fight, yet by jingo if we do,
We've got the ships, we've got the men,
We've got the money, too!"
Someone holding the attitude implied in the song became known as a "jingo" or "jingoist," and the attitude itself was dubbed "jingoism." The "jingo" in the tune is probably a euphemism for "Jesus."

Taking the time...

By Vichara

Schopenhauer was out walking one night, deep in thought when a policeman, suspicious of him approached and asked, “May I know who you are?” Schopenhauer stood for a long time and then replied, “I wish I could tell you”. It is true; no matter how many ways we are identified the majority of them are external. The clothing style we wear, the car that we drive, the voice, the laugh, how we adorn our office or home, all outwardly personal markers. But we are much more, much more than this collection of bones, blood and flesh and as long as we identify ourselves in the physical sense we will keep using all our energies to satisfy these needs. Try to take just 15 minutes a day, by yourself with no distractions to check in with you and your spirit and try to feed that instead of the external. The Upanishads, the classic Hindu text says, that the joy that comes when we discover who we are is a million times greater than all the pleasures the most advanced civilization could offer.

berserk • \ber-SERK\ • adjective
: frenzied, crazed -- usually used in the phrase go berserk

Example Sentence:
Fans went berserk as they watched the running back dive in for the winning touchdown in the final seconds of the game.

Did you know?
"Berserk" comes from Old Norse "berserkr," which combines "ber-" ("bear") and "serkr" ("shirt"). According to Norse legend, "berserkrs" were warriors who wore bearskin coverings and worked themselves into such frenzies during combat that they became immune to the effects of steel and fire. "Berserk" was borrowed into English (first as a noun and later as an adjective) in the early 19th century, when interest in Scandinavian myth and history was high. It was considered a slang term at first, but it has since gained broader acceptance.

Many paths..

By Vichara

Do not listen to a single voice. Do not rely on the wisdom of one. Do not act in accordance with one authority. Do not follow one man or one woman’s doctrine just because they are “famous”. As there are many people in the world, there are that many voices. Your path, no matter where it leads, will encounter those voices, thoughts and revelations that are needed to move on to the next “stepping stone”. Do not walk a single path as one path will not contain all of the stepping-stones needed for the journey. No one doctrine has a single voice, they all have their prophets, wise men / women, thinkers, doers and guides. It is in this collected wisdom is where we define our own personal path built with the breadth of knowledge and wisdom of many, not just from the past but from today and the future.

hidebound • \HYDE-bound\ • adjective
1 : of a domestic animal : having a dry skin lacking in pliancy
2 : having an inflexible or ultraconservative character

Example Sentence:
The store failed when its hidebound owners refused to alter their business model to adjust for the changing economy.

Did you know?
"Hidebound" has its origins in agriculture. The word, which appeared in English as "hyde bounde" in the 16th century, originally described cattle that, due to illness or poor feeding, had skin that clung to the skeleton and could not be pinched, loosened, or worked with the fingers. "Hidebound" has also been applied to humans -- both literally, to describe people with tight skin, and figuratively. In its earliest figurative usage, "hidebound" meant "stingy" or "miserly." That sense has since fallen out of use, but a second figurative usage, describing people who are rigid or unyielding in their actions or beliefs, lives on in our language today

Small things for a big world...

By Vichara

The world will keep on turning no matter what happens. Unless George Lucas knows of a Death Star hovering near by I believe we’ll go on spinning. So what do we do while on this ride? Bitch, complain, whine that there is nothing we can do to help out the world condition? If you feel helpless stop and pull back from thinking on a large scale, where we may not have all of the tools to be effective, and re-focus on perhaps something smaller. From small gestures and compassionate acts you can build a foundation and see immediate results. Which of course builds confidence and sense of purpose. Try a couple today…send a silly postcard through the regular mail just to say hi to someone, put a post-it note in someone’s sock with a message that you care. Call someone for no apparent reason, just to let him or her know you were thinking of them. Call you sister, brother, whomever. Small things create big things for you and those around you.

sanction • \SANK-shun\ • verb
1 : to make valid or binding usually by a formal procedure (as ratification)
2 : to give effective or authoritative approval or consent to

Example Sentence:
The parks committee was willing to sanction the consumption but not the sale of alcohol on park premises.

Did you know?
"Sanction" can also be a noun meaning "authoritative approval" or "a coercive measure." The noun entered English first, in the 15th century, and originally referred to a formal decree, especially an ecclesiastical decree. (The Latin "sancire," meaning "to make holy," is an ancestor.) By the end of the 17th century, the meaning of the noun "sanction" had extended to refer to both a means of enforcing a law (a sense that in the 20th century we began using especially for economic penalties against nations violating international law) and the process of formally approving or ratifying a law. When the verb "sanction" appeared in the 18th century, it had to do with ratifying laws as well. Soon it had also acquired an additional, looser sense: "to approve."

A house of cards...

By Vichara

The foundation of the world, which has been viewed as formidable, is more like a house of cards. And the cards have started to bend, tumble and tear to revel the true nature. The scandals, the deceit, the manipulation, greed, all of the frailties are being exposed but what do we do when the ruins of greed and deception have been cleared away? Do we finally, in a collective resolution, bond to each other to a more truthful existence? Not quite sure how could this be done when the extreme disorderly still exists and is precariously held together by the human ego. Perhaps we can start stripping away some of the “I” of our existence and shift some energies to the “we” and rebuild through patience and compassionate understanding.

candor • \KAN-der\ • noun
1 : whiteness, brilliance
2 : freedom from prejudice or malice : fairness
*3 : unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness
Example Sentence:
When the job applicant admitted to some indiscretions in his past, the interviewer thanked him for his candor.
Did you know?
The origins of "candor" shine through in its first definition. "Candor" traces back to the Latin verb "candēre" ("to shine or glow"), which in turn derives from the same ancient root that gave the Welsh language "can," meaning "white," and the Sanskrit language "candati," which translates to "it shines." Other descendants of "candēre" in English include "candid," "incandescent," "candle," and the somewhat less common "candent" and "candescent" (both of which are synonyms of "incandescent" in the sense of "glowing from or as if from great heat"). There is even "excandescence ," an uncommon word that refers to a feverish condition brought on by anger or passion.

Prisoners of time...

By Vichara

Prisoners of time. We are all subject to and part of this brother/sisterhood. Bound by the minutes, the seconds and the sands as they trickle down from an unseen personal timepiece. Our existence here on this plane is subject to some mystical biological clock that we have no choice of seeing or knowing. While pondering this may induce hyperventilation to some, let’s use this striking point and reinvent our days for a change. When the alarm rouses us from our slumbering state, envision that moment in your mind’s eye as a ticket for today’s ride. This is your ticket, purchased by your own personal thoughts and intent subject to the fine print on the back. Don’t bother turning the ticket over to read, everyone has the same terms and conditions – Keep a good heart, good thoughts, good speech, good actions and good intent and the ride will be good.

elysian • \ih-LIZH-un\ • adjective, often capitalized
1 : of or relating to Elysium
2 : blissful, delightful

Example Sentence:
"The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian life." (Henry David Thoreau, Walden)

Did you know?
In classical mythology Elysium, also known as the Elysian Fields, was the paradise reserved for the heroes immortalized by the gods. Ancient Greek poets imagined it as the abode of the blessed after death. The first known use of the place-name as a word for a blissful state enjoyed by mere mortals is found in Shakespeare's Henry V. Following the Bard, many other writers over the centuries have used "Elysium," as well as "Elysian Fields," to refer to paradisiacal places or states. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) was the first to summon "Elysian" as an adjective for the blissful quality emanating from such places.