By Vichara
Once you start the engine of your day there may times when things may not run or sound good at times. There is a rattle that is creating a constant clicking sound. You try the old fashioned method of either hitting it or kicking it and still it persists. Then something flies into your field of vision with a splat! You're a little preoccupied and it is difficult to clear your vision so you try to push on the best you can. Boom! Crash! Bang! You trip, you stumble and try to regain your balance. You get it back but not to the degree that it should be. You push on and then...stop right there! Have you not been given enough warnings? Sure you may have some abilities to maneuver around some obstacles but eventually they will gather and truly impede your movement forward. Stop, pull to the side of the "life" road and fix these hindrances before they create permanent damage to your life. Out here there is no roadside assistance, it's up to you but you have all the tools you need.
By Vichara
Consider the minutes of the day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measure of as a dehydrated person does with a cup of water. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.
By Vichara
We’ve grown up and become adults and the playground just got bigger. We argue and laugh, just like we did when we did as kids in the park but now it is bigger, more sophisticated and deadlier. This is not a video game. When you pull the trigger, the bullet can’t be pulled back. You can’t re-set the game. The words unleashed will make its mark. The cause will have its effect, the action a reaction. Choose from a more meaningful armament. Walk softly but carry a big heart, conscious of how it leaves its mark.
By Vichara
The world will always keep spinning around the sun and the sun will rise and set. There is nothing we can do personally to stop or slow this down. It is the cruising speed of life. Many try to exceed this pace through ways both physically using machines and chemically using drugs. Trouble is that by moving at this induced speed you will rush by the very answers you may be looking for. Take some time to slow down, the answers are right around the corner.
By Vichara
While we all in one way or another end this part of the year where the act of giving to others caps off and resolves one year, let’s not forget the other 364 days of the year. Yes, it is wonderful to celebrate but why not shake things up and pick a random date sometime next year that you give something to that food bank, help with a kid’s group, assist in a senior’s center or any number of things to help someone else. Then when that date approaches, pick another one randomly and do something else. You see where this is going right? Building a foundation of compassion that is just not celebrated in December but gradually in each month for not only others but yourself as well.
By Vichara
Now available! For an unlimited time! Not sold in stores! No suggested retail value! No discounts, no shipping costs and immediate delivery. A perennial favorite of all generations – Compassion. Do not hesitate to get some today. Plenty in stock and a never-ending supply in our warehouses – Compassion. Something so strong, durable and refreshing you will want to give some to all that you meet. Call today operators are standing by, 24 / 7…1-800-146-7348 that number again is 1-800-1HO-PE4U.
By Vichara
We reach out in prayer, meditation and in reflection for help from however we describe it, the universe, god, divine presence, etc. While it is definitely good to reach out we must also reach within and release ourselves from the trouble that has been inside us all. As a good friend has told me, “we must heal ourselves”. By reaching out and in we expose both sides of this troubled coin to all of the healing powers that exist.
By Vichara
You can’t move forward without reflecting on the past. Use these lessons learned from these experiences and illuminate them with the light of compassion and forgiveness in order to transcend their pettiness. Formulate a foundation, not of retribution but a foundation of unification. By using this tack many new paths will become a reality in this light. Step forward with confidence that together you and the person next to you, that you don’t even know, can and will achieve both small and big victories…one small compassionate step at a time.
By Vichara
The sun is up, you’re breathing and you are probably one of the lucky ones that will have some food this morning, what’s left to do? I’m not talking in the figurative sense but in the literal sense as well. Is there an unreachable thing you can start to take a few steps forward with? Is there an extra ounce of forgiveness you can give to yourself or someone else?
By Vichara
There is a great fear in transparency. Listening to a radio program a very powerful man admitted that in the current financial troubles of the world, that a certain accountability could be needed to dispel the fraudulent appearance of how business practices work…but not too much. In those four words lies the possible confession. In admitting that change is needed, he qualifies it with a need not to go too far because at that point they would all need to be honest. How dreadful, they would need to be honest and admit practices that hide the deception in their daily activities that divert honest monies from those that could equally share and step away from the extreme disparity that continues to be perpetrated on the world’s population. Honesty…what a concept.
By Vichara
“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. Again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.
By Vichara
Regardless of your position in life, your status amongst the rich and famous, the powerful and meek, we are all comprised of exact chemical combination to produce this thinking, talking humanoid being. Some will abuse this presence while in their lifetime and others will ignite the compassionate elements and try to leave this world a little bit better. Face it; we will all die at some point. Wouldn’t you want to use this small amount of time that has been given to you to make a difference in the world? Even in a small, unselfish way? It’s up to you.
By Vichara
There can be no fighting, if there is no attachment. There can be no greed, with no attachment. There can be no resentment, with no attachment. I am not insisting that you acquiesce on every level. No, this form of non-attachment weighs out the merits of both sides, sees the needs of both, understands the possible outcomes and shares the positive and negative aspects of all actions. When you have the ability to lose everything, you have the ability to have everything.
By Vichara
A resilient and supple heart will be lead buy divine grace to a place of more acceptance. A place where the tools of love, patience and compassion will be ultimately more accessible and more desirable than the weapons of retribution, hatred and selfishness. So folks another day has come to us and another chance to stretch out on the exercise mat of the world and strengthen the core muscles of your compassionate nature not only to yourself but also to those around you.
By Vichara
Question everything. Question why you did what you just did. Question why you decided to do something and acted that way. Question the way you spoke to that person. Question how you felt when you left the room. This is not to create a self-imposed paranoia state. No, it is to heighten the senses and how we come to the world at every moment. As well this is not to make you so hypersensitive and fearful. No, it is to hopefully strip away the thrashing about in how we spend a majority of our day. It is to encourage us to rise up through the turbulent waters of maya to a place where we can easily float along aware of everything and yet buoyant with confidence that all can be resolved with a patient, compassionate heart.
By Vichara
When you’re alone and you think no one notices the changes happening to you, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one sees when you are happy, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one feels your anxiety and heartache, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one wants to be around you, someone does. Of course that someone is you because any shift in your physical or mental being is first acknowledged by yourself, but here is the seed. Nurture this, honor this because these are the essential elements of change that not only affect your individual surroundings but also in the respect of these radiate out and change the world around you. Acknowledge the beacon that you are, shine and change the world. We all can.
By Vichara
We need to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being question by life - daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and right conduct. Life ultimately means taking responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks, which constantly sets for each individual. You have the ability, I have the ability, we all have the ability. Don’t waste this opportunity given to you
By Vichara
Perhaps a placebo is just enough to initiate the momentum. Perhaps by placing a seed with some temporary sugar coating will be enough to spark the flame of confidence. We all play a guessing game in this life. Some will tell you that have it all together and they know exactly what to do. While yes there may be some methodologies that may have elements that have been useful in the past not one single person has it all. There are just too many variables and unique personalities. The one thing I do know for certain is that every single one of us has the element of potential. It is there when we are born and is never far from our fingertips but yes it does get pushed around a bit by individuals and life. We just need to be reminded that this spark of potentiality is always there, it just needs a little help. It may need a smile, a kind word, a glimpse of beauty, a single touch or just a gentle reminder from yourself that it is always there. No one and I mean no one can take it away from you.
By Vichara
Rescue the heart, rescue the mind, and rescue the spirit. Rescue them all from being hijacked by delusionary aspects that they are being subjected to on a daily basis. Take the time each day, either as you start your day or at the end, to remind yourself the true values that sustain and fortify us. Love, to further build a union between us all. Patience, to develop the space to see things clearly and Compassion in order to cultivate true empathy.
By Vichara
I was sitting here half expecting in some strange way for the page to start writing the “thought” by itself. But then I thought isn’t that just the way we do expect things to happen all the time, don’t we? We expect the sun will rise in the morning, we expect the coffee to be good and hot, we expect people to do what is asked and required of them. We have expectations about expectations and when the expectations are not met more expectations of how it should go. Should we acquiesce to the way it just goes or should we dig deeper and possibly try to straighten out the road that became winding with hidden curves. Perhaps it all comes down to if we really expect our expectations to be met and resolutions to be found. What is the definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results? Perhaps it is time to find a new way with one expectation – clarity.
By Vichara
As I “sat” I looked down at the little book I write these “thoughts” in and staring back at me was this blank page. I thought – perfect! This blank page is a fresh start and a new day. In essence a whole new beginning. How could I convey this in a meager written form and even if I could would it contain enough commonalities to be understood? We are given this with each day “____________________” and we have a tendency to produce this “@#**5$&^***!^?:” by the end of each day. So how can we keep at least some of the openness that is given to us from turning into this consistent frenetic jungle of clanging noise? At this point in writing this I must admit I feel I have painted myself into a corner. But no it is not a corner but a reflection point and perhaps the answer to the question from above. If by spontaneously installing reflection points (like road-side rest stops) throughout our day perhaps there we can recharge and remind ourselves that we all have the opportunity for a fresh start at any point in the day. I’m not completely sure but…I’m looking at a blank page again.
By Vichara
You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm but it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.
By Vichara
Depending on when you read this “thought” your day may have either just started or maybe drawing to a close. If the curtain of the day has just been pulled back you have an opportunity to set your course with the right intent. Now here at this point many of us may get overwhelmed in the list we may mentally create. We may get all excited and the laundry list of actions we may want to follow backs us into a corner of inactivity. Stop! Before this happens breathe and focus on maybe just one for the day. Temper your persistence with patience. Be more open to things difficult to understand. Just something that can act as one guidepost in your journey. Something that will make the day more substantive rather than vacuous. And for those reading this at the end of the day, set your sails with honest reflection on what you can do tomorrow. Either way guide your intent with compassion.
By Vichara
It’s one thing to acknowledge another one’s existence on the external level without too much fanfare; it is to acknowledge that person’s internal existence without judgment is where the challenge exists. The physical form is just a collection of bones, skin and blood adorned with fabrics but what that person believes in, dreams about and feel can seem as vast and large as looking out into the ocean. Some things people believe in we will not totally understand because each of our personal experiences and how they are personally interpret them. But here is the tripping point and if we stop, listen and try to understand we can find the commonalities that we could share. From there will be a starting point that will ignite the conversation not to argument and disagreement but to understanding and compassion.
By Vichara
We are desire or should I say we all seem to need empirical proof of some guiding hand or deity where we can possibly find solace or guidance. Some believe that the indication of something bigger than us will come with much fanfare. With others there is no waiting and all the proof we need is here already. Hell, for me I was kind of hoping in a simplistic way that the treasured wind chimes that belonged to my deceased mother that now hangs just outside the window of my “sitting” room would chime, letting me know that she is “out there” and watching over me. Maybe there is nothing out there. Perhaps it is so subtle that we can’t see or feel it. Then again maybe its strength is in the subtlety and transparence. I think that it is not in any of these and the true guidance is in each one of us but unless we use the tool of compassion to unite we may never see the full potential. Oh and by the way as I writing this, the wind chimes did ring for a moment.
By Vichara
Keep your eyes & ears open as much as you can folks because what you see and hear in this second, this minute, this hour will never, ever happen again…ever. It is just part of he wonderful kaleidoscopic ephemeral universe that we all and I mean all, live in. At the core and the key to all of this and the basic element is to be cognizant of this with the simple act of mindfulness with each minute and hour. I know, I know easier said than done right? But even driving we can practice mindfulness and try to arrive peacefully. The wonderful meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanah suggests that even at a red light we can practice. The red light can be used as a signal, a reminder that there is tension in your body from possibly needing to get somewhere. Use the 10 seconds at the red light to practice some mindful breathing and release the tension in your body. And with the number of red lights we face we might even arrive peacefully.
By Vichara
It's time to move the chess pieces in a different way. There has always been constraints on which way we go. We have been told that if this is the one way you need to go, you go that way. While technology has been for some cumbersome in many ways it has however created a greater amount of transparency with the existence of our world. We can now more freely exchange ideas, words and images in a way that not too long ago would be considered science fiction. You somewhere in Russia or the Netherlands or India can almost instantaneously respond to these words and share with a friend in other pockets of the world. The chessboard has become more universal and accessible to many more people. But with this freedom this exchange and openness to the masses comes with a responsibility. In order to make this foray on this expanded chessboard beneficial we need to meet each other with greater openness. We need to throw out the manipulation, throw out the deception, the greed, the attachment to old methodology that obviously does not work anymore given this transparency. We need to utilize more compassion, more integrity and more understanding. Everyone of us has the capacity to do so regardless of where we are geographically or emotionally. The new chess pieces on this board will not include the military accruchamonts and carry only compassion, integrity and understanding. Are you ready to play? Bent u bereid te spelen? Вы готовы сыграть? Sind Sie bereit zu spielen? Êtes-vous prêt à jouer ? Está você pronto para jogar? 您准备使用? Ви готові до гри? Готови ли сте йо играе? Kas olete valmis mängima? آیا شما حاضر به نمايش مى دانيد? Ert þú tilbúinn til að spila? Vai esat gatavi spēlēt? Ste pripravení? دو تاسو ته چمتو دي؟ Är du att ordna till för att leka?
By Vichara
Without doubt there would be no measurement to gauge success. With doubt you question the distance you have travelled, the knowledge you have gained and the friendship forged along this journey. Doubt is a useful tool as long as it doesn’t get in the way and becomes one of the only tools that you use. I have seen many individuals that have become so mired in doubt that even when they are showed love they confuse it with manipulation. I know for many of us the bridge of trust we thought was sturdy is perceived to become rickety and frail. The path that was once clear seems to be strewn with barriers. These are all times when doubt has tipped that balance. The bridge is fine, the path is ok we just need to keep doubt as a tool not a hindrance. But don’t just believe me trust in yourself. I have no doubt you can do that.
By Vichara
We open our eyes in the morning like opening the door to the outside world. There is some trepidation but we know that moving forward is the right thing to do. Still we squint and try to adjust to the light and its duet with the ambient noise and engage to the new day. For the majority of us there will be any number of tasks that will be expected to be completed in a day. A checklist of priorities and responsibilities that hopefully one by one will see its completion. Then there is the other checklist. This is a checklist although not blatantly as evident as the tasks in a day but as important. Things like laughter, love, gratification, support, compassion, comfort and equanimity. While it may be considered just filler in a day to some they are vital. We may not consciously think of mentally checking them off our lists but without them the door to the day is not so easily opened.
By Vichara
You can’t put in a reservation to the Future - it does not exist. I called the other day to do this but the phone just kept ringing and ringing and ringing. I got tired of waiting, doodling on a piece of paper while I waited for someone to pick up but they never did. I hung up and tried again but I hit the speed dial and by accident I hit the button to the Past. Of course someone picked up right away, in fact several voices picked up. It seemed like there were about 10 voices all of them fighting over each other regaling me with stories of past glories and failures. I tried to politely to interrupt but I finally hung up with the voices still going on. I punched in the next line to call the Future again and heard no dial tone. I waited for a moment and said hello. A voice came right back that sounded kind of like my own but less frenetic and infused with a calming effect. I asked if this was Future and the voice came back in an easy manner that no, this is Now and there is no need for a reservation. He said we’re here always open, 24/7.
By Vichara
When I got up this morning I put a call in for “Today”-I just got Today’s voice mail. It said, in that cheery slightly condescending way, “I’m sorry I missed your call but you know that if you are receiving this message the day has already started.” I was waiting for the beep to leave a message but there was this brief pause and it continued. Today finished by saying “if you truly want to meet me you need to stop hanging around so much with “Past” and his annoying friend “Future”. Past just ends up re-hashing stuff over and over and the Future paints stories of what you want to hear, not what truly is real. Meet me here soon, but I can’t wait – BEEEEEP!
By Vichara
Two thoughts meet and face each other like Wild West gunslingers at high noon. Who is faster at engaging the synopses that will culminate in a victory with the grey matter of the brain? Who will be faster, hit the mark and gain dominance? The right thought, the wrong thought. The calculated or the impulsive, which one will, it be? In that split second with that one dominant thought our lives change. This thought gunfight happens so many times in a day that we do not keep track. So how do we know that the decision to raise the hand of victory in that microsecond is the right one? Is it in the intuitive moral compass that hopefully cultivated? Spiritual guides that mysteriously lead you through to safety? I am not completely sure with only 53 years on this planet. But I do believe if the paths that we have traversed are infused with the lessons from those of good moral integrity that our hands and hearts will be then soundly guided and we will ultimately win the battle at high noon.
By Vichara
Do not listen to a single voice. Do not rely on the wisdom of one. Do not act in accordance with one authority. Do not follow one man or one woman’s doctrine just because they are “famous”. As there are many people in the world, there are that many voices. Your path, no matter where it leads, will encounter those voices, thoughts and revelations that are needed to move on to the next “stepping stone”. Do not walk a single path, as one path will not contain all of the stepping-stones needed for the journey. No one doctrine has a single voice, they all have their prophets, wise men / women, thinkers, doers and guides. It is in this collected wisdom is where we define our own personal path built with the breadth of knowledge and wisdom of many, not just from the past but from today and the future.
By Vichara
Schopenhauer was out walking one, deep in thought when a policeman, suspicious of him approached and asked, “May I know who you are?” Schopenhauer stood for a long time and then replied, “I wish I could tell you”. It is true; no matter how many ways we are identified the majority of them are external. The clothing styles we wear, the car that we drive, the voice, the laugh, how we adorn our office or home, and all outwardly personal markers. But we are much more. Much more than this collection of bones, blood and flesh and as long as we identify ourselves in the physical sense we will keep using all our energies to satisfy these needs. Try to take just 15 minutes a day, by yourself with no distractions to check in with you and your spirit and try to feed that instead of the external. The classic Hindu text, the Upanishads, says that the joy that comes when we discover who we are is a million times greater than all the pleasures the most advanced civilization could offer.
By Vichara
The foundation of the world, which has been viewed as formidable, is more like a house of cards. And the cards have started to bend, tumble and tear to revel the true nature. The scandals, the deceit, the manipulation, greed, all of the frailties are being exposed but what do we do when the ruins of greed and deception have been cleared away? Do we finally, in a collective resolution, bond to each other to a more truthful existence? Not quite sure how could this be done when the extreme disorderly still exists and is precariously held together by the human ego. Perhaps we can start stripping away some of the “I” of our existence and shift some energies to the “we” and rebuild through patience and compassionate understanding.
By Vichara
Prisoners of time. We are all subject to and part of this brother/sisterhood. Bound by the minutes, the seconds and the sands as they trickle down from an unseen personal timepiece. Our existence here on this plane is subject to some mystical biological clock that we have no choice of seeing or knowing. While pondering this may induce hyperventilation to some, let’s use this striking point and reinvent our days for a change. When the alarm rouses us from our slumbering state, envision that moment in your mind’s eye as a ticket for today’s ride. This is your ticket, purchased by your own personal thoughts and intent subject to the fine print on the back. Don’t bother turning the ticket over to read, everyone has the same terms and conditions – Keep a good heart, good thoughts, good speech, good actions and good intent and the ride will be good.
By Vichara
We’ve grown up and become adults and the playground just got bigger. We argue and laugh, just like we did when we did as kids in the park but now it is bigger, more sophisticated and deadlier. This is not a video game. When you pull the trigger, the bullet can’t be pulled back. You can’t re-set the game. The words unleashed will make its mark. The cause will have its effect, the action a reaction. Choose from a more meaningful armament. Walk softly but carry a big heart, conscious of how it leaves its mark.
By Vichara
There can be no fighting, if there is no attachment. There can be no greed, when there is no attachment. There can be no resentment, when there is no attachment. I am not insisting a non-attachment where you acquiesce all that you have in a subservient way. No, this type of non-attachment weighs out the merits of both sides, sees the needs of both, understands the possible outcome and shares in the positive and negative aspects of all actions. When you have the ability to lose everything, you have the ability to have everything.
By Vichara
There are some days I feel like saying I've seen enough and if what I have seen was recorded on some hard drive somewhere I would ask just to play back the good parts. I know that this is not how it goes but it is just an exhausted wish not to see anymore violence, hatred, self-centeredness and the myriad forms of abuse that keeps getting re-invented. What is it when it can be clearly seen but those that act out in destructive ways will do it anyway regardless that they know it will cause pain. Is there some twisted delusional belief that this time the horrible act they are about to commit will be considered by those around them as ok and justified? Those with a good decent moral nature will know that is not true but like water rushing over a rock surface eventually it wears down and breaks. Let's not break! Let's not get worn down by what we see around us and try to retain a strong union of compassion that can be an example to those contemplating abusive acts that there is another way. Yes it may seem that we keep seeing the same bad movie and TV shows but let's try to show with a compassionate union that there are more than one way to direct a scene in this movie of life.
By Vichara
You can’t move forward without reflecting on the past. Use these lessons learned from these experiences and illuminate them with the light of compassion and forgiveness in order to transcend their pettiness. Formulate a foundation, not of retribution but a foundation of unification. Using this tack many new paths will become a reality in this light. Step forward with confidence that together you and the person next to you, that you don’t even know, can and will achieve both small and big victories…one small compassionate step at a time.
By Vichara
For most of us we are very lucky to wake surrounded by a physical structure that protects us. The wood, metal, paint, plaster and tiles that are skillfully layered to layer us with a barrier to the outside elements. For some others, not so lucky. In additions to these layers that protect us we also have another set. Our skin, hair, bones, blood and nails provide the protection of an internal physical form. All of these layers of protection to protect what? This tangled, complicated collection of internal organs that we call me and you. Is all the intricate latticework that make these miraculous things called me and you worth all of this? Unless we are contributing even in a small positive way I am not sure. Those of us who are older can look back and review the catalog of our lives to assess the net worth of our actions and determine our contribution. This who are younger can take stock of where they have been so far and making a commitment to integrity and compassion in the future. Making a pact with themselves as we all should no matter what our position in life is and to respect this opportunity we have been given with these bodies and minds. No matter where you are on this planet let us try to do something today to help someone or something out in a positive way. It sometimes seem so easy to be selfish and harder to give. Easy to destroy, harder to create. But let's try to reverse this even in a small way to justify all of this hard work it took to build these layers of protection.
By Vichara
I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.
By Vichara
“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. Again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.
By Vichara
We are a culture that needs content. A blank "spot" in our day would frighten so many. To actually have nothing going on for a space of time would be very unsettling for a great number of you out there. Perhaps having to face a blank spot would force us to confront what is going on with ourselves and force us to listen to something other than mindless babble emanating from al the devices that we feel we need to plug into everyday. I was with a few people yesterday, all of them equally equipped with a mobile device. The entire time I was with them there was constant bleeping and buzzing calling them like the sirens on the rocks from Jason and the Argonauts. Demanding their attention. There is this compulsion to be connected and for what, another mundane inane missive? Yes there are some that are in the need to have such technology with them to address situations that warrant attention but for the most part I would guess that it is not necessary all the time. I am not a Luddite and afraid of technology. In fact I wrote this on an iPad and send it to this site wirelessly. I firmly believe that even though all of this technology is a wonderful thing we need time to unplug, step back and allow the world to unfold with all of the 0's and 1's. I know this may sound old-school-hippie-dippie but give yourself a break and unplug. Find a park, a field, a beach, anywhere and let the sound of the world, the sound of reality speak to you...even for a short time. I think you may like what it has to say to you.
By Vichara
You need to be relentless and courageous with your heart and get off the sofa of complacency. As sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west if there is not full engagement with your heart and the world around you will no doubt have regrets later on. You may not think so and believe that you are engaged now but if there was even the slightest hint of defense and justification as you read the first sentence here then I would place a good bet that you may not be totally. Perhaps there is more you can do to open yourselves up to the possibilities. And what are the "possibilities" you may ask? A very good question and I'm glad you asked. The answer is...I don't know! It's up to you. Each and every one of you is a complete individual and while there may be similarities with us each one of us has a deeper core that when engaged will light us up like a 10,000 watt bulb. What will engage you may not engage me but unless you are relentless with your heart and to love and be loved you will may not smash through that barrier and hit the button of engagement that will light that bulb. So come on, open yourself to those possibilities...wherever and whatever they are.
By Vichara
A perfect world does not and cannot exist. Impermanence will never allow it. It is not that impermanence is some physical entity, it is a conditional partner in each and every strand of the fabric of life. Because as soon as it is "born" it all starts to deteriorate and breakdown. There is no stopping it, there is no talking to it. There is no way to reason with it. You need to just accept the fact that perfect does not exist. You can have joy and happiness and things can be absolutely wonderful but the moment after it is already a memory predisposed to the impermanent condition that exists. This is not to paint a dark picture or to bring you down. Far from that this is a reminder and encouragement to make the most of each moment. Make the life you want happen. And with that you give birth to other wonderful moments that gather together to get you as near as it can to perfection can get. But that's it and that is as perfect as it will ever get but isn't that worth it?
By Vichara
Did you know that if you were...I saw this article last night where...can you believe that they said on the news last night...what a wonderful surprise it was to sad that it happened to...oh they are so happy you just want this is not rantings from an ADD world but fragments that characterize how I experience the actions of individuals I meet. Now this may not be how it is everywhere that would be a generalization but in this text-tablet-laptop world distractions are abundant. Fragmentation of conversations, tasks and actions all seem to be commonplace. I guess the assumption is that our gadgetry can multiple-task on multiple levels that these organic bodies should be able to do so as well. While we are a resilient species I believe we need to instill and maintain the need to complete things that we start. Our distractions come from the fear that we may be missing out on something so we try to keep up with a megabyte world. We are humanoid, not android. Finish what you started today or...
By Vichara
If you going to fish for the big questions in life, you need to make sure you have the right kind of bait. Every good fisherman knows that before you go out to catch a specific fish that you do your research and ensure you have the right bait that will attract what you are trying to catch. The same thing applies when you are serious about finding the answers to life's challenging questions. Of course the debate among life fisherman is what is the right bait but I believe the majority can agree on the following to catch the "Big Fish"; an understanding of the reality of life and the way things are without name or label. Holding a commitment to an ethical life and the intention to live a life of good will. Don't indulge in idle talk or gossip. Act kindly and compassionately and do no harm to other beings. Walk a path in which you mindfully cultivate a good respectable life in your daily actions. Make an effort to be truthful and honest everyday. Be mindful and fully present when engaged with others. If you are "there"' they will be "there". And keep focused and passionate with life, for all we know it is the only one given. Of course the one thing that all good fisherman know is needed with any fishing trip is patience. Without patience we cannot be still enough to allow the "Big Fish" to come near the hook of understanding that has been dropped in the frenetic sea.
By Vichara
How much is too much? We are plugged in, hooked up, cable ready, streamed in high-definition wirelessly connected in our own 3-D world. We are vampires for information sometimes it seems regardless of the quality of the content. It sometimes seems we continue this voracious appetite perhaps because we are lonely and feel that unless we are connected we are not part of this world. I read that the world is now produced more information in 48 hours than it did through all human history to the year 2003. All that in 48 hours but again how much of it is quality information and how much of it is just white noise to soothe our loneliness? My friends it is OK to unplug. Besides being silent is not a bad thing in fact our bodies are wired to use being silent as a useful tool in our spiritual development. Being silent is not the absence of sound but silence can bring one in contact with the divine, with our divine nature. Let me tell you that is a whole lot better than the simple stupid shenanigans of some wanna-be celebrity. I know this may cause stress with some of you but why not try to unplug, shutdown and be silent for a little while today who knows you might need an old friend...yourself.
By Vichara
Time to gird up your loins, take the spear of perception and hold it firmly in one hand and in the other carry the shield of self-preservation. It is time to once again step out beyond the safety of your abode and face the myriad of concepts, ideas and a parade of personalities. Sounds like a description from a grade B gladiator movie right? Well yes but it is not too far from the truth. We can try to hide away and not face interactions but the funny thing is that they will always find us no matter what. None of us is completely equipped to handle every situation so then how do we at least attempt to? We can build a metaphorical foundation that is less reactionary and more porous and transparent. Wait you say, if it is porous we will be vulnerable. No, infused in this foundation is the netting of compassion. Anything that passes through will be filtered through and tempered by this crucial element and delivered with less reaction and more compassion. Saddle up you Peace Warriors!
By Vichara
How much are you willing to risk today? I'm not talking about partaking in skydiving or an activity similar. No I'm thinking more along the lines of opening up more to the world around you and deepening connections perhaps already established. We tend to reside mostly in our comfort zones of familiarity. The same people, same places, same roads we travel, same conversations ( with minor differences) and various similar repetitive activities. I bet there are even times that you even see and recognize these facts yourself but you have created a zone of comfort that it would be scary to leave. Now I'm not suggesting extreme behavior, that would be uncomfortable for 99% of many of us. The risk I'm suggesting is slight deviations in our daily routines, perceptions and interactions that will crack open a new perspective. That person in line with you getting coffee is human just like you and probably seeking the same answers. Try a new route, make new discoveries and explore. There is only a limited number of hours in a day, don't waste them sleeping or cowered in fear - engage!
By Vichara
When I “sit” some mornings the thoughts sometimes come and natter away at something that needs to be taken care of or with what needs to be said to somebody. They spin around and mingle with each other thoughts and create an internal cacophony like sirens on the rocks that tempted and called out to sailors in sea-faring legends. These thoughts can lure you into choppy waters of indecision and mire you into confusion until you are not sure which way is the safe shoreline. Steering away from these sirens and choppy waters may seem difficult but it is a requirement and essential to your survival. It is when you can see the single waves approaching are you able to steer to the shores of equanimity. How do you get to these calmer waters? Drift out farther from the chaotic shoreline to get a better perspective. Solutions that matter will only appear when you rest in calmer waters and when you distance yourself away from the chaotic shoreline we all encounter.