Changeless reality...

By Vichara

If what Huxley and Spinoza identified as the infinite, changeless reality that exists beneath the world of change is what they called the perennial philosophy as god (little g or big G), what is the primary tools / keys to locate this reality? Sometimes it feels like you are reading and book and you have a strong feeling that the answer you are seeking is on the next page but before you can turn the page something keeps you turning it. If this reality is truly wanting to be discovered then why the diversion or subterfuge? Is there some instantaneous decision being made at the last second not to reveal itself? Is there some arbitrary set of conditions that it changes from moment to moment? Or is the revealing only made in the split-second prior to when we die in some kind of cruel assurance that it was there all along but it has it has found that few of us are truly ready to know this reality in this what we call our daily lives? I want to know. I want the empirical truth.

Shine a little brighter...

By Vichara

The stars in close proximity to the radiant moon were jealous of their fellow stars that sparkle so brightly in the opposite part of the night sky. They didn’t have to contend with the sometimes-blinding illumination of this lunar entity. This silent animosity continued throughout the eons and then on night this one star just had enough and called over to a group of twinkling brethren. Because of the vast distance it tried again – nothing. With all its energy it yelled over once again. “Hey I’m tired of all you guys over there shining so brightly and looking so radiant while we are lost over here next to you-know-who!” as it inferred over to the cratered orb. There was a moment of silence however a moment here could be a couple of light years there and then a single voice called out. It was one of the senior stars to the north east of the moon and it said “Hey ya don’t have to yell so hard we all heard and see you over there”. It continued, “we empathize with your situation over there but honestly sometimes you just need to put forth a little more effort. Believe it or not we over here so you over there and when you yelled over with your slight indignance, the energy you harnessed for that increased your presence. You just need to channel that idignance you have into something worthwhile like compassion and you will give big ol’ Moony a run for his money”. With that a particular spot in the night sky grew a little brighter.


By Vichara

Impermenance is not your enemy. Impermenance is a daily reminder just in case you didn’t know it and as far as we know, this life is not a dress rehearsal. Try not to waste time in activities that deter this reality and enjoy every moment given to you. As George Bernard Shaw once said “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake.”

Be careful where you...

By Vichara

…And then it may go like this---you are walking along, minding your own business, not troubled, comfy shoes and you trip. There was no object in front of you, no sudden blinding light or loud noise. It was this occasional acquaintance you may know called, Cognizant Reality. Oh, it may appear to be non-threatening and even have an air of friendliness to it but you know behind that neutral demeanor that there is a message going to be delivered to you. Just like when you opened this web link, you don’t know what you will encounter. What will this message, reality or however you may want to classify it want to convey to you? All of these encounters and what they may want to offer to you will be solely dependent on your acceptance and willingness. Duh!, of course you say to yourself. But you may be surprised that sometimes great messages may be delivered to you and because of your level of openness appear blank to you. I know that I am stating the obvious but I thought I would take this forum just to remind ourselves to be a little more open to the world around us and what it offers to us everyday…if we listen.

5 minutes...

By Vichara

Don’t go anywhere for 5 minutes today. Stay in one place, don’t get up and down in an impulsive way and just sit for 5 minutes without needing to pick up that piece of paper or that phone. Not so easy in our truly frenetic world but you will be amazed what this simple 5 minutes will do for you. Shut the door, find a place outside, find somewhere where you will not be seduced by impulsive behavior and take just 5 minutes. We are not trying to empty the mind, control the environment or have any agenda whatsoever, just stop for 5 minutes. Let the breath come in and out. Let the world go by for just 5 minutes, it won’t miss you…really! Give yourself these 5 minutes of compassion for yourself and in doing so you give it to the world around you.


By Vichara

What is that element between doubt and acceptance? What is that moment that allows us to transcend the hesitation of fear and breach the territory never travelled? Are there primary components that we can all universally utilize that allow us to disperse the doubt and fear? Can it be in the form of a pill, an incantation, some physical exercise or contained in some talisman? Where can it be because I think there are many of us that could use this to steady our gait forward.


By Vichara

We are all in an impermanent state of impermanence. But that is not to say because nothing lasts that we should not enjoy the moment that is given to us right now…right now…and here…and there and…right now.

The impatient Moon...

By Vichara

The impatient Moon left early. It said something about getting home to deal with a family member. The Sun was a little preoccupied with some issues concerning a couple of stars which left a slight void in the morning light that would give some luminescence to the landscape. So while we sat and waited Reflection and his pal Perception came along It was mostly to get a cup of the good coffee, but they decided to sit a moment while they could. Reflection was mired in a couple of things that happened a couple of days ago and something that may happen if such and such came by. As we enjoyed a cup of joe Reflection rocked back and forth and picked at this one spot on the top of the wooden picnic table that they were sharing. Perception was being patient and just sat with a pleasant smile enjoying the African coffee blend. Then Reflection let out a punctuated yelp having picked at the wood so much he picked up a splinter under his fingernail. Perception calmly grabbed Reflection’s injured finger and said “good, you’re with us now and focused on one thing in the present.” And with that pulled the wooden shard out the finger and said “it is too bad that it takes something so jarring and painful to bring you to the present”. He continued and looked at both of us "the nattering past and the impatient future are not relevant when your attention is needed now here in the present and who wants to keep getting splinters to figure that out."

Random thought #42

By Vichara

Perhaps the fear you avoid is the answer you seek just in disguise.

Keep your "eyes" open...

By Vichara

Keep your “eyes” open. Not just in the literal sense either. If we are blind to the “truths” that exist or turn our eyes away interpretation will falter. It may not be this minute or hour but the accumulative blindness to the truths will put you at a disadvantage. Of course sometimes we feel that by turning our heads that there is always a chance that things will resolve, things will go away or we can just ignore them. Ignorance is not bliss; ignorance perpetuates instability. Be well informed and keep your eyes open. Meet the truths with equanimity and the resolutions that you may feel would be difficult will be reached.

Your vision...

By Vichara

It comes down to the vision of how we see the world. Some see the world as if from a basement window. You strain and stand on your toes to the available light that filters through but when it comes to it all you see is the ankles and hear the mumblings of the world that passes. The key is to get the next floor, no wait move higher where there is plenty of light, sound and movement. By having the entire palette of the day in front of you will you be able to paint for yourself the world that you want to be in. This may sound a little naïve and simplistic but you create the vistas that you want to see. Don’t limit yourself by living in a basement that dictates what you see.


By Vichara

Escapism is subjective. One man’s heaven can be another man’s hell. By various means we can try to alleviate the turmoil that can be sometimes spinning out of control around us. For every person there is a means and a way like drugs, alcohol, sex, spending, sports, gambling, etc. These are but a few means at our disposal. For every degree of turmoil there is perceived to be a degree of escapism that can soothe or temper what is invading our lives. There is no invasion, there is no personal attack, there is no vindictive cause, it is just “life” unfolding in all of it’s colorful majesty. It is not escapism that will change things; it is equanimity in your acceptance of these events that will quell the storm clouds. Not a resigned acceptance but one of pragmatism and resolve to see things as they are and accept the answers and solutions no matter what they are.


By Vichara

A life not engaged is just a life sentence of just passing time.


By Vichara

Surrender! The word has a connotation of failure one way and a connotation of acceptance in another. Failure because you have been defeated and acceptance when you understand another approach could be necessary. If you think for a moment we do surrender many times of the day to things that are fairly common. You surrender to that mug of coffee / tea in hope that it will stimulate your alertness to function in the morning. Surrender and trust that the vehicle you are driving to work functions. Surrender to foods we consume in that it will provide sustenance to keep your body going and finally we surrender to sleep that it will give us the needed rest to do this all over again the next day. Surrendering can have a bad rap but in numerous ways we do it everyday. The key is in knowing that surrendering is not always giving up but sometimes recognizing that there may be another way and that is not failure.

Equations of the day...

By Vichara

Even with all our academic knowledge from all areas of study that we may have engaged in we will still stumble with the equations of the day. These are not mathematical in nature but equations of the heart and spirit. A situation presents itself to you where there is a need to tread lightly in the minefield of the unknown and yet continue forward. The wheels in your brain spin searching for an answer or resolution to what has appeared. You can’t stop; you must not stop because another situation will appear right behind that one. The reservoir of solutions needs to remain open within you and connected with the world. The alternative is to be cloistered, disconnected and shut down. These equations of the heart and spirit appear daunting but we have all been given the resources to evaluate and solve as long as we remain open and connected.

Weights of vanity...

By Vichara

You can adorn yourself with crucifixes, amulets, talismans, bobbles, babbles, beads and spiritual accouchements but they will be simply weights of vanity unless they are equaled or surpassed by the presence of love, patience and compassion inside your heart. Wear what you like but these three elements must be able to stand on their own strong, open and committed to equal unification of all people.


By Vichara

What truth will work for you today? One will appear and if it feels right there will not be a need to fortify it with a foundation of words, deeds or actions. If it is an essential truth it will stand up on it’s own and act as a guidepost / marker to the next phase of your journey. The key will be of course having the sensibility to recognize a truth when it appears. That is an intuitive skill that everyone has but will get clouded by self-deception and indulgence. If you can break free of some of these delusions your vision will become clearer and the recognizing of basic but profound truths will appear effortlessly without struggle. Give up the struggle and the path becomes clearer. Give up the struggle and your understanding becomes deeper.

Bad news sells...

By Vichara

Bad news sells, good news sits waiting on the bus. Perhaps by watching all the negative news that it some how lessons the severity of our own personal problems but I think not. It’s what the media want you to believe but I do believe there is an alternative. While yes human tragedy and human depravity will always exist it is up to each of us to try to tip the seesaw of negative news by contributing one good act a day. There are many people out there that are doing this as you read this but most will go unnoticed. It is no fault of their own just our cultural indulgence of the negative. How about when you encounter or involved in a “good” thing that you spread the news and like that old commercial they will two friends and they will tell two friends and on and on. The tide can turn away from most of the negative; one voice at a time…spread the news.

Wet, wash, rinse and repeat...

By Vichara

Wet, wash, rinse, and repeat. Wet, wash, rinse, and repeat. Those not follically-challenged will recognize this shampoo mantra but of course in this forum I am thinking of this in the context of the start of the New Year. The residual of the previous day / year has sat with us and for the sake of the new beginning needs to be dealt with accordingly. We muse over things left unsaid, undone, unfulfilled and inspired by the calendar date sit down to plot a course for the New Year. It can be a challenge and seem daunting in some respects but if you approach the changes you wish to make without the potentially overwhelming guilt and instead approach each with the openness of possibilities without preconceived expectations the easier things will move forward. Because that is the key word; “forward”. You want the momentum to propel you forward with patience, love and compassion not only for yourself but for those around you as well. So take out the very large bottle of Super Duper New Year Shampoo, soak the dome, suds it all up with gigantic bubbles, rinse and repeat until the path you wish to set is clear for the New Year. You’re lookin’ good!