The fuse is lit...

By Vichara

I would like to take a moment to quote from one of my favorite spiritual writers, Eknath Easwaran. If you are not familiar with this wonderful professor I highly recommend his writings.

“So much energy is spent on trying to rise above the fray in order to understand our place in our own lifetime. We are also bound by the limitations that time places on our body and mind. With the fuse lit when we are born we most of the time fail to see the lit fuse until there is very little of it before we combust from this world to the next.”

I know that it may seem difficult to do but try to recognize that your “fuse” is lit. Not to create a heightened sense of urgency but to enhance the quality of each moment. To elevate the presence of each day from a series of mundane moments to a cavalcade of joy.

Whispers of today...

By Vichara

The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you and others through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear to be observe these thoughts in the light of brave honesty to see clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to delusion from what is forced upon us from outside forces like media, friends, enemies and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you or someone else may have needed. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only with ourselves but with others and plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.


By Vichara

Without doubt there would be no measurement to gauge success. With doubt you question the distance you have traveled, the knowledge you have gained and the friendship forged along this journey. Doubt is a useful tool as long as it doesn’t get in the way and become one of the only tools you use. I have seen many individuals that have become so mired in doubt that even when they are shown love they confuse it with manipulation. I know for many of us the bridge of trust we thought was sturdy is perceived to become rickety and frail. The path that was once clear seems to be strewn with barriers. These are all times when doubt has tipped the balance. The bridge is fine. The path is ok; we just need to keep doubt as a tool not as a hindrance. But don’t believe me trust in yourself. I have no doubt you can do that.

Death to boredom...

By Vichara

Death to boredom! If you are bored you have your eyes closed both literally and figuratively. The tapestry that unfolds to us everyday is so rich and dense that unless you see someone has blinded you. Yes we all know that through repetition of our daily actions, some of them quite mundane, we can loose track of the simple beauty that ordinary things have. In the shower the steady stream of water reflected in the morning light can be a shower of featherweight diamonds cascading all around. The coolness of the morning air can hold nuances of fragrances that could unlock memories. Observing a couple people in a crosswalk ignites the imagination of what they could be possibly talking about. A flock of pigeons sweeping through the air in a pattern only known to them. Open up your senses up to this cavalcade. It’s worth the price of admission.

Today's directions...

By Vichara

Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed, safely lean into each curve and be cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit. It will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements. There will be barkers that will insist you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise, as they will have you trade your sense of well-being for the vacuous glitter of gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage your intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.

Your level of openness...

By Vichara

…and then it may go like this; you are walking along minding your own business, not troubled in your comfy shoes and you trip. There was no object in front of you, no sudden blinding light or loud noise. It was this occasional acquaintance called cognizant reality. Oh it may appear to be non-threatening and it may even have an air of friendliness to it but you know behind that neutral demeanor that there is a message going to be delivered to you. Just like when you open this web link you don’t know what you will encounter. What will this message be? What will it want to convey to you? All of these encounters and what they may want to offer to you will be solely dependent on your level of acceptance. Duh! of course you say to yourself. But you may be surprised that sometimes that a great message may be delivered to you and because of your level of openness appear blank to you. I know I am stating the obvious but I thought I would take this forum to remind ourselves to be a little more open to the world around us and what it offers to us everyday…if we listen.

A clearer vision...

By Vichara

We can either cast a giant shadow on a day or we can provide a window to receive and create a clearer vision not only for ourselves but for others as well. The shadow will only create darkness and confusion. It might be felt that the shadow is needed to make a point, create a statement of authority but it only created more darkness and doubt. By creating a window of communication with the essential element of transparency the corner once filled with doubt is now illuminated with knowledge and cohesiveness. It is your choice: darkness and misunderstanding or light and a clearer vision.

Get on the bus...

By Vichara

You can’t fear getting on the bus. You can’t just sit waiting at the bus stop waiting for what you believe is the right bus. Sometimes you just need to get on and go. Sometimes the bus will stall and you may need to get off the bus. Then there will be other times when the bus you are on connects with another one that will take you on a new adventure. You cannot have fear hold you back from getting on board. The bus may be a bit scary when it pulls up but it will be up to you to work together with others on the bus to change the ride from fear and trepidation to adventure and transcendence.

We are the rivers...

By Vichara

We are the rivers where possibilities could flow but we continue to build dams of doubt. Our expert ability to create diversions and fear can keep us juts an arm’s length away and in most cases can be changed by one thing – a change in perception. If we believe we cannot accomplish a task or a dream we will live in regret. I know that this thought is not something new but it is a very good reminder. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way in order to realize something. That is not to say there will not be a certain degree of difficulty and work that will be needed. When you remove the obstacle of yourself you will grasp the steps needed to go forward. You may not be able to do everything but at least stepping up on a clear vista of opportunity you can walk away knowing that you were not the hindrance in your own river.

Pointing in a better direction...

By Vichara

Knock knock? Who’s there? Today. Today who? Today who does not know where we are going so let’s try not to engage in dismissive conversations and vengeful actions. Let’s try to at least do one thing that encourages and not discourage another person. One thing that will take one step farther in building a better foundation of support for each other. In a world that is always pointing a lot of fingers let’s use them to point us in a better direction rather to point out more blame.

Through the lens...

By Vichara

It seems even more so these days we need to reach out farther with our hearts. Perhaps it is the images and TV news that can go deeper and retrieve that which has never been seen before or our cognitive abilities have grown more sensitive. Regardless of how its presence is brought to our attention it is there and we need to make a choice. We can process what we see through the lens of indignation and see the injustices but just be reactionary without results. Choose to look through the lens of indifference and remain in a state of apathy and on the fence of indecision or process through the lens of inspiration. “See” what is there and needed and make steps forward to help make change happen for the good. Even if they are small steps of assistance at least they are steps forward…with a clearer vision.

Our spiritual muscle...

By Vichara

To use our physical bodies effectively we need exercise (at least at a minimum). To use our brains effectively we must stimulate (at least at a minimum). To use our spirit effectively we reach out to areas beyond the physical realm but not at least at a minimum. Our spiritual muscles need much more exercise than 50 push-ups or reading one article on truths. Our spiritual muscle needs daily nourishment and attention. You can in some ways slack off on the physical movements but if you want to be effectively present your spiritual muscle requires more. But here is the thing you should know if you don’t already. Your spiritual muscle needs more than just the written word to stay in shape and effective. You see in each and every one of us is an integral part of a much larger spiritual muscle. Our spiritual muscle needs, requires and is best when we connect and commune in an open and compassionate manner with fellow spiritual athletes. The more we connect with others, the stronger we collectively become. The stronger we get the more humane we become beyond doctrine, written text and misguided teachers. You see our spiritual muscle needs us all to work together in order to be happy, healthy and wise. OK, so drop and give your spiritual muscle a workout today.

The veil...

By Vichara

We reach out in an effort to get behind this “veil” that could perhaps give us the answers we seek, help we need and direction that is required. The trouble is finding that delineation mark it might be and even if there is one. Perhaps our energies projected outwardly are merely the means to ignite dormant areas within that will unite others in an effort to balance the negative and positive energies. Can all of our prayers, blessings and mindful efforts help? That is a question that has been asked many times. The answer; I am not sure for everyone but I have seen the results when there is an unified positive effort in daily things and I do believe change and healing can be achieved with compassionate hearts.

Bombs of peace...

By Vichara

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that posed the question “Who would Jesus bomb?” Yes I remember my Sunday school days and recall the story of Jesus getting royally pissed off that some moneychangers and merchants set up shop in the local church. Perceived as disrespectful he kicked over their tables and their collective asses out into the streets. He was making a point but given the option and his penchant for peace I am not quite sure if given the opportunity that the J-Man would drop a bomb on anyone. His tools, as with great “teachers”, were the words he spoke and how they affected those around him without permanent physical damage. There have been so many great teachers throughout history and even now that use words to make changes for the good in people and better for your health than bombs. Besides the many passages in the Bible there is the Vedas, Qur’an, Talmud, Buddhist texts, Confucius, Plato, Emerson, the Gita, Marcus Aurelius, Gandhi, Huxley, the Dalai Lama and so many more. Perhaps if you feel your arsenal is low or depleted you could turn to the words of wisdom in some of these texts to fill the chambers of your armaments. Wouldn’t it be good if those in places of power would choose these methods instead of being reactionary and using more physically permanent forms of communication?


By Vichara

I have nothing to say today…ok except maybe one thing…we live in a world where we are always crossing bridges. I don’t mean bridges in a literal sense either but bridges of trust, love, compromise, faith and understanding. We sometimes stand at the foot of these bridges with apprehension and uneasiness. Some of us may even turn back from crossing some of these bridges but you know what happens. We think we are clever and believe we can find another route around, another way to approach these uneasy crossings but we always end up back at the same bridge. These bridges can be daunting and look like they go for a great distance. Some may even do traverse a great chasm and could take some time to cross but here is something to keep in mind. Just as in the physical life bridges are constructed to cross difficult terrain and the bridges that present themselves are brought to you to help you cross emotional terrain. They are not brought into view to intimidate you but to aid you to cross over and access the understanding you need to discover. Yes some of these bridges may have a toll booth but I would venture a guess that the amount to be paid to cross over is much better than to be stuck on this side of the bridge and never cross over.

If we knew...

By Vichara

If we knew what tomorrow would bring, would we be happier? All of the events of our lives would be lined up and hold no mystery or adventure. We would know what we would encounter around every turn, know whom we would meet, love and laugh with before it happened. Take away any surprise or stress with each waking moment. While we would certainly enjoy some aspects of this mode of living would bring I believe that for the most part it would be boring. We would be living for a known future and not being present with each moment.

Stoking the engine...

By Vichara

When you are designing your life it helps to have a greater vision with an end point in mind. I was told this many, many years ago. I stressed and obsessed about this and was deeply concerned that I had no idea how to design anything in my life. I thought books may be the key and so I dove into various pools of thought. Sure I got wet with words printed on the pages but I must admit that there were times I felt I was drowning. There were others suggesting various faiths and that their faith would hold the key for me. Sure all of them were inspiring in their own way but I was not inspired by the dogmas and conditions that were part of these faiths. Was I being difficult? Probably but if your search and your journey is important to you are you willing to settle for anything less than the path that inspires you? I would think not. Very important to note here even if you have heard it before that the path that your heart will steer you on will never be straight and easy. There will always be twists and turns but in these twists and turns will be the catalyst of inspiration. I believe if you stoke the engine of your life with “C,L,R” (compassion, love & respect) it will propel you with enough energy down this path of your search and to any end point you may envision for your self. One thing, don’t forget to look out the windows and to the scenery along the way.

A kind shepherd...

By Vichara

How defined are you with what you want in life? Is there at least some plan, some roadmap of what paths will be taken? Of course there will be doubts and questions and moments where you may feel disjointed. All great journeys start with the small pieces of inspiration that reside in different places that will need a guiding hand to come together. At these times you may need to just stand on the figurative hillside like a shepherd looking down on his scattered flock. You observe where all of your flock are and strategically and patiently bring them all together for the journey with love, patience and compassion. With these three things as your guiding principles what was once ill defined will be defined and what was once was lost will be found.

Reflection as a tool...

By Vichara

Reflection is a powerful tool. Out of chaos comes those moments of lucidity that will guide your heart and hands to a neutral space. A neutral place where answers, solutions and just plain common sense resides. Here is a suggestion for you today. Everyone should stop for at least 30 minutes from doing anything and just sit and think. Now daydreaming while driving the car doesn’t count. I’m talking about finding a spot wherever you feel comfortable and somewhere with little distractions and just reflect, think and allow the channel that gets closed down with all of our activities to be open even if it is just a little while. Our days can sometimes get shot out of a cannon and the frenetic energy of communication devices keeps propelling us in many directions and talking to people who are not even there. Push the buttons off! Let them sit idle for awhile and allow the natural synapse that engage your brain to breathe and give back to you what is rightfully yours – thought.

Your ticket...

By Vichara

There are times our minds feel like a commuter train. There are many stops along the way where we unload and pickup. Stops like Concern, Aversion, Regret, Frustration and Anger. However on this same track line there a few other stops that we sometimes forget to stop at along the way. There is Empathy, Respect, Encouragement, Forgiveness and Hope. The stops are determined by what train line you get on in the morning when you get up. Before you reach that ticket window in the morning decide what train you will ride, the Indifference Express or the Compassion Choo-Choo. It’s your ride and if you find yourself on a train where you do not like the view you can always transfer over. Ready?...All aboard!!!

Your cart...

By Vichara

The wheels have already started rolling even before you opened your eyes. Which one will you attach your “cart” to and which direction will you travel? If you listen carefully you will hear what those around you are pulling. It will be subtle with some but within the subtext and mannerisms it will be revealed. For others it will be blatant and obvious and you will know which ones to let pass by and which ones to invite in. Which brings us back to you. While seemingly un-tethered when you awoke you may still retain the fragments of yesterday’s carts. Perhaps before you pull out of the station today you do an inventory of the carts still left latched on to the coupling. Which ones are you willing to drag around again and which ones serve no purpose. I think you know what I mean.

Creating the opportunity...

By Vichara

With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitudes that we seem to adopted over the years have robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push to the side the clutter of negativity that we can sometimes gather and create the needed space to engage in a more fulfilling use of our time? I know that it can be difficult and the days melds into another and you feel like you are repeating the same exact scene over and over again but we should make an effort. Food and water we ingest sustains us but there is also a need for belief and wonder to be part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place to gather that is beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A place of that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment. Perhaps this is called – friendship?