By Vichara
I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.
By Vichara
“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. Again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.
By Vichara
We are a culture that needs content. A blank "spot" in our day would frighten so many. To actually have nothing going on for a space of time would be very unsettling for a great number of you out there. Perhaps having to face a blank spot would force us to confront what is going on with ourselves and force us to listen to something other than mindless babble emanating from al the devices that we feel we need to plug into everyday. I was with a few people yesterday, all of them equally equipped with a mobile device. The entire time I was with them there was constant bleeping and buzzing calling them like the sirens on the rocks from Jason and the Argonauts. Demanding their attention. There is this compulsion to be connected and for what, another mundane inane missive? Yes there are some that are in the need to have such technology with them to address situations that warrant attention but for the most part I would guess that it is not necessary all the time. I am not a Luddite and afraid of technology. In fact I wrote this on an iPad and send it to this site wirelessly. I firmly believe that even though all of this technology is a wonderful thing we need time to unplug, step back and allow the world to unfold with all of the 0's and 1's. I know this may sound old-school-hippie-dippie but give yourself a break and unplug. Find a park, a field, a beach, anywhere and let the sound of the world, the sound of reality speak to you...even for a short time. I think you may like what it has to say to you.
By Vichara
You need to be relentless and courageous with your heart and get off the sofa of complacency. As sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west if there is not full engagement with your heart and the world around you will no doubt have regrets later on. You may not think so and believe that you are engaged now but if there was even the slightest hint of defense and justification as you read the first sentence here then I would place a good bet that you may not be totally. Perhaps there is more you can do to open yourselves up to the possibilities. And what are the "possibilities" you may ask? A very good question and I'm glad you asked. The answer is...I don't know! It's up to you. Each and every one of you is a complete individual and while there may be similarities with us each one of us has a deeper core that when engaged will light us up like a 10,000 watt bulb. What will engage you may not engage me but unless you are relentless with your heart and to love and be loved you will may not smash through that barrier and hit the button of engagement that will light that bulb. So come on, open yourself to those possibilities...wherever and whatever they are.
By Vichara
A perfect world does not and cannot exist. Impermanence will never allow it. It is not that impermanence is some physical entity, it is a conditional partner in each and every strand of the fabric of life. Because as soon as it is "born" it all starts to deteriorate and breakdown. There is no stopping it, there is no talking to it. There is no way to reason with it. You need to just accept the fact that perfect does not exist. You can have joy and happiness and things can be absolutely wonderful but the moment after it is already a memory predisposed to the impermanent condition that exists. This is not to paint a dark picture or to bring you down. Far from that this is a reminder and encouragement to make the most of each moment. Make the life you want happen. And with that you give birth to other wonderful moments that gather together to get you as near as it can to perfection can get. But that's it and that is as perfect as it will ever get but isn't that worth it?
By Vichara
Did you know that if you were...I saw this article last night where...can you believe that they said on the news last night...what a wonderful surprise it was to sad that it happened to...oh they are so happy you just want this is not rantings from an ADD world but fragments that characterize how I experience the actions of individuals I meet. Now this may not be how it is everywhere that would be a generalization but in this text-tablet-laptop world distractions are abundant. Fragmentation of conversations, tasks and actions all seem to be commonplace. I guess the assumption is that our gadgetry can multiple-task on multiple levels that these organic bodies should be able to do so as well. While we are a resilient species I believe we need to instill and maintain the need to complete things that we start. Our distractions come from the fear that we may be missing out on something so we try to keep up with a megabyte world. We are humanoid, not android. Finish what you started today or...
By Vichara
If you going to fish for the big questions in life, you need to make sure you have the right kind of bait. Every good fisherman knows that before you go out to catch a specific fish that you do your research and ensure you have the right bait that will attract what you are trying to catch. The same thing applies when you are serious about finding the answers to life's challenging questions. Of course the debate among life fisherman is what is the right bait but I believe the majority can agree on the following to catch the "Big Fish"; an understanding of the reality of life and the way things are without name or label. Holding a commitment to an ethical life and the intention to live a life of good will. Don't indulge in idle talk or gossip. Act kindly and compassionately and do no harm to other beings. Walk a path in which you mindfully cultivate a good respectable life in your daily actions. Make an effort to be truthful and honest everyday. Be mindful and fully present when engaged with others. If you are "there"' they will be "there". And keep focused and passionate with life, for all we know it is the only one given. Of course the one thing that all good fisherman know is needed with any fishing trip is patience. Without patience we cannot be still enough to allow the "Big Fish" to come near the hook of understanding that has been dropped in the frenetic sea.
By Vichara
How much is too much? We are plugged in, hooked up, cable ready, streamed in high-definition wirelessly connected in our own 3-D world. We are vampires for information sometimes it seems regardless of the quality of the content. It sometimes seems we continue this voracious appetite perhaps because we are lonely and feel that unless we are connected we are not part of this world. I read that the world is now produced more information in 48 hours than it did through all human history to the year 2003. All that in 48 hours but again how much of it is quality information and how much of it is just white noise to soothe our loneliness? My friends it is OK to unplug. Besides being silent is not a bad thing in fact our bodies are wired to use being silent as a useful tool in our spiritual development. Being silent is not the absence of sound but silence can bring one in contact with the divine, with our divine nature. Let me tell you that is a whole lot better than the simple stupid shenanigans of some wanna-be celebrity. I know this may cause stress with some of you but why not try to unplug, shutdown and be silent for a little while today who knows you might need an old friend...yourself.
By Vichara
Time to gird up your loins, take the spear of perception and hold it firmly in one hand and in the other carry the shield of self-preservation. It is time to once again step out beyond the safety of your abode and face the myriad of concepts, ideas and a parade of personalities. Sounds like a description from a grade B gladiator movie right? Well yes but it is not too far from the truth. We can try to hide away and not face interactions but the funny thing is that they will always find us no matter what. None of us is completely equipped to handle every situation so then how do we at least attempt to? We can build a metaphorical foundation that is less reactionary and more porous and transparent. Wait you say, if it is porous we will be vulnerable. No, infused in this foundation is the netting of compassion. Anything that passes through will be filtered through and tempered by this crucial element and delivered with less reaction and more compassion. Saddle up you Peace Warriors!
By Vichara
How much are you willing to risk today? I'm not talking about partaking in skydiving or an activity similar. No I'm thinking more along the lines of opening up more to the world around you and deepening connections perhaps already established. We tend to reside mostly in our comfort zones of familiarity. The same people, same places, same roads we travel, same conversations ( with minor differences) and various similar repetitive activities. I bet there are even times that you even see and recognize these facts yourself but you have created a zone of comfort that it would be scary to leave. Now I'm not suggesting extreme behavior, that would be uncomfortable for 99% of many of us. The risk I'm suggesting is slight deviations in our daily routines, perceptions and interactions that will crack open a new perspective. That person in line with you getting coffee is human just like you and probably seeking the same answers. Try a new route, make new discoveries and explore. There is only a limited number of hours in a day, don't waste them sleeping or cowered in fear - engage!
By Vichara
When I “sit” some mornings the thoughts sometimes come and natter away at something that needs to be taken care of or with what needs to be said to somebody. They spin around and mingle with each other thoughts and create an internal cacophony like sirens on the rocks that tempted and called out to sailors in sea-faring legends. These thoughts can lure you into choppy waters of indecision and mire you into confusion until you are not sure which way is the safe shoreline. Steering away from these sirens and choppy waters may seem difficult but it is a requirement and essential to your survival. It is when you can see the single waves approaching are you able to steer to the shores of equanimity. How do you get to these calmer waters? Drift out farther from the chaotic shoreline to get a better perspective. Solutions that matter will only appear when you rest in calmer waters and when you distance yourself away from the chaotic shoreline we all encounter.
By Vichara
Your belief system needs to be able to support and protect you. Make sure that the ever-growing reservoir is being filed with thoughts and actions that contain genuine merit. Ensure they do not need to justify themselves with extraneous words and they are based in compassion. When filtered in this manner they will sustain and create a foundation with moral and humanistic fortitude. There is not an obligation to do this it is just a suggestion. After all it’s your path.
By Vichara
There are some of us that think “oh if I can only get through this day”. “If I could just plow through these hours and get past all of this”…this, what? The hours, the minutes, the seconds of the life that has been given to you. Why would you want to push through what is a gift to you? Ok, sure there is what would be perceived as the mundane stuff. Then there are what seem to be the endless minutes of your workday. Perhaps even the grind of sitting in traffic. But all of this is yours, why would you want to fling portions of your day away believing they have little value. I know this sounds like a sermon of turning lemons into lemonade. But the truth of the matter is that you already have the lemonade. Sure there may be mouthfuls that may be a little bitter but at those points it is up to you to make it sweeter. Not to over sweeten as a cover up and mask the reality of a situation but to add enough so that you gain understanding and enjoy the many moments of your life. After all there is only now.
By Vichara
--- Do one humane thing for the world around you---
Print, sign & keep in your pocket or purse as a reminder.
By Vichara
--- Be nice to each other---
Print, sign & keep in your pocket or purse as a reminder.
By Vichara
You would assume that the more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our lives the clearer we should be able to see through it right? To a certain extent I think when we are younger we believe that when we get older the wiser we may get and that the chronological age will grant us more information and insight to life. Well to a certain extent there are some truths to this but not to the extent that our youth believed. The sands may recede in the hourglass but then we find the glass in places is cloudy with misunderstanding, streaked with regrets and partially clouded with disbelief. Now we could at this point get mired down in all of these things obscuring our vision and just give up, be bitter or choose an alternative. We could take out the bottle with the cleaning solution of compassion and wipe clean the walls of our hourglass. Wipe away all of the obscurities and create a clearer vision of understanding for your self and those around you.
By Vichara
We need so little, but want so much. We speak so much, but have so little to say. We can travel so far, but get much further just where we are. The pitfalls and pleasures of bring able to live in a time and place where opportunities and “things” are in abundance for those that can find the means and ways to obtain and can acquire. We revel in these items with their cleverness and ingenuity and even believe that we could not live without them. So many things, so much noise designed for a vision of someone we believe we are but this vision of ourselves is so far in the distance, we can never catch up with it. For those who want to, stop, pull back the reins a bit of perceived need and instead of using 10 things to get through a day, use 1 and use it well. Instead of speaking volumes without great substance, speak less but with clarity and compassion.
By Vichara
The future does not rest for one moment. Like an impatient child pacing back and forth waiting to jump into the car to go it is there. It does not matter if we are reluctant or receptive it will be relentless. Meanwhile our old friend the past stands by the door with a quiet face of acceptance in recognizing this fidgety figure. It observes and accepts the fragments left behind by the future. However next to you with jacket on and keys in hand is the confident persona of the present. You may not notice it standing there but it has never left or will ever leave without you. While the impatient future shifts around with ants in its pants the present with a complacent smile looks over at the future with the understanding of a wise parent. It is difficult choice wanting to run with the future but I recommend giving the keys to the car to the present. Be patient with the future while it fights in the car seat next to you but sit back, relax and let the present drive. The drive will be much easier and much more scenic.
By Vichara
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Create and preserve the image of your choice”. So the question is what image of you have you created that you want to preserve? Is what you have created so far substantial enough to preserve? Do you like what you have created? There will always be nuances and shades that merely because of this impermanent world we live in will change but I believe what we ultimately need to create is the core of what our lives will truly be defined. The principals, the morals, and the beliefs. The essential framework in which our dreams and accomplishments could flourish. But if your framework is not constructed with materials of integrity it will always have frailties where certain individuals will find and try to manipulate. It is now time to take stock. It is time you personally inspect each piece of the framework that creates you and to ensure that it has integrity. Ensure what is being constructed is something you wish to preserve.
By Vichara
We really never encounter the world; all we can experience is our nervous system perceiving the world. It is how we greet the world that will determine how the world is for each one of us. It is at this point in writing this thought that I would try to convince you of these truths but of course that doesn’t work. The collections of these words are my personal vision of the world and not yours. While we would say that there are similarities in our perception of the world I still don’t see the world through your eyes and you through mine. What I can offer is this. The degree that your nervous system can uniformly experience the world can be greatly enhanced by one word – compassion. This common meeting place of our human existence can help our collective focus and vision to find ways to better perceive and improve our vision of what the world is and what it can be.
By Vichara
Is there a measuring device that gives you a tangible measurement of how much you love another individual? A system of weights and measures where you could place the degree of affection on a balanced instrument and it would detail back the proof of how much? When you tell a loved one how much you love them is there a degree in the pitch and timbre that assures them how much you do? What degree of conviction will ensure that the strength of your love is felt and understood? Perhaps the only way that this could be achieved is in a unified consistency regardless of incidents and circumstances. We all know that there will be times when things will happen that will make you or others question the degree of love but all of those are temporary. When it comes down to it I guess the only way to measure love is knowing…that you can. Great gestures of love are obvious but even what may be perceived as a small gesture can turn the world of one heart.