By Vichara
Once you start the engine of your day there may times when things may not run or sound good at times. There is a rattle that is creating a constant clicking sound. You try the old fashioned method of either hitting it or kicking it and still it persists. Then something flies into your field of vision with a splat! You're a little preoccupied and it is difficult to clear your vision so you try to push on the best you can. Boom! Crash! Bang! You trip, you stumble and try to regain your balance. You get it back but not to the degree that it should be. You push on and then...stop right there! Have you not been given enough warnings? Sure you may have some abilities to maneuver around some obstacles but eventually they will gather and truly impede your movement forward. Stop, pull to the side of the "life" road and fix these hindrances before they create permanent damage to your life. Out here there is no roadside assistance, it's up to you but you have all the tools you need.
By Vichara
Consider the minutes of the day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measure of as a dehydrated person does with a cup of water. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.
By Vichara

We’ve grown up and become adults and the playground just got bigger. We argue and laugh, just like we did when we did as kids in the park but now it is bigger, more sophisticated and deadlier. This is not a video game. When you pull the trigger, the bullet can’t be pulled back. You can’t re-set the game. The words unleashed will make its mark. The cause will have its effect, the action a reaction. Choose from a more meaningful armament. Walk softly but carry a big heart, conscious of how it leaves its mark.
By Vichara

The world will always keep spinning around the sun and the sun will rise and set. There is nothing we can do personally to stop or slow this down. It is the cruising speed of life. Many try to exceed this pace through ways both physically using machines and chemically using drugs. Trouble is that by moving at this induced speed you will rush by the very answers you may be looking for. Take some time to slow down, the answers are right around the corner.
By Vichara

While we all in one way or another end this part of the year where the act of giving to others caps off and resolves one year, let’s not forget the other 364 days of the year. Yes, it is wonderful to celebrate but why not shake things up and pick a random date sometime next year that you give something to that food bank, help with a kid’s group, assist in a senior’s center or any number of things to help someone else. Then when that date approaches, pick another one randomly and do something else. You see where this is going right? Building a foundation of compassion that is just not celebrated in December but gradually in each month for not only others but yourself as well.
By Vichara

Now available! For an unlimited time! Not sold in stores! No suggested retail value! No discounts, no shipping costs and immediate delivery. A perennial favorite of all generations – Compassion. Do not hesitate to get some today. Plenty in stock and a never-ending supply in our warehouses – Compassion. Something so strong, durable and refreshing you will want to give some to all that you meet. Call today operators are standing by, 24 / 7…1-800-146-7348 that number again is 1-800-1HO-PE4U.
By Vichara

We reach out in prayer, meditation and in reflection for help from however we describe it, the universe, god, divine presence, etc. While it is definitely good to reach out we must also reach within and release ourselves from the trouble that has been inside us all. As a good friend has told me, “we must heal ourselves”. By reaching out and in we expose both sides of this troubled coin to all of the healing powers that exist.
By Vichara

You can’t move forward without reflecting on the past. Use these lessons learned from these experiences and illuminate them with the light of compassion and forgiveness in order to transcend their pettiness. Formulate a foundation, not of retribution but a foundation of unification. By using this tack many new paths will become a reality in this light. Step forward with confidence that together you and the person next to you, that you don’t even know, can and will achieve both small and big victories…one small compassionate step at a time.
By Vichara

The sun is up, you’re breathing and you are probably one of the lucky ones that will have some food this morning, what’s left to do? I’m not talking in the figurative sense but in the literal sense as well. Is there an unreachable thing you can start to take a few steps forward with? Is there an extra ounce of forgiveness you can give to yourself or someone else?
By Vichara

There is a great fear in transparency. Listening to a radio program a very powerful man admitted that in the current financial troubles of the world, that a certain accountability could be needed to dispel the fraudulent appearance of how business practices work…but not too much. In those four words lies the possible confession. In admitting that change is needed, he qualifies it with a need not to go too far because at that point they would all need to be honest. How dreadful, they would need to be honest and admit practices that hide the deception in their daily activities that divert honest monies from those that could equally share and step away from the extreme disparity that continues to be perpetrated on the world’s population. Honesty…what a concept.
By Vichara

“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. Again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.
By Vichara

Regardless of your position in life, your status amongst the rich and famous, the powerful and meek, we are all comprised of exact chemical combination to produce this thinking, talking humanoid being. Some will abuse this presence while in their lifetime and others will ignite the compassionate elements and try to leave this world a little bit better. Face it; we will all die at some point. Wouldn’t you want to use this small amount of time that has been given to you to make a difference in the world? Even in a small, unselfish way? It’s up to you.
By Vichara

There can be no fighting, if there is no attachment. There can be no greed, with no attachment. There can be no resentment, with no attachment. I am not insisting that you acquiesce on every level. No, this form of non-attachment weighs out the merits of both sides, sees the needs of both, understands the possible outcomes and shares the positive and negative aspects of all actions. When you have the ability to lose everything, you have the ability to have everything.
By Vichara

A resilient and supple heart will be lead buy divine grace to a place of more acceptance. A place where the tools of love, patience and compassion will be ultimately more accessible and more desirable than the weapons of retribution, hatred and selfishness. So folks another day has come to us and another chance to stretch out on the exercise mat of the world and strengthen the core muscles of your compassionate nature not only to yourself but also to those around you.
By Vichara

Question everything. Question why you did what you just did. Question why you decided to do something and acted that way. Question the way you spoke to that person. Question how you felt when you left the room. This is not to create a self-imposed paranoia state. No, it is to heighten the senses and how we come to the world at every moment. As well this is not to make you so hypersensitive and fearful. No, it is to hopefully strip away the thrashing about in how we spend a majority of our day. It is to encourage us to rise up through the turbulent waters of maya to a place where we can easily float along aware of everything and yet buoyant with confidence that all can be resolved with a patient, compassionate heart.
By Vichara

When you’re alone and you think no one notices the changes happening to you, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one sees when you are happy, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one feels your anxiety and heartache, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one wants to be around you, someone does. Of course that someone is you because any shift in your physical or mental being is first acknowledged by yourself, but here is the seed. Nurture this, honor this because these are the essential elements of change that not only affect your individual surroundings but also in the respect of these radiate out and change the world around you. Acknowledge the beacon that you are, shine and change the world. We all can.
By Vichara

We need to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being question by life - daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and right conduct. Life ultimately means taking responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks, which constantly sets for each individual. You have the ability, I have the ability, we all have the ability. Don’t waste this opportunity given to you
By Vichara

Perhaps a placebo is just enough to initiate the momentum. Perhaps by placing a seed with some temporary sugar coating will be enough to spark the flame of confidence. We all play a guessing game in this life. Some will tell you that have it all together and they know exactly what to do. While yes there may be some methodologies that may have elements that have been useful in the past not one single person has it all. There are just too many variables and unique personalities. The one thing I do know for certain is that every single one of us has the element of potential. It is there when we are born and is never far from our fingertips but yes it does get pushed around a bit by individuals and life. We just need to be reminded that this spark of potentiality is always there, it just needs a little help. It may need a smile, a kind word, a glimpse of beauty, a single touch or just a gentle reminder from yourself that it is always there. No one and I mean no one can take it away from you.
By Vichara

Rescue the heart, rescue the mind, and rescue the spirit. Rescue them all from being hijacked by delusionary aspects that they are being subjected to on a daily basis. Take the time each day, either as you start your day or at the end, to remind yourself the true values that sustain and fortify us. Love, to further build a union between us all. Patience, to develop the space to see things clearly and Compassion in order to cultivate true empathy.