To the New Year...

By Vichara

The year is coming to an end and we have exchanged gifts with affection and gratitude. There has been joy and sadness with those that we reconnected with and those that have left us. With the flipping over of the calendar we all have both excitement and apprehension. Use that space in between those two to plant the seeds of potential in compassion, love and patience. From here no matter where the road takes it will be well grounded. Let me give you one last gift for the holiday season to take with you to the New Year. “Death” is inescapable, it will come regardless but at the same time “Life” is inescapable as well. Don’t waste it on the past that cannot be changed, use it for the future and what you can do to change the world around you for the better.

The whispers of today...

By Vichara

The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you (and others) through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear observe it in the light of brave honesty to see it clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to the delusion of what is forced upon us from outside forces; media, friends and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you have needed or someone else has. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only to ourselves but with others around us and to plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.

Swimming upwards...

By Vichara

We are swimming upwards in the last few feet towards the surface, to the light, to the air, to the New Year that awaits us all. What will happen when we reach the surface, the New Year? Will there be a tsunami that will force you down many leagues an initiate another struggle upwards again to break free or will you initiate the fortitude and resilience that has been lying dormant and finally kick it into high gear. It is up to you; no truly it is when it come down to it. Once on the surface the waves of challenge can be massive like those in our mighty oceans or the size of a ripple in a mud puddle. Every one of you out there has the height and the strength to overcome and to stand tall to what the New Year brings. The power comes from a renewable source that is charged by Love, Compassion and Patience. The more you put in the more resilient and inspired you will be. But again…it is up to you.

The race...

By Vichara

We are all given stewardship of many important things in our lifetime; thoughts, the environment, love, wisdom, the tangible and the intangible. And like the marathon runner with the baton we must safeguard that which has been given to us and reverently pass it off to the next generation / runner. If we indivertibly drop the baton we need to find the strength and resources to pick it up once again and rise to the occasion until our segment of this race is done. Realize and be cognizant that you are not alone. There are many other runners, some in front, some behind and some right next to you. Cheer and encourage those all around for this is not a race to be one, but a race to survive.

A giving heart...

By Vichara

Today begins the final days of the year and with these days a number of altruistic activities become more abundant. We are asked, with the sub-text nature of this month, to be a little more mindful of those less fortunate. We are asked in the spirit of giving that has become mutated to donate time, money and various items to various groups and individuals that will somehow make up for the other 11 months of the year. While it is good to applaud any efforts to shift our self-indulgent mind to be cognizant of others it is always good to remind yourself that the same people that you help this single month of the year still need our empathy and help the other 11 months. One activity may provide a temporary salve in this month of giving but it may be good to remember the wound of need will always need assistance and not only in December.

Divine spirit...

By Vichara

There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down in the valley. I believe that this stream is ever present, in whatever you label you call it and it is merely diverted by distractions from our attention. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist. All you need to do is one simple act of love, compassion and patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.


By Vichara

What is it that will inspire you to reach beyond the barrier of conformity and step into the realm of transcendence? Will you find it in your sock drawer, on the #3 lane on the freeway, in the half-filled coffee mug in front of you? Where will it be? It’s out there in many places and you will find it when you are ready. When you lift your own resistance to the “possibilities” turn the corner of “complicacy” and desire more illumination. I don’t necessarily recommend conducting a search for it; it can be a slippery fellow. Instead if you have more presence in your step, a little more cognizant value to your vision things there will be a better chance of discovery. However, I wouldn’t necessarily count out finding it in your sock drawer.


By Vichara

With all of the onomatopoeia of life that is constantly clanging around us the most essential sound that we could hear is our own breathing. When was the last time amongst the din of existence you deeply heard your own breathing? Being reminded that this simple bodily action ignites the pistons of our existence. Find at least a few moments in a day to feel the inhalation and exhalation. Be mindful and cognizant of this precious gift of life we have been given. The value of which I do not believe many of us will ever appreciate. Regardless of what level of appreciation we may achieve, at least find one quiet moment each day to acknowledge that this waltz on earth may only last for one song.

The ability to have everything...

By Vichara

There can be no fighting, if there is no attachment. There can be no greed, when there is no attachment. There can be no resentment, when there is no attachment. I am not insisting a non-attachment where you acquiesce all that you have in a subservient way. No, this type of non-attachment weighs out the merits of both sides, sees the needs of both, understands the possible outcome and shares in the positive and negative aspects of all actions. When you have the ability to lose everything, you have the ability to have everything.

Being reflective...

By Vichara

We become a little more reflective at this point in the year and channel our efforts in more of a humanistic giving way. We are called upon this condition by the Christian calendar that marks the anniversary of a young mans’ birth, a man that tried to shift the conscious of people away from idol worship to an approach of love and respect, regardless of your station in life. While it would be respectful to celebrate the births of other great icons of faith like the Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, etc, it could create commercial marketplace chaos. But what if we were to take the core goodwill message of love, honor & respect that is focused on for a few days at this time and disperse them evenly over 365 days of our calendar year? Perhaps it could turn this last minute, chaotic rush of goodwill into a full year of harmonious bliss.


By Vichara

Perhaps you may feel like an island of sanity sometimes when some around you and the world behaves in an irrational and self-centered manner. You are not alone. The revving and screeching tires of that car cutting you off today, the pompous self-entitlement look that someone may give you, some erratic irrational act that has you shaking your head. All of it based in fear. Fear that they have of not being noticed, fear that they didn’t deserve things in life, fear no one cares for them and numerous shades of fear. We all have fears in one way or another as the world spins in unpleasant and unpredictable ways. The antidote lies in first recognizing this fact and not over reacting when you witness acts of fear and using patience and compassion with yourself and others to help disperse the fear.


By Vichara

If you could be anywhere elsewhere would it be? Possibly what year would it be? Or even what universe? Regardless of where or when it may be I would bet good money that the common element that all of us share is that we want happiness. And I would double down on the bet that it would not be an ephemeral happiness but you all would want a much more longer lasting, deep happiness. We all know from the reminders in this forum that all is impermanent. It is after all, the first of the 4 Noble Truths. But there are ways to be happy but you will not find it in the acquisition of objects or in chemical or alcohol diversions. They after all are all again, impermanent. Unhappiness comes from our desire and craving for things that are well…impermanent. Because when they don’t last, which all things don’t, we are sad. End the unhappiness by eliminating the desires and craving you have for things impermanent and enjoy the moments of happiness as they pass by like clouds. Be “present” with openness for happiness to reach you, be felt by you and pass on its way to be felt by someone else.

The giving...

By Vichara

In these final days of the year the

number of altruistic activities become more abundant. We are asked, with the sub-text nature of this month, to be a little more mindful of those less fortunate. We are asked in the spirit of giving that has become mutated to donate time, money and various items to various groups and individuals that will somehow make up for the other 11 months of the year. While it is good to applaud any efforts to shift our self-indulgent mind to be cognizant of others it is always good to remind yourself that the same people that you help this single month of the year still need our empathy and help the other 11 months. One activity may provide a temporary salve in this month of giving but it may be good to remember the wound of need will always need assistance and not only in December.

You do have a purpose...

By Vichara

We hold on to that one cup of water so tight in fear that we sometimes don’t realize that there is a whole ocean right behind us. We assume limitations when there is the contrary that is ever-present. We hang on to the “fear” because for some that has been the most tangible thing that has been present. With fear you will always have limitations and restrictions on how far your heart and mind will travel. I would venture a guess that you do not want these limitations. So let’s start with a basic premise. Your sheer existence here on this planet is not to just be here and disappear. Your presence here is to learn, discover, experience and to teach, share and unite all of this with others. If you focus on the fears and limitations you will miss out on all that you were entitled to experience. Yes entitled but not in the gimme, gimme, you owe me kind of way. You are not just a weed that springs up and disappears. Even a weed has a purpose to return the nutrients back to the soil that it was given.


By Vichara

Life does not pay attention to the calendar, it moves along without regard to it. Just because it is a certain holiday or celebrated date life and death will march on through, it just does not care. Don’t expect life to coincide with something that you want to do and don’t expect death to wait to wait even if it is Christmas; they have their own timepieces and agenda. These are the dynamics we must live with, regardless. You may want to protest, scream or cry but it will not and I repeat, will not have any influence on how life and death will comport themselves no matter what you believe or dream. Now that we got that out of the way what do we do with this knowledge? Nothing. This is not abandonment but acceptance with contemplative understanding. You may want things to go your way all the time but this type of living will eventually create and encounter roadblocks. It is best to be malleable with compassionate resilience and life will then flow with you and around you.

Prisoners of time...

By Vichara

Prisoners of time. We are all subject to and part of this brother/sisterhood. Bound by the minutes, the seconds and the sands as they trickle down from an unseen personal timepiece. Our existence here on this plane is subject to some mystical biological clock that we have no choice of seeing or knowing. While pondering this may induce hyperventilation to some, let’s use this striking point and reinvent our days for a change. When the alarm rouses us from our slumbering state, envision that moment in your mind’s eye as a ticket for today’s ride. This is your ticket, purchased by your own personal thoughts and intent subject to the fine print on the back. Don’t bother turning the ticket over to read, everyone has the same terms and conditions – Keep a good heart, good thoughts, good speech, good actions and good intent and the ride will be good.

Weights of vanity...

By Vichara

You can adorn yourself with crucifixes, amulets, talismans, bobbles, babbles, beads and spiritual accouchements but they will be simply weights of vanity unless they are equaled or surpassed by the presence of love, patience and compassion inside your heart. Wear what you like but these three elements must be able to stand on their own strong, open and committed to equal unification of all people.


By Vichara

…And then it may go like this---you are walking along, minding your own business, not troubled, comfy shoes and you trip. There was no object in front of you, no sudden blinding light or loud noise. It was this occasional acquaintance you may know called, Cognizant Reality. Oh, it may appear to be non-threatening and even have an air of friendliness to it but you know behind that neutral demeanor that there is a message going to be delivered to you. Just like when you opened this web link, you don’t know what you will encounter. What will this message, reality or however you may want to classify it want to convey to you? All of these encounters and what they may want to offer to you will be solely dependent on your acceptance and willingness. Duh!, of course you say to yourself. But you may be surprised that sometimes great messages may be delivered to you and because of your level of openness appear blank to you. I know that I am stating the obvious but I thought I would take this forum just to remind ourselves to be a little more open to the world around us and what it offers to us everyday…if we listen.


By Vichara

If what Huxley and Spinoza identified as the infinite, changeless reality that exists beneath the world of change is what they called the perennial philosophy as god (little g or big G), what is the primary tools / keys to locate this reality? Sometimes it feels like you are reading and book and you have a strong feeling that the answer you are seeking is on the next page but before you can turn the page something keeps you turning it. If this reality is truly wanting to be discovered then why the diversion or subterfuge? Is there some instantaneous decision being made at the last second not to reveal itself? Is there some arbitrary set of conditions that it changes from moment to moment? Or is the revealing only made in the split-second prior to when we die in some kind of cruel assurance that it was there all along but it has it has found that few of us are truly ready to know this reality in this what we call our daily lives? I want to know. I want the empirical truth.

Water will flow...

By Vichara

Water will flow and make its way to wherever it is accepted and needed, much like compassion and knowledge. You can open up the channels and release but unless they can find a home in hearts and minds they will lay dormant and dry up. It is up to each one of us to open up our personal reservoirs and direct these streams to the arid regions of the hearts and minds that we meet.


By Vichara

In the “Big Karmic Wheel of Life”, we will think, “what the hell is going on and why are these people bothering me? When our inner voice calls out in distain it may be time to pause and contemplate what karma have we created personally to bring about these situations. Personally? Wow, that is tough to think about that we ourselves personally have helped create these situations that trouble us…but we have. Maybe in a little way or in a big way, all things are inter-connected and we have an obligation to be personally responsible for our thoughts and actions. After all, we create them. Now don’t forget to turn the light off before you leave!

Guided by compassion...

By Vichara

“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad-Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. This is again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.

It's up to you...

By Vichara

Regardless of your position in life, your status amongst the rich and famous, the powerful and meek, we are all comprised of exact chemical combination to produce this thinking, talking humanoid being. Some will abuse this presence while in their lifetime and others will ignite the compassionate elements and try to leave this world a little bit better. Face it; we will all die at some point. Wouldn’t you want to use this small amount of time that has been given to you to make a difference in the world? Even in a small, unselfish way? It’s up to you.

Shine and change the world...

By Vichara

When you’re alone and you think no one notices the changes happening to you, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one sees when you are happy, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one feels your anxiety and heartache, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one wants to be around you, someone does. Of course that someone is you because any shift in your physical or mental being is first acknowledged by yourself, but here is the seed. Nurture this, honor this because these are the essential elements of change that not only affect your individual surroundings but also in the respect of these radiate out and change the world around you. Acknowledge the beacon that you are, shine and change the world. We all can.

A critical rescue operation...

By Vichara

Rescue the heart, rescue the mind, and rescue the spirit. Rescue them all from being hijacked by delusionary aspects that they are being subjected to on a daily basis. Take the time each day, either as you start your day or at the end, to remind yourself the true values that sustain and fortify us. Love, to further build a union between us all. Patience, to develop the space to see things clearly. And Compassion in order to cultivate true empathy.

Breathe in...

By Vichara

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out. An act that we do everyday that we generally don’t think of too much. With every in and out our bodies bringing the life force in and releasing what is not necessary out. Such a simple and yet complicated act and yet we hardly notice it. This essential and primary act and it is just assumed that it will happen. What this “thought” today is just simply asking is to raise the cognizant level from wherever you are to just up to the next level, that’s all. It may mean you will need to stop running around for a few minutes and pay attention to things but it will be worth your while. I’m not suggesting that you sustain this level all day (only if you want to), just 5 minutes perhaps. Raising this level will open up the opportunity to “see” and “feel” that may have not been apparent before. It will be worth it. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out.

The "contract"...

By Vichara

You may not know this but when we were born we all signed a contract. We signed it audibly with that first cry. I know, I know you are saying it can’t be valid because some doctor slapped you into doing it and so it was coerced. You would have done it anyway even without a little coaxing. We all needed to announce our arrival into this world. With this announcement comes acceptance of the responsibility we all assume when we enter this world. First the world is relatively easy on the terms and us. We merely sleep, eat, gurgle and defecate. But as time goes by and we start to “see’ things and recognizing challenges and opportunities the contract become a little more evident. There will be some clauses in our contract that may take years to fulfill and there will be tears and laughter to balance the terms. In the end what could be the toughest or the easiest overall term, depending on the spirit of your will be this; regardless of how the world is presented to you treat each moment with love, patience and compassion.

Minefield of doubt...

By Vichara

When you are walking into a minefield of doubt you have two choices. Let this delusion guide your hands and heart so you only move incrementally or dismantle each mine using careful honesty with yourself to clear the path, free yourself and move forward. Some of these mines will be small and when seen for what they are can be removed with ease. Others will probably take great courage to find the mechanism and the right colored wire to cut. Without a doubt each one of us does have the tools and ability to accomplish this task. If we don’t we may need to ask for assistance. Ahhh, but you are saying to yourself “how can I be sure and trust the assistance, I have doubt”. A valid question but (and you knew there was going to be a “but”) when there is honest intent to dismantle these mines and if there is a need for assistance the honest mechanics will show up to help. However, regardless of the assistance you receive it is you that will need to snip the final wire of doubt for each mine that lies before you.

Be the "fire"...

By Vichara

“Be the fire”. This is what a friend suggested to me yesterday. I know that she was not suggesting to burn things or irritate others but to be engulfed in the passionate fire of life. How many of us can say that we get consumed in the flames of beliefs, causes or even our recreational excursions as we live each day? Realistically most of our time is dedicated to making a living and paying the bills for things we believe we need or can’t live without. Obviously there are the sustaining items that we need to get by like food and shelter. But can we still ignite and retain a fire beyond all of that? Here is the key; this fire does not necessarily need to be saving the planet for any of the various troubled causes, although that would be fine. I am thinking of igniting the passionate flame for even the smaller things like teaching a child about the amazing world of literature, creating a bountiful garden to share or creating something artistic to make you smile deep inside. Even at the smaller scale this fire can be as grand as any world cause but it will be your own heart sustaining it.

The "door"...

By Vichara

You kick, you scream and it’s like trying to break down a heavy metal door with its seams sealed with cement. It is frustrating and fruitless and will drain your energies. This may seem to describe some days we all have right? We travel along, doing our best to solve things, trying to understand challenges in front of us. Then there is this one thing, one challenge, one big door that refuses to budge. Perhaps this door, this challenge that we assume we need to knock down just might be the wrong door. We might get stubborn and stand our ground but this will not help. Stop, breathe and don’t bloody your hands. The door you need could be right next to this one or just maybe someone else may have the key to this door and will open it up for you. Imagine the unification of effort resulting in solutions for all. Careful now, this could catch on.


By Vichara

Get out of the shallow end of the pool of life. Swimming with little values could be hazardous to your well-being. The flamingos of fashion and excess may look attractive but as they say (and you know it by now), all that glitters is not gold. Beware of he sharks of ill intent. While they may not physically gnaw at your flesh their insidious behavior will place doubt in your mind with devious results. And while being in “school” may be comforting their collective mentality will eventually rob you of your individuality. Where to swim? How to swim? Who to swim with? I think we all have no choice but to swim right in the middle of all of them. In the middle and around them with our fishy scales infused with a sense of purpose and equanimity.

I want it now!...

By Vichara

I want it and I want it now! Honk! Honk! Move! Honk! I can’t wait for this! How much longer can this take? Patience has gone from being a virtue to a luxury. It has become something that is squeezed in between that latte and a left-turn in a busy intersection. In the daily tableau of activity things have become just a click away. Micro waved in 30 seconds in a world with 800 channels with no time for a break. We have been convinced that this need for speed is now a requirement of our lives. Waiting has become so “old school” that you would be embarrassed to wait for anything. Behave, believe or invest into this mind set if you wish all that clicking will only give you a fleeting apparition of what you want to know. To really “see”, “hear” and “feel” you need to slow down. Anything that requires you to experience it that quickly is not worth it and lacks substance.

The journey begins with you...

By Vichara

The mirror of reason reflects back direction. It does not want to hear excuses. There will be no “mirror, mirror on the wall” when you reflect through this, there will only be truth and clarity. We do have a choice however. If you wish to reflect into the muddy waters of delusion and not seek clarity in your path, that is up to you. All of the answers, all of the paths and all of the direction are anticipating your arrival. You need to do nothing but show up with a willing mind and heart to take the steps forward. Again if you do wish to sit and remain where you are that is up to you. There is no competition in moving forward. You, your heart and your mind set the demarcation point. The journey begins with you.

Our guidance system...

By Vichara

Our body is a time machine created for a single journey. We see the events of history, the joys of life, the tragic and the beauty all from these ocular cells placed strategically in this organic collection of cells, blood and bones. When this machine is new it is awkward and not easy to manipulate. With no written users manual to guide us how to use this machine we sometimes will have system errors and will damage some of the moving parts. A re-boot or rest will rectify things to its almost original order. The on-board memory system is truly a remarkable piece of this machine. It somehow has built-in remnants of historical data that can moralistically guide this machine through sets of problems and circumstances and increase the wisdom of its guidance components. Studies and historical data do tell us that we need to use these machines wisely. We must pay attention how we utilize this machine and use the upgrades of Love, Patience and Compassion to its full functionality. This machine runs better with these and complies with all necessary state and universal regulations.

I have no doubt...

By Vichara

Without doubt there would be no measurement to gauge success. With doubt you question the distance you have travelled, the knowledge you have gained and the friendship forged along this journey. Doubt is a useful tool as long as it doesn’t get in the way and becomes one of the only tools that you use. I have seen many individuals that have become so mired in doubt that even when they are showed love they confuse it with manipulation. I know for many of us the bridge of trust we thought was sturdy is perceived to become rickety and frail. The path that was once clear seems to be strewn with barriers. These are all times when doubt has tipped that balance. The bridge is fine, the path is ok we just need to keep doubt as a tool not a hindrance. But don’t just believe me trust in yourself. I have no doubt you can do that.

Get out of your own way...

By Vichara

We are the river were possibilities could flow but we continue to build dams of doubt. Our expert ability to create diversions and fear can keep us just an arm’s length away and in most cases can be changed by one thing – a change in perception. If we believe we cannot accomplish a task or a dream we all live in regret. I know this thought is not something new, we all know this but it is a very good reminder. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way in order to realize something. That is not to say there will be a certain degree of difficulty and work to be done or not. It is when you remove the obstacle of your “self” that you then can grasp the steps needed to move forward. You may not be able to do everything but at least stepping up on a clear vista of opportunity you can walk away knowing that you were not the hindrance in your own river.

Belief & wonder...

By Vichara

With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitude that we seemed to adopt over the years has robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push aside the clutter of negativity that can sometimes gather and engage in more fulfilling use of our time? I know it can be difficult and one day melds into another. I believe that as the food and water we ingest to sustain our bodies we also need belief and wonder to be a part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place of gathering beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A gathering place that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment. Perhaps this is called-friendship?

A fair game...

By Vichara

There are days when life seems like playing cards with everyone but the cards are blank and no one is sure of the rules. Sure you know that you are engaged in some kind of exercise and because there are cards there are something tangible but there is a missing part. What is the missing part? Is it understanding? Is it compassion? Is it empathy? Is it belief? Or is it just plain human decency? What is the goal of this game that we engage in for our waking hours? Is there some satisfying conclusion that we are aiming for? To some it may be small while others grand but we all will have some wish for the outcome. I know that this thought brings up more questions than answers but perhaps that is the goal. To put images on the cards that we play and to let us know that we are all playing a fair game.


By Vichara

We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. What we need is GPS unit with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.

Calmer waters...

By Vichara

A boat without a rudder or proper steering mechanism will aimlessly and recklessly travel in all directions and create conflict and havoc with other boaters. There are some boats that even have a rudder but in their organic elements is self-centeredness, anger and an isolationist attitude whish creates a disruptive wake. But out on the horizon are those boats that have rudders created in compassion, courage and confidence. Instinctively you will know when you crossed into their calming wake. Decorate your boat with bright colors and unique personality, turn the rudder and join others in the calming waters of compassion.

Smoke & Mirrors...

By Vichara

While there are many things that may seem out of our influence, there are still things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis. While there are those that choose to bicker and fight in a sophomoric childish way there is still an ability among us to work together with resolve. While there are some truths that many around us fail to see we must still treat each other with love, compassion and patience. Without these last bastions of hope, these abilities that may be inert in some the fabric of existence will be torn beyond repair. The truth is that we all have the ability but our focus is deflected daily by extraneous distractions from our ego and those (and they know who they are) that place the “smoke and mirrors” in our way to discovery. You in all of the countries reading this, Germany, Poland,

Russia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Ukraine, Latvia, France, the UK, Israel, Canada, Spain, India, the Netherlands, Australia, here in the US and everywhere have these abilities. Don’t get overwhelmed; it is in the small acts of compassion that great things are born and every one of us has these abilities. One small wave joins another small wave and another until these waves of compassion join together for change. It is up to you.

Small gestures...

By Vichara

We are all grasping at straws of humanity in a desperate need to make sense of lives that sometimes intersect with such indifference it leaves us little strength and resolve to move forward. And even if we literally close our eyes to the events around us we still see images with our eyelids closed. We need to change our vision. Change what is out “there” and what inside our hearts as well. Easier said than done, as most would say right now, but there are ways. As I have stated in other times, it will not be the grandiose actions that will necessarily make the difference in the world around us. It will be in the small gestures, initiated by the heart, which will have the most profound effect. Try to do something very small for someone else today to try to help change the human landscape out “there” and in your own heart.

There is nobody like you...

By Vichara

They broke the mold after you were born…no really, they did! Seriously! There will never ever be another you. You are a unique individual with a unique set of physical and mental attributes that contribute to the immediate world around you and the much larger world out there. No really, you do. By just reading these words that I write you inspire me and act as the impetus for me to write more. From that hopefully what I write will help you to think of things a bit differently and help somebody else. As they say that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in an Amazon forest results in the winds that sweep by your kitchen window this morning. So you being here, this incredibly unique individual can make a difference. It’s up to you how far you want to go.

There is no re-boot...

By Vichara

The impermanence of this existence underscores the value of the time we have been given. When you take death seriously, you take your life and the value of life more seriously. There is no re-boot button, no re-start, no re-charge; this is it for all we know. There has not been any scientific empirical proof of the existence of an after life. I know to some those words like this stab like a cold knife into reality but that is not totally the intent. The intention is to bring the attention into focus. To hopefully act as a catalyst and shake all of our collective visions into acknowledging that regardless of what may be going or we are in many ways we’re truly blessed. Building on this resolve is not only good for yourself but for others around you that we encounter everyday. By having our vision a little more focused we can not just only take but give back as well with a renewed spirit infused with love and most importantly compassion.

The joy we discover...

By Vichara

Schopenhauer was out walking one, deep in thought when a policeman, suspicious of him approached and asked, “May I know who you are?” Schopenhauer stood for a long time and then replied, “I wish I could tell you”. It is true; no matter how many ways we are identified the majority of them are external. The clothing style we wear, the car that we drive, the voice, the laugh, how we adorn our office or home and all outwardly personal markers. But we are much more, much more than this collection of bones, blood and flesh and as long as we identify ourselves in the physical sense we will keep using all our energies to satisfy these needs. Try to take just 15 minutes a day, by yourself with no distractions to check in with you and your spirit and try to feed that instead of the external. The Upanishads, the classic Hindu text says, that the joy that comes when we discover who we are is a million times greater than all the pleasures the most advanced civilization could offer.

Love and respect...

By Vichara

When it really comes down to it all in this life there is only two things that we want…to be loved and respected. To you, быть полюбленным и уважать and to you, zu geliebt werden und respektiert werden and for you, om worden gehouden en worden geëerbiedigd and to you, 将被爱和被尊敬. Love – to know that this very primal element has been met and fulfilled and from receiving love it opens up the doors so that we can extent love. Respected – to know that the sum total of our acts and actions have not been a complete waste of time and have had some sense of value. Because when it really comes down to that final moment, that final breath, that final thought and that final last thing you see it doesn’t matter how much you physically have amassed it is love and respect that will matter the most. As I have quoted before from a dear friend “you never see a U-Haul truck following a hearse”. This is not to say we should all be ascetics and lives sparingly (unless you want to). Enjoy what you have but know that it just physical and it suffers from the same kind of impermanence that you do and we all do. It might be smarter and more rewarding not to invest in so many physical things and invest your time and energy in the Bank of Love and Respect. It will yield a higher interest rate for the portfolio of your life.

Now available, Compassion!...

By Vichara

Now available for an unlimited time, not sold in stores with no suggested retail value. No discounts, no shipping costs and immediate delivery. A perennial favorite of all generations – Compassion. Do not hesitate to get some today. Plenty in stock and a never-ending supply in our warehouses – Compassion. Something so strong, durable and refreshing you will want to give some to all that you meet. Call today operators are standing by, 24 / 7…1-800-146-7348, 1-800-1HO-PE4U. Of course this is not a real number to call and of course Compassion is not a product that can be purchased. However the actual warehouse does exist in each one of us and there is no shipping charges.

It is up to you, all of you...

By Vichara

While there are many things that may seem out of our influence, there are still things that we can be thankful for on a daily basis. While there are those that choose to bicker and fight in a sophomoric childish way there is still an ability among us to work together with resolve. While there are some truths that many around us fail to see we must still treat each other with love, compassion and patience. Without these last bastions of hope, these abilities that may be inert in some the fabric of existence will be torn beyond repair. The truth is that we all have the ability but our focus is deflected daily by extraneous distractions from our ego and those (and they know who they are) that place the “smoke and mirrors” in our way to discovery. You in all of the countries reading this, Germany, Russia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Ukraine, Latvia, France, the UK, Israel, Canada, Spain, India, the Netherlands, Australia, here in the US and everywhere have these abilities. Don’t get overwhelmed; it is in the small acts of compassion that great things are born and every one of us has these abilities. One small wave joins another small wave and another until these waves of compassion join together for change. It is up to you.

Key to happiness?...

By Vichara

Is there a key to true happiness? So many books, TV shows and magazines all of them claiming to know the key to happiness that will change all our lives forever. While admirable in their attempt this topic has been investigated by hundreds and hundreds of people, both young and old for centuries. And here I believe as simple and naïve as it may seems, is the key. There is no one key to happiness. With every individual person there is an individual key, unique to that person. As much as there may be commonalities that we may all share in one way or another, when we try to apply one measurement to all it will fail. The one thing that I do believe we all can agree on is the foundation where happiness can flourish is when each person can maintain love, hope and compassion for all others seeking their key to happiness.

Cavalcade of compassion...

By Vichara

I would like to take a moment to quote from one of my favorite spiritual writers, Eknath Easwaran. If you are not familiar with this wonderful professor, I highly recommend him. “So much energy is spent on trying to rise above the fray in order to understand your place in our own lifetime. We are also bound by the limitations that time places on our body and mind. With the fuse lit when we are born we most of the time fail to see the lit fuse until there is very little of it left before we combust from this world to whatever is next”. I know it may seem difficult to do but we should try to recognize that your “fuse” is lit. Not to create a heightened sense of urgency but to enhance the quality of each moment. Elevate the presence of each day from a series of mundane moments to a cavalcade of compassionate.

An eye for an eye...

By Vichara

Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind.” Let’s say now, today, as we wake up and meet the world, a heart for a heart makes the whole world see. By engaging in one simple act of kindness rooted in a compassionate heart, we can make a difference. One simple act will inspire another to another to another, until it becomes a force and not a tiny voice, as some perceive to be. By bucking system of negativity we can stake control of a world with a vision of love, patience and compassion.