By Vichara

Changes are happening as you read this. In fact before you started reading this change already changed. In between the letter “c” and “h” of the word change, change happened again. It may seem that change happens in big sweeping motions but is also comes in the minute sense as well. Things are set in motion, flames turn to embers, frowns into smiles, aspirations into realities and one door leads to another possibility. Yes, no matter what your social-economic status may be change comes to you. It is what you do with change, that is the question. You can piss and moan about the changes happening to you or you can engage with the inertia that exists and ride with it to discover all the possibilities. It is your choice but change will happen regardless.
By Vichara

With the ever advancements of science there is a great desire to answer the question – is there life on other planets? Billions have been spent in this pursuit with some brief glimpses and bits of evidence. Most inconclusive unless billions more is spent. Why indeed it is admirable and intriguing to endeavor to answer these questions I do feel sometimes that there is life right here on earth to discover still. I’m not just talking about new plants, birds, bugs and animals but the “life” yet to be discovered between us humanoids. I know my thoughts would be considered naïve and not seeing the bigger picture of exploration but I am not suggesting cutting off the journeys to space but in addition to going out there we also journey here. Perhaps taking a few of the billions and create sustained mutual education programs between countries and cultures to recognize commonalities and discover how we can help each other. I believe that even after thousands of years that there is still life to be discovered here – within our own hearts.
By Vichara

There are some people I know that stand in front of a cool refreshing fountain when they are thirsty and don’t even see the water. Then there are others who are oblivious to the sweetest sounds because they can’t stop talking. They will be gazing at such beauty and only see chaos. So is there a way to help them see and be more cognizant? Is there a need to dive into their waters of frenetic energy and hopefully pull them up from the depths of their delusion? I don’t know of any trickery that will be effective and I think the only way is to give them a mirror of realization. You can be pointed in the right direction but unless you are willing and motivated to move forward on your own, it will never happen. For those in this state we can only offer sanctuary, love and compassion to hopefully illuminate a way for them to travel.
By Vichara

What is it that will inspire you to reach beyond the barrier of conformity and step into the realm of transcendence? Will you find it in your sock drawer or on the #3 lane of the freeway? Maybe in the half-filled coffee mug in front of you? Where will it be? I could tell you that it is in question VI; verse 5 of the Prashna Upanishad, but that would only flicker for some. I could tell you it is in a piece of music by Vaughn Williams, but that could fall on deaf ears. For many of us it could be a combination of things while for others it could be as simple as a smile. There are as many ways as there are people and we will all find our way of rising from the pettiness and delusion to inspiration and realization. It could be today, this hour, in this minute or just around the corner. The good thing is once you hold the key you will have the ability to keep opening doors and find more fulfillment with each step. Don’t forget to signal when changing lanes.
By Vichara

Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed and safely lean into each curve, cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit; it will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements from barkers to have you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise; they will have you trade your sense of well being for the vacuous glitter of non-gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage you’re intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.
By Vichara

The past plants bad seeds and the mind feeds them with fear and anger. Sift these bad seeds away from the seeds of growth and potentiality and be a “farmer” of optimism. Yes, it may seem that the acreage of life that you are tending is quite large but we are all given the tools and resources to manage. But if there is a need for help the co-op of compassion that has been set up is available to you. One rule: the help you receive you must pay back to help the other “farmers”, just like you.
By Vichara

There is a bird that is indigenous in West Africa called the Egyptian Plover (Pluvanus Aegyptus). This feathered friend over time has created a strange partnership and reliance with the most unlikely friend, the crocodile. This rather fearsome & dangerous predator has forged an agreement with the plover, “I have parasites and bugs that exist on my armor and you like to eat them, so hop on board!” From the most unlikely a pairing becomes a partnership and at some point we all need to forge a partnership with the most unlikely person or organization. Your strength or weakness becomes the linking point to unification. We should attempt not to discount or turn away immediately from what may be considered an odd partnership. Look what magic came from such pairings as Lewis & Clark, Laurel & Hardy, Bert & Ernie, Ethel & Lucy, R2-D2 & 3CPO, Wright Brothers, Anthony & Cleopatra, Scylla & Charybdis, Beevis & Butthead…ok, I know that one is a stretch. You get what I mean; you never know what spark will ignite to magic.
By Vichara

As I went to “sit” this morning I saw the moon sinking low off in the western sky. It was partly shrouded with a layer of milky white clouds almost like a scarf haphazardly tossed over it self in a tired reflected way. The stars just above were mutely twitching in a weak, sad farewell to their nighttime brethren. The night is almost drained of it’s power and in the east the sun is primping for it’s arrival to light our paths, help release energies in the soil and warm our chilled bodies. We sometimes fail to observe the subtleties of change as they happen. The time we get to ponder questions, observe and receive epiphanies has been slimmed by the expectations and schedules of the day. We are a society that is being driven by constant input. Try to “unplug” sometime this week even if it is just for 10 minutes and do absolutely nothing and observe and listen to just…you.
By Vichara

You’re not pedaling fast enough! You’ll never get there like that! You need to keep up, push harder! But to where and from what starting point? Unless there is an understanding, the demarcation point and the desired goal even if it is a scratch, you will never have a clear vision of how to get there. While there is merit with planning and there are advantages in being malleable in the execution I do believe that no matter how you get there and the means you use to get there it is important to be guided by a tracking system of beliefs. A moral GPS that when confronted by a twist or a turn on the road it will safely guide you through the possible difficulties of the life terrain. However remember when you install your moral GPS system make sure that you leave room for “upgrades” that will allow for improvements in guidance from new sources. It is with enhancements that you will surely get “there” guided by the compass of truth.
By Vichara

Today’s “thought” is presented in 3D! There is no special apparatus you need. No new technology, in fact you will be using a very old technology. As you read this take moments to turn your gaze out the window, across the room and to the people you are with. You see how amazing it is, it’s really life-like. You can almost reach out and touch everything, in fact you can! This is not just some projected illusionary world it is yours and it is real. There is no DVR reverse or pause, this is real time, real life and real emotions. As you step out in this amazing 3D world created for you take every opportunity to reach out and connect with the world. Don’t sequester yourself completely behind that Blackberry, laptop screen or TV. There is an amazing production going on all around you and it will never happen again. This is yours…don’t miss out.
By Vichara

A typical brain contains about 100 billion neurons, consumes a quarter of the body’s oxygen and spends most of the body’s calories even though it only weighs about three pounds. For something so little it uses a lot doesn’t it? The question is are you getting your money’s worth? Are you engaging your brain enough besides the general YouTubing, texting while walking, indulging in watching endless hours of American Idol auditions? Sure you need a perceived balance to justify and believe you need these activities but are you reaching out and stretching the capabilities of this 3-pound wonder? Are you pushing your little guy into warp drive? We are all guilty of not pushing our super computers enough but we all could do better. Take a flashlight of curiosity and investigation and give the grey matter a little more of a workout with something new. Light up a path of new knowledge and wonder and get those neurons all fire up!
By Vichara

You kick, you scream and it’s like trying to break down a heavy metal door with its seams sealed with cement. It is frustrating and fruitless and will drain your energies. This may seem to describe some days we all have right? We travel along, doing our best to solve things, trying to understand challenges in front of us. The there is this one thing, one challenge, one big door that refuses to budge. Perhaps this door, this challenge that we assume we need to knock down just might be the wrong door. We might get stubborn and stand our ground but this will not help. Stop, breathe and don’t bloody your hands. The door you need could be right next to this one or just maybe someone else may have the key to this door and will open it up for you. Imagine the unification f effort resulting in solutions for all. Careful now, this could catch on.
By Vichara

Everyone is scared. No matter how much confidence one shows. No matter what bravado is brandished about in order to retain some alpha-male or alpha female position, they are scared…just like you. In our working pods of life there will always be those individuals that will be compelled to be in control in varying degrees of success. It is unfortunate for those individuals that are in control fail to recognize the basic commonalities that we all share and work from a position of frenetic unfocused degrees. With these somewhat ingrained methods it is difficult to change with force from the outside. One of the keys is for us all is to step back, recognize fears (which by the way are mostly based in our impermanence) and attempt to make the connection based in calm understanding & compassion and find the answers together. Calm rivers carry great weight and strength without constant churning.
By Vichara

A rather large bird floated through the sky near where I sat today. Its wingspan was possibly the largest I have ever seen in recent memory. The shadow it cast was almost equivalent to the size of a cloud passing in front of the sun and I almost mistook it for a small plane. As scary as that may seem there was no fear as it past over, in fact it was the complete opposite. It was almost like the shadow carried with it a sense of well being, contentment and a fortuitous feeling of optimism. I soon realized that this was not some ordinary winged creature but this was actually the wings of hope spreading it’s way across. As much as there is trouble and despair we need to still be vigilant and keep our eyes and heart open to ordinary and extraordinary hope. It is in this simple act and retaining the resolve to embrace hope with pragmatism can we all in our own way cultivate and nourish hope within our corporate, personal and figurative walls around us. Look up here it comes.
By Vichara

What is yours is yours for a limited time. Each of what you accrue and accumulate will be gone from the physical grasp you know one day. Some things that will age will deteriorate and fall apart through the normal process of impermanence but even the things held dear and kept will be gone. Things will be dispersed, things will reverently be passed on and some things will just be thrown out. And what of all of this, these things that were considered scared and special hold any meaning? None, as they are just physical items. What truly has weight and merit is the wake of your legacy. Even the smallest wave has presence in the world. The word legacy does conjure up images in the grandest scale but a person’s legacy can be as small as one act of kindness but still have an enormous impact. Never discount your contribution but be cognizant of what you may leave behind. Endeavor to have your waves propelled by acts of compassion and kindness because those can never be taken away from you.
By Vichara

It seems even more so these days we need to reach out farther with our hearts. Perhaps it’s that the images and TV news can go deeper and retrieve that which has never been seen before or our cognitive abilities have grown more sensitive. Regardless of how it’s presence is brought to our attention it is there and we need to make a choice. We can process what we see through the lens of indignation and see the injustices but just be reactionary without results. Look through the lens of indifference and remain in a state of apathy and on the fence of indecision or process through the lens of inspiration “see” what is there and needed and make steps forward to help change happen for the good. Even if they are small steps of assistance at least they are steps forward…with a clearer vision.
If you are able to please watch this video and see if your vision changes...
By Vichara

The body regenerates 50 trillion cells everyday. Your body therefore in this process has changed into virtually a new person. Given this fact we all have an opportunity to use this similar process to shed those things unimportant and trivial just as our bodies shed unnecessary cells in it’s natural process of change. Change happens and it’s a good thing, embrace it.
By Vichara

These days there is a great deal of emphasis in recognizing our “carbon footprint” in this world and trying to reduce it. I think the same kind of principles can be applied to increase our “compassion footprint” in the world. As we do little things to lesson the carbon footprint (i.e. using reusable water bottles, florescent light bulbs, etc.) likewise we can do little things to increase our “compassion footprint”. Be more forgiving of yourself and others. Tell someone you love and care about him or her for no apparent reason. Help someone that looks lost and discover the answer together. Hold the door for one more person. Make a phone call to someone just to tell him or her how much they mean to you…you get the picture. Reduce carbon and increase compassion.
By Vichara

We all assume that when we lay down to sleep that we will reach the other shore and wake to a new day. What if this was not guaranteed? How would you approach the day that you just met? The coffee that you are drinking will be your last. The round of early morning bird singing will never be heard again. The warmth of the shower you had, never felt again. The embrace from your partner never will happen again. How will your eyes see this that has been given to you? Will, if you knew this fact, spend the day frenetically screaming and running around or would you breathe in, breathe out consume the moments with equanimity and reverence? This is not a “thought” created to scare you but to remind us all that this impermanence is a basic truth. Be conscious that this treadmill that can sometimes distract us and remember the importance of our lives we share together.
By Vichara

We are all searching for “answers”. What if there are none to be found? What if what we find is merely the “bread crumbs” on a path that is put there just to keep us moving forward. Moving forward to what? The answer? To some form of understanding? Some peace? I don’t know but I believe for the sake of keeping ones sanity it may be beneficial to have the faith to believe. Faith that this journey that has led us to this physical being of skin & bones that we inhabit was created for a reason. We may not be put here to find the perceived big answers but perhaps to help others to find it.
By Vichara

There is no automatic entitlement in this life. Even the act of our first breath is dependent on our shear will to live and draw in the air that will initiate this life outside of the womb. From that point in your developed skills, knowledge and tenacity will function as the catalyst for change and growth until your last breath. With every inhale you take there is also an exhale and with every thought there is a conscious decision made for each circumstance. Unlike animals, which act of out instinct and survival, hopefully the decisions you make today are tempered by love and compassion.
By Vichara

”The seeds of the past are the fruits of the future”. We have all heard “you have good karma” or “oh, that’s just bad karma”. Buddhism teaches that wherever you are now that is created by our previous choices, creating a sort of cosmic justice. If you have done good things then good things happen and if you have done bad things, well…you know. Take a moment to reflect on the good and bad choices that you made. What can you learn from these previous situations? What seeds have you created and what fruit will they produce in the future? Nobody likes to see weeds growing in their garden so endeavor not to plant these seeds in your garden or anyone else’s garden. Karma is not just something that will take time to effect us it can also be immediate. So be careful of the seeds you produce and keep your “garden” free from weeds.