By Vichara
We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. What we need is GPS unit with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.
By Vichara
There are those that even if you were to put everything they need right in their hands there would always be a desire for what “else” is out there. An obsessive desire to acquire and to have more than is necessary. Yes it is nice to be comfortable but in excess it is obscene, especially in our current world and it’s troubles. There are those even in this fast paced electronic world that are thankful for a single pencil and a piece of paper. A single vital meal and the ability to stand on two legs and walk. While yes the element of guilt lays in this message it is only set there to try to have us all be a little more grateful today.
By Vichara
From the biggest to the smallest, the weakest to the strong, we all share the same DNA that makes us these humanoid beings that are capable of so much pain and yet so much beauty. Where is that line that divides the choice to contribute, support and celebrate our fellow human achievements and the demarcation point that manipulates, destroys and abuses that which makes us unique. And once we identify the catalyst point how do we maintain the seesaw of events in a positive way to move us forward and not backward in a constant primordial state. Perhaps it is in those 3 Things I refer to all of the time; Love – to retain a sense of support. Patience – to be able to wait and help each other along the way and Compassion – to remember how we all feel in similar situations and circle back to the beginning – Love.
By Vichara
We live in a world that is constantly being measured even with what may be considered mundane to some. How fast you go, how slow you go, how white your smile is or how happy or sad you are. For my daughters it could be how cool one person is over another or which TV character is better than another. For my wife it is how she is judged in how well she can ride a horse and for me perhaps if what I write here is a good thought or not. Yes, I do realize that certain gauging systems are set up for practical measurements to achieve results that are required. What I am more concerned is where measurements are used for things that frankly may not need measuring. Does it really matter if that TV character is better than another, one color is better, how someone else rides a horse or my thoughts are better one day over another? I believe the only measurement which should we be using is how it makes you feel without measuring things in acceptability of others. Are you happy? Are you content? Are you inspired?

By Vichara
We walk among the dead even though they are breathing, walking and talking. The dead are mired in a self-possessed world where there is very little cognizant value that they give others beyond the perfunctory tasks they perform for the dead. The dead believe they are seeing but their vision is myopic at best and life’s peripheral existence does not even illuminate in their eyes to any great extent. The dead can hear but there is very little that registers other then their voices and maybe some of what the other dead are saying. There is some confusion for the dead when thing don’t go quite the way they want it to go but like an over-stimulated child they drop whatever it was and go on. In their wake the dead leave the debris of unfulfilled promises that they made to others to get what they wanted. The dead see only themselves. The question when you look in the mirror – are you alive or one of the dead?
By Vichara
Your “voice” is unique and there will never be another one like…ever. There is a tendency by some either by some emotional upheaval or a past event to diminish the importance of your voice. It may have been constricted by a parent, relative, teacher or a collection of all of them but more than likely someone you knew. Being cut off from the fuel of confidence your voice became thinner and small but no matter what happened it is still there and can be heard and wants to be heard. I am not advocating an over the top presence, bordering on obnoxious - no, more like a tempered voice of confidence supported by Joie de vivre. Your existence, this life and your voice will never happen again, give it the life it deserves and speak up. Share or write it down like the nut writing these thoughts. Don’t be afraid. We all have merit and have something to say. A voice that is unique and only yours.
By Vichara
You put your right thought in, you put your right thought out, you put your right thought in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about. There is numerous times where our thoughts and actions seem to be childlike in execution. The insecure feeling of putting forth any effort in that it will be ridiculed judged or misunderstood. Regardless of how old or how we believe we are sophisticated and mature beings there is still a percentage of what we do that is refracted in childish behavior. The sandbox is still there but it now has cubicles, corner windows, computers and shiny toys to play with. On top of that the games that were perhaps once innocent have become more manipulative and deceptive. Is there a way to level the playground? Not really, just be cognizant of these things when asked to “play” today.
By Vichara
When I got up this morning I put a call in for “Today”-I just got Today’s voice mail. It said, in that cheery slightly condescending way, “I’m sorry I missed your call but you know that if you are receiving this message the day has already started.” I was waiting for the beep to leave a message but there was this brief pause and it continued. Today finished by saying “if you truly want to meet me you need to stop hanging around so much with “Past” and his annoying friend “Future”. Past just ends up re-hashing stuff over and over and the Future paints stories of what you want to hear, not what truly is real. Meet me here soon, but I can’t wait – BEEEEEP!
By Vichara
Losing a person to the final stage of death feels like a chip has been taken away from the much larger stone sculpture of life. While we think of the sculpture as permanent and strong it too is subject to the state of impermanence. With every person that we witness leaving here one more piece falls away and is filled with memories. At some point the sculpture may become thin of substance and thick with memories. It will change from a sculpture to a watercolor painting, faded in some places but with brush strokes of love and compassion. There is no wrong or right with this scenario – it is just the way it is. We don’t accept this in servitude to the transition but acceptance with its natural outcome. The gallery of our lifetime will house many works of art and the collections will change daily. Our admission to this gallery is with equanimity. Try not to rush through the exhibits in the gallery but stop and appreciate the transitional beauty.
By Vichara
Two thoughts meet and face each other like Wild West gunslingers at high noon. Who is faster at engaging the synopses that will culminate in a victory with the grey matter of the brain? Who will be faster, hit the mark and gain dominance? The right thought, the wrong thought. The calculated or the impulsive, which one will, it be? In that split second with that one dominant thought our lives change. This thought gunfight happens so many times in a day that we do not keep track. So how do we know that the decision to raise the hand of victory in that microsecond is the right one? Is it in the intuitive moral compass that hopefully cultivated? Spiritual guides that mysteriously lead you through to safety? I am not completely sure with only 54 years on this planet. But I do believe if the paths that we have traversed are infused with the lessons from those of good moral integrity that our hands and hearts will be then soundly guided and we will ultimately win the battle at high noon.
By Vichara
We are superstitious about superstitions;
Don’t step on the crack unless you…
Throw the salt over your shoulder…
Turn around three times and spit…
Rub the rabbit foot…
Don’t let a black cat cross…
We use incantations, spells and chanting all in the attempt for the most part to stop something from happening to you, friends or family member. In others words trying to control what may be unavoidable…or not. While many cultures have their talismans and prayers at the core of these attempts to change the outcome is the sheer will. That is it. It is not that any one object contains magical properties; it is the focus of sheer will that will be effective with the outcome. If you want to change you can. Step by step do the work to get it done. Inch by inch gather your tools to build a better foundation. Don’t kill another rabbit for its foot – do the work yourself!
By Vichara
On average, we spend two weeks of our lives waiting for the traffic light to change. I would place a safe bet for most of us we use part of that time cursing the light and wishing it damn well better change soon! Our energies expelled for a mechanical device that has no response mechanism to acknowledge our frustrations. So if we live in the urban environment and will be spending this chunk of time waiting what shall we do? Well we could enthusiastically sing-along with the “mamma mia” part of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” while bobbing your head. Ok, ok that’s a bit silly (but fun) but yes perhaps there is something else. What if we think of just one thing that would help out the world around and just do it? Something simple that could change things for the good. Think about it, 2 weeks waiting for that light. Why not use at least a couple of those minutes to do something good.
By Vichara
It has been said, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp”. But what are you reaching for? Is the quest moral in nature, frivolous in content or is this drive to go farther propelled by a “good” heart not fully realized. While yes we are never quite sure what lies in front of us, this is always conditional and will turn on a dime. There must be at it’s core the accelerant fused with love, compassion and patience - the good fuel. By firing the engines of our quest this way we will be given more of an opportunity to reach father to those answers and wishes than before. But this again circles back to what are we reaching for? What is it that we hope to find? What is the ultimate goal? No single person except yourself can answer that but you can be sure that by using the “good fuel” you will intuitively know when you reach your destination.
By Vichara
Changes are happening as you read this. In fact before you started reading this change already changed. In between the letter “c” and “h” of the word change, change happened again. It may seem that change happens in big sweeping motions but is also comes in the minute sense as well. Things are set in motion, flames turn to embers, frowns into smiles, aspirations into realities and one door leads to another possibility. Yes no matter what your social-economic status may be change comes to you. It is what you do with change, that is the question. You can piss and moan about the changes happening to you or you can engage with the inertia that exists and ride with it to discover all the possibilities. It is your choice but change will happen regardless.
By Vichara
With the ever advancements of science there is a great desire to answer the question – is there life on other planets? Billions have been spent in this pursuit with some brief glimpses and bits of evidence. Most inconclusive unless billions more is spent. Why indeed it is admirable and intriguing to endeavor to answer these questions I do feel sometimes that there is life right here on earth to discover still. I’m not just talking about new plants, birds, bugs and animals but the “life” yet to be discovered between us humanoids. I know my thoughts would be considered naïve and not seeing the bigger picture of exploration but I am not suggesting cutting off the journeys to space but in addition to going out there we also journey here. Perhaps taking a few of the billions and create sustained mutual education programs between countries and cultures to recognize commonalities and discover how we can help each other. I believe that even after thousands of years that there is still life to be discovered here – within our own hearts.

By Vichara
There are some people I know that stand in front of a cool refreshing fountain when they are thirsty and don’t even see the water. Then there are others who are oblivious to the sweetest sounds because they can’t stop talking. They will be gazing at such beauty and only see chaos. So is there a way to help them see and be more cognizant? Is there a need to dive into their waters of frenetic energy and hopefully pull them up from the depths of their delusion? I don’t know of any trickery that will be effective and I think the only way is to give them a mirror of realization. You can be pointed in the right direction but unless you are willing and motivated to move forward on your own, it will never happen. For those in this state we can only offer sanctuary, love and compassion to hopefully illuminate a way for them to travel.
By Vichara
With the help of inexpensive pedometer I am conducting an experiment. I am measuring how many steps I take in my “take-the-kids-to-school-and-get-to-work” commuter lifestyle I have adopted in the last few years. I was hopeful that even given the reduced physical daily activities that I would still be ok but I was wrong. The guidelines with this device stated that you should take an average of 10,000 steps a day; I am currently half of that. Which of course made me think, as we do in this forum, if we are all taking enough steps in a day to help out the conditions around us all. Obviously there is no treadmill of compassion that could result in producing acts to help the world around us; we need to do that on our own. But I believe, as in making an effort to physically take more steps in a day to be measured on my device, we can take just a few more steps to help those around us that could be measured by a common device called, “the heart”.
By Vichara
With the ever advancements of science there is a great desire to answer the question – is there life on other planets? Billions have been spent in this pursuit with some brief glimpses and bits of evidence. Most inconclusive unless billions more is spent. Why indeed it is admirable and intriguing to endeavor to answer these questions I do feel sometimes that there is life right here on earth to discover still. I’m not just talking about new plants, birds, bugs and animals but the “life” yet to be discovered between us humanoids. I know my thoughts would be considered naïve and not seeing the bigger picture of exploration but I am not suggesting cutting off the journeys to space but in addition to going out there we also journey here. Perhaps taking a few of the billions and create sustained mutual education programs between countries and cultures to recognize commonalities and discover how we can help each other. I believe that even after thousands of years that there is still life to be discovered here – within our own hearts.

By Vichara
What is it that will inspire you to reach beyond the barrier of conformity and step into the realm of transcendence? Will you find it in your sock drawer or on the #3 lane of the freeway? Maybe in the half-filled coffee mug in front of you? Where will it be? I could tell you that it is in question VI; verse 5 of the Prashna Upanishad, but that would only flicker for some. I could tell you it is in a piece of music by Vaughn Williams, but that could fall on deaf ears. For many of us it could be a combination of things while for others it could be as simple as a smile. There are as many ways as there are people and we will all find our way of rising from the pettiness and delusion to inspiration and realization. It could be today, this hour, in this minute or just around the corner. The good thing is once you hold the key you will have the ability to keep opening doors and find more fulfillment with each step. Don’t forget to signal when changing lanes.
By Vichara
Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed and safely lean into each curve, cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit; it will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements from barkers to have you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise; they will have you trade your sense of well being for the vacuous glitter of non-gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage you’re intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.