To the New Year...

By Vichara

The year is coming to an end and we have exchanged gifts with affection and gratitude. There has been joy and sadness with those that we reconnected with those that have left us. With the flipping over of the calendar we all have both excitement and apprehension. Use that space in between those two to plant the seeds of potential in compassion, love and patience. From here no matter where the road takes it will be well grounded. Let me give you one last gift for the holiday season to take with you to the New Year. “Death” is inescapable, it will come regardless but at the same time “Life” is inescapable as well. Don’t waste it on the past that cannot be changed, use it for the future and what you can do to change the world around you for the better.

Shedding the trivial...

By Vichara

The body regenerates 50 trillion cells everyday. Your body therefore in this process has changed into virtually a new person. Given this fact we all have an opportunity to use this similar process to shed those things unimportant and trivial just as our bodies shed unnecessary cells in it’s natural process of change. Change happens…it’s a good thing, embrace it.

The sycamore...

By Vichara

Outside my window where I “sit” is a very tall sycamore tree. It stands perhaps close to 100 feet tall and when its leaves are full it provides a welcome cool canopy in the summers heat. At this time of the year with it’s branches thinned with the winter months it has become a meeting place for several bird species on their way to wherever their feeding needs take them. Each morning for the past few days an impressive group of Mitred and Red-Masked Parakeets, perhaps around 75 have been confabbing in the sycamore, squawking away in the early hours. Along with this noisy group I have seen 2 beautiful Bridled Titmouse swooping from branch to branch. Finches stop by as well, Western Wood Pee-Wee flycatchers too and a host of others like Berwicks, sparrows, morning doves and occasionally I will see the massive wingspan of the Cooper’s hawk. Even though there are many breeds the sycamore tree provides a haven for them all. Perhaps we as humans need a sycamore for our daily journey.

A new approach...

By Vichara

We can judge a person for the past but they are already different in the present. Like a river ever moving forward individuals meld and change according to circumstances. Some of these changes can be profound and dramatically change a person’s life. So by having preconceived judgments of others only keeps yourself back. Instead try to approach each situation and each individual in the moment. Listen with new ears and process with love, compassion and patience.

The other 364 days...

By Vichara

While we all in one way or another end this part of the year where the act of giving to others caps off and resolves one year, let’s not forget the other 364 days of the year. Yes, it is wonderful to celebrate but why not shake things up and pick a random date sometime next year that you give something to that food bank, help with a kid’s group, assist in a senior’s center or any number of things to help someone else. Then when that date approaches, pick another one randomly and do something else. You see where this is going right? Building a foundation of compassion that is just not celebrated in December but gradually in each month for not only others but yourself as well.

Merry Ho Ho Ho to you...

By Vichara

Merry Ho Ho Ho to all of you. It is early Christmas eve here on the west coast but it's officially Christmas day for some of you. Things are a lot different since we were kids and since we have lost some of our friends that gave Christmas a bit more meaning we feel a sense of sadness. While we miss those that have departed here we still have each other even though we are many miles from each other. And while we are miles from each other we must recognize that the miles are simply an archaic measurement and have no bearing on the bond that we have as compassionate souls. One of my many hopes is that the enhanced compassion and sense of giving is not restricted to just one day or a few days at the end of December but will make it's way into the fabric of our daily lives and can be indelibly incorporated into all acts that we do. I know it’s a lot to ask but let's just try.

Steps forward...

By Vichara

It seems even more so these days we need to reach out farther with our hearts. Perhaps it’s that the images and TV news can go deeper and retrieve that which has never been seen before or our cognitive abilities have grown more sensitive. Regardless of how it’s presence is brought to our attention it is there and we need to make a choice. We can process what we see through the lens of indignation and see the injustices but just be reactionary without results. Look through the lens of indifference and remain in a state of apathy and on the fence of indecision or process through the lens of inspiration “see” what is there and needed and make steps forward to help change happen for the good. Even if they are small steps of assistance at least they are steps forward…with a clearer vision.

Each step...

By Vichara

We’ve grown up and become adults and the playground just got bigger. We argue and laugh, just like we did when we did as kids in the park but now it is bigger, more sophisticated and deadlier. This is not a video game. When you pull the trigger, the bullet can’t be pulled back. You can’t re-set the game. The words unleashed, will make it’s mark. The cause will have its effect, the action a reaction. Choose from a more meaningful armament. Walk softly but carry a big heart, conscious of how it leaves it’s mark.


By Vichara

If you could be anywhere elsewhere would it be? Possibly what year would it be? Or even what universe? Regardless of where or when it may be I would bet good money that the common element that all of us share is that we want happiness. And I would double down on the bet that it would not be an ephemeral happiness but you all would want a much more longer lasting, deep happiness. We all know from the reminders in this forum that all is impermanent. It is after all, the first of the 4 Noble Truths. But there are ways to be happy but you will not find it in the acquisition of objects or in chemical or alcohol diversions. They after all are all again, impermanent. Unhappiness comes from our desire and craving for things that are well…impermanent. Because when they don’t last, which all things don’t, we are sad. End the unhappiness by eliminating the desires and craving you have for things impermanent and enjoy the moments of happiness as they pass by like clouds. Be “present” with openness for happiness to reach you, be felt by you and pass on its way to be felt by someone else.

It is yours...

By Vichara

If it has not been written, it cannot be said. If it has not been said, it can’t be written. Somewhere in between is the thought that can change the world or change the course of hearts. It is the rise in the road where the vista that has not been seen before reveals itself before one and the many. Be calm, be thankful and be aware that it has been given to each one of us. It is our rights, our destiny and our inheritance for the next traveler. All of this is yours and cannot be taken away but you personally have an obligation not to turn away when this comes. Write it down, speak it out loud, and engrave it in your heart. Share it for it’s your legacy no matter how trivial you make think it is. It is your “thought” that will unfold and inspire.

Even in a small way...

By Vichara

Regardless of your position in life, your status amongst the rich and famous, the powerful and meek, we are all comprised of exact chemical combination to produce this thinking, talking humanoid being. Some will abuse this presence while in their lifetime and others will ignite the compassionate elements and try to leave this world a little bit better. Face it; we will all die at some point. Wouldn’t you want to use this small amount of time that has been given to you to make a difference in the world? Even in a small, unselfish way? It’s up to you.

Seeds of the past...

By Vichara

”The seeds of the past are the fruits of the future”. We have all heard “you have good karma” or “oh, that’s just bad karma”. Buddhism teaches that wherever you are now that is created by our previous choices, creating a sort of cosmic justice. If you have done good things then good things happen and if you have done bad things, well…you know. Take a moment to reflect on the good and bad choices that you made. What can you learn from these previous situations? What seeds have you created and what fruit will they produce in the future? Nobody likes to see weeds growing in their garden so endeavor not to plant these seeds in your garden or anyone else’s garden. Karma is not just something that will take time to effect us it can also be immediate. So be careful of the seeds you produce and keep your “garden” free from weeds.

So much, with so little...

By Vichara

We need so little, but want so much. We speak so much, but have so little to say. We can travel so far, but get much further just where we are. The pitfalls and pleasures of bring able to live in a time and place where opportunities and “things” are in abundance for those that can find the means and ways to obtain and can acquire. We revel in these items with their cleverness and ingenuity and even believe that we could not live without them. So many things, so much noise designed for a vision of someone we believe we are but this vision of ourselves is so far in the distance, we can never catch up with it. For those who want to, stop, pull back the reins a bit of perceived need and instead of using 10 things to get through a day, use 1 and use it well. Instead of speaking volumes without great substance, speak less but with clarity and compassion.

The Present is here, now!...

By Vichara

Move aside “Future”, step to the back “Past”, make room the “Present” is here! For a limited time only…right now…and again…right now, the Present is here. It is jealous and yet indifferent. It wants you to experience its presence but will move forward if you insist in languishing with its siblings, Future and Past. They will indulge your ego by allowing you to think of what has happened and what may happen but the Present will not lure you with false pretenses. It gives you only now with all it’s vivid colors and sounds. So it’s up to you, you can retreat to a time that has already happened or flutter in a future that may not happen or hang out with the cool crowd that’s happening right now…in the Present.

3-D perception...

By Vichara

Everything will be measured by the weight of your heart. If the capacity you hold is small you will be limited in how much you will receive and dispense. If you keep a guarded, yet expansive heart the vistas you witness will reach beyond the peripheral to a whole new realm. Sort of like your own 3-D movie, except this one you can reach out and actually touch it.

Three essentials...

By Vichara

We all just want to be love, honored and respected. Love, to feel an emotional connection and actually know that someone cares. Honored, to know that our presence here is not taken frivolously. And respected that our words and deeds have merit, not for self-glory but for the benefit of others. Of course these three cornerstones will not be present unless you are engaged outside yourself with the world and not hidden both emotionally and physically. While one of these is possible the other is difficult considering where the majority of us live. Take this fact that you must physically engage as the first step and with each interaction temper all that you do with a deep sense of compassion. The results will be what we all seek love, honor and respect.

A conscious step forward...

By Vichara

There is no automatic entitlement in this life. Even the act of our first breath is dependent on our shear will to live and draw in the air that will initiate this life outside of the womb. From that point in your developed skills, knowledge and tenacity will function as the catalyst for change and growth until your last breath. With every inhale you take there is also an exhale and with every thought there is a conscious decision made for each circumstance. Unlike animals, which act of out instinct and survival, hopefully the decisions you make today are tempered by love and compassion.

Open shores...

By Vichara

You are an island, a collective of senses, tasks, emotions and declaratives. A mass of energies that will astound you with their depth and resourcefulness if…you grant them space, serenity and compassionate support to develop and create your own personal language that could not only guide your heart but for those around you as well. Keep the waters of love, communication and openness free from hindrances and obstacles. Build a channel of shared knowledge that can support and elevate each other. Retain dams and obstacles and you perpetuate selfishness and isolationist attitudes. Yes celebrate the unique quality of being your own island but share in its strength, beauty, knowledge and open shores of communication.


By Vichara

Escapism is subjective. One man’s heaven can be another man’s hell. By various means we can try to alleviate the turmoil that can sometimes spin out of control around us. For every person there is a means and a way, drugs, alcohol, sex, spending, sports, gambling, etc. These are but a few means at our disposal. For every degree of turmoil, there is perceived to be a degree of escapism that can soothe or temper what is invading our lives. There is no invasion, there is no personal attack, there is no vindictive cause, it is just “life” unfolding in all it’s colorful majesty. It is not escapism that will change things; it is equanimity in your acceptance of these events that will quell the storm clouds. Not a resigned acceptance but one of pragmatism and resolve to see things as they are and accept the answers and solutions no matter what they are.

The Truths...

By Vichara

What truth will work for you today? One will appear and if it feels right there will not be a need to fortify it with a foundation of words, deeds or actions. If it is an essential truth it will stand up on it’s own and act as a guidepost / marker to the next phase of your journey. The key will be of course having the sensibility to recognize a truth when it appears and that is an intuitive skill that everyone has but will get masked by self-deception and indulgence. If you can break free of some of these delusions, the clarity of your vision will become clearer. The recognizing of basic but profound truths will appear effortlessly without a struggle and the path becomes clearer. Give up the struggle and your understanding becomes clearer.

Not just ordinary...

By Vichara

The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary. Just in the sheer accomplishment of being born, the chemical reactions to bring you into this world, as a human being is astounding. The hundreds of things you learn, the skills you gain and the multitude of sensory things you experience in just one single day…absolutely remarkable! Yes we do have troubles, there are worries and pain but with the communal resources we find the means to gain perspective and find the solutions. These are not ordinary things, you are not ordinary and this life of your is not ordinary.

Barrier Buster...

By Vichara

Today’s mission is codenamed: Barrier Buster. The objective is to open your eyes to the delusional aspects of what is being dictated to you and rise above being manipulated by the media. Call upon your independent personal sense of values and be guided by this instead of what is being flashed at you on the screen. Start taking back what has been stolen. If you are an average TV watcher in America by the time you reach the age of 65 you will have spent 9 years of your life watching TV. Engage the mind away from the screen. Read, garden, take a walk, converse with others, start taking back that which is yours.

A drop of change...

By Vichara

Who among us is willing to take bold steps to change life for the good of all people? I bet you thought of a few as your read this. Probably ones like Jesus, Gandhi, Mohammed, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Moses, Rosa Parks and Dr. King. Amongst these giants of change there are many others that may not get the recognition like Beethoven, Saladin, Hildegard Of Bingen, St. Teresa Of Avila, Yogananda and including you! Yes you! We all have the capacity and the strength to change things in the world. You may diminish what you are capable of but each one of us has this ability. We may feel like just a tiny drop of water in the ocean, but each tiny drop is needed to make the ocean mighty with the capacity to make a change in the world.


By Vichara

What are you thankful for? This is the day we are to set aside to give thanks for what we have. To put aside the frenetic daily activities, stop and reflect with those around us of the gratitude we have for the things we have and can share. The family that has gathered physically and in our hearts and all the wonderful opportunities we have had and what will be. Whatever stories we have heard as children about Indians, pilgrims, the cold, the hardships and corn at the core of this day we put aside. This month is the transitions of the seasons. The rural celebration of having completed the harvesting of foodstuffs for the winter months and gathering our families and friends who toiled together with the collective harvest no being represented on the table. While for the most of us that type of lifestyle barely exists personally so try to take a moment away from the mutated gorging, excessive football watching, tryptophan coma afternoon to find one thing to be thankful of and one thing you could do to make things better for you and those around. Think about it like planting a “seed of potentiality” that could reap a harvest of blessings for you and those around you at this time next year.


By Vichara

If even given the brightest light would there be enough illumination to see? In most cases no. This is not to be negative but a statement of fact. Even if one were given what they need right in their own hands there would always be a desire for what “else” is out there. Of course this could be said as human nature but I believe this could be but only in certain geographic areas of the world. There are those in this modern fast paced electronic world that are thankful for a single pencil and a piece of paper, a single vital meal, the ability to stand on two legs and walk and having someone to talk with. Let’s be a little more grateful today.

The demarkation point...

By Vichara

From the biggest to the smallest, the weakest to the strong, we all share the same DNA that makes us these humanoid beings that are capable of so much pain and yet so much beauty. Where is that line that divides the choice to contribute, support and celebrate our fellow human achievements and the demarcation point that manipulates, destroys and abuses that which makes us unique. And once we identify the catalyst point how do we maintain the seesaw of events in a positive way to move us forward and not backward in a constant primordial state. Perhaps it is in those 3 Things I refer to all of the time; Love – to retain a sense of support. Patience – to be able to wait and help each other along the way and Compassion – to remember how we all feel in similar situations and circle back to the beginning – Love.

Even in a small way...

By Vichara

Regardless of your position in life, your status amongst the rich and famous, the powerful and the meek, we are all comprised of the exact same chemical combination to produce this breathing, thinking, talking humanoid being. Some will abuse this presence while in their lifetime and others will ignite the compassionate element and try to leave this world a little bit better. Face it, we will all die at some point, wouldn’t you want to use this small amount of time that has been given to you to make a difference in the world? Even in a small unselfish way, it’s up to you.

A new course...

By Vichara

We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. A GPS with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.

Walking through a minefield...

By Vichara

The human face can make more than ten thousand expressions. Ten thousand! It is no wonder that human relationships can be like walking through a minefield. We are needed on a daily basis to deal with many people and the myriad of emotions generated. Unless we temper these encounters with patience and compassion we will surely trip up our reactions in these interactions. But given the frenetic energy that is commonly forced upon us we all need to take great pains to elements of this pace down. This will help enable us to recognize the commonalities of expressions shared, the roots of these emotions shared and how we can work together more effectively to resolve differences with yes, Patience and Compassion.

You go first...

By Vichara

“You go first!” “No, you go first” A lot of people don’t like being first, being the first in line, maybe even you…but you are going first. You may not think you so but you are right at the head of the line by just being you. You are first because there is only one of you. You are first with very unique qualities and things you do. You are first in the way you talk, walk and react. You may think that you are the same as others but even with what you perceive as the same, in the variations there will never, ever be another you…ever. So while you think you follow in step with others you blaze new trails, even in small ways, by just being you. Don’t discard this thought, use this to bolster the confidence you have and enhance the unique individuality you possess to step out first, like we do everyday.


By Vichara

You cannot escape with escapism. Just when you believe that you have left “whatever” behind, perhaps by some distractions you think will chase it away, it always comes back. You truly cannot escape from things because once a question, incident or task manifests itself within your path it needs to be resolved. The circumstance of events creates things especially for you and others to facilitate growth and understanding. Once it has presented itself it is there for a reason to be addressed. It is not just “bad” things but “good” things as well. It is all of them because ultimately they all have value and worth. Don’t try to escape, shake hands with it, learn and grow.

What you create...

By Vichara

You will burn yourself with the fire you create. You will cut yourself with razor words you flail about and you diminish yourself with the limitations you place yourself. It is your choice what path you choose. In the creation of one’s actions also comes responsibility of accepting the consequences. We will all develop defense mechanisms that try to justify the results and proceeds of what we do but if our actions stand on their own, without excuses, the path will be clearer. Yes we all will falter from time to time but in the mere act of conducting your words and deeds with the foundation of compassion, love and patience you steps moving forward will be unencumbered and instilled a clearer confidence and vision.

Searching for truth...

By Vichara

Don’t search for truth, simply stop having opinions. Think of how many opinions we have in one day. Too many to really recall I would speculate. When there are to many they can obscure the intuitive insight that we all have. Our consciousness is like a vast and limitless clear blue sky and our ideas and opinions are like clouds passing by. When we focus on the clouds we miss out on the empty vastness and the ability to gain insight. Sometimes you may want to stop frantically trying to have an opinion about what is going on and simply say, “don’t know”. By embracing the “don’t know” confusion will dissipate and your intuitive nature grows stronger. In Zen wisdom is not found by having ideas but experiencing life directly through not knowing.

Go the distance...

By Vichara

Where can you go tomorrow when you have not even “lived” this day yet? Yes there is some element of preparedness that would and prove to be useful but more than likely if you were cognizant in each moment the resolve and resources would be apparent. So let’s see if we can go the distance, just for today. No I’m not talking about lacing up your shoes for a 20K but lacing up the whole package, mind, body & soul. See if we can make a difference today even if it is in a minor, it’s still significant. As that sports company says, just do it! See you out on the track!

Silence needs you...

By Vichara

Silence needs you as much as you need silence. The cacophony has its friends and it’s place but our friend silence needs to be part of our frenetic lifestyle as well. Silence is needed as a place where we can weigh out the options presented to us, focus the signal of optimism, gratitude and compassion. Use the silence’s calming presence to energize the battery of forgiveness for oneself and for others. With silence all can be measured, weighed, evaluated and resolved with efficiency.

We will remember them...

By Vichara

…and with the going down of the sun, we will remember them. Today marks the day that around the country we take time to remember those family members and people that we know that served their country to defend the freedoms we now know. To some it is just a day off from school or work with little acknowledgment of the reasons why. And for some rightly so as they may not have a direct connection to those that an early age decided willingly that it was the noble thing to do to defend their country and others from threats to our lives and freedom. While not necessarily attractive to be proud of things our veterans did during the course of battle, we can honor their courage that they thought it was the right things to do and retain the freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. My father and 5 of my uncles did this in WWII and all came back and for that I thank them and remember them today.

Be hungry for life...

By Vichara

Be hungry for life. Look at what you are seeing like it will be the last time you see it. “Here” is where the colors will become more vivid, “here is where the sounds of nature more pronounced and sweeter, “here” is where the fragrance of tree, flowers and fruit will seem just a bit more enhanced. Of course it is your choice. You can reach for this deeper sense of connection with the world around you or keep rushing by with impatience that will never give you the quality you deserve and need. It can all start right now.

So much with so little...

By Vichara

We need so little, but want so much. We speak so much, but have so little to say. We can travel so far, but get much further just where we are. The pitfalls and pleasures of bring able to live in a time and place where opportunities and “things” are in abundance for those that can find the means and ways to obtain and can acquire. We revel in these items with their cleverness and ingenuity and even believe that we could not live without them. So many things, so much noise designed for a vision of someone we believe we are but this vision of ourselves is so far in the distance, we can never catch up with it. For those who want to, stop, pull back the reins a bit of perceived need and instead of using 10 things to get through a day, use 1 and use it well. Instead of speaking volumes without great substance, speak less but with clarity and compassion.

For a better world...

By Vichara

Down with screaming chefs, manipulative talk show people, demeaning stunt-like programs and anything that belittles and makes people feel foolish and helpless. I supposed there is some that believe that this is “entertainment”. Seeing programs like these that in some voyeuristic way will make some feel superior, think again. It only further erodes any steps we have made to unify the myriad of cultures and people. By yelling at someone for something as trivial as misplaced basil leaf or how a slice of fish is placed on a dish is both simply ridiculous and stupid! There are millions of hungry people out there that wouldn’t care which way it was presented to them, just feed them. It’s irreprehensible with the coercion of people to expose their frailties just for the sake of entertainment. Why not sense the suffering and support a new helpful direction. Make people feel less in a maze of stunts that belittles their tenuous need to be accepted and laugh at them when they cry. We do nothing to further the growth of people or enrich the foundation of society through manipulative means. It’s time to see the emperor has no clothes and provide a new wardrobe that is supportive, compassionate an uplifting.

The root...

By Vichara

So much time and energy is focused on the symptoms and side affects but there is sometimes a failure to look at the “root” of the situation. Is there an inability to understand the importance, an emotional disconnecting, a physical challenge, and a reluctance that would expose the inefficiencies of particular situations? We all dance around the causes in an effort not to be drawn into the turmoil but it is in the middle of the turmoil where the strong impetus will lay to initiate the change, the cure and the answers. If we do not address the root(s) of situations it will ultimately create more challenges that will compound on the existing ones and like a flock of sheep run away on you. Round up these sheep and shear them of these situational causes and effects and get to the root.

The spark...

By Vichara

You are probably not going to like this at all. Besides being Monday there is something else that you need to be concerned about that is very important. I’m not sure how to broach this and I’m not even sure I should. Perhaps in exposing this it could have a reaction in you and others and create a profound change. Ok, after all I have a responsibility to pass this that is given to me and let you judge. “So you breathe, so you live. So you create and from creation come inspiration. From inspiration is the spark you will share and help those around you.” Each and every one of us has this ability and it is stirring as you read this. Do not discount or diminish this ability because it has the power to transform even the smallest way. This ability to give and receive compassion is the key to unlocking the channels of perception. As when these are open the unification of the spirit we share grows stronger, you heart opens more and we transcend the disruptive and useless pettiness we encounter. Breathe and ignite this spark.

The ultimate power source...

By Vichara

You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.


By Vichara

Is all of this_________worth it? Is the frustration of _________really necessary? Can there be a better way of doing________? How much more of _________can go on? Is there a way to alter__________? Questions with holes. Vacancies where logic has been disgarded because of laziness to develop and implement a prudent alternative. There is only so many hours, minutes, seconds that are delivered to us on a silver plate everyday. If we choose to abandon them to do nothing we have only ourselves to blame when nothing happens. Do you really want to say to yourself you have done nothing today? Tell that to the young kid who has been told he only has maybe 2 years left to live. Tell that to the little girl that has been told that education is not necessary for her. Tell that to yourself as you throw away good food while there is need. It doesn’t take much. Do a little something or just have___________________.

A friendly reminder...

By Vichara

This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.

Sustainable strength...

By Vichara

I think therefore I believe. I believe therefore I act and I act when I believe it’s the right thing to do. Like Atticus Finch (from To Kill A Mockingbird) you strip away the absurdities and intolerance and expose the facts. These facts become the tools you use to pull back the curtain to the truth. If there is any lack of confidence or doubt preserve your strength until you gain the fortitude and knowledge that what you hold has merit and weight. I know that this may seem daunting and unobtainable but like any athlete you use patient methodical training using the pyramid points of power, Love, Patience and Compassion and you will achieve the strength and perception you need. Strength based in compassion will always have more sustainable power then strength with intolerance.

Renovation job...

By Vichara

There are times when a renovation job needs to be done on us. I’m not talking about a physical overall as in the cosmetic surgery, although sometimes a new haircut can be fun. No I’m talking about a review of the floor plan of your heart and spirit. To really sit with yourself and see what walls need to be torn down and which parts need to be re-enforced. Yes, it is like when you decide to change the physical structure you live in to accommodate the changes with the way you live or with your family. Some things need to just go to make room for the changes. You are of course not the same person that you were 10 years ago. Hell, you are not even the same person from 10 minutes ago. There will be times when you should call in the architect, contractor, plasterer, painter and decorator to overall parts of your spiritual structure to gain a new perspective on how you see the world.

Step right up folks...

By Vichara

Dispense with the fragments and shards of yesterday, they will not fit into what today brings. They may seem small and translucent but they carry remnants of thoughts that sit heavy in your pockets and will throw off your balance. It is not to be said that they could have some merit they just need to be processed through the filter of being “present” now in order for them to be useful. Regardless this new day that has unfolded into your hands is another gift that has been given to you. There may not be a big fanfare (other than your alarm clock or a nudge from your cat or dog) but it will most definitely be a parade. Yes there will be lions and tigers of conflict but there will also be horses of reason, elephants of patience and giraffes of vision. You will need to don the barker’s hat to assume control of this cacophony of sound and vision because you know what is coming next…that car full of clowns that will most assuredly contain the surreal and the needed levity. Step right up folks your day has started.


By Vichara

Try this exercise…repeat the word “sorry” 25 times without stopping. Finished? I bet half way through the word “sorry” became a jumble of words and syllables and maybe at the end you forgot the word. Without being mindful of our words and action both will lose their meaning and importance. Be cognizant of your words and temper your actions with a mindful heart.

It does have a purpose...

By Vichara

We hold on to that one cup of water so tight in fear that we sometimes don’t realize that there is a whole ocean right behind us. We assume limitations when there is the contrary that is ever-present. We hang on to the “fear” because for some that has been the most tangible thing that has been present. With fear you will always have limitations and restrictions on how far your heart and mind will travel. I would venture a guess that you do not want these limitations. So let’s start with a basic premise. Your sheer existence here on this planet is not to just be here and disappear. Your presence here is to learn, discover, experience and to teach, share and unite all of this with others. If you focus on the fears and limitations you will miss out on all that you were entitled to experience. Yes entitled but not in the gimme, gimme, you owe me kind of way. You are not just a weed that springs up and disappears. Even a weed has a purpose to return the nutrients back to the soil that it was given.

You can do it!...

By Vichara

Are you creating opportunities or are opportunities creating you? Are you igniting the fires of inspiration or are you being consumed by an act of self-indulgent arson? For the most part in this 21st century you do have a choice. I would imagine that you are not confined by a caste system and that opportunities of learning exist for you. And yet there are some of you out there that find it difficult to take steps forward to learn, to explore and expand your existence. It is not like there may be extreme limitations that exist for you. So when it really comes down to it what is it that is sabotaging steps forward? Is it fear? Fear that you wouldn’t be able to learn or accomplish? That didn’t stop you from walking or riding a bike when you were a kid right? Abandon the fear of failure or looking foolish. If you truly want to move forward recognize that within the missteps are the components of success and achievement. You can do it. Try or make the steps to learn something new today. Who knows where it may take you…

Rolling up the hill...

By Vichara

We arise from our slumber to once again take up our roles as phosphorus beings rolling up the cumulative obligations and duties into various sized spheres. We assemble and push them along whatever incline that has been created to wherever it has been determined. What are these tasks that we assume? Do they serve a greater purpose or just a means to an end? Are these spheres that we labor with part of a greater lesson or just an excuse to fill our time? I would venture this that if we were to be more unified in approach to this “journey” here and help each other find the commonalities instead of laboring in a vacuum then perhaps the incline that has been created becomes level and easier to manage together. I don’t know it’s just a thought.

Where you go next...

By Vichara

Shhh, come over here. Look they left the door open and we can see what’s been going on in there. It’s hard to believe that someone was so lax in the security department and left it open but since they did let’s go in. As you go down this first hallway watch your step. The light is not very good in here because they want you to believe there really isn’t much here to see so you turn back, but push on. When you reach the corner you will come to a large room with a lot of shiny, glittery things. These are put here to distract and trick you to stay in this room. If this interests you and makes you fee comfortable then stay but I recommend pushing forward. This next area may be a bit tricky to maneuver through. There are things left behind, forgotten and put somewhat haphazardly on shelves that may not be that level. Don’t worry they will stay there and you can always come back to retrieve those things that interest you. At the next turn there will be a fork in the road, this is the toughest part of the journey because both ways look exactly the same. You would swear that they are carbon copies of each other but there are subtle differences. Don’t rush forward, stand here for a moment and engage your intuitive nature to guide your steps. Where you go next will be up to you…

This day that has been given to you...

By Vichara

If we were to be literally given the same imagined 9 lives that cats are granted I’m afraid we would waste them as well. I know that may seem harsh and pessimistic but I’m sure you have witnessed, as I have, the number of chances, reprieves and literal stays of execution from this life that we may have witnessed or have read about. Face it today the majority of us are wasteful. We are wasteful with time, energy, thoughts and possessions. Without a defined set of parameters we believe that the “well” will never run dry. But given this life is underscored with definite impermanence there is finality to everything. As they say “nothing lasts forever” and the key is to enjoy the moment and what has been given to you and temper all of this with a deep sense of gratitude. Embrace this day that has been given to you. Don’t fritter it away frivolously.

This new day...

By Vichara

It’s far from over…so what will you do today? You have another chance…what will you change? You can begin again…but you need to stay present. It’s up to you.

Windows of opportunity...

By Vichara

There are two windows of opportunity in front of you. One you have a good idea of the terms, conditions and outcome. The other is a complete unknown. You have no idea once that window is opened and you pass through what could happen or where will it take you. Which window do you pick? There is no right or wrong answer here, just a choice. The choice you make will be predicated on where you are morally rooted. If your actions and motives are based in a truly selfish manner I think there is a very good chance that the outcome will be skewed and fail…sooner or later. If your actions are based in compassion and empathy I believe the results and proceeds will be more in the positive column. But again, it’s your choice. These are your windows of opportunity and how your heart is directed.

The right thing...

By Vichara

Today’s sermon will be interrupted by the following message from our local sponsor. Do you know what time it is? Don’t bother to look at your watch, you won’t find the answer there folks. No the time we are in is not to be found on the face of your watch, not with the LED lights of your microwave or on that trusty grandfather clock patiently ticking over in the corner. No folks the time we are in, as a particular honored songwriter once said, is a changing. Changing to what folks? Well that is up to you. I’m only here to offer up suggestions and put down the guideposts it will be up to you what path you will step forward on. No need to pull out your credit cards folks just lace up your shoes, open your eyes and heart and step forward with equanimity, passion and resolve to do the right thing folks. That’s all, the right thing with the support of compassion and love. With that the path will become clearer and more meaningful. Now back to the sermon of the day…


By Vichara

In the early dark morning as I “sit” there is this one single bright star in the west. At the time I arrive it sits just above the dense foliage of one of the trees that border our property. I have now come to look for it before my meditation time. It has become my “north star” that is set there to guide me into the morning. Of course I want to fantasize a bit and believe that my Mum is embodied in the star and is saying good morning to me and is guiding me. Do you have a north star that is helping guide you along the way? A moralistic compass that provides the direction to turn when confusion rears itself onto your path? For me I keep a journal that I fill with quotations and things I hear that I use to remind and help guide my path. I dip into this journal from time to time to find guideposts. Perhaps this type of thing may benefit some of you. My north star is fading with Mr. Sun as it rises so I will leave you with this one from my journal. “Patience is always in the slow lane”.

The connection...

By Vichara

There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down in the valley. I believe that this stream is ever present, in whatever you label you call it and it is merely diverted by distractions from our attention. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist. All you need to do is one simple act of love, compassion and patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.

Dear World...

By Vichara

Dear World, I’m tired of you tripping over the obvious. Most of the time you need to be reminded of what good there is around us at any given moment. There are times yes you might shine but for the most part you like to wallow in the tragedies of the day. You do this because it allows you to avoid the reality that there is indeed a lot of more good in the world than bad. The only reason you don’t see this is because that illuminated box you turn on in the morning in your living room or the little box on your desk like to only focus on the bad news. They do this and it dampens any hope that may exist at the nucleus of the day. Please stop doing this and give the little lights of hope and compassion a chance to shine a little brighter. Yours sincerely, All of us gathered here

Waves of time and light...

By Vichara

The days roll on like giant waves of time and light. The illuminated wave crests and folds into the dark wave that rolls back and opens back to light and so on. Within these waves, the souls, the dreams, the love, the anguish and the energies of billions of beings riding these waves all in an effort not to be pulled into the riptide of negativity. Common fact, we all struggle in various in various degrees, some more than others but we all need to keep trying or we can get sucked under. Our efforts in riding these waves may seem futile at times but it is only with some effort will you at least be able to survive. The key is not blind optimism but in a steady resolve with a kind and compassionate heart. We are all expert surfer dudes and dudettes but at times we may be a bit shaky riding these waves. That is where as fellow compassionate surfers we keep a peripheral watch with our wave companions and lend our support when needed and warranted. Be careful out there today and cowabunga!

Roadside assistance...

By Vichara

You get up and empty the dustbin of your mind of the things from yesterday. You think everything has been emptied and carry on for the day. Then as you reach the 5-mile marker of the day something shakes loose. A memory, a thought or a concern and it gets stuck in the gears and thing begin to create a gnashing sound. You try to ignore it like some single fly that keeps coming back to buzz in front of your face but it’s no good, it get louder. If you stop now to inspect it will it disrupt your day but the insistent grind will not subside. You can’t call a technician to handle this; it’s up to you. Stop the truck and pull out the tools. The wrench of compassion, the hammer of patience and the saw of decision, pull them all out. Open the gearbox in the shade on the side of the road and quietly through introspection locate the jiggly part that has got loose. It may take a while and you may need some illumination but in these situations you are the only mechanic suited to adjust these matters of the heart and mind. After all it is your machine. You should know and how to fix it.

Leave it behind...

By Vichara

Over the last number of years there has been an extreme blending of our work lives and our personal, much to the detriment of both. With the increased use of technology it allows those “little notes” that may seem like harmless work issues to follow us home. A wise man said “when we put a leash on our work and bring it home like a pet poodle yapping at our heels, we are neither here or there, neither at work nor at home which means we are not going to be at home anywhere.” Try to separate from it, turn it off. You tend to the poodle for roughly 8 hours a day which leaves maybe 4 hours for you and home before slumber. Leave the poodle at work.


By Vichara

The temporary letters placed on the illuminated marquee of this very old theater I passed last night said only one thing “HAPPY”. Nothing else. There was no exclamation point or question mark or anything to set a tone just, “HAPPY”. What was it for? Was there a new show? Did it have any meaning or was it just someone’s playful attempt to elicit some reaction. Well by this entry in this forum I would say it was successful. So of course in my mind this playful posting of the word “HAPPY” tweaked the thought pistons in my head to ask you dear readers and myself is happy a state that exists for you? Are there things that are giving you happiness? Are there ways that you are projecting happiness? You could write them down or just make some mental notes. Use this “thought” as a catalyst as the marquee did for me to stop, reflect and appreciate a few things that make you happy on this sometimes-frenetic journey we are on. By the way when I passed by the marquee again it was blank. In my mind however I would have liked to see the following on the marquee in appreciation of the posting of that one word. “Thank You”.

The cautionary cloak...

By Vichara

It’s funny we will gauge from the weather outside what protection we will need for our physical bodies but there are many times that we blindly enter situations without protection for our heart. It may not be totally that reckless but there are times we do not button up the cautionary cloak. We can sometimes see things heading our way by certain emotional tremors that could be radiating but we may ignore them. In those cases you have nobody else to blame if there is emotional upset. You are solely responsible to make that trip to the emotional closet as you encounter situations that could have an impact. We all have experienced those for some reason that seek and exploit the weakness in others. Do not give them this opportunity or pleasure. It is in their deluded actions that will fracture their foundation and lead to their fall. If you wear the jacket of integrity and compassion it will protect you from the elements of emotional storms.

Did you hear?

By Vichara

The world is expecting an answer from you today. Wait, you didn’t hear the question? Of course you should have, it was early this morning and has been repeated over and over again. You were asked when your eyes first cracked open. You were asked when that first sip of coffee / tea slid down your throat. You were asked when that cool breeze touched your face. You were asked when you laughed out loud so hard with a friend. You were asked when that sad moment reflected back at you again. You were asked when your furry friend was happy when you walked in the door and you will be asked once again when sleep takes you in it’s arms. The question is direct and to the point – Are you happy to be alive? Before you react, whine, piss and moan, think about this for a moment. If you have the ability to react this way, you have the ability to change. It is up to you. Now answer the question.

One red light at a time...

By Vichara

Keep your eyes & ears open as much as you can folks because what you see and hear in this second, this minute, this hour will never, ever happen again…ever. It is just part of he wonderful kaleidoscopic ephemeral universe that we all and I mean all, live in. At the core and the key to all of this and the basic element is to be cognizant of this with the simple act of mindfulness with each minute and hour. I know, I know easier said than done right? But even driving we can practice mindfulness and try to arrive peacefully. The wonderful meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanah suggests that even at a red light we can practice. The red light can be used as a signal, a reminder that there is tension in your body from possibly needing to get somewhere. Use the 10 seconds at the red light to practice some mindful breathing and release the tension in your body. And with the number of red lights we face we might even arrive peacefully.

This movie of life...

By Vichara

There are some days I feel like saying I've seen enough and if what I have seen was recorded on some hard drive somewhere I would ask just to play back the good parts. I know that this is not how it goes but it is just an exhausted wish not to see anymore violence, hatred, self-centeredness and the myriad forms of abuse that keeps getting re-invented. What is it when it can be clearly seen but those that act out in destructive ways will do it anyway regardless that they know it will cause pain. Is there some twisted delusional belief that this time the horrible act they are about to commit will be considered by those around them as ok and justified? Those with a good decent moral nature will know that is not true but like water rushing over a rock surface eventually it wears down and breaks. Let's not break! Let's not get worn down by what we see around us and try to retain a strong union of compassion that can be an example to those contemplating abusive acts that there is another way. Yes it may seem that we keep seeing the same bad movie and TV shows but let's try to show with a compassionate union that there are more than one way to direct a scene in this movie of life.

Setting your sails...

By Vichara

Depending on when you read this “thought” your day may have either just started or maybe drawing to a close. If the curtain of the day has just been pulled back you have an opportunity to set your course with the right intent. Now here at this point many of us may get overwhelmed in the list we may mentally create. We may get all excited and the laundry list of actions we may want to follow backs us into a corner of inactivity. Stop! Before this happens breathe and focus on maybe just one for the day. Temper your persistence with patience. Be more open to things difficult to understand. Just something that can act as one guidepost in your journey. Something that will make the day more substantive rather than vacuous. And for those reading this at the end of the day, set your sails with honest reflection on what you can do tomorrow. Either way guide your intent with compassion.

Two things...

By Vichara

When it really comes down to it all in this life there is only two things that we want…to be loved and respected. To you, быть полюбленным и уважать and to you, zu geliebt werden und respektiert werden and for you, om worden gehouden en worden geëerbiedigd and to you, 将被爱和被尊敬. Love – to know that this very primal element has been met and fulfilled and from receiving love it opens up the doors so that we can extent love. Respected – to know that the sum total of our acts and actions have not been a complete waste of time and have had some sense of value. Because when it really comes down to that final moment, that final breath, that final thought and that final last thing you see it doesn’t matter how much you physically have amassed it is love and respect that will matter the most. As I have quoted before from a dear friend “you never see a U-Haul truck following a hearse”. This is not to say we should all be ascetics and lives sparingly (unless you want to). Enjoy what you have but know that it just physical and it suffers from the same kind of impermanence that you do and we all do. It might be smarter and more rewarding not to invest in so many physical things and invest your time and energy in the Bank of Love and Respect. It will yield a higher interest rate for the portfolio of your life.

Designing your life...

By Vichara

When you are designing your life it helps to have a greater vision with an end point in mind. I was told this many, many years ago. I stressed and obsessed about this and was deeply concerned that I had no idea how to design anything in life. I thought books may be the key and so I dove into various pools of thought. Sure I got wet with the words printed on the pages but I must admit that there was times I felt I was drowning. There were others suggesting various faiths and that their faith would hold the key for me. Sure all of them were inspiring in their own way but I was not inspired by the dogmatics and conditions that were part of these faiths. Was I being difficult? Probably, but if your search and your journey are important to you are you willing to settle for anything less than the path that inspires you? I would think not. I believe that if you stoke the engine of your life with C.L.R (compassion, love and respect) it will propel you with enough energy down this path to any end point you may envision for yourself. One thing...don't forget to look out the windows and to the scenery along the way.

It's your book...

By Vichara

We trip over our insecurities and receive bruises from remarks from others, but we survive. We will stutter from heartbreak and bump into hard truths, but we survive. We may not see our limitations until it is too late, but we manage to survive. These encounters are just pages turning into chapters turning into bound experiences that create the library of our unique lives. Some of the pages may seem to be a bit ragged and tattered but we should not tear them out and throw them away. They are as important as the front and back covers and complete the story. Today starts a new chapter with fresh new pages that have just been given to you. It is up to you to illustrate them with as much candor and compassion as you can muster. Oh and by the way, it is ok to color outside the lines…it’s your book.

A better understanding...

By Vichara

It’s one thing to acknowledge another one’s existence on the external level without too much fanfare; it is to acknowledge that person’s internal existence without judgment is where the challenge exists. The physical form is just a collection of bones, skin and blood adorned with fabrics but what that person believes in, dreams about and feel can seem as vast and large as looking out into the ocean. Some things people believe in we will not totally understand because each of our personal experiences and how they are personally interpret them. But here is the tripping point and if we stop, listen and try to understand we can find the commonalities that we could share. From there will be a starting point that will ignite the conversation not to argument and disagreement but to understanding and compassion.

These layers of protection...

By Vichara

For most of us we are very lucky to wake surrounded by a physical structure that protects us. The wood, metal, paint, plaster and tiles that are skillfully layered to layer us with a barrier to the outside elements. For some others, not so lucky. In additions to these layers that protect us we also have another set. Our skin, hair, bones, blood and nails provide the protection of an internal physical form. All of these layers of protection to protect what? This tangled, complicated collection of internal organs that we call me and you. Is all the intricate latticework that make these miraculous things called me and you worth all of this? Unless we are contributing even in a small positive way I am not sure. Those of us who are older can look back and review the catalog of our lives to assess the net worth of our actions and determine our contribution. This who are younger can take stock of where they have been so far and making a commitment to integrity and compassion in the future. Making a pact with themselves as we all should no matter what our position in life is and to respect this opportunity we have been given with these bodies and minds. No matter where you are on this planet let us try to do something today to help someone or something out in a positive way. It sometimes seem so easy to be selfish and harder to give. Easy to destroy, harder to create. But let's try to reverse this even in a small way to justify all of this hard work it took to build these layers of protection.

Your energy...

By Vichara

You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm but it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.

The nattering shoreline...

By Vichara

When I “sit” some mornings the thoughts sometimes come and natter away at something that needs to be taken care of or with what needs to be said to somebody. They spin around and mingle with each other thoughts and create an internal cacophony like sirens on the rocks that tempted and called out to sailors in sea-faring legends. These thoughts can lure you into choppy waters of indecision and mire you into confusion until you are not sure which way is the safe shoreline. Steering away from these sirens and choppy waters may seem difficult but it is a requirement and essential to your survival. It is when you can see the single waves approaching are you able to steer to the shores of equanimity. How do you get to these calmer waters? Drift out farther from the chaotic shoreline to get a better perspective. Solutions that matter will only appear when you rest in calmer waters and when you distance yourself away from the chaotic shoreline we all encounter.

A kind shepherd...

By Vichara

How defined are you with what you want in life? Is there at least some plan, some roadmap of what paths will be taken? Of course there will be doubts and questions and moments where you may feel disjointed. All great journeys start with the small pieces of inspiration that reside in different places that will need a guiding hand to come together. At these times you may need to just stand on the figurative hillside like a shepherd looking down on his scattered flock. You observe where all of your flock are and strategically and patiently bring them all together for the journey with love, patience and compassion. With these three things as your guiding principles what was once ill defined will be defined and what was once was lost will be found.

Reflection as a powerful tool...

By Vichara

Reflection is a powerful tool. Out of chaos comes those moments of lucidity that will guide your heart and hands to a neutral space. A neutral place where answers, solutions and just plain common sense resides. Here is a suggestion for you today. Everyone should stop for at least 30 minutes from doing anything and just sit and think. Now daydreaming while driving the car doesn’t count. I’m talking about finding a spot wherever you feel comfortable and somewhere with little distractions and just reflect, think and allow the channel that gets closed down with all of our activities to be open even if it is just a little while. Our days can sometimes get shot out of a cannon and the frenetic energy of communication devices keeps propelling us in many directions and talking to people who are not even there. Turn them ALL off! Let them sit idle for awhile and allow the natural synapse that engage your brain to breathe and give back to you what is rightfully yours – thought.

Bombs of peace...

By Vichara

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that posed the question “Who would Jesus bomb?” Yes I remember my Sunday school days and recall the story of Jesus getting royally pissed off that some moneychangers and merchants set up shop in the local church. Perceived as disrespectful he kicked over their tables and their collective asses out into the streets. He was making a point but given the option and his penchant for peace I am not quite sure if given the opportunity that the J-Man would drop a bomb on anyone. His tools, as with great “teachers”, were the words he spoke and how they affected those around him without permanent physical damage. There have been so many great teachers throughout history and even now that use words to make changes for the good in people and better for your health than bombs. Besides the many passages in the Bible there is the Vedas, Qur’an, Talmud, Buddhist texts, Confucius, Plato, Emerson, the Gita, Marcus Aurelius, Gandhi, Huxley, the Dalai Lama and so many more. Perhaps if you feel your arsenal is low or depleted you could turn to the words of wisdom in some of these texts to fill the chambers of your armaments. Wouldn’t it be good if those in places of power would choose these methods instead of being reactionary and using more physically permanent forms of communication?

We are the rivers...

By Vichara

We are the rivers where possibilities could flow but we continue to build dams of doubt. Our expert ability to create diversions and fear can keep us just an arm’s length away and in most cases can be changed by one thing – a change in perception. If we believe we cannot accomplish a task or a dream we won't try and we will live in regret. I know that this thought is not something new but it is a very good reminder. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way in order to realize something. That is not to say there will not be a certain degree of difficulty and work that will be needed. When you remove the obstacle of yourself you will grasp the steps needed to go forward. You may not be able to do everything but at least you are stepping up on a clear vista of opportunity where you can walk away knowing that you were not the hindrance in your own river.

Get on the bus...

By Vichara

You can’t fear getting on the bus. You can’t just sit waiting at the bus stop waiting for what you believe is the right bus. Sometimes you just need to get on and go. Sometimes the bus will stall and you may need to get off the bus. Then there will be other times when the bus you are on connects with another one that will take you on a new adventure. You cannot have fear hold you back from getting on board. The bus may be a bit scary when it pulls up but it will be up to you to work together with others on the bus to change the ride from fear and trepidation to adventure and transcendence.

Your level of openness...

By Vichara

…and then it may go like this; you are walking along minding your own business, not troubled in your comfy shoes and you trip. There was no object in front of you, no sudden blinding light or loud noise. It was this occasional acquaintance called cognizant reality. Oh it may appear to be non-threatening and it may even have an air of friendliness to it but you know behind that neutral demeanor that there is a message going to be delivered to you. Just like when you open this web link you don’t know what you will encounter. What will this message be? What will it want to convey to you? All of these encounters and what they may want to offer to you will be solely dependent on your level of acceptance. Duh! of course you say to yourself. But you may be surprised that sometimes that a great message may be delivered to you and because of your level of openness appear blank to you. I know I am stating the obvious but I thought I would take this forum to remind ourselves to be a little more open to the world around us and what it offers to us everyday…if we listen.


By Vichara

With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitudes that we seem to adopted over the years have robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push to the side the clutter of negativity that we can sometimes gather and create the needed space to engage in a more fulfilling use of our time? I know that it can be difficult and the days melds into another and you feel like you are repeating the same exact scene over and over again but we should make an effort. Food and water we ingest sustains us but there is also a need for belief and wonder to be part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place to gather that is beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A place of that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment. Perhaps this is called – friendship?

Measurements of love...

By Vichara

Is there a measuring device that gives you a tangible measurement of how much you love another individual? A system of weights and measures where you could place the degree of affection on a balanced instrument and it would detail back the proof of how much? When you tell a loved one how much you love them is there a degree in the pitch and timbre that assures them how much you do? What degree of conviction will ensure that the strength of your love is felt and understood? Perhaps the only way that this could be achieved is in a unified consistency regardless of incidents and circumstances. We all know that there will be times when things will happen that will make you or others question the degree of love but all of those are temporary. When it comes down to it I guess the only way to measure love is knowing…that you can. Great gestures of love are obvious but even what may be perceived as a small gesture can turn the world of one heart.


By Vichara

Did you know that if you were...I saw this article last night where...can you believe that they said on the news last night...what a wonderful surprise it was to sad that it happened to...oh they are so happy you just want this is not rantings from an ADD world but fragments that characterize how I experience the actions of individuals I meet. Now this may not be how it is everywhere that would be a generalization but in this text-tablet-laptop world distractions are abundant. Fragmentation of conversations, tasks and actions all seem to be commonplace. I guess the assumption is that our gadgetry can multiple-task on multiple levels that these organic bodies should be able to do so as well. While we are a resilient species I believe we need to instill and maintain the need to complete things that we start. Our distractions come from the fear that we may be missing out on something so we try to keep up with a megabyte world. We are humanoid, not android. Finish what you started today or...

Reflecting points...

By Vichara

As I “sat” I looked down at the little book I write these “thoughts” in and staring back at me was this blank page. I thought – perfect! This blank page is a fresh start and a new day. In essence a whole new beginning. How could I convey this in a meager written form and even if I could would it contain enough commonalities to be understood? We are given this with each day “____________________” and we have a tendency to produce this “@#**5$&^***!^?:” by the end of each day. So how can we keep at least some of the openness that is given to us from turning into this consistent frenetic jungle of clanging noise? At this point in writing this I must admit I feel I have painted myself into a corner. But no it is not a corner but a reflection point and perhaps the answer to the question from above. If by spontaneously installing reflection points (like road-side rest stops) throughout our day perhaps there we can recharge and remind ourselves that we all have the opportunity for a fresh start at any point in the day. I’m not completely sure but…I’m looking at a blank page again.

Compassionate wake...

By Vichara

We take in one breath; we give out one breath. We take in one good act; we give out one good act. Wait a minute…do you? Have you reached some kind of balance like this? Do you return to the world a positive / good act when you know that you have received one yourself? It doesn’t necessarily need to be an exact equal. There is not a requirement that all gestures need to be grand in return. I’m only checking in with not only myself but with all of you as well. Even just simple genuine smiles that acknowledge the other person’s existence and at least let them know that you know. You know that truly the only path of fulfilled existence is not to take these moments of breathing and reading these words given to us for granted. That you know that even when the obstacles that do seem to trip us up that we will be able to recognize these obstacles. And in this act can rise up taller with a compassionate gait and traverse them with minimal effort. Be cognizant of the wake from your existence and make an effort to ply these waters with a little more compassion today.

Whispers of today...

By Vichara

The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you and others through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear to be observe these thoughts in the light of brave honesty to see clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to delusion from what is forced upon us from outside forces like media, friends, enemies and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you or someone else may have needed. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only with ourselves but with others and plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.

Drops of water...

By Vichara

Consider the minutes of the day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measure of as a dehydrated person does with a cup of water. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.

Letting go...

By Vichara

...the rope burned my hands from the approximately 10 - 15 feet I slid down it. At this point I just wanted to hang on regardless of the pain radiating through my palms. I had no choice. Without any knots on the thick rope and my weakened state I could not go up, I just needed to hold on. As I slowly spun around on this rope a fog enveloped all of my vantage points. I knew from where I came from there was an element of safety and comfort but now all around nothing was clear. So I hold on. I called out for help but the only thing that comes back to me is the echo of my voice. I need to do something but I am unsure. I can't just hang there sooner or later my resolve will give out and a decision will be made for me. Before I made this fateful step I was told by my guide that I needed to trust him and that he would not steer me wrong and put me in any danger. But hanging here with my fingers going numb I am not sure. He said that there are times when you needed to trust where you are being led. That the universe or whatever you may want to call it has at its core an altruistic spirit and does not deliberately want to harm you. It is you that does the harm and others who are only led by selfish desires that are empty. My guide told me that sometimes you just need to let go. Let go of what others think you should do. Let go of trying to hold on because life is impermanent and is constantly changing and in these changes you will find the answers you seek. They are not tucked away in the torn pages of the past or what you believe the future will be. At this point my labored breathing has drifted into a calm rhythm and I have stopped spinning around. I let go...

Opportunity is here...

By Vichara

You will not be given a single thing in this life except opportunity…which is everything. Whatever misguided sense of entitlement that you believe is owed to you will only fail because of your unwillingness to see beyond the selfish personal barriers you have built. Whatever condition has greeted you in whatever part of this globe you live in there, opportunity will always be there. If you keep your “heart” open and invite those that will always cross your path they will always provide the “bridge” to the next path. From the most remote village to the hidden urban streets they are there. In the darkness that seems inescapable, they are there. In the cold that frightens you, they are there but you need to remove that cloak of anger and distain and be willing to at least meet them halfway. There is always a way out but you will need to take that first step.

These flowers of life...

By Vichara

I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.

Lanterns of wisdom...

By Vichara

As with everyday when I wake they stand silently on the shelf next to the bed. They are the Sherpas, the soldiers of truth, guideposts, lanterns of wisdom, stepping stones of knowledge, knaves, jests and they are probably the most dependable. Their names are sometimes recognizable and others are like kind old friends. Tolstoy, London, Marcus Aurelius, Huxley, Plato, Gandhi, Kierkegaard, Merton, Teresa Of Avila, Krishnamurti, Milarepa, Easwaran and Hildegard of Bingen. Like all good sentries and sages they await your approach, they do not actively solicit your attention. If you seek, they will provide but only when called upon. Their patience far exceeds anything you may have and if cared for will have great resilience. If you are seeking may I suggest amassing a few if these stalwarts of the printed page for your journey. If one does not provide all the answers they will lead you to one of its compatriots. The investment will be well worth the effort and you will be rewarded and guides to places…only read about.

Help out our friend Compassion...

By Vichara

The paddles were out, they charged it up to 360 jewels and there was a nervous, highly charged feeling in the air. Will this be enough? Clear!...nothing…clear!...nothing, one more time…clear!! Wait a minute I think I feel a pulse. It’s weak but it’s there. Our comrade has fallen but it seems that there is still hope. We have seen better days, better moments when the clouds broke open and the light shot through with confidence. Yes there were times before when our comrade seemed to be weak but fooled many of us and it can happen again. History has taught us there will always be adversaries of our dear friend but if we, and I mean every one of us, tried to find that linking point that does exist we could help sustain our friend’s heartbeat. It truly is not that hard. Just one single small act a day will sustain our friend. Come on Compassion; get up now and put your arms around our shoulders, we got you.

War is declared...

By Vichara

Love declares war! As of 3:14am today the United Forces of Love have declared war on the world and the elements of Evil, Apathy and Intolerance. In literally thousands of geographic areas of the world the Forces of Love have risen up. Tired and frustrated with the persecution these battalions of love and respect have taken up positions in every city, town, village, hamlet and hidden geographic zone. You will not be able to see them as they wear no uniform, carry no weapons and are not made up of any one sex, religion or belief system. They have been undercover but because of their name being manipulated and co-opted by the many devious cells of deceit. They have risen up to take back the world and restore the balance. There will be no bullets, no bombs, no fists, no screaming and no devastation. Instead these forces are moving with stealth-like manner and will stop until their mission is complete. They could be standing right next to you and you may not know it. They may be that person with the quiet smile or the glint in their eye. In fact you may be one of them! Rise up and join the Forces of Love! Do one act of love today and join us to take over….THE WORLD!!!!!!

A splinter in time...

By Vichara

The impatient Moon left early. It something about getting home to deal with some family issues. The Sun was a little preoccupied with some issues that involved a couple of stars, which left a slight void in the morning light. So while we sat and waited Reflection and his pal Perception came along, mostly to get a cup of good coffee. They decided to sit for a moment while they could but Reflection was mired in a couple of things that happened days earlier with something that would have happened if such and such said this and that to someone. Reflection rocked back and forth and picked at this one spot on the top of the wooden picnic table that we were sharing. Perception was being patient and sat with a pleasant smile and enjoying the African blend of coffee. Then Reflection let out a yelp having picked at the wood so much that a splinter slid itself under the fingernail. Perception calmly grabbed Reflection’s injured finger and said “good! you’re with us now and focused on one thing in the present”. With that pulled the wooden shard out and said “it is too bad that it takes something so jarring and painful to bring you to the present”. The nattering past and the impatient future are not relevant when your attention is needed now, here in the present. And who wants to keep getting splinters to figure that out.


By Vichara

There are many times and points in the day where it truly feels like we are all isolated islands floating throughout the day without barely connecting to each other’s shorelines. There is even a feeling I get that if there was no pressing need to many would be quite content to just float on through the day until the reach the harbor of slumber land. Is it fear, apathy or through the many years of bumping and floating about that you feel that you are not going to be accepted as you are? Your island is unique as with the billions of other islands out there but we are connected by the ocean of communication that can be at times choppy, dark and difficult to maneuver. However there are ways to reach each other’s shorelines without too many shipwrecks. As quoted here before each one of us needs to be kind to each other because we are all dealing with our own battles. With that recognition there is a chance that you see the waters become clearer and less troublesome and opportunities are created to see another’s shoreline without judgment and expectation.


By Vichara

There are many of us that walk blindly with this body believing we have infinite time. But as a dear friend once said “you’re only immortal, for a limited time”. This delusionary state of believing that this existence will not end is just feeding into the bucket fears that have developed over the years. This dance we have been participating in will certainly end as surly as the sun will set so how we dance is the key. Do you dance with indifference and intolerance or do you dance with joy and appreciation? Do you choose to be a wallflower or to seek out many partners and embrace this existence with such exuberance that by the shear embracing of this side of the coin compels our appendages to shake and ripple with happiness? Because ultimately this is our goal to be happy, do no harm to others and dance as many dances that we can participate in everyday. See you out on the dance floor…


By Vichara

There are many of us that walk blindly with this body believing we have infinite time. But as a dear friend once said “you’re only immortal, for a limited time”. This delusionary state of believing that this existence will not end is just feeding into the bucket fears that have developed over the years. This dance we have been participating in will certainly end as surly as the sun will set so how we dance is the key. Do you dance with indifference and intolerance or do you dance with joy and appreciation? Do you choose to be a wallflower or to seek out many partners and embrace this existence with such exuberance that by the shear embracing of this side of the coin compels our appendages to shake and ripple with happiness? Because ultimately this is our goal to be happy, do no harm to others and dance as many dances that we can participate in everyday. See you out on the dance floor…

The Big Fish...

By Vichara

If you going to fish for the big questions in life, you need to make sure you have the right kind of bait. Every good fisherman knows that before you go out to catch a specific fish that you do your research and ensure you have the right bait that will attract what you are trying to catch. The same thing applies when you are serious about finding the answers to life's challenging questions. Of course the debate among life fisherman is what is the right bait but I believe the majority can agree on the following to catch the "Big Fish"; an understanding of the reality of life and the way things are without name or label. Holding a commitment to an ethical life and the intention to live a life of good will. Don't indulge in idle talk or gossip. Act kindly and compassionately and do no harm to other beings. Walk a path in which you mindfully cultivate a good respectable life in your daily actions. Make an effort to be truthful and honest everyday. Be mindful and fully present when engaged with others. If you are "there"' they will be "there". And keep focused and passionate with life, for all we know it is the only one given. Of course the one thing that all good fisherman know is needed with any fishing trip is patience. Without patience we cannot be still enough to allow the "Big Fish" to come near the hook of understanding that has been dropped in the frenetic sea.

A perfect world...

By Vichara

A perfect world does not and cannot exist. Impermanence will never allow it. It is not that impermanence is some physical entity, it is a conditional partner in each and every strand of the fabric of life. Because as soon as it is "born" it all starts to deteriorate and breakdown. There is no stopping it, there is no talking to it. There is no way to reason with it. You need to just accept the fact that perfect does not exist. You can have joy and happiness and things can be absolutely wonderful but the moment after it is already a memory predisposed to the impermanent condition that exists. This is not to paint a dark picture or to bring you down. Far from that this is a reminder and encouragement to make the most of each moment. Make the life you want happen. And with that you give birth to other wonderful moments that gather together to get you as near as it can to perfection can get. But that's it and that is as perfect as it will ever get but isn't that worth it?

Today's directions...

By Vichara

Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed, safely lean into each curve and be cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit. It will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements. There will be barkers that will insist you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise, as they will have you trade your sense of well-being for the vacuous glitter of gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage your intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.

Be relentless with your heart...

By Vichara

You need to be relentless and courageous with your heart and get off the sofa of complacency. As sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west if there is not full engagement with your heart and the world around you will no doubt have regrets later on. You may not think so and believe that you are engaged now but if there was even the slightest hint of defense and justification as you read the first sentence here then I would place a good bet that you may not be totally. Perhaps there is more you can do to open yourselves up to the possibilities. And what are the "possibilities" you may ask? A very good question and I'm glad you asked. The answer is...I don't know! It's up to you. Each and every one of you is a complete individual and while there may be similarities with us each one of us has a deeper core that when engaged will light us up like a 10,000 watt bulb. What will engage you may not engage me but unless you are relentless with your heart and to love and be loved you will may not smash through that barrier and hit the button of engagement that will light that bulb. So come on, open yourself to those possibilities...wherever and whatever they are.

Turn off, tune in...

By Vichara

We are a culture that needs content. A blank "spot" in our day would frighten so many. To actually have nothing going on for a space of time would be very unsettling for a great number of you out there. Perhaps having to face a blank spot would force us to confront what is going on with ourselves and force us to listen to something other than mindless babble emanating from al the devices that we feel we need to plug into everyday. I was with a few people yesterday, all of them equally equipped with a mobile device. The entire time I was with them there was constant bleeping and buzzing calling them like the sirens on the rocks from Jason and the Argonauts. Demanding their attention. There is this compulsion to be connected and for what, another mundane inane missive? Yes there are some that are in the need to have such technology with them to address situations that warrant attention but for the most part I would guess that it is not necessary all the time. I am not a Luddite and afraid of technology. In fact I wrote this on an iPad and send it to this site wirelessly. I firmly believe that even though all of this technology is a wonderful thing we need time to unplug, step back and allow the world to unfold with all of the 0's and 1's. I know this may sound old-school-hippie-dippie but give yourself a break and unplug. Find a park, a field, a beach, anywhere and let the sound of the world, the sound of reality speak to you...even for a short time. I think you may like what it has to say to you.

The "fuse" is lit...

By Vichara

I would like to take a moment to quote from one of my favorite spiritual writers, Eknath Easwaran. If you are not familiar with this wonderful professor I highly recommend his writings. “So much energy is spent on trying to rise above the fray in order to understand our place in our own lifetime. We are also bound by the limitations that time places on our body and mind. With the fuse lit when we are born we most of the time fail to see the lit fuse until there is very little of it before we combust from this world to the next.” I know that it may seem difficult to do but try to recognize that your “fuse” is lit. Not to create a heightened sense of urgency but to enhance the quality of each moment. To elevate the presence of each day from a series of mundane moments to a cavalcade of joy

Flowers of life...

By Vichara

I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.

Get on board...

By Vichara

You can't fear getting on the bus. You can't just sit waiting at the bus stop for what you believe is the "right" bus. Sometimes you just need to get on and go. The bus will sometimes stall and you may need to get off. But there will be other times when the bus will connect with another one that will take you on a new adventure. You cannot have fear hold you back from getting on board. The bus may be a bit scary when it pulls up but it will be up to you to work together with others to change the ride from fear and trepidation to adventure and transcendence. Get on board...we are waiting.

Prisoners of time...

By Vichara

Prisoners of time. We are all subject to and part of this brother/sisterhood. Bound by the minutes, the seconds and the sands as they trickle down from an unseen personal timepiece. Our existence here on this plane is subject to some mystical biological clock that we have no choice of seeing or knowing. While pondering this may induce hyperventilation to some, let’s use this striking point and reinvent our days for a change. When the alarm rouses us from our slumbering state, envision that moment in your mind’s eye as a ticket for today’s ride. This is your ticket, purchased by your own personal thoughts and intent subject to the fine print on the back. Don’t bother turning the ticket over to read, everyone has the same terms and conditions – Keep a good heart, good thoughts, good speech, good actions and good intent and the ride will be good.

Just by walking around...

By Vichara

Just by walking around, we change the world. Our presence here is the culmination of a billion factors that has resulted in this living being that can take a thought and inspire. Take a hand and support those in need. Make someone laugh and turn around his or her day. Hold that one that is sad and make them feel wanted. So much riding on simple gestures but as you heard before, the simple can be so profound. In our compassionate wake we can change the world by just walking around.


By Vichara

What happened to you from yesterday? All the troubles, the toils, the laughter and the love that careened and enveloped you. All of what transpired are just echoes now fading off to some place in your memory. What will be retained and what will slip off forever never to be remembered is all of you from yesterday and now today greets you. Sometimes like a happy puppy wagging it’s tail or like some sad urchin unsure of it’s steps. But it has arrived. In whatever state it has arrived and it wants your attention. Regardless of what you believe is going on today you will need to be present. If you just sit there obsessing with echoes from yesterday you will just get mired down. You need to move forward. Yesterday has no future and tomorrow has no past. Today is a persistent and present reminder of what you can potentially do with your life. Step forward, not backwards.

The day...

By Vichara

The day has been waiting all night for you. It has been nervous with anticipation and is ready as soon as your feet touch the floor next to your bed. It knows when you open your eyes. Don’t try to fake it, the day knows. The only thing left to do is to just get up, get your shoes on and go. But wait…what are you going to do with the day? Fritter it away with functions that merely just fill up the day? The day expects more than just that! The day’s light is the beacon that is there to illuminate the multitude of paths that are given to each one of us. You all know that but embrace that. Since you are reading this you of course know that you have been given another day so why not fully use it as intended. Don’t fill it with mindless mush, find one small meaningful thing to do, read or act upon. It doesn’t take much and when the day is done you’ll feel better and the day will be smug and proud of you. Then you can actually call it a day.

I expect...

By Vichara

There is an implied sense of expectation that exists even though it may not be clearly stated sometimes. If you are an adult and you drive a car it is expected that you know how to drive it and follow the rules of the road. With the enormous amount of variables that exist wit each human being we question if some people know how to follow the rules. Regardless there are many basics that are understood (drive on the right side if you live in N. America, turn your headlights on to be seen at night, signal when turning, etc.) and hopefully are followed. The same applies in many ways in our daily lives as humans. If you consider yourself a member of society there are basics that we should all follow. Things are expected of you. If you are human it is expected that you treat others humanly and not with malice and manipulation. If you are human it is expected that if you recognize that you need compassion then you should give compassion to others. None of these cost a single penny, they are currency of the heart and from what I have witnessed there is always plenty of reserves in those banks and I expect there always be.

Waves of Time & Light...

By Vichara

The days roll on like giant waves of time and light. The illuminated wave crests and folds into the dark wave that rolls back and opens back to light and so on. Within these waves, the souls, the dreams, the love, the anguish and the energies of billions of beings riding these waves all in an effort not to be pulled into the riptide of negativity. Common fact, we all struggle in various in various degrees, some more than others but we all need to keep trying or we can get sucked under. Our efforts in riding these waves may seem futile at times but it is only with some effort will you at least be able to survive. The key is not blind optimism but in a steady resolve with a kind and compassionate heart. We are all expert surfer dudes and dudettes but at times we may be a bit shaky riding these waves. That is where as fellow compassionate surfers we keep a peripheral watch with our wave companions and lend our support when needed and warranted. Be careful out there today and cowabunga!

A new resolve...

By Vichara

Until we reach the dawn and greet it with open arms we will be only embracing darkness. Until we hear the sound and open up our hearts the silence will be deafening. Until we see through the fog of deception we will only be deluded. Until we taste the truth warmth of life all that we have ingested are cold scraps. There are times when we need to push ourselves from our complacency and engage ourselves to the next level. It may seem daunting, reaching into the unknown does have that effect, but unless this is ignited we remain stagnate. I hear “well what do I do”? “what shall I do”?, “I’m not sure which way to go”? Well pull up your socks, shakes off the dust that has settled on your shoulders and look up with the resolve to engage with something foreign to you today. Just one new thing. It may not pan out or it may but one thing is for sure whatever way it goes it will open up a new door to something else. Now get up and make sure your shoelaces are tied.


By Vichara

“Homework” even in the traditional sense is never done. There will always be something that you need to brush up on or learn and things you will need to teach to the many classes that pass through your home. Then there is the homework of the heart. The bell may have rung, the classroom empty but there are lessons we have been given that need to be processed. The episodes of the day where personal interactions left you contemplating their meaning. The moment unexpected when someone really needed your help. The look that someone you never met before gave you in that brief conversation. That one comment that left you feeling good about everything. All of these equations and problems will only need one formula to be used to process, gain understanding and receive the answers and that is the formula of the compassionate heart. Used for many centuries this formula will take any problem and render it clearer and understandable. The magical thing is that we already know this formula; we just need to take it out more often and use it.