Our bodies, our machines...

By Vichara

Our body is a time machine created for a single journey. We see the events of history, the joys of life, the tragic and the beauty all from these ocular cells placed strategically in this organic collection of cells, blood an bones. When this machine is new it is awkward and not easy to manipulate. With no written users manual to guide us how to use this machine we sometimes will have system errors and will damage some of the moving parts. A re-boot or rest will rectify things to its almost original order. The on-board memory system is truly a remarkable piece of this machine. It somehow has built-in remnants of historical data that can moralistically guide this machine through sets of problems and circumstances and increase the wisdom of its guidance components. Studies and historical data do tell us that we need to use these machines wisely. We must pay attention how we utilize this machine and use the upgrades of Love, Patience and Compassion to its full functionality. This machine runs better with these and complies with all necessary state and universal regulations.

The whispers of today...

By Vichara

The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you (and others) through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear observe it in the light of brave honesty to see it clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to the delusion of what is forced upon us from outside forces; media, friends and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you have needed or someone else has. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only to ourselves but with others around us and to plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.

Reflection point road markers...

By Vichara

As I “sat” I looked down at the little book I write these “thoughts” in and staring back at me was this blank page. I thought – perfect! This blank page is a fresh start and a new day. In essence a whole new beginning. How could I convey this in a meager written form and even if I could would it contain enough commonalities to be understood? We are given this with each day “____________________” and we have a tendency to produce this “@#**5$&^***!^?:” by the end of each day. So how can we keep at least some of the openness that is given to us from turning into this consistent frenetic jungle of clanging noise? At this point in writing this I must admit I feel I have painted myself into a corner. But no it is not a corner but a reflection point and perhaps the answer to the question from above. If by spontaneously installing reflection points (like road-side rest stops) throughout our day perhaps there we can recharge and remind ourselves that we all have the opportunity for a fresh start at any point in the day. I’m not completely sure but…I’m looking at a blank page again.

A well-tempered path...

By Vichara

Our persistence can be our friend or enemy…depending how it is tempered. We can have the drive and desire but if we approach our intended goal like a bull in a china shop we will leave and unpleasant wake. With a clear demarcation point that is not physically or mentally cluttered and a sure steady confident stride that is cognizant will open up the path in front of you. Yes there will be distractions that try to throw you off but your persistence centered with a good heart will keep the momentum going. If you need to change course do so but always be cognizant that your steps are not based in delusion but with clarity of the heart.

Your "voice"...

By Vichara

Your “voice” is unique and there will never be another one like…ever. There is a tendency by some either by some emotional upheaval or a past event to diminish the importance of your voice. It may have been constricted by a parent, relative, teacher or a collection of all of them but more than likely someone you knew. Being cut off from the fuel of confidence your voice became thinner and small but no matter what happened it is still there and can be heard and wants to be heard. I am not advocating an over the top presence, bordering on obnoxious - no, more like a tempered voice of confidence supported by joie de vivre. Your existence, this life and your voice will never happen again, give it the life it deserves and speak up. Don’t be afraid. We all have merit and have something to say.

A myopic shift...

By Vichara

It is not the past that comes back to haunt you, it’s the present revealing the reality of the moment through the lens of accumulative events. Your life up to this moment is how you reflect and project how you perceive. It may be a bit selfish but there is an integral element of self preservation locked into our vision. Given the need to build a bridge of cooperation, even more so today, it would be advantageous to bring in a greater element of empathy into our lives. By incorporating this we can shift our myopic view of the world to a broader out reach of compassion and cooperation. While never really an easy task to incorporate another person’s views, it is imperative so we shift our isolationist vision to a more universal understanding.


By Vichara

I was sitting here half expecting in some strange way for the page to start writing the “thought” by itself. But then I thought isn’t that just the way we do expect things to happen all the time, don’t we? We expect the sun will rise in the morning, we expect the coffee to be good and hot, we expect people to do what is asked and required of them. We have expectations about expectations and expectations are not met more expectations of how it should go. Should we acquiesce to the way it just goes or should we dig deeper and possibly try to straighten out the road that became winding with hidden curves. Perhaps it all comes down to if we really expect our expectations to be met and resolutions to be found. What is the definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results? Perhaps it is time to find a new way with one expectation – clarity.

The latest rumor...

By Vichara

Is there any truth to the rumor? I’m sure you may have heard a little about it in passing. Someone told me that it was on the news last night just after the weather forecast. I did receive a text message from a pal in Europe that has been hearing the same thing over there as well. I know it may be hard to believe and that any such notion needs to be met with a certain amount of skepticism. I mean really, can we believe what this rumor is stating has any truth to it? I know that some would consider it just plain naïve to have such a notion and for others it would be just ridiculous. Who would have started a rumor that “Love, Patience and Compassion” are the key elements to unlocking human potential? That with these three plugged into our hearts and minds creates the possibility of positive change for all? I mean are they CRAZY!?

A change...

By Vichara

With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitude that we seemed to adopt over the years has robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push aside the clutter of negativity that can sometimes gather and engage in more fulfilling use of our time? I know it can be difficult and one day melds into another. I believe that as the food and water we ingest to sustain our bodies we also need belief and wonder to be a part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place of gathering beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A gathering place that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment.

Your sheer will...

By Vichara

We are superstitious about superstitions; Don’t step on the crack unless you… Throw the salt over your shoulder… Turn around three times and spit… Rub the rabbit foot… Don’t let a black cat cross… We use incantations, spells and chanting all in the attempt for the most part to stop something from happening to you, friends or family member. In others words trying to control what may be unavoidable…or not. While many cultures have their talismans and prayers at the core of these attempts to change the outcome is the sheer will. That is it. It is not that any one object contains magical properties; it is the focus of sheer will that will be effective with the outcome. If you want to change you can. Step by step do the work to get it done. Inch by inch gather your tools to build a better foundation. Don’t kill another rabbit for its foot – do the work yourself!

The good fuel...

By Vichara

It has been said, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp”. But what are you reaching for? Is the quest moral in nature, frivolous in content or is this drive to go farther propelled by a “good” heart not fully realized. While yes we are never quite sure what lies in front of us, this is always conditional and will turn on a dime, there must be at it’s core the accelerant fused with love, compassion and patience - the good fuel. By firing the engines of our quest this way we will be given more of an opportunity to reach father to those answers and wishes than before. But this again circles back to what are we reaching for? What is it that we hope to find? What is the ultimate goal? No single person except yourself can answer that but you can be sure that by using the “good fuel” you will intuitively know when you reach your destination.

Key to true happiness...

By Vichara

Is there a key to true happiness? So many books, TV shows and magazines all of them claiming to know the key to happiness that will change all our lives forever. While admirable in their attempt this topic has been investigated by hundreds and hundreds of people, both young and old for centuries. And here I believe as simple and naïve as it may seems, is the key. There is no one key to happiness. With every individual person there is an individual key, unique to that person. As much as their may be commonalities that we may all share in one way or another, when we try to apply one measurement to all it will fail. The one thing that I do believe we all can agree on is the foundation where happiness can flourish is when each person can maintain love, hope and compassion for all others seeking their key to happiness.

Spiritual farmers...

By Vichara

While conflict can be the fodder for solution at what price do you pay physically, emotionally and spiritually? You will attempt to cut back the weeds to root out answers but seedlings of more and more weeds will still exist. And while you are diligent and try to sustain a concerted effort to clear the garden, lying deep they still exist. Sometimes you just need to till the soil until hopefully all the undesired seedlings have been exposed to the air and sunlight of resolution. From here cracked and dry they will fade away for good. Although you can be diligent with the farming of your actions it will be necessary to retain a membership with others to maintain the fortitude you need for each day. A spiritual co-op with like minds that will help you, others and maintain the fields of reason.

Your "wake"...

By Vichara

Be cognizant of your own wake, both internally and externally. Internally in your thoughts that you do not create deceptive and negative thoughts that will impede the growth of your heart and keep it from compassionate actions. Externally with your voice and actions so that words and deeds will not hinder another's growth. You have a choice, your wake can create a malicious intent or it can ply the waters of life with grace tempered by love, patience and compassion. It's up to you, you're in control.

The way...

By Vichara

“The way is not difficult for someone without preferences”. In all of our activities there are expectations. When something confronts us we of course place values, is it good or bad, desired or undesired, irritating or non-irritating. By placing these judgments on every one of these situations we obscure what truly is happening. Another way is to accept all that you like and dislike with equanimity. This is not an acquiescence or passive resignation, this is acceptance of things as they are. If things are unencumbered by expectations and judgments then there are possibilities of solutions being found by this intuitive nature we all have.

The truth...

By Vichara

Keeping a respectable distance from the truth is never a viable option. When a path needed to be taken contains hindrances to making the journey more fruitful, the truth needs to be known. If you were not told about known rough parts of the path, you would not be able to make allowances. If you were not told about the need for additional supplies and provisions, it would put an undue strain on the journey. The truth needs to known. The truth needs to be dealt with. The truth needs to be revealed and dealt with regardless. It is not knowing the complete picture is where the foundation of whatever path, journey or task falls apart. While yes there will be some unseen element it is what is known, the truth, that needs to be used as your guide.


By Vichara

There are many out there that feel the compulsion to be constantly informed with the latest news stories from around the globe. Most of them reported are negative. The need to know becomes an obsession to see the suffering of the world. Do we need to be informed of the suffering of the world? Do you not believe the world is suffering? Are you not clear with this concept? There is one thing to be informed but there is another thing to have this constant parade of suffering on your TV or radio all day long. Are you going to do anything to improve it? If not, stop watching it. You are not helping the situation for you or anyone else. Find one small way to change things around you for the better. Build on this foundation and the world will be transformed before your eyes.

On this "road"...

By Vichara

The “road” stretches out in front of us and we question which way to go. We seek guidance of direction for this journey from many sources in hope that whatever advice we have been given or follow will be right. It won’t be some of the time but that is just part of the plan. Mistakes will be made but it is wise not to discard them as they benefit you as much as the triumphs, in fact maybe even more. Sounds simple enough right? Sounds a bit remedial but we will sometimes forget this and fall again over the same “rock” in the road. Pick it up, put it in your “satchel of lessons learned” and take it with you. By having it’s figurative presence with you will raise the cognizant attention you will pay to similar situations and with the other lessons you have learned, lead to the most efficient and logical answers you need. The satchel will not get heavier but lighter. Simple yes, but good things to remember.


By Vichara

“Great understanding comes with great love.” Wisdom and compassion are inseparable. To be wise is to love and to love is to be wise. In this journey of cultivating a “good” and “honorable” life you begin to see that love is the quality of heart that unites us withy others and all of life. This essential ingredient is not something that should be parsed out but should be imbedded in each and every act that we do everyday. Fused not separate. The more bonded with all of our actions, the greater our understanding of the world increases. And as it increases the more the mind stills the thoughts that divide us and brings us to a greater unification through…love.

Action / Re-Action...

By Vichara

An action will have a re-action. That re-action will ignite another action. That action will inspire another re-action. From that re-action…while the action / re-action plays on let’s take a moment. While we ponder, muse and speculate the continuum toils on regardless. We may choose to believe that we can pull away and not be part of the fray but the fray will always find you. You may believe that some of life’s pageantry does not concern you but it will at some point. The action to extricate yourself from life is an action that is having a re-action, which is having another action (you get the picture). Every single molecule is interconnected so why not be a part of an action of change. Change that will improve and not tear down. Change that ignites the positive and not the negative. Of course you could turn away and close your door but of course that will have an action that causes a…