By Vichara
The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you and others through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear to be observe these thoughts in the light of brave honesty to see clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to delusion from what is forced upon us from outside forces like media, friends, enemies and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you or someone else may have needed. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only with ourselves but with others and plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.
By Vichara
Consider the minutes of the day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measure of as a dehydrated person does with a cup of water. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.
By Vichara
...the rope burned my hands from the approximately 10 - 15 feet I slid down it. At this point I just wanted to hang on regardless of the pain radiating through my palms. I had no choice. Without any knots on the thick rope and my weakened state I could not go up, I just needed to hold on. As I slowly spun around on this rope a fog enveloped all of my vantage points. I knew from where I came from there was an element of safety and comfort but now all around nothing was clear. So I hold on. I called out for help but the only thing that comes back to me is the echo of my voice. I need to do something but I am unsure. I can't just hang there sooner or later my resolve will give out and a decision will be made for me. Before I made this fateful step I was told by my guide that I needed to trust him and that he would not steer me wrong and put me in any danger. But hanging here with my fingers going numb I am not sure. He said that there are times when you needed to trust where you are being led. That the universe or whatever you may want to call it has at its core an altruistic spirit and does not deliberately want to harm you. It is you that does the harm and others who are only led by selfish desires that are empty. My guide told me that sometimes you just need to let go. Let go of what others think you should do. Let go of trying to hold on because life is impermanent and is constantly changing and in these changes you will find the answers you seek. They are not tucked away in the torn pages of the past or what you believe the future will be. At this point my labored breathing has drifted into a calm rhythm and I have stopped spinning around. I let go...
By Vichara
You will not be given a single thing in this life except opportunity…which is everything. Whatever misguided sense of entitlement that you believe is owed to you will only fail because of your unwillingness to see beyond the selfish personal barriers you have built. Whatever condition has greeted you in whatever part of this globe you live in there, opportunity will always be there. If you keep your “heart” open and invite those that will always cross your path they will always provide the “bridge” to the next path. From the most remote village to the hidden urban streets they are there. In the darkness that seems inescapable, they are there. In the cold that frightens you, they are there but you need to remove that cloak of anger and distain and be willing to at least meet them halfway. There is always a way out but you will need to take that first step.
By Vichara
I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.
By Vichara
As with everyday when I wake they stand silently on the shelf next to the bed. They are the Sherpas, the soldiers of truth, guideposts, lanterns of wisdom, stepping stones of knowledge, knaves, jests and they are probably the most dependable. Their names are sometimes recognizable and others are like kind old friends. Tolstoy, London, Marcus Aurelius, Huxley, Plato, Gandhi, Kierkegaard, Merton, Teresa Of Avila, Krishnamurti, Milarepa, Easwaran and Hildegard of Bingen. Like all good sentries and sages they await your approach, they do not actively solicit your attention. If you seek, they will provide but only when called upon. Their patience far exceeds anything you may have and if cared for will have great resilience. If you are seeking may I suggest amassing a few if these stalwarts of the printed page for your journey. If one does not provide all the answers they will lead you to one of its compatriots. The investment will be well worth the effort and you will be rewarded and guides to places…only read about.
By Vichara
The paddles were out, they charged it up to 360 jewels and there was a nervous, highly charged feeling in the air. Will this be enough? Clear!...nothing…clear!...nothing, one more time…clear!! Wait a minute I think I feel a pulse. It’s weak but it’s there. Our comrade has fallen but it seems that there is still hope. We have seen better days, better moments when the clouds broke open and the light shot through with confidence. Yes there were times before when our comrade seemed to be weak but fooled many of us and it can happen again. History has taught us there will always be adversaries of our dear friend but if we, and I mean every one of us, tried to find that linking point that does exist we could help sustain our friend’s heartbeat. It truly is not that hard. Just one single small act a day will sustain our friend. Come on Compassion; get up now and put your arms around our shoulders, we got you.
By Vichara
Love declares war! As of 3:14am today the United Forces of Love have declared war on the world and the elements of Evil, Apathy and Intolerance. In literally thousands of geographic areas of the world the Forces of Love have risen up. Tired and frustrated with the persecution these battalions of love and respect have taken up positions in every city, town, village, hamlet and hidden geographic zone. You will not be able to see them as they wear no uniform, carry no weapons and are not made up of any one sex, religion or belief system. They have been undercover but because of their name being manipulated and co-opted by the many devious cells of deceit. They have risen up to take back the world and restore the balance. There will be no bullets, no bombs, no fists, no screaming and no devastation. Instead these forces are moving with stealth-like manner and will stop until their mission is complete. They could be standing right next to you and you may not know it. They may be that person with the quiet smile or the glint in their eye. In fact you may be one of them! Rise up and join the Forces of Love! Do one act of love today and join us to take over….THE WORLD!!!!!!
By Vichara
The impatient Moon left early. It something about getting home to deal with some family issues. The Sun was a little preoccupied with some issues that involved a couple of stars, which left a slight void in the morning light. So while we sat and waited Reflection and his pal Perception came along, mostly to get a cup of good coffee. They decided to sit for a moment while they could but Reflection was mired in a couple of things that happened days earlier with something that would have happened if such and such said this and that to someone. Reflection rocked back and forth and picked at this one spot on the top of the wooden picnic table that we were sharing. Perception was being patient and sat with a pleasant smile and enjoying the African blend of coffee. Then Reflection let out a yelp having picked at the wood so much that a splinter slid itself under the fingernail. Perception calmly grabbed Reflection’s injured finger and said “good! you’re with us now and focused on one thing in the present”. With that pulled the wooden shard out and said “it is too bad that it takes something so jarring and painful to bring you to the present”. The nattering past and the impatient future are not relevant when your attention is needed now, here in the present. And who wants to keep getting splinters to figure that out.
By Vichara
There are many times and points in the day where it truly feels like we are all isolated islands floating throughout the day without barely connecting to each other’s shorelines. There is even a feeling I get that if there was no pressing need to many would be quite content to just float on through the day until the reach the harbor of slumber land. Is it fear, apathy or through the many years of bumping and floating about that you feel that you are not going to be accepted as you are? Your island is unique as with the billions of other islands out there but we are connected by the ocean of communication that can be at times choppy, dark and difficult to maneuver. However there are ways to reach each other’s shorelines without too many shipwrecks. As quoted here before each one of us needs to be kind to each other because we are all dealing with our own battles. With that recognition there is a chance that you see the waters become clearer and less troublesome and opportunities are created to see another’s shoreline without judgment and expectation.
By Vichara
There are many of us that walk blindly with this body believing we have infinite time. But as a dear friend once said “you’re only immortal, for a limited time”. This delusionary state of believing that this existence will not end is just feeding into the bucket fears that have developed over the years. This dance we have been participating in will certainly end as surly as the sun will set so how we dance is the key. Do you dance with indifference and intolerance or do you dance with joy and appreciation? Do you choose to be a wallflower or to seek out many partners and embrace this existence with such exuberance that by the shear embracing of this side of the coin compels our appendages to shake and ripple with happiness? Because ultimately this is our goal to be happy, do no harm to others and dance as many dances that we can participate in everyday. See you out on the dance floor…
By Vichara
There are many of us that walk blindly with this body believing we have infinite time. But as a dear friend once said “you’re only immortal, for a limited time”. This delusionary state of believing that this existence will not end is just feeding into the bucket fears that have developed over the years. This dance we have been participating in will certainly end as surly as the sun will set so how we dance is the key. Do you dance with indifference and intolerance or do you dance with joy and appreciation? Do you choose to be a wallflower or to seek out many partners and embrace this existence with such exuberance that by the shear embracing of this side of the coin compels our appendages to shake and ripple with happiness? Because ultimately this is our goal to be happy, do no harm to others and dance as many dances that we can participate in everyday. See you out on the dance floor…
By Vichara
If you going to fish for the big questions in life, you need to make sure you have the right kind of bait. Every good fisherman knows that before you go out to catch a specific fish that you do your research and ensure you have the right bait that will attract what you are trying to catch. The same thing applies when you are serious about finding the answers to life's challenging questions. Of course the debate among life fisherman is what is the right bait but I believe the majority can agree on the following to catch the "Big Fish"; an understanding of the reality of life and the way things are without name or label. Holding a commitment to an ethical life and the intention to live a life of good will. Don't indulge in idle talk or gossip. Act kindly and compassionately and do no harm to other beings. Walk a path in which you mindfully cultivate a good respectable life in your daily actions. Make an effort to be truthful and honest everyday. Be mindful and fully present when engaged with others. If you are "there"' they will be "there". And keep focused and passionate with life, for all we know it is the only one given. Of course the one thing that all good fisherman know is needed with any fishing trip is patience. Without patience we cannot be still enough to allow the "Big Fish" to come near the hook of understanding that has been dropped in the frenetic sea.
By Vichara
A perfect world does not and cannot exist. Impermanence will never allow it. It is not that impermanence is some physical entity, it is a conditional partner in each and every strand of the fabric of life. Because as soon as it is "born" it all starts to deteriorate and breakdown. There is no stopping it, there is no talking to it. There is no way to reason with it. You need to just accept the fact that perfect does not exist. You can have joy and happiness and things can be absolutely wonderful but the moment after it is already a memory predisposed to the impermanent condition that exists. This is not to paint a dark picture or to bring you down. Far from that this is a reminder and encouragement to make the most of each moment. Make the life you want happen. And with that you give birth to other wonderful moments that gather together to get you as near as it can to perfection can get. But that's it and that is as perfect as it will ever get but isn't that worth it?
By Vichara
Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed, safely lean into each curve and be cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit. It will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements. There will be barkers that will insist you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise, as they will have you trade your sense of well-being for the vacuous glitter of gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage your intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.
By Vichara
You need to be relentless and courageous with your heart and get off the sofa of complacency. As sure as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west if there is not full engagement with your heart and the world around you will no doubt have regrets later on. You may not think so and believe that you are engaged now but if there was even the slightest hint of defense and justification as you read the first sentence here then I would place a good bet that you may not be totally. Perhaps there is more you can do to open yourselves up to the possibilities. And what are the "possibilities" you may ask? A very good question and I'm glad you asked. The answer is...I don't know! It's up to you. Each and every one of you is a complete individual and while there may be similarities with us each one of us has a deeper core that when engaged will light us up like a 10,000 watt bulb. What will engage you may not engage me but unless you are relentless with your heart and to love and be loved you will may not smash through that barrier and hit the button of engagement that will light that bulb. So come on, open yourself to those possibilities...wherever and whatever they are.
By Vichara
We are a culture that needs content. A blank "spot" in our day would frighten so many. To actually have nothing going on for a space of time would be very unsettling for a great number of you out there. Perhaps having to face a blank spot would force us to confront what is going on with ourselves and force us to listen to something other than mindless babble emanating from al the devices that we feel we need to plug into everyday. I was with a few people yesterday, all of them equally equipped with a mobile device. The entire time I was with them there was constant bleeping and buzzing calling them like the sirens on the rocks from Jason and the Argonauts. Demanding their attention. There is this compulsion to be connected and for what, another mundane inane missive? Yes there are some that are in the need to have such technology with them to address situations that warrant attention but for the most part I would guess that it is not necessary all the time. I am not a Luddite and afraid of technology. In fact I wrote this on an iPad and send it to this site wirelessly. I firmly believe that even though all of this technology is a wonderful thing we need time to unplug, step back and allow the world to unfold with all of the 0's and 1's. I know this may sound old-school-hippie-dippie but give yourself a break and unplug. Find a park, a field, a beach, anywhere and let the sound of the world, the sound of reality speak to you...even for a short time. I think you may like what it has to say to you.
By Vichara
I would like to take a moment to quote from one of my favorite spiritual writers, Eknath Easwaran. If you are not familiar with this wonderful professor I highly recommend his writings.
“So much energy is spent on trying to rise above the fray in order to understand our place in our own lifetime. We are also bound by the limitations that time places on our body and mind. With the fuse lit when we are born we most of the time fail to see the lit fuse until there is very little of it before we combust from this world to the next.”
I know that it may seem difficult to do but try to recognize that your “fuse” is lit. Not to create a heightened sense of urgency but to enhance the quality of each moment. To elevate the presence of each day from a series of mundane moments to a cavalcade of joy
By Vichara
I know that this will sound naive and simplistic but life is just not fair. With the vast number of things the world has to offer to see, hear, taste and touch it is a shame that these physical vessels that we are given are so frail that they break down and die too soon. I see someone like my own grandfather that lost his wife and was given so many more years of existence but without his partner. My sister who gave so much but was only given 43 years to experience this world. Then there are the countless children brought into this world and only given a brief moment before they are taken away. I know it is all part of the so-called circle of life but considering the previously mentioned vast number of things to experience that it would be fair for all of us to live to be at least 100 years. In Malaysia there grows what is considered the world's largest flower. The Rafflesia flower can grow 30 inches in diameter but this stunning miracle of nature is only located in is part of the world and only lasts for a few days. All that beauty for such a short time. Could you imagine how much more you could garner with more time. The shear volumes of knowledge and wisdom accumulated and shared. See if you might agree these flowers of life we are all given should have more than just a few days then we are granted on this planet.
By Vichara
You can't fear getting on the bus. You can't just sit waiting at the bus stop for what you believe is the "right" bus. Sometimes you just need to get on and go. The bus will sometimes stall and you may need to get off. But there will be other times when the bus will connect with another one that will take you on a new adventure. You cannot have fear hold you back from getting on board. The bus may be a bit scary when it pulls up but it will be up to you to work together with others to change the ride from fear and trepidation to adventure and transcendence. Get on board...we are waiting.
By Vichara
Prisoners of time. We are all subject to and part of this brother/sisterhood. Bound by the minutes, the seconds and the sands as they trickle down from an unseen personal timepiece. Our existence here on this plane is subject to some mystical biological clock that we have no choice of seeing or knowing. While pondering this may induce hyperventilation to some, let’s use this striking point and reinvent our days for a change. When the alarm rouses us from our slumbering state, envision that moment in your mind’s eye as a ticket for today’s ride. This is your ticket, purchased by your own personal thoughts and intent subject to the fine print on the back. Don’t bother turning the ticket over to read, everyone has the same terms and conditions – Keep a good heart, good thoughts, good speech, good actions and good intent and the ride will be good.
By Vichara
Just by walking around, we change the world. Our presence here is the culmination of a billion factors that has resulted in this living being that can take a thought and inspire. Take a hand and support those in need. Make someone laugh and turn around his or her day. Hold that one that is sad and make them feel wanted. So much riding on simple gestures but as you heard before, the simple can be so profound. In our compassionate wake we can change the world by just walking around.
By Vichara
What happened to you from yesterday? All the troubles, the toils, the laughter and the love that careened and enveloped you. All of what transpired are just echoes now fading off to some place in your memory. What will be retained and what will slip off forever never to be remembered is all of you from yesterday and now today greets you. Sometimes like a happy puppy wagging it’s tail or like some sad urchin unsure of it’s steps. But it has arrived. In whatever state it has arrived and it wants your attention. Regardless of what you believe is going on today you will need to be present. If you just sit there obsessing with echoes from yesterday you will just get mired down. You need to move forward. Yesterday has no future and tomorrow has no past. Today is a persistent and present reminder of what you can potentially do with your life. Step forward, not backwards.