By Vichara
Keep your eyes & ears open as much as you can folks because what you see and hear in this second, this minute, this hour will never, ever happen again…ever. It is just part of he wonderful kaleidoscopic ephemeral universe that we all and I mean all, live in. At the core and the key to all of this and the basic element is to be cognizant of this with the simple act of mindfulness with each minute and hour. I know, I know easier said than done right? But even driving we can practice mindfulness and try to arrive peacefully. The wonderful meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanah suggests that even at a red light we can practice. The red light can be used as a signal, a reminder that there is tension in your body from possibly needing to get somewhere. Use the 10 seconds at the red light to practice some mindful breathing and release the tension in your body. And with the number of red lights we face we might even arrive peacefully.
By Vichara
There are some days I feel like saying I've seen enough and if what I have seen was recorded on some hard drive somewhere I would ask just to play back the good parts. I know that this is not how it goes but it is just an exhausted wish not to see anymore violence, hatred, self-centeredness and the myriad forms of abuse that keeps getting re-invented. What is it when it can be clearly seen but those that act out in destructive ways will do it anyway regardless that they know it will cause pain. Is there some twisted delusional belief that this time the horrible act they are about to commit will be considered by those around them as ok and justified? Those with a good decent moral nature will know that is not true but like water rushing over a rock surface eventually it wears down and breaks. Let's not break! Let's not get worn down by what we see around us and try to retain a strong union of compassion that can be an example to those contemplating abusive acts that there is another way. Yes it may seem that we keep seeing the same bad movie and TV shows but let's try to show with a compassionate union that there are more than one way to direct a scene in this movie of life.
By Vichara
Depending on when you read this “thought” your day may have either just started or maybe drawing to a close. If the curtain of the day has just been pulled back you have an opportunity to set your course with the right intent. Now here at this point many of us may get overwhelmed in the list we may mentally create. We may get all excited and the laundry list of actions we may want to follow backs us into a corner of inactivity. Stop! Before this happens breathe and focus on maybe just one for the day. Temper your persistence with patience. Be more open to things difficult to understand. Just something that can act as one guidepost in your journey. Something that will make the day more substantive rather than vacuous. And for those reading this at the end of the day, set your sails with honest reflection on what you can do tomorrow. Either way guide your intent with compassion.
By Vichara
When it really comes down to it all in this life there is only two things that we want…to be loved and respected. To you, быть полюбленным и уважать and to you, zu geliebt werden und respektiert werden and for you, om worden gehouden en worden geëerbiedigd and to you, 将被爱和被尊敬. Love – to know that this very primal element has been met and fulfilled and from receiving love it opens up the doors so that we can extent love. Respected – to know that the sum total of our acts and actions have not been a complete waste of time and have had some sense of value. Because when it really comes down to that final moment, that final breath, that final thought and that final last thing you see it doesn’t matter how much you physically have amassed it is love and respect that will matter the most. As I have quoted before from a dear friend “you never see a U-Haul truck following a hearse”. This is not to say we should all be ascetics and lives sparingly (unless you want to). Enjoy what you have but know that it just physical and it suffers from the same kind of impermanence that you do and we all do. It might be smarter and more rewarding not to invest in so many physical things and invest your time and energy in the Bank of Love and Respect. It will yield a higher interest rate for the portfolio of your life.
By Vichara
When you are designing your life it helps to have a greater vision with an end point in mind. I was told this many, many years ago. I stressed and obsessed about this and was deeply concerned that I had no idea how to design anything in life. I thought books may be the key and so I dove into various pools of thought. Sure I got wet with the words printed on the pages but I must admit that there was times I felt I was drowning. There were others suggesting various faiths and that their faith would hold the key for me. Sure all of them were inspiring in their own way but I was not inspired by the dogmatics and conditions that were part of these faiths. Was I being difficult? Probably, but if your search and your journey are important to you are you willing to settle for anything less than the path that inspires you? I would think not. I believe that if you stoke the engine of your life with C.L.R (compassion, love and respect) it will propel you with enough energy down this path to any end point you may envision for yourself. One thing...don't forget to look out the windows and to the scenery along the way.
By Vichara
We trip over our insecurities and receive bruises from remarks from others, but we survive. We will stutter from heartbreak and bump into hard truths, but we survive. We may not see our limitations until it is too late, but we manage to survive. These encounters are just pages turning into chapters turning into bound experiences that create the library of our unique lives. Some of the pages may seem to be a bit ragged and tattered but we should not tear them out and throw them away. They are as important as the front and back covers and complete the story. Today starts a new chapter with fresh new pages that have just been given to you. It is up to you to illustrate them with as much candor and compassion as you can muster. Oh and by the way, it is ok to color outside the lines…it’s your book.
By Vichara
It’s one thing to acknowledge another one’s existence on the external level without too much fanfare; it is to acknowledge that person’s internal existence without judgment is where the challenge exists. The physical form is just a collection of bones, skin and blood adorned with fabrics but what that person believes in, dreams about and feel can seem as vast and large as looking out into the ocean. Some things people believe in we will not totally understand because each of our personal experiences and how they are personally interpret them. But here is the tripping point and if we stop, listen and try to understand we can find the commonalities that we could share. From there will be a starting point that will ignite the conversation not to argument and disagreement but to understanding and compassion.
By Vichara
For most of us we are very lucky to wake surrounded by a physical structure that protects us. The wood, metal, paint, plaster and tiles that are skillfully layered to layer us with a barrier to the outside elements. For some others, not so lucky. In additions to these layers that protect us we also have another set. Our skin, hair, bones, blood and nails provide the protection of an internal physical form. All of these layers of protection to protect what? This tangled, complicated collection of internal organs that we call me and you. Is all the intricate latticework that make these miraculous things called me and you worth all of this? Unless we are contributing even in a small positive way I am not sure. Those of us who are older can look back and review the catalog of our lives to assess the net worth of our actions and determine our contribution. This who are younger can take stock of where they have been so far and making a commitment to integrity and compassion in the future. Making a pact with themselves as we all should no matter what our position in life is and to respect this opportunity we have been given with these bodies and minds. No matter where you are on this planet let us try to do something today to help someone or something out in a positive way. It sometimes seem so easy to be selfish and harder to give. Easy to destroy, harder to create. But let's try to reverse this even in a small way to justify all of this hard work it took to build these layers of protection.
By Vichara
You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm but it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.
By Vichara
When I “sit” some mornings the thoughts sometimes come and natter away at something that needs to be taken care of or with what needs to be said to somebody. They spin around and mingle with each other thoughts and create an internal cacophony like sirens on the rocks that tempted and called out to sailors in sea-faring legends. These thoughts can lure you into choppy waters of indecision and mire you into confusion until you are not sure which way is the safe shoreline. Steering away from these sirens and choppy waters may seem difficult but it is a requirement and essential to your survival. It is when you can see the single waves approaching are you able to steer to the shores of equanimity. How do you get to these calmer waters? Drift out farther from the chaotic shoreline to get a better perspective. Solutions that matter will only appear when you rest in calmer waters and when you distance yourself away from the chaotic shoreline we all encounter.
By Vichara
How defined are you with what you want in life? Is there at least some plan, some roadmap of what paths will be taken? Of course there will be doubts and questions and moments where you may feel disjointed. All great journeys start with the small pieces of inspiration that reside in different places that will need a guiding hand to come together. At these times you may need to just stand on the figurative hillside like a shepherd looking down on his scattered flock. You observe where all of your flock are and strategically and patiently bring them all together for the journey with love, patience and compassion. With these three things as your guiding principles what was once ill defined will be defined and what was once was lost will be found.
By Vichara
Reflection is a powerful tool. Out of chaos comes those moments of lucidity that will guide your heart and hands to a neutral space. A neutral place where answers, solutions and just plain common sense resides. Here is a suggestion for you today. Everyone should stop for at least 30 minutes from doing anything and just sit and think. Now daydreaming while driving the car doesn’t count. I’m talking about finding a spot wherever you feel comfortable and somewhere with little distractions and just reflect, think and allow the channel that gets closed down with all of our activities to be open even if it is just a little while. Our days can sometimes get shot out of a cannon and the frenetic energy of communication devices keeps propelling us in many directions and talking to people who are not even there. Turn them ALL off! Let them sit idle for awhile and allow the natural synapse that engage your brain to breathe and give back to you what is rightfully yours – thought.
By Vichara
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that posed the question “Who would Jesus bomb?” Yes I remember my Sunday school days and recall the story of Jesus getting royally pissed off that some moneychangers and merchants set up shop in the local church. Perceived as disrespectful he kicked over their tables and their collective asses out into the streets. He was making a point but given the option and his penchant for peace I am not quite sure if given the opportunity that the J-Man would drop a bomb on anyone. His tools, as with great “teachers”, were the words he spoke and how they affected those around him without permanent physical damage. There have been so many great teachers throughout history and even now that use words to make changes for the good in people and better for your health than bombs. Besides the many passages in the Bible there is the Vedas, Qur’an, Talmud, Buddhist texts, Confucius, Plato, Emerson, the Gita, Marcus Aurelius, Gandhi, Huxley, the Dalai Lama and so many more. Perhaps if you feel your arsenal is low or depleted you could turn to the words of wisdom in some of these texts to fill the chambers of your armaments. Wouldn’t it be good if those in places of power would choose these methods instead of being reactionary and using more physically permanent forms of communication?
By Vichara
We are the rivers where possibilities could flow but we continue to build dams of doubt. Our expert ability to create diversions and fear can keep us just an arm’s length away and in most cases can be changed by one thing – a change in perception. If we believe we cannot accomplish a task or a dream we won't try and we will live in regret. I know that this thought is not something new but it is a very good reminder. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way in order to realize something. That is not to say there will not be a certain degree of difficulty and work that will be needed. When you remove the obstacle of yourself you will grasp the steps needed to go forward. You may not be able to do everything but at least you are stepping up on a clear vista of opportunity where you can walk away knowing that you were not the hindrance in your own river.
By Vichara
You can’t fear getting on the bus. You can’t just sit waiting at the bus stop waiting for what you believe is the right bus. Sometimes you just need to get on and go. Sometimes the bus will stall and you may need to get off the bus. Then there will be other times when the bus you are on connects with another one that will take you on a new adventure. You cannot have fear hold you back from getting on board. The bus may be a bit scary when it pulls up but it will be up to you to work together with others on the bus to change the ride from fear and trepidation to adventure and transcendence.
By Vichara
…and then it may go like this; you are walking along minding your own business, not troubled in your comfy shoes and you trip. There was no object in front of you, no sudden blinding light or loud noise. It was this occasional acquaintance called cognizant reality. Oh it may appear to be non-threatening and it may even have an air of friendliness to it but you know behind that neutral demeanor that there is a message going to be delivered to you. Just like when you open this web link you don’t know what you will encounter. What will this message be? What will it want to convey to you? All of these encounters and what they may want to offer to you will be solely dependent on your level of acceptance. Duh! of course you say to yourself. But you may be surprised that sometimes that a great message may be delivered to you and because of your level of openness appear blank to you. I know I am stating the obvious but I thought I would take this forum to remind ourselves to be a little more open to the world around us and what it offers to us everyday…if we listen.
By Vichara
With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitudes that we seem to adopted over the years have robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push to the side the clutter of negativity that we can sometimes gather and create the needed space to engage in a more fulfilling use of our time? I know that it can be difficult and the days melds into another and you feel like you are repeating the same exact scene over and over again but we should make an effort. Food and water we ingest sustains us but there is also a need for belief and wonder to be part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place to gather that is beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A place of that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment. Perhaps this is called – friendship?
By Vichara
Is there a measuring device that gives you a tangible measurement of how much you love another individual? A system of weights and measures where you could place the degree of affection on a balanced instrument and it would detail back the proof of how much? When you tell a loved one how much you love them is there a degree in the pitch and timbre that assures them how much you do? What degree of conviction will ensure that the strength of your love is felt and understood? Perhaps the only way that this could be achieved is in a unified consistency regardless of incidents and circumstances. We all know that there will be times when things will happen that will make you or others question the degree of love but all of those are temporary. When it comes down to it I guess the only way to measure love is knowing…that you can. Great gestures of love are obvious but even what may be perceived as a small gesture can turn the world of one heart.
By Vichara
Did you know that if you were...I saw this article last night where...can you believe that they said on the news last night...what a wonderful surprise it was to sad that it happened to...oh they are so happy you just want this is not rantings from an ADD world but fragments that characterize how I experience the actions of individuals I meet. Now this may not be how it is everywhere that would be a generalization but in this text-tablet-laptop world distractions are abundant. Fragmentation of conversations, tasks and actions all seem to be commonplace. I guess the assumption is that our gadgetry can multiple-task on multiple levels that these organic bodies should be able to do so as well. While we are a resilient species I believe we need to instill and maintain the need to complete things that we start. Our distractions come from the fear that we may be missing out on something so we try to keep up with a megabyte world. We are humanoid, not android. Finish what you started today or...
By Vichara
As I “sat” I looked down at the little book I write these “thoughts” in and staring back at me was this blank page. I thought – perfect! This blank page is a fresh start and a new day. In essence a whole new beginning. How could I convey this in a meager written form and even if I could would it contain enough commonalities to be understood? We are given this with each day “____________________” and we have a tendency to produce this “@#**5$&^***!^?:” by the end of each day. So how can we keep at least some of the openness that is given to us from turning into this consistent frenetic jungle of clanging noise? At this point in writing this I must admit I feel I have painted myself into a corner. But no it is not a corner but a reflection point and perhaps the answer to the question from above. If by spontaneously installing reflection points (like road-side rest stops) throughout our day perhaps there we can recharge and remind ourselves that we all have the opportunity for a fresh start at any point in the day. I’m not completely sure but…I’m looking at a blank page again.
By Vichara
We take in one breath; we give out one breath. We take in one good act; we give out one good act. Wait a minute…do you? Have you reached some kind of balance like this? Do you return to the world a positive / good act when you know that you have received one yourself? It doesn’t necessarily need to be an exact equal. There is not a requirement that all gestures need to be grand in return. I’m only checking in with not only myself but with all of you as well. Even just simple genuine smiles that acknowledge the other person’s existence and at least let them know that you know. You know that truly the only path of fulfilled existence is not to take these moments of breathing and reading these words given to us for granted. That you know that even when the obstacles that do seem to trip us up that we will be able to recognize these obstacles. And in this act can rise up taller with a compassionate gait and traverse them with minimal effort. Be cognizant of the wake from your existence and make an effort to ply these waters with a little more compassion today.