By Vichara
Is all of this_________worth it? Is the frustration of _________really necessary? Can there be a better way of doing________? How much more of _________can go on? Is there a way to alter__________? Questions with holes. Vacancies where logic has been disgarded because of laziness to develop and implement a prudent alternative. There is only so many hours, minutes, seconds that are delivered to us on a silver plate everyday. If we choose to abandon them to do nothing we have only ourselves to blame when nothing happens. Do you really want to say to yourself you have done nothing today? Tell that to the young kid who has been told he only has maybe 2 years left to live. Tell that to the little girl that has been told that education is not necessary for her. Tell that to yourself as you throw away good food while there is need. It doesn’t take much. Do a little something or just have___________________.
By Vichara
This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.
By Vichara
I think therefore I believe. I believe therefore I act and I act when I believe it’s the right thing to do. Like Atticus Finch (from To Kill A Mockingbird) you strip away the absurdities and intolerance and expose the facts. These facts become the tools you use to pull back the curtain to the truth. If there is any lack of confidence or doubt preserve your strength until you gain the fortitude and knowledge that what you hold has merit and weight. I know that this may seem daunting and unobtainable but like any athlete you use patient methodical training using the pyramid points of power, Love, Patience and Compassion and you will achieve the strength and perception you need. Strength based in compassion will always have more sustainable power then strength with intolerance.
By Vichara
There are times when a renovation job needs to be done on us. I’m not talking about a physical overall as in the cosmetic surgery, although sometimes a new haircut can be fun. No I’m talking about a review of the floor plan of your heart and spirit. To really sit with yourself and see what walls need to be torn down and which parts need to be re-enforced. Yes, it is like when you decide to change the physical structure you live in to accommodate the changes with the way you live or with your family. Some things need to just go to make room for the changes. You are of course not the same person that you were 10 years ago. Hell, you are not even the same person from 10 minutes ago. There will be times when you should call in the architect, contractor, plasterer, painter and decorator to overall parts of your spiritual structure to gain a new perspective on how you see the world.
By Vichara
Dispense with the fragments and shards of yesterday, they will not fit into what today brings. They may seem small and translucent but they carry remnants of thoughts that sit heavy in your pockets and will throw off your balance. It is not to be said that they could have some merit they just need to be processed through the filter of being “present” now in order for them to be useful. Regardless this new day that has unfolded into your hands is another gift that has been given to you. There may not be a big fanfare (other than your alarm clock or a nudge from your cat or dog) but it will most definitely be a parade. Yes there will be lions and tigers of conflict but there will also be horses of reason, elephants of patience and giraffes of vision. You will need to don the barker’s hat to assume control of this cacophony of sound and vision because you know what is coming next…that car full of clowns that will most assuredly contain the surreal and the needed levity. Step right up folks your day has started.
By Vichara
Try this exercise…repeat the word “sorry” 25 times without stopping. Finished? I bet half way through the word “sorry” became a jumble of words and syllables and maybe at the end you forgot the word. Without being mindful of our words and action both will lose their meaning and importance. Be cognizant of your words and temper your actions with a mindful heart.
By Vichara
We hold on to that one cup of water so tight in fear that we sometimes don’t realize that there is a whole ocean right behind us. We assume limitations when there is the contrary that is ever-present. We hang on to the “fear” because for some that has been the most tangible thing that has been present. With fear you will always have limitations and restrictions on how far your heart and mind will travel. I would venture a guess that you do not want these limitations. So let’s start with a basic premise. Your sheer existence here on this planet is not to just be here and disappear. Your presence here is to learn, discover, experience and to teach, share and unite all of this with others. If you focus on the fears and limitations you will miss out on all that you were entitled to experience. Yes entitled but not in the gimme, gimme, you owe me kind of way. You are not just a weed that springs up and disappears. Even a weed has a purpose to return the nutrients back to the soil that it was given.
By Vichara
Are you creating opportunities or are opportunities creating you? Are you igniting the fires of inspiration or are you being consumed by an act of self-indulgent arson? For the most part in this 21st century you do have a choice. I would imagine that you are not confined by a caste system and that opportunities of learning exist for you. And yet there are some of you out there that find it difficult to take steps forward to learn, to explore and expand your existence. It is not like there may be extreme limitations that exist for you. So when it really comes down to it what is it that is sabotaging steps forward? Is it fear? Fear that you wouldn’t be able to learn or accomplish? That didn’t stop you from walking or riding a bike when you were a kid right? Abandon the fear of failure or looking foolish. If you truly want to move forward recognize that within the missteps are the components of success and achievement. You can do it. Try or make the steps to learn something new today. Who knows where it may take you…
By Vichara
We arise from our slumber to once again take up our roles as phosphorus beings rolling up the cumulative obligations and duties into various sized spheres. We assemble and push them along whatever incline that has been created to wherever it has been determined. What are these tasks that we assume? Do they serve a greater purpose or just a means to an end? Are these spheres that we labor with part of a greater lesson or just an excuse to fill our time? I would venture this that if we were to be more unified in approach to this “journey” here and help each other find the commonalities instead of laboring in a vacuum then perhaps the incline that has been created becomes level and easier to manage together. I don’t know it’s just a thought.
By Vichara
Shhh, come over here. Look they left the door open and we can see what’s been going on in there. It’s hard to believe that someone was so lax in the security department and left it open but since they did let’s go in. As you go down this first hallway watch your step. The light is not very good in here because they want you to believe there really isn’t much here to see so you turn back, but push on. When you reach the corner you will come to a large room with a lot of shiny, glittery things. These are put here to distract and trick you to stay in this room. If this interests you and makes you fee comfortable then stay but I recommend pushing forward. This next area may be a bit tricky to maneuver through. There are things left behind, forgotten and put somewhat haphazardly on shelves that may not be that level. Don’t worry they will stay there and you can always come back to retrieve those things that interest you. At the next turn there will be a fork in the road, this is the toughest part of the journey because both ways look exactly the same. You would swear that they are carbon copies of each other but there are subtle differences. Don’t rush forward, stand here for a moment and engage your intuitive nature to guide your steps. Where you go next will be up to you…
By Vichara
If we were to be literally given the same imagined 9 lives that cats are granted I’m afraid we would waste them as well. I know that may seem harsh and pessimistic but I’m sure you have witnessed, as I have, the number of chances, reprieves and literal stays of execution from this life that we may have witnessed or have read about. Face it today the majority of us are wasteful. We are wasteful with time, energy, thoughts and possessions. Without a defined set of parameters we believe that the “well” will never run dry. But given this life is underscored with definite impermanence there is finality to everything. As they say “nothing lasts forever” and the key is to enjoy the moment and what has been given to you and temper all of this with a deep sense of gratitude. Embrace this day that has been given to you. Don’t fritter it away frivolously.
By Vichara
It’s far from over…so what will you do today?
You have another chance…what will you change?
You can begin again…but you need to stay present.
It’s up to you.
By Vichara
There are two windows of opportunity in front of you. One you have a good idea of the terms, conditions and outcome. The other is a complete unknown. You have no idea once that window is opened and you pass through what could happen or where will it take you. Which window do you pick? There is no right or wrong answer here, just a choice. The choice you make will be predicated on where you are morally rooted. If your actions and motives are based in a truly selfish manner I think there is a very good chance that the outcome will be skewed and fail…sooner or later. If your actions are based in compassion and empathy I believe the results and proceeds will be more in the positive column. But again, it’s your choice. These are your windows of opportunity and how your heart is directed.
By Vichara
Today’s sermon will be interrupted by the following message from our local sponsor.
Do you know what time it is? Don’t bother to look at your watch, you won’t find the answer there folks. No the time we are in is not to be found on the face of your watch, not with the LED lights of your microwave or on that trusty grandfather clock patiently ticking over in the corner. No folks the time we are in, as a particular honored songwriter once said, is a changing. Changing to what folks? Well that is up to you. I’m only here to offer up suggestions and put down the guideposts it will be up to you what path you will step forward on. No need to pull out your credit cards folks just lace up your shoes, open your eyes and heart and step forward with equanimity, passion and resolve to do the right thing folks. That’s all, the right thing with the support of compassion and love. With that the path will become clearer and more meaningful.
Now back to the sermon of the day…
By Vichara
In the early dark morning as I “sit” there is this one single bright star in the west. At the time I arrive it sits just above the dense foliage of one of the trees that border our property. I have now come to look for it before my meditation time. It has become my “north star” that is set there to guide me into the morning. Of course I want to fantasize a bit and believe that my Mum is embodied in the star and is saying good morning to me and is guiding me. Do you have a north star that is helping guide you along the way? A moralistic compass that provides the direction to turn when confusion rears itself onto your path? For me I keep a journal that I fill with quotations and things I hear that I use to remind and help guide my path. I dip into this journal from time to time to find guideposts. Perhaps this type of thing may benefit some of you. My north star is fading with Mr. Sun as it rises so I will leave you with this one from my journal.
“Patience is always in the slow lane”.
By Vichara
There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down in the valley. I believe that this stream is ever present, in whatever you label you call it and it is merely diverted by distractions from our attention. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist. All you need to do is one simple act of love, compassion and patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.
By Vichara
Dear World,
I’m tired of you tripping over the obvious. Most of the time you need to be reminded of what good there is around us at any given moment. There are times yes you might shine but for the most part you like to wallow in the tragedies of the day. You do this because it allows you to avoid the reality that there is indeed a lot of more good in the world than bad. The only reason you don’t see this is because that illuminated box you turn on in the morning in your living room or the little box on your desk like to only focus on the bad news. They do this and it dampens any hope that may exist at the nucleus of the day. Please stop doing this and give the little lights of hope and compassion a chance to shine a little brighter.
Yours sincerely,
All of us gathered here
By Vichara
The days roll on like giant waves of time and light. The illuminated wave crests and folds into the dark wave that rolls back and opens back to light and so on. Within these waves, the souls, the dreams, the love, the anguish and the energies of billions of beings riding these waves all in an effort not to be pulled into the riptide of negativity. Common fact, we all struggle in various in various degrees, some more than others but we all need to keep trying or we can get sucked under. Our efforts in riding these waves may seem futile at times but it is only with some effort will you at least be able to survive. The key is not blind optimism but in a steady resolve with a kind and compassionate heart. We are all expert surfer dudes and dudettes but at times we may be a bit shaky riding these waves. That is where as fellow compassionate surfers we keep a peripheral watch with our wave companions and lend our support when needed and warranted. Be careful out there today and cowabunga!
By Vichara
You get up and empty the dustbin of your mind of the things from yesterday. You think everything has been emptied and carry on for the day. Then as you reach the 5-mile marker of the day something shakes loose. A memory, a thought or a concern and it gets stuck in the gears and thing begin to create a gnashing sound. You try to ignore it like some single fly that keeps coming back to buzz in front of your face but it’s no good, it get louder. If you stop now to inspect it will it disrupt your day but the insistent grind will not subside. You can’t call a technician to handle this; it’s up to you. Stop the truck and pull out the tools. The wrench of compassion, the hammer of patience and the saw of decision, pull them all out. Open the gearbox in the shade on the side of the road and quietly through introspection locate the jiggly part that has got loose. It may take a while and you may need some illumination but in these situations you are the only mechanic suited to adjust these matters of the heart and mind. After all it is your machine. You should know and how to fix it.
By Vichara
Over the last number of years there has been an extreme blending of our work lives and our personal, much to the detriment of both. With the increased use of technology it allows those “little notes” that may seem like harmless work issues to follow us home. A wise man said “when we put a leash on our work and bring it home like a pet poodle yapping at our heels, we are neither here or there, neither at work nor at home which means we are not going to be at home anywhere.” Try to separate from it, turn it off. You tend to the poodle for roughly 8 hours a day which leaves maybe 4 hours for you and home before slumber. Leave the poodle at work.
By Vichara
The temporary letters placed on the illuminated marquee of this very old theater I passed last night said only one thing “HAPPY”. Nothing else. There was no exclamation point or question mark or anything to set a tone just, “HAPPY”. What was it for? Was there a new show? Did it have any meaning or was it just someone’s playful attempt to elicit some reaction. Well by this entry in this forum I would say it was successful. So of course in my mind this playful posting of the word “HAPPY” tweaked the thought pistons in my head to ask you dear readers and myself is happy a state that exists for you? Are there things that are giving you happiness? Are there ways that you are projecting happiness? You could write them down or just make some mental notes. Use this “thought” as a catalyst as the marquee did for me to stop, reflect and appreciate a few things that make you happy on this sometimes-frenetic journey we are on. By the way when I passed by the marquee again it was blank. In my mind however I would have liked to see the following on the marquee in appreciation of the posting of that one word. “Thank You”.
By Vichara
It’s funny we will gauge from the weather outside what protection we will need for our physical bodies but there are many times that we blindly enter situations without protection for our heart. It may not be totally that reckless but there are times we do not button up the cautionary cloak. We can sometimes see things heading our way by certain emotional tremors that could be radiating but we may ignore them. In those cases you have nobody else to blame if there is emotional upset. You are solely responsible to make that trip to the emotional closet as you encounter situations that could have an impact. We all have experienced those for some reason that seek and exploit the weakness in others. Do not give them this opportunity or pleasure. It is in their deluded actions that will fracture their foundation and lead to their fall. If you wear the jacket of integrity and compassion it will protect you from the elements of emotional storms.
By Vichara
The world is expecting an answer from you today. Wait, you didn’t hear the question? Of course you should have, it was early this morning and has been repeated over and over again. You were asked when your eyes first cracked open. You were asked when that first sip of coffee / tea slid down your throat. You were asked when that cool breeze touched your face. You were asked when you laughed out loud so hard with a friend. You were asked when that sad moment reflected back at you again. You were asked when your furry friend was happy when you walked in the door and you will be asked once again when sleep takes you in it’s arms. The question is direct and to the point – Are you happy to be alive? Before you react, whine, piss and moan, think about this for a moment. If you have the ability to react this way, you have the ability to change. It is up to you. Now answer the question.