By Vichara
It’s funny the things you think of when you were little kids. When there was little or no wind I was happy. I believed that the wind made the earth move faster. If there was no wind the day would be longer and there would be more time to play. The of course you get older as a teenager you believe a lot of things you are told only to find out later the secrets of deception and manipulation. As the years go by the wind gets stronger and before you know it the world has spun so fast that you are much older. From this vantage point the colors seem different, your skin feels more sensitive in different ways and the words you hear sound different in tome and timbre. At times I feel with the quantity of stimuli that fissures are needed to be created to release these new sensations. Some do it with singing, others with painting or other visual arts and then some with the written word. However it gets manifested we should seek a peaceful, compassionate method to release the things we believe. By the way I have found that it’s not wind that makes the world turn, it is love.
By Vichara
This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.
By Vichara
Two thoughts meet and face each other like Wild West gunslingers at high noon. Who is faster at engaging the synopses that will culminate in a victory with the grey matter of the brain? Who will be faster, hit the mark and gain dominance? The right thought, the wrong thought. The calculated or the impulsive, which one will, it be? In that split second with that one dominant thought our lives change. This thought gunfight happens so many times in a day that we do not keep track. So how do we know that the decision to raise the hand of victory in that microsecond is the right one? Is it in the intuitive moral compass that hopefully cultivated? Spiritual guides that mysteriously lead you through to safety? I am not completely sure with only 55 years on this planet. But I do believe if the paths that we have traversed are infused with the lessons from those of good moral integrity that our hands and hearts will be then soundly guided and we will ultimately win the battle at high noon.
By Vichara
You get up, do what you need to do in the world to make a living, bring no harm to others and try to keep a compassionate heart tempered with love and patience. Seems simple enough right? And then you take a step forward and you find that there is a stone in your shoe. You are moving too quickly so you don’t get a chance to take it out so it stays there poking at your sole each step. You turn a corner and the wind gusts so hard that it pushes you backward. You grapple the wall until you make some headway. The wind recedes a bit but the little stone now feels like a rock and it hurts even more. You reach the entry door but it is locked. You try the opposite door – locked. So you go around to the other side and enter but the meeting has been moved 2 hours later and the stone has got bigger! Stop! Rewind and pause. The obvious solution is to take the stone out but the stone should have not been there at the start of the journey. Before you tie your laces up check for the little pebble and deal with it. Observe, review and extricate it from you day before it turns into a boulder and you become Sisyphus
By Vichara
Where can we go today that is different than yesterday? They say that variety is the spice of life and they’re many that believe this to be true and lead to a fulfilled life. However is another way we could go today that could allow us to travel great distances without going that far? No, I am not advocating shuffling to your sofa and turning on the travel channel. I thinking more from thought to realization, interest to passion and curiosity to completion. Not just the physical road of adventure and more of the cerebral road of conquest. We all hopefully have many interests but is there perhaps one of two these days that are burning embers of interest in your mind? Perhaps with spring right around the corner this may create a catalyst to add fuel to the fire and allow you to pursue this one interest. We are bundles of dreams and desires. It’s spring plant a new seed and help it grow!
By Vichara
A slight change in perception will often lead you to discoveries that would you normally pass over. In our daily activities there are many elements of repetition. But like a fine craftsman /woman repeatedly buffing a fine piece of metal or wood it will soon reveal a beauty that only comes from diligent and careful focus. While we may view some activities as plainly boring, these same movements of mind and body could reveal to you and those around you a hidden treasure that will help you and others. Reflect in the mundane and through your diligence discover something that could change your perceptions.
By Vichara
We walk among the dead even though they are breathing, walking and talking. The dead are mired in a self-possessed world where there is very little cognizant value that they give others beyond the perfunctory tasks they perform for the dead. The dead believe they are seeing but their vision is myopic at best and life’s peripheral existence does not even illuminate in their eyes to any great extent. The dead can hear but there is very little that registers other then their own voices and maybe some of what the other dead are saying. There is some confusion for the dead when thing don’t go quite the way they want it to go but like an over-stimulated child they drop whatever it was and go on. In their wake the dead leave the debris of unfulfilled promises that they made to others to get what they wanted. The dead see only themselves. The question when you look in the mirror – are you alive or one of the dead?
By Vichara
We live in a world that is constantly being measured even with what may be considered mundane to some. How fast you go, how slow you go, how white your smile is or how happy or sad you are. For my daughters it could be how cool one person is over another or which TV character is better than another. For my wife it is how she is judged in how well she can ride a horse and for me perhaps if what I write here is a good thought or not. Yes, I do realize that certain gauging systems are set up for practical measurements to achieve results that are required. What I am more concerned is where measurements are used for things that frankly may not need measuring. Does it really matter if that TV character is better than another, one color is better, how someone else rides a horse or my thoughts are better one day over another? I believe the only measurement which should we be using is how it makes you feel without measuring things in acceptability of others. Are you happy? Are you content? Are you inspired?
By Vichara
You can’t put in a reservation to the Future - it does not exist. I called the other day to do this but the phone just kept ringing and ringing and ringing. I got tired of waiting, doodling on a piece of paper while I waited for someone to pick up but they never did. I hung up and tried again but I hit the speed dial and by accident I hit the button to the Past. Of course someone picked up right away, in fact several voices picked up. It seemed like there were about 10 voices all of them fighting over each other regaling me with stories of past glories and failures. I tried to politely to interrupt but I finally hung up with the voices still going on. I punched in the next line to call the Future again and heard no dial tone. I waited for a moment and said hello. A voice came right back that sounded kind of like my own but less frenetic and infused with a calming effect. I asked if this was Future and the voice came back in an easy manner that no, this is Now and there is no need for a reservation. He said we’re here always open, 24/7.
By Vichara
We open our eyes in the morning like opening the door to the outside world. There is some trepidation but we know that moving forward is the right thing to do. Still we squint and try to adjust to the light and its duet with the ambient noise and engage to the new day. For the majority of us there will be any number of tasks that will be expected to be completed in a day. A checklist of priorities and responsibilities that hopefully one by one will see its completion. Then there is the other checklist. This is a checklist although not blatantly as evident as the tasks in a day but as important. Things like laughter, love, gratification, support, compassion, comfort and equanimity. While it may be considered just filler in a day to some they are vital. We may not consciously think of mentally checking them off our lists but without them the door to the day is not so easily opened.
By Vichara
Changes are happening as you read this. In fact before you started reading this change already changed. In between the letter “c” and “h” of the word change, change happened again. It may seem that change happens in big sweeping motions but is also comes in the minute sense as well. Things are set in motion, flames turn to embers, frowns into smiles, aspirations into realities and one door leads to another possibility. Yes no matter what your social-economic status may be change comes to you. It is what you do with change, that is the question. You can piss and moan about the changes happening to you or you can engage with the inertia that exists and ride with it to discover all the possibilities. It is your choice but change will happen regardless.
By Vichara
"Objects may appear larger" is written on most of the rear view mirrors in the vehicles that we drive. Of course in this forum you know it is placed there to remind us to be cognizant of moving objects that are whizzing past all the time. Where this warning is not written in plain sight is in our daily lives. We encounter so many things in our day that will seem so much larger than they appear. Something somebody says in passing that is probably a whisper seems like a scream. An encounter with an issue you are dealing with that on the surface to others maybe small as a gnat but looms to you so large they appear like a monster from a silly “B” movie. Perhaps in these moments when distortion misaligns the actual truth we need to get up and walk away from the mirror for a moment until whatever you are dealing with reduces to it’s actual size. Then driving forward with clarity and equanimity the possible overwhelming presence of objects will be reduced to it’s actual manageable size. Don’t forget to use your turn signals.
By Vichara
How much can you get away with? There seems to be evident a sense by some to see how much they can get away with in a day with even the smallest of things. Like a child thinking that the adult is not around they push the limits. They see how far they can wait before they run out of lane in traffic and cut in front of somebody. Park in places not assigned to them, leave dirty dishes in a sink, paper towels on the floor and things unattended. Possibly believing they do not need to pay attention, somebody else will take care of it; they have their own set of rules, lazy, inconsiderate or just plain self-involved. Your wake both physically and mentally does leave its mark so it’s just plain decent if you were cognizant of this fact. It may take a minute longer to finish or wait but isn’t that better than bringing on some karmic backlash that will sooner or later will happen?
By Vichara
There are days when life seems like playing cards with everyone but the cards are blank and no one is sure of the rules. Sure you know that you are engaged in some kind of exercise and because there are cards there is something tangible but there is a missing part. What is the missing part? Is it understanding? Is it compassion? Is it empathy? Is it belief? Or is it just plain human decency? What is the goal of this game that we engage in for our waking hours? Is there some satisfying conclusion that we are aiming for? To some it may be small while others grand but we all will have some wish for the outcome. I know that this thought brings up more questions than answers but perhaps that is the goal. To put images on the cards that we play and to let us know that we are all playing a fair game.
By Vichara
With all of the cynicism we need to create opportunities for belief. The keenly honed jaded attitude that we seemed to adopt over the years has robbed us of the time we need to enjoy the wonder of things. Can we somehow push aside the clutter of negativity that can sometimes gather and engage in more fulfilling use of our time? I know it can be difficult and one day melds into another. I believe that as the food and water we ingest to sustain our bodies we also need belief and wonder to be a part of our daily regime. I wish there was a place of gathering beyond the confines of doctrine and religion where it is safe to exchange our beliefs. A gathering place that is filled with encouragement instead of judgment. Perhaps this is called-friendship?
By Vichara
There are many mornings as I “sit” that I feel I am in some kind of waiting room in anticipation of the next train. While I sit the morning light grows as if someone was at the dimmer switch very slowing turning it up. The doves in my aviary are cooing and singing away while the early feathered visitors are happy picking away at the feeders. In the western sky the moon is saying good morning to the sun and the traffic is starting to whirr on the streets below. This is not a traditional one of the regular “thoughts” but more of an illustration. The world has it’s own speed but either consciously or unconsciously we try to speed things up. Racing to get there, clicking to get that or multi-tasking to get whatever. I am just suggesting that it might be good to appreciate the natural speed of the world sometimes and just downshift to it every once in awhile.
By Vichara
You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.
By Vichara
You are probably not going to like this at all. Besides just being Wednesday there is something else that you need to be concerned about that is very important. I’m not sure how to broach this and I’m not even sure I should. Perhaps in exposing this it could have a reaction in you and others and create a profound change. Ok, after all I have a responsibility to pass this that is given to me and let you judge. “So you breathe, so you live. So you create and from creation come inspiration. From inspiration is the spark you will share and help those around you.” Each and every one of us has this ability and it is stirring as you read this. Do not discount or diminish this ability because it has the power to transform even the smallest way. This ability to give and receive compassion is the key to unlocking the channels of perception. As when these are open the unification of the spirit we share grows stronger, you heart opens more and we transcend the disruptive and useless pettiness we encounter. Breathe and ignite this spark.
By Vichara
When is the last time you just sat and did nothing? No, I mean really nothing. Just sit, stop the phone, turn the computer off, turn the TV off, turn the iPod off and just sit. Feel each breath come in…then out…in…then out. Feel a wave wash down and out of you and your focus becomes soft and relaxing. Look out now…oh no! know what comes next…insight.
By Vichara
While conflict can be the fodder for solution at what price do you pay physically, emotionally and spiritually? You will attempt to cut back the weeds to root out answers but seedlings of more and more weeds will still exist. And while you are diligent and try to sustain a concerted effort to clear the garden, lying deep they still exist. Sometimes you just need to till the soil until hopefully all the undesired seedlings have been exposed to the air and sunlight of resolution. From here cracked and dry they will fade away for good. Although you can be diligent with the farming of your actions it will be necessary to retain a membership with others to maintain the fortitude you need for each day. A spiritual co-op with like minds that will help you, others and maintain the fields of reason.