All that glitters...

By Vichara

There are times that we can feel like one of those greyhound dogs racing around a track trying to catch that elusive, artificial rabbit. In the mind of the greyhound the rabbit is real, the object of desire and fulfillment. But because of the deceptive and short-term memory with the nature of these attempts for fulfillment, the greyhound forgets that the rabbit is not real in as much the same way we fall prey to the smoke and mirrors of desire. We see the glitter and perceived charm of something desirable that has been dangled in front of us but once acquired it holds little emotional value. The attachment to things keeps us prisoners of our own desires. Like the old adage, all that glitters is not gold, holds true as those things that have great value are those things that can’t be acquired by monetary means, but by the heart.

The abuse of words...

By Vichara

Words can divide and conquer but their biggest asset is unite. Everyday we have been hearing disparaging and negative words being used to discredit or to misalign what others have done or said. The numbing effect of these words to some, results in a shrug and turning away. Instead of calling on those who speak dismissively to account and give justification for the destructive things they say, we walk away. We need to collectively stop the abuse of words and to build a foundation of positive and supportive language that will inspire each other daily. Not just in small ways, but in small compassionate ways as well.

The Life See-Saw...

By Vichara

From the biggest to the smallest, from the weakest to the strong, we all share the same DNA that makes us these humanoid beings that are capable of so much pain and yet so much beauty. Where is that line that divides the choice to contribute, support and celebrate our fellow human achievements and the demarcation point that manipulates, destroys and abuses that what makes us unique. And once we identify this catalyst point how do we maintain the see-saw of events in a positive way. Perhaps it is in those states I refer to all the time that will keep the see-saw positive. Love – to retain a sense of support. Patience – to be able to wait and help each other and Compassion – to remember how we all feel in similar situations and circle back to the beginning – Love.

Objects of desire...

By Vichara

There are times that we can feel like one of those greyhound dogs racing around a track trying to catch that elusive, artificial rabbit. In the mind of the greyhound the rabbit is real, the object of desire and fulfillment. But because of the deceptive and short-term memory with the nature of these attempts for fulfillment, the greyhound forgets that the rabbit is not real in as much the same way we fall prey to the smoke and mirrors of desire. We see the glitter and perceived charm of something desirable that has been dangled in front of us but once acquired it holds little emotional value. The attachment to things keeps us prisoners of our own desires. Like the old adage, all that glitters is not gold, holds true as those things that have great value are those things that can’t be acquired by monetary means, but by the heart.

Flip the switch...

By Vichara

When you turn the light on in a room it is of course to allow you to see your way so you won’t trip and fall. The action of flipping the switch is so habitual it is almost second nature. The same sort of switch exists within ourselves to help us see our way through difficulties and challenges but for some reason we may not have developed this second nature trigger movement within ourselves like we have with the physical light switch. We all have this internal mechanism, but of course the key is that we need to develop it. How do we do this? Many ways, but the “gate” as far as I can see is to be of course cognizant that you all have this and take at least 5 minutes a day, breathe and observe your body’s reaction to the thoughts and allow them to find the switch, the answer, the illuminated path.

A way back?...

By Vichara

It has been written and proclaimed that “God” is a truly kind entity / presence and nothing can come from God except goodness and kindness. So begs the question if nothing but goodness is attributable from God who’s responsible for the bad. What if there is no other entity as identified in literature and spiritual texts as the Devil. What if the troubles and negative conditions are as a result of our own human deviation from a more unified, loving, compassionate existence to a selfish, manipulative, unsupportive one. Wherein after centuries of fighting and non-unity we have personally mutated conditions that have spun out of control so far it is difficult to see a road back. Perhaps the only way to find balance is to create a more trustful, compassionate existence where we can ALL turn back the majority of what we have created and live a more unified life.

What if?...

By Vichara

“He grants all prayers”. What if it is not some mystical deity that favors our altruistic prayers but the collected energy that resides in us all. When the collective acknowledges and understands the divine spirit that lives in us all, the mere unison of this ignites the mechanism that would open up the path to the fulfillment of these prayers. What if?

Be thankful #128...

By Vichara

Tcb hlqp pg Om Apuutr Bturddsop bbwojkdh. Ohgt gaferk ga kkaol nrathy ggaqu hjira ha. Lrteamko garj jjurat lpio. Hfart jyago gajs hayu he was. Tfarp ngai nfatke bgai jagsuy ooartmb nagsyok. No this is not some code or secret language, it is how 2 million people on this planet see words on a page. These 2 million people can’t read. This is not just in some third world countries; this is how it is for those even in our own backyard. Consider how fortunate we all are that we can read and explore the beauty of words. We have the ability not to just share this with friends and family and to be able to read stories to our kids. Just another thing to be thankful for today.

The garden...

By Vichara

Trying to find your place in the world is yes very difficult. We believe that when we find that “one thing” that all will settle down and be all right. The thing is however everything is in a constant change and never remains the same. Impermanence underscores every movement of everything and there is no way to escape this fact. Given that you may ask when I find that one thing it will be gone. No the one thing that you have reached for is still there but it will be evolving with each movement. The key is to wrap your heart around it and with openness celebrate, learn and explore this one thing that makes you happy. From this one “seed” other things will grow and the garden that is your life will be abundant and fulfilling.

Be thankful #42...

By Vichara

What can you do with $2.00? You may be able to buy a cheap cup of coffee, certainly not a Starbucks one that’s for sure. A sandwich at your favorite lunch place?, maybe. A whole dinner? Certainly not even with the cheap menus. How about $2.00 for the entire day for you? 56% of the world’s population survives on $2.00 a day while the average American spends around $3,400 a year on food & beverages. For the majority of us, we are truly blessed. If you left your house this morning without the pang of hunger that plagues a great percentage of then be thankful. 850 million are hungry all of the time and I’m not just talking about between meals.

Action / Re-Action...

By Vichara

An action will have a re-action. That re-action will ignite another action. That action will inspire another re-action. From that re-action…while the action / re-action plays on let’s take a moment. While we ponder, muse and speculate the continuum toils on regardless. We may choose to believe that we can pull away and not be part of the fray but the fray will always find you. You may believe that some of life’s pageantry does not concern you but it will at some point. The action to extricate yourself from life is an action that is having a re-action, which is having another action (you get the picture). Every single molecule is interconnected so why not be a part of an action of change. Change that will improve and not tear down. Change that ignites the positive and not the negative. Of course you could turn away and close your door but of course that will have an action that causes a…

Not just ordinary...

By Vichara

The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary. Just in the sheer accomplishment of being born, the chemical reactions to bring you into this world, as a human being is astounding. The hundreds of things you learn, the skills you gain and the multitude of sensory things you experience in just one single day…absolutely remarkable! Yes we do have troubles, there are worries and pain but with the communal resources we find the means to gain perspective and find the solutions. These are not ordinary things, you are not ordinary and this life of your is not ordinary.

Going first...

By Vichara

“You go first!” “No, you go first” A lot of people don’t like being first, being the first in line, maybe even you…but you are going first. You may not think you so but you are right at the head of the line by just being you. You are first because there is only one of you. You are first with very unique qualities and things you do. You are first in the way you talk, walk and react. You may think that you are the same as others but even with what you perceive as the same, in the variations there will never, ever be another you…ever. So while you think you follow in step with others you blaze new trails, even in small ways, by just being you. Don’t discard this thought, use this to bolster the confidence you have and enhance the unique individuality you possess to step out first, like we do everyday.


By Vichara

If we welcome the day without expectation will there be fulfillment or dissatisfaction? Without the needs and desires placed on what is going to happen will it allow the opportunities to be more abundant or less because there is little interest? I know a lot of questions and things to think about but sometimes this is the stuff tat rattles around in the pinball machine in my head. I try to wake up to each day on a fresh page, a clear open field but we all know there is always remnants of the previous chapter, a previous day that lingers around. Sometimes it is like writing on a piece of paper that has been written on and then partially erased. There is always something left hanging there. What do you do with the leftovers? Make a sandwich! Take the morning slice of bread, pile on what was left, and garnish it up with understanding and compassion with a thick slice of equanimity. Warm it up with insight and with each bite try to digest what was left to gain perspective and answers. Oh yes, remember to leave room for desert.

A drop of change...

By Vichara

Who among us is willing to take bold steps to change life for the good of all people? I bet you thought of a few as your read this. Probably ones like Jesus, Gandhi, Mohammed, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Moses, Rosa Parks and Dr. King. Amongst these giants of change there are many others that may not get the recognition like Beethoven, Saladin, Hildegard Of Bingen, St. Teresa Of Avila, Yogananda and including you! Yes you! We all have the capacity and the strength to change things in the world. You may diminish what you are capable of but each one of us has this ability. We may feel like just a tiny drop of water in the ocean, but each tiny drop is needed to make the ocean mighty with the capacity to make a change in the world.

A simple act...

By Vichara

There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down in the valley. I believe that this stream is ever present, in whatever you label you call it and it is merely diverted by distractions from our attention. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist. All you need to do is one simple act of love, compassion and patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.

So much with so little...

By Vichara

We need so little, but want so much. We speak so much, but have so little to say. We can travel so far, but get much further just where we are. The pitfalls and pleasures of bring able to live in a time and place where opportunities and “things” are in abundance for those that can find the means and ways to obtain and can acquire. We revel in these items with their cleverness and ingenuity and even believe that we could not live without them. So many things, so much noise designed for a vision of someone we believe we are but this vision of ourselves is so far in the distance, we can never catch up with it. For those who want to, stop, pull back the reins a bit of perceived need and instead of using 10 things to get through a day, use 1 and use it well. Instead of speaking volumes without great substance, speak less but with clarity and compassion.

Currency of the heart...

By Vichara

There was this very popular movie where the lead actor stated that greed is good. Somehow amassing a large personal collection of metal coins and paper will solve and can solve whatever you may need. Why yes since our world is set up in a manner where this currency is the means to obtain goods and services no matter how large your collection it will only sustain you, it will not save you. If you are lying in a hospital bed with death nearby this coin and paper will only keep machines going, not you. A dear friend once told me that he had never seen a U-Haul truck behind a hearse. Use these coins and paper to sustain you within reason but remember the currency of the heart is far more valuable to the world. The more you spend of this currency through love, patience and compassion the more it will return on your investment.

How you leave this place...

By Vichara

Leave this “place” the way you found it. This was the mandate that was asked by my old environmental science teacher, Gene McBride back in the 1970’s. While yes this can be accomplished in the literal sense, we will always leave a mark no matter what in a figurative sense. Whatever daily acts that we engage in, we can always pick up after ourselves and leave wherever we have been in pretty much the same way we found it but it how we interact and absorb the world that will leave an indelible impression. The key is of course will the impression you leave be destructive or inspiring. Will it alter the thoughts and actions in a negative way or resolutely uplift those around you and yourself. It is up to you, you have the choice.

In one great inhalation...

By Vichara

In one great inhalation a few hundred thousand are born and in one great exhalation a couple hundred thousand die in one day. In one breath an idea is formed and on exhalation the idea is gone. In one inhalation love is found and in one exhalation it is gone. What matters here is not so much the igniting or the extinguishing of any of these, this will happen regardless. What is important is the in-between part. In one moment your heart is awakened to another heart and the freefall of events and experiences catapult you into years of heartache and joy. In a flicker of the moment the idea that you needed turns the corner and it greets you with a smile. With the manifestation of this idea hopefully many will be inspired by yours and ignite their idea. In one great moment a cry of life starts a journey that will hopefully ignite both love and ideas and then on the other side of the world the last breath occurs and the baton is passed. The objective: when it is passed – just do your best.