By Vichara
Words can divide and conquer but their biggest asset is unite. Everyday we have been hearing disparaging and negative words being used to discredit or to misalign what others have done or said. The numbing effect of these words to some, results in a shrug and turning away. Instead of calling on those who speak dismissively to account and give justification for the destructive things they say, we walk away. We need to collectively stop the abuse of words and to build a foundation of positive and supportive language that will inspire each other daily. Not just in small ways, but in small compassionate ways as well.
By Vichara
The #1 ingredient in the cosmos is hydrogen, next is oxygen. We learn from school that our bodies are mostly water and is what is water? Oxygen and hydrogen. We are not simply in this universe; the universe is in us all. No matter how we feel, separate from others, alone or isolated, even on the basic level there is an interconnection that links us all. It is this primal element that acts as a base to begin the process to bring us together. We are not only such stuff as dreams are made of, as Shakespeare once said, but are a part of everyone’s dream to make the world we live in better.
By Vichara
There are times that we can feel like one of those greyhound dogs racing around a track trying to catch that elusive artificial rabbit. In the mind of the greyhound the rabbit is real, the object of desire and fulfillment. But because of the short-term memory and repetitive nature of these attempts of fulfillment the greyhound forgets that the rabbit is not real in much the same way we as humans fall prey to the smoke and mirrors of desire. We see the glitter and perceived charm of something desirable that has been dangles in front of us but once acquired it tends to hold little emotional value. The attachment to things keeps us prisoners of our own desire. Like the old adage, all the glitters is not gold, holds true as those things that have great value are things that can’t be acquired by monetary means, but by the heart.
By Vichara
Geese fly in a “V” formation not only because it conserves energy it is also because no single bird has memorized the whole route that they are traveling. This example of collective leadership is much more common in the animal kingdom that in the human realm. If we were to apply this methodology in our world we would find that in utilizing rotating leadership in many realms that there would be greater initiative and agility than with those groups that are led by one executive. Because none of us have all the answers and by reaching out to each other in a supportive, non-judgmental manner we will able to grow stronger not only as a team but as individuals as well.
By Vichara
There are times that we can feel like one of those greyhound dogs racing around a track trying to catch that elusive, artificial rabbit. In the mind of the greyhound the rabbit is real, the object of desire and fulfillment. But because of the deceptive and short-term memory with the nature of these attempts for fulfillment, the greyhound forgets that the rabbit is not real in as much the same way we fall prey to the smoke and mirrors of desire. We see the glitter and perceived charm of something desirable that has been dangled in front of us but once acquired it holds little emotional value. The attachment to things keeps us prisoners of our own desires. Like the old adage, all that glitters is not gold, holds true as those things that have great value are those things that can’t be acquired by monetary means, but by the heart.
By Vichara
Keep curious! For the future of mankind do not be spoon-fed ideas, concepts and dreams. Remember the excitement when you would turn over a rock to see what was underneath? Use this same methodology everyday. The “Media” wants you to listen, buy, use and watch what they are showing you unconditionally. Don’t be a sucker to a travelling medicine show and be curious. Ask questions. Keep those sparks flying in your brain. Engage others, kids, friends and parents to use their brain for more than just a receptacle for someone else’s ideas, thoughts and stories.
By Vichara
You can't move forward without reflecting on the past. Use the lessons learned from these experiences and illuminate them with the light of compassion and forgiveness. Transcend the pettiness that may exist in order to formulate a foundation, not of retribution, but a foundation of unification. Many new paths will become a reality in this new light. Step forward with confidence that together you and the person next to you, that you don't even know, can and will achieve both small and big small compassionate step at a time.
By Vichara
We enter this world through our own private entrance. This entry is only given to each individual because beyond this entrance is the myriad of paths that we will encounter throughout our own personal lifetime. These paths are self-contained in this gigantic plane of existence with many twists and turns, peaks and valleys and of course many joys and disappointments. Throughout the years here you create memories that will be framed and hung throughout the corridors and will leave their visual and emotional mark. At the end of all of this you will find your own personal exit where you will be given your own scrapbook of this journey which you will carry through the exit, cross the threshold into the next room, the next plane of existence. Make the journey worth it. Don’t piss and moan, do something to make things better for many and not the one. As George Bernard Shaw said – leave a mark, even if it’s just a scratch.
By Vichara
We all have the answers. Let that sink in for a while. Say it to yourself again…we all have the answers. There is the factual and those answers are easily obtainable these days by many means through books, video, teachers, the Internet, etc. Then there s the esoteric and the answers to those humanistic emotional variances that seem remote and unobtainable. All of the keys that will open the doors of understanding are in everyone’s pocket. Our reluctance to getting the “answers” is not based in ignorance but in reluctance of being patient enough to locate the key to each answer that resides in all of us. Sometimes it may take some time to get the answer but with patience you will get there.
By Vichara
We all have the answers. Let that sink in for a while. Say it to yourself again…we all have the answers. There is the factual and those answers are easily obtainable these days by many means through books, video, teachers, the Internet, etc. Then there s the esoteric and the answers to those humanistic emotional variances that seem remote and unobtainable. All of the keys that will open the doors of understanding are in everyone’s pocket. Our reluctance to getting the “answers” is not based in ignorance but in reluctance of being patient enough to locate the key to each answer that resides in all of us. Sometimes it may take some time to get the answer but with patience you will get there.
By Vichara
On numerous levels our lives come down to terms of acceptability. How much emotional or physical pain, how much incompetency, how much information, how much nourishment and yes even how much love. At what level will you be able to feel a sense of accomplishment with yourself and others. There are some yes that more or less just shade in the day in an attempt to do what is acceptable and while this may be acceptable for one they forget a crucial element – nothing is isolated. There is an interconnection of all things and as hard as that may be to fathom, it is a solid fact. You and you alone will set the level of acceptability for yourself of course but how much will you be able to live with and how does that affect the world around you? In a world that is gauged by the accomplishments of one’s actions and deeds what will be your terms?
By Vichara
The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary. Just in the sheer accomplishment of being born, the chemical reactions to bring you into this world, as a human being is astounding. The hundreds of things you learn, the skills you gain and the multitude of sensory things you experience in just one single day…absolutely remarkable! Yes we do have troubles, there are worries and pain but with the communal resources we find the means to gain perspective and find the solutions. These are not ordinary things, you are not ordinary and this life of your is not ordinary.
By Vichara
There is an old Arabic proverb that goes, “Only speak when your words are better that your silence”. However there is great fear for many people to be just silent in general. For some silence just needs to be filled with noise to mask the fear of being alone with oneself. Don’t fear silence, from it can be born beautiful and wise thoughts. It’s ok to be quiet.
By Vichara
This morning I woke to persistent ringing of the front doorbell. Scraping off some of the sleep still clinging to me at that early hour I made my way downstairs to see who was insisting on making this A.M. appearance. As I opened the door I sighed with recognition of the two figures standing there. On the right with finger still jabbing at the button was Impatience. On the left, head lazily turning with cursory glances, Indifference. Impatience, always the first to speak up, said that he was in a hurry (of course) and that he wanted to spend the day with me. He added that Indifference was just bored and agreed to come along. Indifference just looked over, shrugged and rolled his eyes. I said to Impatience as he jingled the loose change in his pocket that I was sorry that I had no room in my car today. Compassion, Clarity and Patience stayed over and was riding in with me. Impatience’s eyes bugged out, his face turned red and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. He stared and blurted out with some spittle “WHAT!! gotta go!!!! He ran off the porch. Indifference put his hands in his pockets deeper, turned and shuffled off with his flip-flops clapping on the sidewalk. Lesson learned today: Be careful whom you carpool with, it might not be good for the world.
By Vichara
We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. A GPS with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.
By Vichara
I was talking to Time earlier today and he said he needed a break. He shook his head and said no offence and I’m not trying to be difficult but he was stressed out. He complained that everybody was rushing him too much and he felt he was always late for something. Time turned to me with this exhausted look on his face, threw his arms up and said “that’s it, I’m tired, people need to make some changes in their lives and stop blaming me for things”. Time said people are always whining and saying, “I just don’t have the time” or “time just got away from me”. He snapped – “there is always time and I didn’t run away from anybody”. He stood up, put on his Panama hat and said that they worked it out a long time ago. They set up 24 hours in one day with of course 60 minutes in an hour. There is plenty of time to get things done but people are thinking way too much about stuff that has already happened or are dreaming about having more time in the future. By doing that they miss out what is going on right then. He pulled the hat down and as he turned he said “figure it out people, I got all the time in the world”.
By Vichara
There is an old Chinese proverb that states when you are friendly, humble and polite, the divine spirit will come to you as naturally as the water flowing down into the valley. I believe that this stream is always present, in whatever label you call it, and that it is merely diverted from our attention by daily distractions. Sometimes we just need to be reminded by example that this divine spirit that connects us all does exist and all you and I need to do is one simple act of Love, Compassion & Patience during the day and that stream will be flowing right in front of you.
By Vichara
We are all searching for “answers”. What is there are none to be found and what we find is merely the “breadcrumbs” on a path that is put there just to keep us moving forward. Moving forward to what? To some form of understanding? Some peace? The answer? I don’t know but I believe for the sake of keeping one’s sanity it may be beneficial to have the faith to believe that this journey that has lead us to this physical being of skin & bones that we inhabit was created for a reason. We all may not be put here to find the perceived big answers, but perhaps to help others to find it.
By Vichara
There can be no fighting, if there is no attachment. There can be no greed, with no attachment. There can be no resentment, with no attachment. I am not insisting that you acquiesce on every level. No, this form of non-attachment weighs out the merits of both sides, sees the needs of both, understands the possible outcomes and shares the positive and negative aspects of all actions. When you have the ability to lose everything, you have the ability to have everything.
By Vichara
Introducing a new weight loss program for the extraneous mental afflictions that weigh you down and keep you from moving forward. It’s the new verbal lobotomy called “JSU” – Just Shut Up! Yes folks it may sound like a miracle, it may sound like some otherworldly cure but when it comes to shedding the pounds of unnecessary conversation and excessive, useless banter sometimes it’s time for JSU! Not sold in stores or on-line, JSU comes to you from your own intuitive intellect without the required shipping charges with most commercial products. JSU come to you FREE! yes free folks. And the benefit you and others may gain is greater understanding, deeper emotions, peaceful attitudes and a myriad of other beneficial emotional results. Sometimes words are unnecessary, so try JSU today…batteries not included.
By Vichara
There are days I’m sure that we feel like that fly circling around in front of a windowpane. It can see the outside but for some reason it keeps flitting about using the same methodology to try to find a way to get out but repeatedly bumps into the glass. We are much the same way when seeking answers. We keep circling around using methodology that seemed to work before but now for some reason we keep hitting dead ends with no results except frustration. There will be times like this where you will need a new direction. Don’t worry, the path has already been given to you…just look.
By Vichara
Just by walking around, we change the world. Our presence here is the culmination of a billion factors that has resulted in this living human being that can have thoughts and inspire the many. Take a hand and support those in need. Make some laugh and turn around their day. Hold that one that is sad and make them feel wanted. So much riding on simple gestures but as you have heard, the simple can also be so profound. In our compassionate wake we can change the world just by walking around.