By Vichara
There is so much manipulation that happens even in the smallest of communities. If in the larger corporate world if you find a chink in the armor of those you deal with it is seen as virtuous by some. On a small scale a child see the lack of ability in another and will make fun of that person. Either one is a reflection of their own inabilities to take a perceived deficiency and twist it to their own gain and amusement. Of course this type of activity goes on everyday and has been, without good merit, accepted human behavior. But what if we could change that paradigm, starting just each one of us and like a small stone tossed into a puddle ripple out to others changing manipulation to understanding and compassion.
By Vichara
There is certainly enough to read in this world and you should dive in at any opportunity into the great writers and thinkers throughout history. However, as important is for you to write yourself on a daily basis. Just a note or two, a passing thought or perhaps a small epiphany that may arise in a quiet moment. Keep a small journal, just for yourself. These will record, just for you, the guideposts and stepping stones that will shape where you want and like to go. You will be surprised that when you give yourself a compassionate moment what will be born from your thoughts. The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary.
By Vichara
At various points in the day when things can get a bit crazy and frenetic we all must take a few minutes to step back, breathe and just take a moment. Get off the “ride” for a few minutes and remind ourselves that this is just not some random ride but we all have a purpose here. A wise man once said “Ooogaleee boogalee bim bop swaheelee snobbaluu bop walla walla floopeee butt”. Which means, “Think and act with the foundation of compassion”.
By Vichara
To even look at the future without the balance of understanding and compassion is a foolish venture. Without the foundation that will guide each other’s hearts on a steady course, the journey can be fraught with insecurities. Unless we resolve collectively that the course of action that lies in front of each one of us is based on compassionate cooperation and fearless understanding we will wander aimlessly without direction in life.
By Vichara
Geese fly in a “V” formation not only because it conserves energy it is also because no single bird has memorized the whole route that they are traveling. This example of collective leadership is much more common in the animal kingdom that in the human realm. If we were to apply this methodology in our world we would find that in utilizing rotating leadership in many realms that there would be greater initiative and agility than with those groups that are led by one executive. Because none of us have all the answers and by reaching out to each other in a supportive, non-judgmental manner we will able to grow stronger not only as a team but as individuals as well.
By Vichara
I look at the moon nestled in a bed of stars, floating out there calmly passing through the night sky and I think, “I will never go there”. But I do think of where I have been and what I have seen and I believe that if laid out, end-to-end, all of them would probably reach that illuminated orb. We all, regardless of the physical miles, have traveled so far in our lives that a conventional map would not adequately translate the twists and turns, the peaks and valleys and of course the lost roads and dead ends. But when we stand, stalled not seeing the next step from these dead ends, we need to take a moment, breathe and allow the vista to unfold that hidden road and soon you will be on your way. Maybe to the moon.
By Vichara
Knock, Knock? Who’s there? Today. Today who? Today, who knows where we are going but let’s try not to engage in discursive conversation and vengeful actions and at least do one thing that encourages not, discourages another person. Let’s do one single thing that will take us one step farther in building a better foundation of support for each other. In a world currently pointing a lot of fingers let’s use them to point us in a better direction than to point out blame.
By Vichara
The world is expecting an answer from you today. Wait, you didn’t hear the question? Of course you should have, it was early this morning and has been repeated over and over again. You were asked when your eyes first cracked open. You were asked when that first sip of coffee / tea slid down your throat. You were asked when that cool breeze touched your face. You were asked when you laughed out loud so hard with a friend. You were asked when that sad moment reflected back at you again. You were asked when your furry friend was happy when you walked in the door and you will be asked once again when sleep takes you in it’s arms. The question is direct and to the point – Are you happy to be alive? Before you react, whine, piss and moan, think about this for a moment. If you have the ability to react this way, you have the ability to change. It is up to you. Now answer the question.
By Vichara
Schopenhauer was out walking one evening, deep in thought. A passing suspicious policeman approached him and asked "May I know who you are?" Schopenhauer stood for a long time and then replied "I wish I could tell you". It is so true, no matter how many ways we are identified the majority of them are external. The clothing style we wear, the care we drive, the voice, the laugh, how we adorn our home or office. All out worldly personality markers. But we are much, much more than this collection of bones, blood and flesh and as long as we identify ourselves in the physical sense we will keep using all our energies to satisfy these needs. Try to take just 15 minutes a day, by yourself with no distractions to check in with you and your spirit and try to feed that instead of the external.
By Vichara
“What the outstanding person does, others will try to do. The standards such people create will be followed by the whole world”. Taken from the Hindu sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita that dates back between the 5th and 2nd century BC, these words have even more relevance considering the moral and political changes we are witnessing. There is a need and cry to cut away the obese malignant weeds of greed and excess and to form a new standard of fairness and compassion. “The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves”. Again from the Gita. The short 18 chapters of this document was used as a moral compass by Gandhi for most of his life and even today still can be one of the many texts to guide our lives. “Perform all work carefully, guided by compassion”.
By Vichara
”Immersed in water, you stretch out your hands for a drink”. No matter what part of the world you are reading this I believe that you are surrounded by all that we could ever wish for either physically or spiritually (sometimes without knowing it). The greatest of these is just being alive. There are some belief systems that will say that reaching a human life has taken many lifetimes in other forms. This is the pinnacle. But as usual we humans desire so much more when we have so much and this causes so much suffering. The message here today of course is to develop a little more appreciation for what we have. It’s all relative but to others we would be considered very rich but I believe the greatest wealth we posess is the ability to love with a compassionate heart.
By Vichara
“You smile the world changes”. It is often said that the simplest things can be profound. What could be anymore than just that than a simple smile given out of compassion and love? One of the most basic human needs is to feel love. It is love that can lift us out of sense of separateness, which is the root of suffering. If we simply smile out of love we reach out across the separateness and connect with the world around us in profound ways. You may have been in a situation, maybe somewhere you didn’t know the language being spoken but with a shared smile you create a bridge of communication that transcends language. When we smile, others will smile. When we show compassion others will show compassion and what better place to start than with a simple smile? ☺
By Vichara
I woke up this morning with the song “Many Rivers to Cross” as sung by Harry Nilsson in my brain. One line says “And it’s only my will that keeps me alive” and that line became reflected in all of our daily journeys. Perhaps not so dramatic some days but we all have “bridges” that we cross everyday. Decisions that need to be made in a few seconds and others that will percolate and resolve with some patience and time. Regardless of their complexity we all have many rivers to cross and it is how we get to the other side that will matter. We could use harsh deceptive ways to cross over but more than likely some karmic residue will be brought over with you and to the next bridge. This residual karmic baggage will accumulate and increase the weight of your load for each bridge to cross. Try to travel unencumbered by jettisoning the excess before you cross and make the journey with honesty and integrity not only for your own heart but for the world around you. See you on the other side.
By Vichara
Tick tock, tick tock, there goes another part of your day. Tick tock, tick tock, there goes the time you were hoping to spend in a worthwhile activity only to be sidetracked with some “busy” work. It is getting to the point that you can’t even enjoy a good cup of coffee because that is used to compliment even more activity. You are not even given a moment to stare out at the world in front of you, unfocused, without nattering, using those moments to feel the warmth of the fluid inside of you and to taste the smoky flavor and smooth texture. Perhaps we need to allow ourselves say, one afternoon, to do one activity at a time until finished. To move away for a moment from the uber hyper multi-tasking ball that we spin most everyday and regain the sense of accomplishment in place of numerous things in various stages, like spinning plates that are on the verge of crashing. Tick, one thing done, tock, another thing done, tick, that’s finished, tock (breathe) done.
By Vichara
There is a Zen koan that says, “Water is one essence: but drunk by a cow it becomes milk, while drunk by a snake it becomes poison”. When something so pure and simple is given to two different people the results and proceeds can be completely opposite to each other. Yes simple and self-evident it is interesting to see this example in our daily lives. You may hear how someone has worked hard on something and is reaping the rewards of this and someone may see this hard work as a means to be greedy and manipulative. One simple act consumed by two people and two different results. One observation is milk, the other poison. In our frenetic pace we can be quick to pass judgment on someone and what they do. We can all take a moment before our personal gavel strikes down in judgment to insure that we are not creating more unnecessary poison in the world
By Vichara
There is no automatic entitlement in this life. Even the act of or first breath is dependent on our sheer instinctual will to live and draw in the air that will initiate this life outside the womb. From that point on your developed skills, knowledge and tenacity will function as the catalyst for change and growth until your last breath. With every inhale there is an exhale and every thought there is a conscious decision made for each circumstance, unlike animals which act out of primarily from instinct and survival. Hopefully the decisions made each day by you are tempered by love and compassion.
By Vichara
Who among us is willing to take bold steps to change life for the good of all people? I bet you thought of a few as your read this. Probably ones like Jesus, Gandhi, Mohammed, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Moses, Rosa Parks and Dr. King. Amongst these giants of change there are many others that may not get the recognition like Beethoven, Saladin, Hildegard Of Bingen, St. Teresa Of Avila, Yogananda and including you! Yes you! We all have the capacity and the strength to change things in the world. You may diminish what you are capable of but each one of us has this ability. We may feel like just a tiny drop of water in the ocean, but each tiny drop is needed to make the ocean mighty with the capacity to make a change in the world.
By Vichara
We are all given stewardship of many and important things in our lifetime, our thoughts, the environment, love, wisdom, the tangible and the intangible. And like a marathon runner with this “baton”, we must safeguard that which has been given to us and safely pass it off to the next generation / runner. If we inadvertently drop the baton we need to find the strength and resources to pick it up and rise to the occasion until our segment of this race is done. Realize and be cognizant that you are not alone. There are many other runners, some in front, some behind and some right next to you. Cheer and encourage all that are around you for this is not a race to be won, but to survive.
By Vichara
”The old pond, A jumping frog – plop!” Here is a wonderfully simple Koan and Haiku poem at the same time illustrating being in the moment. With the flurry of future thoughts and past experiences rolling in our heads we tend to forget the moment we are in right now…no matter where we are. By bringing ourselves back to the moment we are you may see something, even common, like you have never seen it before. The rusty truck, the flower vendor – Honk! Write one yourself through your travels in a day to refocus your attention to being present in this moment. You cannot change the past and the future is an out of focus concept, but being and enjoying the moment right now is attainable. Plop!
By Vichara
Reach out, take another step forward, investigate a new theory, read from something you wouldn’t normally read from, see with your eyes closed, draw something even though you think you are not artistic, walk backwards…ok, maybe that one could be a bad idea, but I think you get the point. Today would be a good time to get a new perspective, a fresh approach, exercise your mind, body and soul with a new way of looking at things. You may find that amongst the push-ups and sit-ups you do with your mind that one nugget that will reveal a new and better understanding. Ok everybody, let’s go exploring!
By Vichara
There are days I’m sure that we feel like that fly circling around in front of a windowpane. It can see the outside but for some reason it keeps flitting about using the same methodology to try to find a way to get out but repeatedly bumps into the glass. We are much the same way when seeking answers. We keep circling around using methodology that seemed to work before but now for some reason we keep hitting dead ends with no results except frustration. There will be times like this where you will need a new direction. Don’t worry, the path has already been given to you…just look.
By Vichara
Today’s mission is code named Barrier Buster. The objective is to open your eyes to the delusional aspects of what is being dictated to you and rise above being manipulated by the media. Call upon your independent, personal sense of value and be guided by this instead of what is being flashed at you on the screen. Start taking back what that was stolen from you. If you are and average TV watcher in America by the time you reach the age of 65 you will have spent 9 years watching TV. Start taking some of it back.