A new course...

By Vichara

We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. A GPS with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.

The whispers of today...

By Vichara

The whispers of today will become the voices of tomorrow. What may begin as a simple thought quietly sitting without great pomp and circumstance could blossom into a profound act or phonetic talisman to lead you (and others) through the mire of confusion. Whatever stages it may appear observe it in the light of brave honesty to see it clearly as it is. All of us are subjected to the delusion of what is forced upon us from outside forces; media, friends and others. So it is up to us individually to take responsibility of these thoughts. They may hold the answers you have needed or someone else has. Their durability and survival will be based on our ability to be honest not only to ourselves but with others around us and to plant these thoughts in love, compassion and patience.

The Present, is here, now...

By Vichara

Move aside “Future”, step to the back “Past”, make room the “Present” is here! For a limited time only…right now…and again…right now, the Present is here. It is jealous and yet indifferent. It wants you to experience its presence but will move forward if you insist in languishing with its siblings, Future and Past. They will indulge your ego by allowing you to think of what has happened and what may happen but the Present will not lure you with false pretenses. It gives you only now with all it’s vivid colors and sounds. So it’s up to you, you can retreat to a time that has already happened or flutter in a future that may not happen or hang out with the cool crowd that’s happening right now…in the Present.

What you create...

By Vichara

You will burn yourself with the fire you create. You will cut yourself with razor words you flail about and you diminish yourself with the limitations you place yourself. It is your choice what path you choose. In the creation of one’s actions also comes responsibility of accepting the consequences. We will all develop defense mechanisms that try to justify the results and proceeds of what we do but if our actions stand on their own, without excuses, the path will be clearer. Yes we all will falter from time to time but in the mere act of conducting your words and deeds with the foundation of compassion, love and patience you steps moving forward will be unencumbered and instilled a clearer confidence and vision.

The self or you?...

By Vichara

What is more important; you or your self? The actual you with all the nooks and crannies of emotions or the self which you present to the world? You are probably thinking you can’t have one without the other, they are tied together right? Why yes they are but the self is the entity protected in many ways by the armor of defense mechanisms and projections that you want to show the world. While yes to show a whole you could be fraught with anxieties that if you were out there completely it would be open to possible manipulation by others. Sadly that could be true but not to be more of you, the self that is projected could consume who you truly are and get lost. Think of the self as a comfortable windbreaker jacket, while it can serve its function it is you that is more important.

Time for "maintenance"?...

By Vichara

Do you need new spark plugs for your mind? As they say, “back in the day”, there was sometimes the need when your car was running rough to check the spark plugs. Those important little items in the mechanism of the car that provides the electrical charge to ensure all of the cylinders that propel your vehicle forward are all firing together. If one of these little guys had some material build-up and prevented it from igniting the whole system of the car would be sluggish and stall out. In much the same way if there are mental hindrances, things in your own mind that are having a stalling effect in your movement forward then perhaps it may be time to clean your own mental spark plugs or replace them. But where do you find a mechanic for that you may ask? It’s basically you! You may get “technical” assistance from some life “manuals” like literature, spiritual writings, conversations and meditation but it’s really up to you to clean the bodily spark plug heads and gain clarity to propel you forward.


By Vichara

Escapism is subjective. One man’s heaven can be another man’s hell. By various means we can try to alleviate the turmoil that can sometimes spin out of control around us. For every person there is a means and a way, drugs, alcohol, sex, spending, sports, gambling, etc. These are but a few means at our disposal. For every degree of turmoil, there is perceived to be a degree of escapism that can soothe or temper what is invading our lives. There is no invasion, there is no personal attack, there is no vindictive cause, it is just “life” unfolding in all it’s colorful majesty. It is not escapism that will change things; it is equanimity in your acceptance of these events that will quell the storm clouds. Not a resigned acceptance but one of pragmatism and resolve to see things as they are and accept the answers and solutions no matter what they are.

Resolve with resolve...

By Vichara

While sometimes it may seem ill advised, you may need to loosen the grip you have on a situation in order for some circulation to return in an effort to get things to resolve. Of course I am not talking about a physical grip but a physiological grip where the perceived need to have complete control could deter the situation at hand from resolving. You know like, stepping on your own feet, getting in your own way, that kind of idea. But there is sometimes the need and the requirement to take a step back and allow some things to work themselves out on their own. There is some intuitive trust that you must have in this relinquishment but there is some times where this will be needed. So when things may get very tense you can try to remember that sometimes releasing some of your firm resolve could help with the resolution.

The grip...

By Vichara

While sometimes it may seem ill advised you may need to loosen the grip you have on a situation in order for some circulation to return in an effort to get things resolved. Of course I am not talking about a physical grip but a physiological grip where the perceived need to have complete control could deter the situation at hand from resolving. You know like, stepping on your own feet, getting in your own way, that kid of idea. But there are sometimes the need and the requirement to take a step back and allow some things to work themselves out on their own. There is some intuitive trust that you must have in this relinquishment but there is sometimes the need just to do that very thing. So when things may get very tense you can try to remember that sometimes releasing some of your firm resolve could help with the resolution.

Without attachment...

By Vichara

Breathe in the truth and exhale the lies. Pick up the determination; cast aside that which hinders movement forward. See the possibilities; turn your eyes away from the cyclical negativity. The reflection you see is just an illusion, a moment that is temporal and will always be changing. Once you understand that “secret”, your grasp will be open without attachment and life will flow to you, through you and past you with full engagement without possession tempered by love, patience and compassion.

The cards we play...

By Vichara

There are days when life seems like playing cards with everyone but the cards are blank and no one is sure of the rules. Sure you know that you are engaged in some kind of exercise and because there are cards there is something tangible but there is a missing part. What is the missing part? Is it understanding? Is it compassion? Is it empathy? Is it belief? Or is it just plain human decency? What is the goal of this game that we engage in for our waking hours? Is there some satisfying conclusion that we are aiming for? To some it may be small while others grand but we all will have some wish for the outcome. I know that this thought brings up more questions than answers but perhaps that is the goal. To put images on the cards that we play and to let us know that we are all playing a fair game.

The possibilities...

By Vichara

Drink from the "cup" of today as if every drop would be the difference between life and death, pain and pleasure, knowing and not knowing. Breathe and fill your lungs with possibilities. Listen to the rustling of ideas that vibrate all around. See as if each blink of your eyes you are given an infinite number of different lens to see the world…it’s up to you.

In the smallest ways...

By Vichara

Am I doing this right? We ask ourselves this all the time everyday. I do this when I write these thoughts. Is it validation of our existence? Do we count? Are we doing the right things? Well in asking these types of questions to ourselves we are. If we didn’t ask we would not care, but we do. Our presence in each other’s lives does have its place and you all make a difference, even in the smallest ways.

The grip...

By Vichara

While sometimes it may seem ill advised you may need to loosen the grip you have on a situation in order for some circulation to return in an effort to get things resolved. Of course I am not talking about a physical grip but a physiological grip where the perceived need to have complete control could deter the situation at hand from resolving. You know like, stepping on your own feet, getting in your own way, that kid of idea. But there are sometimes the need and the requirement to take a step back and allow some things to work themselves out on their own. There is some intuitive trust that you must have in this relinquishment but there is sometimes the need just to do that very thing. So when things may get very tense you can try to remember that sometimes releasing some of your firm resolve could help with the resolution.

Such stuff as dreams are made of...

By Vichara

The #1 ingredient in the cosmos is hydrogen, next is oxygen. We learn from school that our bodies are mostly water and is what is water? Oxygen and hydrogen. We are not simply in this universe; the universe is in us all. No matter how we feel, separate from others, alone or isolated, even on the basic level there is an interconnection that links us all. It is this primal element that acts as a base to begin the process to bring us together. We are not only such stuff as dreams are made of, as Shakespeare once said, but are a part of everyone’s dream to make the world we live in better.

Pass the baton...

By Vichara

We are all given stewardship of many important things in our lifetime; thoughts, the environment, love, wisdom, the tangible and the intangible. And like the marathon runner with the baton we must safeguard that which has been given to us and reverently pass it off to the next generation / runner. If we indivertibly drop the baton we need to find the strength and resources to pick it up once again and rise to the occasion until our segment of this race is done. Realize and be cognizant that you are not alone. There are many other runners, some in front, some behind and some right next to you. Cheer and encourage those all around for this is not a race to be one, but a race to survive.

Going first...

By Vichara

“You go first!” “No, you go first” A lot of people don’t like being first, being the first in line, maybe even you…but you are going first. You may not think you so but you are right at the head of the line by just being you. You are first because there is only one of you. You are first with very unique qualities and things you do. You are first in the way you talk, walk and react. You may think that you are the same as others but even with what you perceive as the same, in the variations there will never, ever be another you…ever. So while you think you follow in step with others you blaze new trails, even in small ways, by just being you. Don’t discard this thought, use this to bolster the confidence you have and enhance the unique individuality you possess to step out first, like we do everyday.


By Vichara

Perhaps you may feel like an island of sanity sometimes when some around you and the world behaves with a self-centered irrational manner. You are not alone. The revving and screaming tires of the car cutting you off today, the pompous self-entitlement look someone may give you and some erratic irrational act that has you shaking your head. All of these are based in fear. Fear that they have not being noticed, fear that they didn’t deserve things in life, fear that no one cares for them and numerous shades of fear. We all have fears in one way or another as the world spins in unpleasant and unpredictable ways. The antidote lies in first recognizing this fact and not over reacting when you witness acts of fear. Instead employ patience and compassion with yourself and others to help disperse fear. It will be with this engagement where the remedy and relief will be found.

Death to boredom...

By Vichara

Death to boredom! If you are bored you have your eyes closed both literally and figuratively. The “tapestry” that unfolds everyday is so rich and dense that unless you see this someone has blinded you. Through the repetition of our daily actions, some of them quite mundane, we can loose track of the simple beauty that ordinary things have. In the shower the steady stream of water reflects in the morning light can be a shower of featherweight diamonds cascading all around. The coolness of the morning air can hold nuances of fragrances that could unlock memories. Observing a couple of people in a crosswalk ignites the imagination and you wonder what they are talking about. Watching a flock of pigeons sweeping repeatedly in a pattern only known to them. Open your senses up to the cavalcade. It’s worth the price of admission

This could be the day...

By Vichara

This could be the moment of change. This could be the day of revelations. This could be time for that one epiphany you have been waiting for makes it's appearance. All of the thoughts, feelings and experiences could gather together, stand up in front of you and SMILE. Are you ready? Because they are ready for you. Open up your heart and let them be a force of good change and act as the catalyst that you have been waiting for a long to happen.