By Vichara
BOO! We’re you scared? Did you get frightened? Don’t worry it’s not a nasty ghoulish goblin here to make you shiver with fright; it’s something scarier it’s…YOU! Ooooooh no! Yes you creator of all the fearful things, the master of mayhem & macabre. Scarier than Chuckie, Jason & Freddy, it’s you. How do you stop being so scared? It’s not with a crucifix and garlic, it’s something more rare than exotic potions, lotions and incantations it’s with…compassion. Compassion for yourself and others around you. By adding a dollop of this magical property into your lives the walls of resistance and reticence begin to reduce themselves and your vision of existence starts to become clearer. And from clarity comes understanding and equanimity. But since it’s Halloween don’t forget a wooden stake in case you run into a vampire!...BOOOO!!!
By Vichara
You can’t take care of things unless you are taking care of yourself. For the most part there is no AAA that can be used; it’s up to you. The methodology for the external is fairly simple. Eat well-balanced nutritious meals, keep yourself hydrated, enjoy some physical activity on a regular basis, try to refrain from excessive abuse in using alcohol or drugs and get enough rest. The maintenance of the internal can be far more rigorous and challenging. The corridors of the mind can be fraught with anxieties and frustration. It can run to the extreme ends of pure joy and love. The key to the maintenance for the internal is not as pragmatic as the external but their success is both based on balance, the middle way. We all know how we feel when we overindulge and for some of us we know when there is a complete void of both love and nutrition. This is not an avocation of an austere lifestyle but a promotion of leading a balanced life filled with exploration tempered with compassion. From this vista you will gain access to the tools that will not only engage you to take care of yourself successfully but also the world around you – internally and externally.
By Vichara
Right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. Some may recognize these from the Buddhist “eightfold path”. Guideposts that leads to the cessation of suffering. Regardless of where they come from they are powerful things to set in place to create a mindset that encourages and helps us lead better lives. Can we achieve all of these, yes. Will it be easy to achieve all of these, no. There are many temptations linked to desires that will be tempting. They are “smoke and mirrors” of Maya presenting itself daily in our lives. While in any culture the desires to obtain, own, hold and collect is difficult to overcome but in those with media manipulation it becomes even harder. Recognizing this fact is half the battle but from that perspective you can gain a better resolve and create a starting point where you can build the foundation of components of the eightfold path and lesson your individual suffering and of course lesson suffering globally.
By Vichara
Is there one key to happiness? So many books, TV shows, magazines and all of them claim to know the key to happiness that will change your lives. While admirable in their attempt this topic has been investigated by hundreds and hundreds of people both young and old and for centuries but here I believe as naïve and simple as it may seems is the key. There is no one key to happiness. With each individual person there is an individual key unique to that person. As much as there may be commonalities that we may share in one way or another when we try to apply one measurement of happiness to all it will fail. The one thing that I believe we can all agree on is the foundation was happiness could flourish is when each person can maintain love, hope and compassion for those seeking their own key to happiness.
By Vichara
There is an old Zen proverb that says “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water”. No matter how far we have gone or great things we have learned we still needs to attend to the same tasks as before. That’s not to say not to be happy and enjoy our accomplishments. We need to keep in perspective that life and time moves forward and we all must attend to those activities that are necessary. One thing however you may find with some deeper understanding (or enlightenment) that sometimes even the basic actvities take on a new light and could tranform themselves from menial to actual enjoyment. Who knows you may even enjoy cutting wood and hauling water, heaving the fish nets, setting the trap lines, tilling the soil and shoveling the cow dung…ok, those are old school. How about just going to work then.
By Vichara
Escapism is subjective. One man’s heaven can be another man’s hell. By various means we try to alleviate the turmoil that can sometimes spin out of control around us. For every person there is a means and a way. Drugs, booze, sex, spending, sports, gambling, etc. These are but a few means at our disposal. For every degree of turmoil there is perceived to be a degree of escapism that can soothe or temper what is invading our lives. There is no invasion, there is no personal attack, there is no vindictive cause, it is just “life” unfolding in all it’s colorful majesty. It is no escapism that will change things; it is equanimity in your acceptance of these events that will quell the storm clouds. Not a resigned acceptance, but one of pragmatism and resolve to see things as they are and accept the answers and solutions, no matter what they are
By Vichara
There is so much manipulation that happens even in the smallest of communities. If in the larger corporate world if you find a chink in the armor of those you deal with it is seen as virtuous by some. On a small scale a child see the lack of ability in another and will make fun of that person. Either one is a reflection of their own inabilities to take a perceived deficiency and twist it to their own gain and amusement. Of course this type of activity goes on everyday and has been, without good merit, accepted human behavior. But what if we could change that paradigm, starting just each one of us and like a small stone tossed into a puddle ripple out to others changing manipulation to understanding and compassion.
By Vichara
Tradition calls upon one self to react and feel specific ways to various events in life both happy and sad. Being somewhat dictated by these expected and pre-described reactions can only lead to confusion and self-deception. You need to trust in how you feel and what you feel and in reacting naturally to the situations your response will be honest and in the present. Try to be cognizant of the possible manipulation that may be used on you. Breathe and figuratively step back to check in with yourself. Allow you to gauge the best way to participate or step away from every situation. This will guard your heart, your mind and bolster your natural mechanism to deal with fools and manipulators.
By Vichara
Be hungry for life. Look at what you are seeing like it will be the last time you see it. “Here” is where the colors will become more vivid, “here is where the sounds of nature more pronounced and sweeter, “here” is where the fragrance of tree, flowers and fruit will seem just a bit more enhanced. Of course it is your choice. You can reach for this deeper sense of connection with the world around you or keep rushing by with impatience that will never give you the quality you deserve and need. It can all start right now.
By Vichara
Time to gird up your loins, take the spear of perception and hold it firmly in one hand and in the other, the shield of self-preservation. It is time to once again step out beyond the safety of your abode and face the myriad of concepts, ideas and a parade of personalities. Sounds like a description from a Grade B gladiator film eh? Well yes, but it is not too far from the truth. We can try to hide away and not face interactions but the funny thing is that they will always find us…no matter what. None of us are completely equipped to handle every situation, so then how do we at least attempt to? We can start by building a metaphorical foundation that is less reactionary and more porous & transparent. Wait you say, if it is porous we will be vulnerable. No, infused in this foundation is the netting of compassion. Anything that passes through will be filtered through and tempered by this crucial element and delivered with less reaction and more compassion. Saddle up Peace Warriors!
By Vichara
“Water is one essence: but drunk by a cow it becomes milk, while drunk by a snake it becomes poison”. When something sp pure and simple is given to two different people the results and proceeds can be completely opposite to each other. Yes simple and self-evident it is interesting to see this example in our daily lives. You may hear how someone has worked hard on something and is reaping the rewards of this and someone may see this hard work as a means to be greedy and manipulative. One simple act consumed by two people and two different results. One observation is milk, the other poison. In our frenetic pace we can be quick to pass judgment on someone and what they do. We can all take a moment before our personal gavel strikes down in judgment to insure that we are not creating more unnecessary poison in the world.
By Vichara
Who among us is willing to take bold steps to change life for the good of all people? I bet you thought of a few as your read this. Probably ones like Jesus, Gandhi, Mohammed, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Moses, Rosa Parks and Dr. King. Amongst these giants of change there are many others that may not get the recognition like Beethoven, Saladin, Hildegard Of Bingen, St. Teresa Of Avila, Yogananda and including you! Yes you! We all have the capacity and the strength to change things in the world. You may diminish what you are capable of but each one of us has this ability. We may feel like just a tiny drop of water in the ocean, but each tiny drop is needed to make the ocean mighty with the capacity to make a change in the world.
By Vichara
While there is a certain degree of disregard to those who tend to look at the world through “rose-colored glasses”, there is some need for a daily fresh outlook for everyone. Yes, while it can seem a bit naïve and simple with a cheery outlook by elevating (either naturally or with a little encouraging push) oneself out of the daily negative aspects, could change the whole landscape that you and those around you walk upon. It all changes with one decision…and you.
By Vichara
If there were ways to reassure ourselves that things on a daily basis would be ok I am confident most of us would seize the opportunity. However the undercurrent impermanence of everything has domain over every aspect of every moment of every day and creates challenges for us. We can choose an erratic existence and be troubled by everything or we can be strong like water, flowing along, embracing and learning from change.
By Vichara
We are tempted everyday through the prism of deception. Our view and desires are shaped by the sense of inadequacy every which way we turn during the course of the day. You are not cool enough unless you have this thing or you will never shine and be noticed unless you have that. The latest toys, gadgets and doohickeys all to support this supposed sense of inadequacy. If there is one thing our current financial crisis has been teaching us is there are many things we truly do not need when it really comes down to it. The phoenix that should rise from these ashes of gluttony and greed is the essentials and a clearer vision of how to sustain a life without the excess. A GPS with a moral and ethical guidance system that will unify and not divide.
By Vichara
Reflect for just a moment on how you are feeling right now, this very minute…don’t drift over to something you need to do next or what happened yesterday, stay here, right now, without drifting. Happy? sad? anxious? peaceful? doesn’t matter as long as it is right now. Far too much time is spent in the abstracts of past and future. Yes we do learn from our past and we plan for the concept of the future but by not being here, cognizant of this moment is like waiting at the bus stop and missing the bus. It only stops “now” for you. Get your ticket and don’t miss the bus, there is always a seat waiting for you…now.
By Vichara
With a new day can there be a new change? An obvious question that, considering the exposed fragilities and conflicts, seems to be on the minds of many. I don’t believe that this could be answered in one easy way. Instead of looking out there (T.V., newspapers, internet) for the answers I think that using a figurative mirror on our selves will begin to help. By only reflecting on how we incorporate the world in our lives will be able to help initiate change. Yes it is obvious that the world issues are very large and overwhelming. Do not be discouraged, change can and will come but only if we change ourselves, one small piece at a time. You are not alone, we are not alone, they are not alone, everything is interconnected so if we change, the whole world changes.
By Vichara
There are many out there that feel the compulsion to be constantly informed with the latest news stories from around the globe. Most of them reported are negative. The need to know becomes an obsession to see the suffering of the world. Do we need to be informed of the suffering of the world? Do you not believe the world is suffering? Are you not clear with this concept? There is one thing to be informed but there is another thing to have this constant parade of suffering on your TV or radio all day long. Are you going to do anything to improve it? If not, stop watching it. You are not helping the situation for you or anyone else. Find one small way to change things around you for the better. Build on this foundation and the world will be transformed before your eyes.
By Vichara
There are so many happy things in our lives and yet it seems easier to NOT be happy at times. Problem is not being happy can grind the beauty of the day into fine grains that will blow away with the next slightest breeze. It is tough not to complain. Complaining can sometimes be the valve to release tensions and anxiety into the universe and get it out of your system. Of course by releasing it, it needs to go somewhere and that could be a problem because it will reach someone else (either orally or visually) and possibly create a CCR. No, not the famous rock band but a Complaint Chain Reaction (CCR). So how do we ease the world from too much complaining and create chain reactions? We get ourselves a big glass Mason Jar, the kind that your Grandma would put her famous strawberry jam in. We shall call it our CCR Jar and when we find ourselves wanting to complain we take the lid off the jar, release all of the complaints into it, put the lid back on tightly, hold it up in front of us and notice something. Notice that sometimes its just a lot of hot air that appears to be nothing.
By Vichara
Gandhi once said, “an eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind”. Let’s say now, today, as we wake up and meet the world – “a heart for a heart makes the whole world see”. By engaging in one simple act of kindness rooted in a compassionate heart, we can make a difference. On simple act will inspire another to another to another until it becomes a force and not a tiny voice as some perceive it to be. By bucking the system of negativity we can take control of a world with a vision of love, patience and compassion.
By Vichara
The truth does not lay in the facts but in the intuitive ability to recognize the truth. The truth as we tend to know it can be a collection of words, concepts and syllables and subject to deception by the person who wants to convince you of something. It is only when you gain the intuitive ability to feel and recognize the truth being projected with words will you know the honest truth.
By Vichara
We may find it difficult to achieve over certain aspects of our lives but that is the simple existence played out in the roles granted to us. The grant should not be perceived as preordained but lead to us trough the dynamic interaction by the divine spirit in us all. As the circumstances are lead to us, so to will the answers and solutions be given to us.