By Vichara
Perhaps within our frailties lies our strength. By acknowledging the weakness we can identify the hidden elements that will bolster our ability to gain more confidence in our actions and reactions. We will be dismissive in what would be perceived as weakness but perhaps it contains a lot more than we think. In nature we often see the animals that could be considered easy prey to the much more aggressive and larger. We are then amazed at the resourcefulness of these smaller beings in their ability to extradite themselves from their precarious situations. In similar ways when you find yourself in a situation that may seem hopeless you draw in and open a portal of information where suddenly the solutions appear. The thing is that it has always been there; we just need to tune in a little bit more to receive it. Don’t be fooled by weakness. There is great lessons and knowledge to be gained.
By Vichara
You get up, do what you need to do in the world to make a living, bring no harm to others and try to keep a compassionate heart tempered with love and patience. Seems simple enough right? And then you take a step forward and you find that there is a stone in your shoe. You are moving too quickly so you don’t get a chance to take it out so it stays there poking at your sole each step. You turn a corner and the wind gusts so hard that it pushes you backward. You grapple the wall until you make some headway. The wind recedes a bit but the little stone now feels like a rock and it hurts even more. You reach the entry door but it is locked. You try the opposite door – locked. So you go around to the other side and enter but the meeting has been moved 2 hours later and the stone has got bigger! Stop! Rewind and pause. The obvious solution is to take the stone out but the stone should have not been there at the start of the journey. Before you tie your laces up check for the little pebble and deal with it. Observe, review and extricate it from you day before it turns into a boulder and you become Sisyphus.
By Vichara
Get out of the shallow end of the pool of life. Swimming with little values could be hazardous to your well-being. The flamingos of fashion and excess may look attractive but as they say (and you know it by now), all that glitters is not gold. Beware of he sharks of ill intent. While they may not physically gnaw at your flesh their insidious behavior will place doubt in your mind with devious results. And while being in “school” be comforting their collective mentality will eventually rob you of your individuality. Where to swim? How to swim? Who to swim with? I think we all have no choice but to swim right in the middle of all of them. In the middle and around them with our fishy scales infused with a sense of purpose and equanimity.
By Vichara
It is always good to have your reach exceed your grasp. I have been thinking a lot about reaching and grabbing as I have been recovering from hand surgery in the last week. By having limited use of one hand and pretty much relying on one hand I have been reminded daily of the limitations as a result of this medical adventure. But of course, because my brain thinks this way, I begin to think of certain limitations we put on ourselves all the time. We are living in a time of even greater resources than our parents had. If there is something we need to learn, know or try to understand we are basically only a few mouse clicks away from finding out. It is what we do with it after we have this information is of course the key. Sometimes it will be fear that will keep us from moving forward but do realize that for the great majority of things you yourself have the key to reach even farther than yesterday. You do have the ability to exceed your grasp. Trust in yourself more and this adventure we have all have been given.
By Vichara
“Be the fire”. This is what a friend suggested to me yesterday. I know that she was not suggesting to burn things or irritate others but to be engulfed in the passionate fire of life. How many of us can say that we get consumed in the flames of beliefs, causes or even our recreational excursions as we live each day? Realistically most of our time is dedicated to making a living and paying the bills for things we believe we need or can’t live without. Obviously there are the sustaining items that we need to get by like food and shelter. But can we still ignite and retain a fire beyond all of that? Here is the key; this fire does not necessarily need to be saving the planet for any of the various troubled causes, although that would be fine. I am thinking of igniting the passionate flame for even the smaller things like teaching a child about the amazing world of literature, creating a bountiful garden to share or creating something artistic to make you smile deep inside. Even at the smaller scale this fire can be as grand as any world cause but it will be your own heart sustaining it.
By Vichara
As I looked up and out the windows where I “sit” the stars were still visible and in the last throws of twinkling before the sun takes away their splendor. But as they hung there it reminded me of the sparkles contained in one of those novelty snow globes you get from tourist shops. Some of these globes depict scenes that will be covered with a blanket of falling snowflakes and then others with tiny sparkles that seem so magical. As a child (and sometimes as an adult) you repeatedly shake the globe to see a new set of sparkles cascade down and create new scenes on these tiny landscapes. Although a physical impossibility we should try to shake our own personal snow globes each morning. Create a new scene, a fresh start at the beginning of each day. Give yourselves a new outlook free from the stagnation of yesterday and blanketed by the crystal sparkle of a new day.
By Vichara
We have created a world where indifference is a comfort for the ever-present fear that we hold on to. Within this world we create worlds of sound and glass. Through iPods we create a musical world where rhythm and words sonically dress the world we wish for. Behind the glass we drive we try to hide behind and yet still see the world like some goldfish peeping out into a world that we barely exist in. We are at many times uncomfortable with the world we find ourselves in and seek whatever refuge we can. What is it about this world that we dislike? It is not the world we created in “entertainment”. Solutions are not found in 44 minutes; the smiles are never that white and cleaning up is never that easy. The orchestral strings are never heard at the significant moments to let us know that victory is at hand and because of this we start creating our own worlds. These are only temporal curtains that will be shredded when we engage the world with honesty and reality. There is much more magic than mania out there, trust more in yourself.
By Vichara
When you are walking into a minefield of doubt you have two choices. Let this delusion guide your hands and heart so you only move incrementally or dismantle each mine using careful honesty with yourself to clear the path, free yourself and move forward. Some of these mines will be small and when seen for what they are can be removed with ease. Others will probably take great courage to find the mechanism and the right colored wire to cut. Without a doubt each one of us does have the tools and ability to accomplish this task. If we don’t we may need to ask for assistance. Ahhh, but you are saying to yourself “how can I be sure and trust the assistance, I have doubt”. A valid question but (and you knew there was going to be a “but”) when there is honest intent to dismantle these mines and if there is a need for assistance the honest mechanics will show up to help. However, regardless of the assistance you receive it is you that will need to snip the final wire of doubt for each mine that lies before you.
By Vichara
You may not know this but when we were born we all signed a contract. We signed it audibly with that first cry. I know, I know you are saying it can’t be valid because some doctor slapped you into doing it and so it was coerced. You would have done it anyway even without a little coaxing. We all needed to announce our arrival into this world. With this announcement comes acceptance of the responsibility we all assume when we enter this world. First the world is relatively easy on the terms and us. We merely sleep, eat, gurgle and defecate. But as time goes by and we start to “see’ things and recognizing challenges and opportunities the contract become a little more evident. There will be some clauses in our contract that may take years to fulfill and there will be tears and laughter to balance the terms. In the end what could be the toughest or the easiest overall term, depending on the spirit of your will be this; regardless of how the world is presented to you treat each moment with love, patience and compassion.
By Vichara
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out. An act that we do everyday that we generally don’t think of too much. With every in and out our bodies bringing the life force in and releasing what is not necessary out. Such a simple and yet complicated act and yet we hardly notice it. This essential and primary act and it is just assumed that it will happen. What this “thought” today is just simply asking is to raise the cognizant level from wherever you are to just up to the next level, that’s all. It may mean you will need to stop running around for a few minutes and pay attention to things but it will be worth your while. I’m not suggesting that you sustain this level all day (only if you want to), just 5 minutes perhaps. Raising this level will open up the opportunity to “see” and “feel” that may have not been apparent before. It will be worth it. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out.
By Vichara
Depending on when you read this “thought” your day may have either just started or maybe drawing to a close. If the curtain of the day has just been pulled back you have an opportunity to set your course with the right intent. Now here at this point many of us may get overwhelmed in the list we may mentally create. We may get all excited and the laundry list of actions we may want to follow backs us into a corner of inactivity. Stop! Before this happens breathe and focus on maybe just one for the day. Temper your persistence with patience. Be more open to things difficult to understand. Just something that can act as one guidepost in your journey. Something that will make the day more substantive rather than vacuous. And for those reading this at the end of the day, set your sails with honest reflection on what you can do tomorrow. Either way guide your intent with compassion
By Vichara
You are one of the billions of un-tethered energy sources of the world. Within you is a power source that is immeasurable and renewable that can change the physical world around you. While yes this energy can do harm it is at it’s best and most effective when it is connected and unified with others to do well. There will be times when you think the amperage that is present within you is too low to be any good to anything or anyone. This is where your limitations are misguided. Every energy inch of what you embody is extremely powerful. Do not discount that. You have the complete ability to increase this internal energy at any given moment by the switch of love & compassion. This is the A/C and D/C of existence. Power up and use this and the world around you will be brighter and better. Not solar powered but soul powered.
By Vichara
As I “sat” I looked down at the little book I write these “thoughts” in and staring back at me was this blank page. I thought – perfect! This blank page is a fresh start and a new day. In essence a whole new beginning. How could I convey this in a meager written form and even if I could would it contain enough commonalities to be understood? We are given this with each day “____________________” and we have a tendency to produce this “@#**5$&^***!^?:” by the end of each day. So how can we keep at least some of the openness that is given to us from turning into this consistent frenetic jungle of clanging noise? At this point in writing this I must admit I feel I have painted myself into a corner. But no it is not a corner but a reflection point and perhaps the answer to the question from above. If by spontaneously installing reflection points (like road-side rest stops) throughout our day perhaps there we can recharge and remind ourselves that we all have the opportunity for a fresh start at any point in the day. I’m not completely sure but…I’m looking at a blank page again.
By Vichara
Is there any truth to the rumor? I’m sure you may have heard a little about it in passing. Someone told me that it was on the news last night just after the weather forecast. I did receive a text message from a pal in Europe that has been hearing the same thing over there as well. I know it may be hard to believe and that any such notion needs to be met with a certain amount of skepticism. I mean really, can we believe what this rumor is stating has any truth to it? I know that some would consider it just plain naïve to have such a notion and for others it would be just ridiculous. Who would have started a rumor that “Love, Patience and Compassion” are the key elements to unlocking human potential? That with these three plugged into our hearts and minds creates the possibility of positive change for all? I mean are they CRAZY!?
By Vichara
This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.
By Vichara
So you breathe, so you live. So you live, so you create. From creation comes inspiration and from inspiration is the spark you will share and help those around you. Each and every one of us has this ability and it is stirring as you read this. This is your life, you have the right, the qualifications so ignite and inspire
By Vichara
We are again at the point of the year where the woes of winter start to fade and the promise of new life starts to become evident in the outside world. The green shoots appearing, the buds starting to form and the variety of birds start to change. Yes all of this on the outside but we also can use this equinox of change with our own inside world – with our minds and vision. We have an opportunity with the spring equinox to clear the debris internally and turn the soil for the planting of new thoughts and new ideas with acceptance and understanding. Consider what seeds you want to plant this year and how they will affect the overall garden. Be patient with the new growth in your new garden because nothing will flourish without this element.
By Vichara
Objects may appear larger is written on most of the rear view mirrors in the vehicles that we drive. Of course in this forum you know it is placed there to remind us to be cognizant of moving objects that are whizzing past all the time. Where this warning is not written in plain sight is in our daily lives. We encounter so many things in our day that will seem so much larger than they appear. Something somebody says in passing that is probably a whisper seems like a scream. An encounter with an issue you are dealing with that on the surface to others maybe small as a gnat but looms to you so large they appear like a monster from a silly “B” movie. Perhaps in these moments when distortion misaligns the actual truth we need to get up and walk away from the mirror for a moment until whatever you are dealing with reduces to it’s actual size. Then driving forward with clarity and equanimity the possible overwhelming presence of objects will be reduced to it’s actual manageable size. Don’t forget to use your turn signals
By Vichara
How much can you get away with? There seems to be evident a sense by some to see how much they can get away with in a day with even the smallest of things. Like a child thinking that the adult is not around they push the limits. They see how far they can wait before they run out of lane in traffic and cut in front of somebody. Park in places not assigned to them, leave dirty dishes in a sink, paper towels on the floor and things unattended. Possibly believing they do not need to pay attention, somebody else will take care of it; they have their own set of rules, lazy, inconsiderate or just plain self-involved. Your wake both physically and mentally does leave its mark so it’s just plain decent if you were cognizant of this fact. It may take a minute longer to finish or wait but isn’t that better than bringing on some karmic backlash that will sooner or later will happen?
By Vichara
There are days when life seems like playing cards with everyone but the cards are blank and no one is sure of the rules. Sure you know that you are engaged in some kind of exercise and because there are cards there is something tangible but there is a missing part. What is the missing part? Is it understanding? Is it compassion? Is it empathy? Is it belief? Or is it just plain human decency? What is the goal of this game that we engage in for our waking hours? Is there some satisfying conclusion that we are aiming for? To some it may be small while others grand but we all will have some wish for the outcome. I know that this thought brings up more questions than answers but perhaps that is the goal. To put images on the cards that we play and to let us know that we are all playing a fair game.
By Vichara
This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.
By Vichara
Two thoughts meet and face each other like Wild West gunslingers at high noon. Who is faster at engaging the synopses that will culminate in a victory with the grey matter of the brain? Who will be faster, hit the mark and gain dominance? The right thought, the wrong thought. The calculated or the impulsive, which one will, it be? In that split second with that one dominant thought our lives change. This thought gunfight happens so many times in a day that we do not keep track. So how do we know that the decision to raise the hand of victory in that microsecond is the right one? Is it in the intuitive moral compass that hopefully cultivated? Spiritual guides that mysteriously lead you through to safety? I am not completely sure with only 56 years on this planet. But I do believe if the paths that we have traversed are infused with the lessons from those of good moral integrity that our hands and hearts will be then soundly guided and we will ultimately win the battle at high noon.