On the high seas...

By Vichara

The day should not be determined by the collection of anxieties brewing internally and churring the waters of your voyage. Use the rudder of clarity to guide you through these rough seas and back to calmer waters. And while our sails may be listless for a time we will find the resolve to fill them with the energies of compassion and love to ply the waters once again. Here ends the (life) nautical lesson of the day. Sail away my fellow pirates of possibilities…arrrrrrgh!

Did you hear?...

By Vichara

The world is expecting an answer from you today. Wait, you didn’t hear the question? Of course you should have, it was early this morning and has been repeated over and over again. You were asked when your eyes first cracked open. You were asked when that first sip of coffee / tea slid down your throat. You were asked when that cool breeze touched your face. You were asked when you laughed out loud so hard with a friend. You were asked when that sad moment reflected back at you again. You were asked when your furry friend was happy when you walked in the door and you will be asked once again when sleep takes you in it’s arms. The question is direct and to the point – Are you happy to be alive? Before you react, whine, piss and moan, think about this for a moment. If you have the ability to react this way, you have the ability to change. It is up to you. Now answer the question.

Lesson #14...

By Vichara

This morning I woke to persistent ringing of the front doorbell. Scraping off some of the sleep still clinging to me at that early hour I made my way downstairs to see who was insisting on making this A.M. appearance. As I opened the door I sighed with recognition of the two figures standing there. On the right with finger still jabbing at the button was Impatience. On the left, head lazily turning with cursory glances, Indifference. Impatience, always the first to speak up, said that he was in a hurry (of course) and that he wanted to spend the day with me. He added that Indifference was just bored and agreed to come along. Indifference just looked over, shrugged and rolled his eyes. I said to Impatience as he jingled the loose change in his pocket that I was sorry that I had no room in my car today. Compassion, Clarity and Patience stayed over and was riding in with me. Impatience’s eyes bugged out, his face turned red and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. He stared and blurted out with some spittle “WHAT!! gotta go!!!! He ran off the porch. Indifference put his hands in his pockets deeper, turned and shuffled off with his flip-flops clapping on the sidewalk. Lesson learned today: Be careful whom you carpool with, it might not be good for the world.

A tear in perception...

By Vichara

What happens when you see behind the veil of deception and finally see the truth? The opaque gauze where the projections of this life are reflected suddenly gets a tear. The tear reveals a reality unbiased and unclouded. A cold hard blast that is uncompromising and unapologetic in its directness. It cannot be ignored and yet it gives you the option. Do you open your eyes in an attempt to understand and gain perspective or retreat back into ignorance? The tear will only appear for a moment and then its gap will close once again until another accumulation of events and experiences tears it open once again for just you. Will you enter the tear and receive the revelations or retreat? What will be revealed may not be pleasant but it will be honest and will shift your vision. It is up to you.

A new angle...

By Vichara

There is a tendency to view things from one vantage point for the majority of the time. It can come from force of habit or just plain comfort. For me I notice it a lot being around other photographers. You may notice in your family photos when taking a picture of friends and family you try to corral them together and you stand straight on and snap away. If you go back you may see the same kind of photo in your collection. As with life and with photography there are times you need to break out and look at things from a different angle. For me I’ll crouch down at times for a different vantage point and in a way you can do this with your observations. When faced with a challenging situation, hunker down and force yourself to get a new angle on things. Give yourself an opportunity for a new perspective and to hear things differently. Making a decision is like pushing down on the shutter of the camera. Once it is done the decision has been made, the moment has been captured. Try to have things framed and thought through before releasing the shutter


By Vichara

If we welcome the day without expectation will there be fulfillment or dissatisfaction? Without the needs and desires placed on what is going to happen will it allow the opportunities to be more abundant or less because there is little interest? I know a lot of questions and things to think about but sometimes this is the stuff tat rattles around in the pinball machine in my head. I try to wake up to each day on a fresh page, a clear open field but we all know there is always remnants of the previous chapter, a previous day that lingers around. Sometimes it is like writing on a piece of paper that has been written on and then partially erased. There is always something left hanging there. What do you do with the leftovers? Make a sandwich! Take the morning slice of bread, pile on what was left, and garnish it up with understanding and compassion with a thick slice of equanimity. Warm it up with insight and with each bite try to digest what was left to gain perspective and answers. Oh yes, remember to leave room for desert.

Through the tunnel...

By Vichara

Depression can be a conditional friend. It can take you to dark hallways where reflection can and will act as a catalyst to transcend. The problem is that in its corridors you may find safety and comfort but it will not nourish or resolve it is just a temporary salve. The true healing takes place when you take the mementos of the dark journey and reveal them in the light of understanding and compassion. In this depression, there are elements of revelations that would never find it’s value in the dark and only will prove useful in the light. They could be ugly or dissident, but they will have value in the healing process. We should not run from depression but recognize it for what it is, just another wave in the healing and growing process that we may need to experience.

The humanity jig-saw puzzle...

By Vichara

Everyone is a missing piece in a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. Have you put together one of those very large jigsaw puzzles? You know the scenic ones where you sit searching for the piece of he landscape that will pull it all together and advance the completion. And when you do find these pieces and snap them into place everything suddenly starts to appear clearer. Each one of us is a potential missing piece in each other’s jigsaw puzzle of understanding. You may have an idea but there will be times when you reach an impasse. Then you see something for an instant on your way to work, hear something in passing standing in line or a combination of things at the right moment and “ding” something becomes all that more clearer. There are billions of pieces in this humanity jigsaw puzzle. We all must try to fit together and help each other see and understand the much bigger picture.


By Vichara

There is 525,600 minutes in a year, what are you going to do with them? This is not a question to place pressure on you to ensure you do something worthwhile with these minutes, just curious. What should be considered is if you want to contribute or remain neutral? Do you want to add to the recipe of just consume? Do you want to add you voice to the chorus or remain silent in your corner? There will not be a re-set button and you will not be able to rewind. Some of you out there will already have come to this realization but if you are stuck in neutral now is the time to shift gears. For some I recommend moving slowly. In this instant gratification world it can be hard if you do not see results right away and you can get discouraged. Small steps with conviction are better than grand gestures without substance.

The mark you leave...

By Vichara

We can either cast a giant shadow on a day or we can provide a window to receive and create a clearer vision not only for ourselves but for others as well. The shadow will only create darkness and confusion. It might be felt that the shadow is needed to make a point to create a statement of authority but it only creates more darkness & doubt. Bt creating a window of communication and a sense of transparency the corner once filled with doubt is now illuminated with knowledge and cohesiveness. Your choice - darkness and misunderstanding or light and a clearer vision.

The blender of Life...

By Vichara

Let’s crank up the blender of life and make us a cocktail. There are some people that believe that they only need one item in the ol’ blender, some ice and churn things up to have a good, happy and successful life. Well if that is what you think we need to send you back to the Life Bartender School. This hopefully long cool drink that is given to us needs several ingredients in order to make a tasty blend. In the beginning we may only have a couple of ingredients to start with but with an open heart, mind and spirit we’ll receive other ingredients to toss into the blender. Of course the essentials are needed like love, compassion, laughter, empathy and equanimity. But as years go by you will get things like disappointment, silliness, death, revelations, sadness, absurdity, music, arts, literature, resourcefulness, jealousy, happiness and many more. One by one toss them in and mix them up. By taste you will learn the right amount to balance and make your life full. One ingredient makes for a boring cocktail while many create a fiesta in which life should be. Drink up!

Not seen on TV...

By Vichara

We live in a day where there is an insatiable need to stay connected by electronic devices. Blackberry, crackberry, i-This, i-That, Palm, Sole, Cranium – whatever they may be called. We type and talk while we drive, sit on the toilet, have dinner, even when we are sitting with other people. Then there are some who can send messages while walking at break neck speeds, which I’m sure will be an Olympic sport very soon. Regardless of the etiquette issues related to some of these styles there seems to be a deeper for some for this compulsion to be in constant communication. Deep down we all want to know and feel that we are wanted, accepted and loved so we seek this from others. Even if you are the most cynical there is still a desire for this at some level. But in order to fully connect with others we must be connected with ourselves. Fortunately for us we have a device to communicate with ourselves that does not need batteries, wires, buttons or Internet connection. It is called-reflection (or if you want to be fancy, i-Reflection). Take any thought, idea, concern or something you are pondering and process this through i-Reflection to seek illumination and direction. It is sometimes best to use i-Reflection in quieter and solitary places to get the best results. What you will find after diligent use of i-Reflection is a decrease in obsessive communication, a reduction of the superfluous and a clarity of thought. The best thing is that i-Reflection is available to you right now for the low, low price of FREE!

Just up ahead...

By Vichara

There is this beautiful roadside rest stop that I just visited that I want to recommend. I was needing a break from a long drive on the 101; no I think it was the 5. Anyway I thought to myself that the next rest area no matter how it looked or far I would just pull in. Of course the moment I was thinking this a sign appeared that a rest stop was just ahead. Well my friends the moment I exited I was met with all of the elements that would be needed for a “rest”. The trees were tall and so full of leaves that they provided ample shade. The flowers were so colorful. Whoever was the greens keeper did a wonderful job with the selection of flowers bordering the walkways. I think it was the 210 freeway…maybe not. Anyway as I wandered along the walkway I spotted a picnic table where I could rest with a snack. Well friends as I was just to sit down and I looked to my right and there was this majestic waterfall. At the bottom was a pool of clear water with all kinds of birds swooping in and around. Ah, it was so amazing and I thought I would need to come back here again very soon. Well fellow travelers you can guess by now that this rest area was not on any freeway but right here where I “sit” writing these “thoughts”. But the rest stop is available to you too. You have the power to create this sense of peace and instill some calm for yourself at anytime and anyplace. Just take the next exit.

Action / Reaction...

By Vichara

An action will have a re-action. That re-action will ignite another action. That action will inspire another re-action. From that re-action…while the action / re-action plays on let’s take a moment. While we ponder, muse and speculate the continuum toils on regardless. We may choose to believe that we can pull away and not be part of the fray but the fray will always find you. You may believe that some of life’s pageantry does not concern you but it will at some point. The action to extricate yourself from life is an action that is having a re-action, which is having another action (you get the picture). Every single molecule is interconnected so why not be a part of an action of change. Change that will improve and not tear down. Change that ignites the positive and not the negative. Of course you could turn away and close your door but of course that will have an action that causes a…

A well-tempered path...

By Vichara

Our persistence can be our friend or enemy…depending how it is tempered. We can have the drive and desire but if we approach our intended goal like a bull in a china shop we will leave and unpleasant wake. With a clear demarcation point that is not physically or mentally cluttered and a sure steady confident stride that is cognizant will open up the path in front of you. Yes there will be distractions that try to throw you off but your persistence centered with a good heart will keep the momentum going. If you need to change course do so but always be cognizant that your steps are not based in delusion but with clarity of the heart

Your own channel...

By Vichara

Hello blue skies, good morning little birds, top of the morning to you Mr. Squirrel, how-de-do-dee little veggie plants…ooops, sorry I had the Polly-Anna channel tuned in. While yes we would like to believe and experience the world with the sweetness of a Disney film the reality is that it is not. What it is a cavalcade of programming that defies all FCC mandates. But you control the dial. You have a direct connection with the programming in your life and the out come of the stories is up to you. You are the head of programming, the writer, the director and the actor. Sure there will drifting of signals where other channels will fade into yours but you should not relinquish the control of your program but incorporate storylines with the integrity of your own vision. Retain what you believe in and direct with the confidence of your own heart.

The Subtle Symphony #14, Opus 51...

By Vichara

The day has its own melody that is sometimes so subtle we fail to hear it. What may seem frenetic are actually the components of an organic symphony being composed everyday. Outside my window now comes the percussive chattering of a squirrel. The polyrhythmic signature setting the timing of this section while the cooing of the mourning doves add a counter balance with their unique tone. The wind filters through the sycamore tree creating a subtle rustling that is then augmented by the purple and yellow finches that are feeding. Joining in with this passage is the long swoosh and hum of the tires of the traffic from the front of my house. Closing out this passage come the infrequent honk of a mallard duck in his path from east to west. The wind picks up a bit and rustles the wind chimes that once hung in my Mums garden and ends this section. The Mitred parrots begin the next section with shrilling squawk. Take time to listen, these symphonies are going on everyday, 24/7.

What is intuitively revealed...

By Vichara

Are we suffering from a lack of self-realization or have realizing the self, turned away from what is intuitively revealed? Next to me I have at least 8 – 4x3 little composition books where I manually write all these “thoughts”. I suspect I could easily scratch these thoughts out on scraps of paper and then once entered into my laptop and deposited on this web site throw them away – but I don’t. I prefer to have a physical reminder of the realizations intuitively given to me so I don’t turn away completely. There are discoveries we are all given every day that our self will refrain from listening to in what perhaps could be a fight or flight of self-preservation. What to keep in mind when faced with these is that each and every one of these is important and possibly holds a key to a discovery. While being protective do remember to remain to be open to realization. Here will be your catalyst for survival.

Walk a mile in different shoes...

By Vichara

Challenge the past by standing up to the future with integrity. We all have encounters and experiences that have left the residue of doubt in our paths. This doubt can take many forms and at times feel like that uncomfortable pebble that gets stuck in your shoe. You shift your foot. You try to wiggle it to the side so you can keep walking but it keeps reminding you that it is there with it’s persistent jabbing. The obvious thing to do is to stop, sit down, take the shoe off and shake it free but we try to ignore it. When you finally do this annoyance can sometimes be so small you can’t imagine how it caused so much pain and bother. But here is an even more radical idea. Maybe you need to unload the whole shoe! Perhaps it would be beneficial for your well being to unburden your toes and get a new perspective. Of course it is up to you.

The same, but slightly different...

By Vichara

Is it linear lines of fate that brings some of us together, pre-destined karma or just plain stupid luck? After meeting someone for the first time do you walk away and think wow that was interesting it was like we knew each other. Or gee that person seemed to know and push all my buttons. Is there a purpose to the interconnectivity of our daily lives? Sure in our work life we are thrown together with people, in what may not be an organic way, but I’m thinking of what may seem random. Why yesterday I met this gentleman and from the ease of the encounter it would seem that we had known each other for years. Could that be that in what people consider past lives that we have been set up again with the same set of encounters (but with different bodies) to reveal and revise the path of our lives once again? Pardon me do I know you?

Sorbet of the mind...

By Vichara

Like having a sorbet between courses in a fancy restaurant to cleanse our palates, I think we sometimes need a sorbet for the mind. Some way to cleanse the mind, to refresh and get a clearer perspective. Some may be thinking right now – yes it’s called alcohol and drugs…didn’t you? Yes that is the obvious but they are just temporary clouds that just pass by. I’m thinking of some other way. Something that is not so hazardous to health and well-being. Perhaps it is a piece of inspirational literature, some music, a painting, place or just a single photographic image. Maybe it is a combination of a couple things that can be like tumblers in a lock clicking together. I am not sure but I am open to suggestions. Maybe there is a Rosetta Stone that can refresh our perspective. I’m just thinking…