We all have the answers. Let that sink in for a while. Say it to yourself again. We all have the answers. There is the factual and those answers are easily obtainable these days by many means, books, video, teachers, Internet, etc. Then there is the esoteric and the answers to those humanistic, emotional questions that to most seem remote and unobtainable. All of the keys that will open the doors of understanding are in everyone’s pocket. Our reluctance to getting the “answers” is not based in ignorance but in reluctance of being patient enough to locate the key to each question that resides in al of us. Sometimes it may take some time to get the answer but with patience you will get there.
garrulous • \GAIR-uh-lus\ • adjective
1 : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative
*2 : wordy
Example Sentence:
With a few judicious revisions, a good editor can often transform garrulous writing into elegant prose.
Did you know?
English has many adjectives that share the meaning "given to talk" or "talking." "Talkative" may imply a readiness to talk or a disposition to enjoy conversation, while "loquacious" suggests the power of expressing oneself articulately, fluently, or glibly. "Voluble" suggests a free, easy, and unending talkativeness, and "garrulous" implies talkativeness that is dull, rambling, or tedious. "Garrulous," by the way, derives from the Latin verb "garrire," which means (no surprise here) "to chatter" or "to babble."
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