All bound together..

By Vichara

If people could only understand that they do not live individual lives but that their lives and souls are linked to others, then they would know that in doing good deeds for others, they do good for themselves.

superannuated • \soo-per-AN-yuh-way-tud\ • adjective
1 : outmoded, old-fashioned
2 a : incapacitated or disqualified for active duty by advanced age *b : older than the typical member of a specified group

Example Sentence:
The article focused on senior citizens who retired from the workplace and returned to school to become superannuated graduate students.

Did you know?
"Superannuated" was first put to use in English in the 1600s, having been borrowed from Medieval Latin "superannuatus," the past participle of "superannuari" ("to be too old") -- from Latin "super-" ("over" or "above") and "annus" ("year"). Shortly thereafter, we made our own verb, "superannuate," from the adjective. "Superannuate" meant "to retire and pension because of age or infirmity" as well as "to declare obsolete," meanings that are still in active service. "Superannuated" can mean "outmoded or old-fashioned," as in "superannuated slang" or "superannuated neckties," or it can simply mean "older than usual," as in our example sentence.

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