Right around the corner...
The world will always keep spinning around the sun and the sun will rise and set. There is nothing we can do personally to stop or slow this down. It is the cruising speed of life. Many try to exceed this pace through ways both physically using machines and chemically using drugs. Trouble is that by moving at this induced speed you will rush by the very answers you may be looking for. Take some time to slow down, the answers are right around the corner.
prelapsarian • \pree-lap-SAIR-ee-un\ • adjective
: characteristic of or belonging to the time or state before the fall of humankind
Example Sentence:
In the afternoon we walked through the idyllic gardens, noting their prelapsarian charm.
Did you know?
"Prelapsarian" is the latest creation in the "lapsarian" family, which is etymologically related to Latin "lapsus," meaning "slip" or "fall." "Supralapsarian" is the firstborn, appearing in 1633 as a word for someone who held the belief that people were predestined to either eternal life or eternal death before the Creation and the Fall (the event in the Bible when Adam and Eve were forced to leave the Garden of Eden because they had sinned against God). Next in line is "sublapsarian," which refers to a person who adhered to the view that God foresaw and permitted the Fall and after the Fall decreed predestination to eternal life as a means of saving some of the human race. That word first appears in 1656 and was followed by its synonym, "infralapsarian," in distant 1731. "Postlapsarian," meaning "of, relating to, or characteristic of the time or state after the Fall," appeared two years later, and "prelapsarian" was delayed until 1879.
December 15, 2008 at 1:10 PM
Question: When I reach one of life's intersections how do I know if I should continue forward or turn right or turn left? If the answer is around the corner how am I to know?
January 7, 2009 at 10:29 AM
Joe, sorry for not being "around the corner" to answer your question until now. I believe the only way you will know if you need to turn left or right is to have slowed down enough to have built some intuitive skills. That I don't have instructiions for as with each person it will be different. Sorry to be amigious with that point but clarity is not something that comes naturally these days for some as they are many people multi-tasking, texting while driving, eating, reading and watching TV at the same time. The Buddha said when you are walking, walk. When you are sitting, sit. Don't wobble. There will be many corners to turn, take your time.
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