The step forward...

By Vichara

You can begin again. This could be the day, the hour, the minute, the right moment where, if you believe, the planets and stars align for you to make that decision you need, desire and is necessary. What is it your soul needs to make? That shift to get up and step forward. What will be the catalyst you need? You know you have been waiting for that sign for so very long and it is so needed you will recognize it in a heartbeat. Because it is in that one heartbeat is where the vista will rise up to meet you. What will you do with this moment when it arrives? Will you give it a casual glance and turn away? Will you hand over your ticket of acceptance and get on board for the ride? It is up to you. In this democracy of the heart, mind & spirit it will be your decision because it will you that will face the sunrise of tomorrow by making the decision of today.

pundit • \PUN-dit\ • noun

1 : a learned person : teacher

2 : authority, critic

Example Sentence:

Grandpa likes watching liberal and conservative pundits spar about the issues of the day on the Sunday morning talk shows.

Did you know?

The original pundits were highly respected teachers and leaders in India. Their title was taken from the Hindi word "pandit," a term of respect for a wise person that itself derives from the Sanskrit "pandita," meaning "learned." English speakers began using the form "pundit" specifically to refer to those Hindu sages as long ago as the 1600s. By the 1800s, they had also extended the term to refer to other sagacious individuals, and now "pundit" is often used with a hint of sarcasm to refer to informed opinion makers (such as political commentators, financial analysts, and newspaper columnists) who boldly share their views (sometimes at great length) on just about any subject that lies within their areas of expertise.

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