Revealing through the mundane...
A slight in perception will often lead you to discoveries that would you normally pass over. In our daily activities there are many elements of repetition. But like a fine craftsman /woman repeatedly buffing a fine piece of metal or wood it will soon reveal a beauty that only comes from diligent and careful focus. While we may view some activities as plainly boring, these same movements of mind and body could reveal to you and those around you a hidden treasure that will help you and others. Reflect in the mundane and through your diligence discover something that could change your perceptions.
haywire • \HAY-wyre\ • adverb or adjective
*1 : being out of order or having gone wrong
2 : emotionally or mentally upset or out of control : crazy
Example Sentence:
The company's e-mailing system went haywire and sent out multiple copies of the advertisement to its subscribers.
Did you know?
The wire used in baling hay -- haywire -- is often used in makeshift repairs. This hurried and temporary use of haywire gave rise to the adjective "haywire." When the adjective was first used in the early 20th century, it was primarily found in the phrase "haywire outfit," which originally denoted a poorly equipped group of loggers and then anything that was flimsy or patched together. This led to a "hastily patched-up" sense, which, in turn, gave us the more commonly used meaning, "being out of order or having gone wrong." The "crazy" sense of "haywire" may have been suggested by the difficulty of handling the springy wire, its tendency to get tangled around legs, or the disorderly appearance of the temporary repair jobs for which it was used.
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