A friendly reminder...

By Vichara

This is just a friendly reminder – we only have so many hours that we are given in a day, try to make the most of them. We are sometimes in belief that like a game show we are given a “bonus” round or another “life” like I see in video games. We should not be mired in fear. Endeavor to explore a new adventure and appreciate the moments that are given to us. A very dear friend reminded me that “appreciating the moment is not a passive endeavor, at least for those who want to appreciate as many as possible”. Acknowledge the “ticking” but open your heart.

spelunker • \spih-LUNK-er\ • noun
: one who makes a hobby of exploring and studying caves
Example Sentence:
Our favorite B horror movie is about a group of spelunkers who discover a colony of zombies in a cavern.
Did you know?
"Spelunker" sounds like the noise a pebble makes when you drop it down a deep hole and into dark, hidden water far below. But there's nothing dark or obscure about the etymology of the term. We borrowed "spelunker" from to the bottom of things, you find that both the Latin and Greek words mean "cave." Although "spelunker" might sound neat, be careful: some cave-exploring enthusiasts prefer the term "caver."

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