The demarcation point...

By Vichara

If there is an acknowledgement within yourself for a desire to change, you are half way there. If your awareness of the world around is heightened, the seed has been planted. If you find yourself talking about social and moral values, the shift has already happened. Sooner or later (and hopefully sooner) awareness arises inside you and creates the catalyst for change and moves our dialogue from internal to external. From this point you will be drawn to other voices that will encourage your steps. Like kindred souls finally meeting you will set down the demarcation point for change not only for you but the world around you. But please remember to be kind to yourself and move forward with compassion.

nescience • \NESH-ee-unss\ • noun
: lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance
Example Sentence:
"[Samuel] Johnson was so vexed by a young clergyman's nescience that he complained, 'His ignorance is so great, I am afraid to show him the bottom of it.'" (Barry Baldwin, Verbatim, June 22, 2003)
Did you know?
Eighteenth-century British poet, essayist, and lexicographer Samuel Johnson once said, "There is nothing so minute or inconsiderable that I would not rather know it than not know it." He probably knew a thing or two about the history of the word "nescience," which evolved from a combination of the Latin prefix "ne-," meaning "not," and "scire," a verb meaning "to know." And he may also have known that "scire" is an ancestor of "science," a word whose original meaning in English was "knowledge."

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