Giving to you...
In this time of giving to others you will be encouraged and berated to give as much as you can. While of course admirable to do so be also cognizant of giving to you. Not necessarily in physical objects but give you those moments needed to reflect. Give yourself the opportunity to meditate on what has transpired in this year and how you would like to approach the coming year. Don’t be so critical of what has transpired to the point of immobility to move forward but take what you believe to be a sticking point as another step in growing and as a catalyst to move forward. Remember when the pace of the season may become frenetic give you the time to step away from the torrent to breathe and observe. Through these moments you give yourself an opportunity to learn and understand motivation. It may not seem like a lot to give these moments to yourself but in the long run it will help your sanity and understanding the season around you.
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