Letting go...

By Vichara

...the rope burned my hands from the approximately 10 - 15 feet I slid down it.  At this point I just wanted to hang on regardless of the pain radiating through my palms.  I had no choice.  Without any knots on the thick rope and my weakened state I could not go up, I just needed to hold on.  As I slowly spun around on this rope a fog enveloped all of my vantage points.  I knew from where I came from there was an element of safety and comfort but now all around nothing was clear.  So I hold on.  I called out for help but the only thing that comes back to me is the echo of my voice.  I need to do something but I am unsure.  I can't just hang there sooner or later my resolve will give out and a decision will be made for me. Before I made this fateful step I was told by my guide that I needed to trust him and that he would not steer me wrong and put me in any danger. But hanging here with my fingers going numb I am not sure.  He said that there are times when you needed to trust where you are being led. That the universe or whatever you may want to call it has at its core an altruistic spirit and does not deliberately want to harm you.  It is you that does the harm and others who are only led by selfish desires that are empty.  My guide told me that sometimes you just need to let go.  Let go of what others think you should do.  Let go of trying to hold on because life is impermanent and is constantly changing and in these changes you will find the answers you seek.  They are not tucked away in the torn pages of the past or what you believe the future will be.  At this point my labored breathing has drifted into a calm rhythm and I have stopped spinning around.  I let go...

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