Being present, being now...
You can't be anywhere but here right now but many people refuse. They turn and look backwards to a past already etched in the books and try to manipulate it into something that cant be changed. Then there are others that lean forward to get a glimpse around the corner to a future that has not arrived and project what will happen. Either one is a losing battle. One that can't be changed no matter what form of incantations or hocus pocus you may try to use. Being present, being here, being now will increase the levels of what you see. It will infuse what you feel with a greater sense of vibrancy and connection to others. It will amp up you reception of the world around and those you will encounter. This is not a secret. There are many that have talked about being present and others that have written eloquently about this as well. One such author that I have discovered that truly has his signals tuned into being present is Sullins Stuart and his recent book entitled "Living In Conscious Harmony: A Spiritual Guide To Being In The Now". This unified collection of Sullins thoughts provides guideposts to further recognize and develop ways to be here now. I highly recommend those seeking some guidance of this nature to check out Sullin's book. It is even available as an ebook for your tablets or PC. Here is a link to find out more from Sullins site with a link for the book from
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