Leave the driving to the Present...
The Future does not rest for one moment. Like an impatient child pacing back and forth, waiting to jump in the car to go – it is there. It does not matter if you are reluctant or receptive it will be relentless. Meanwhile our old friend the Past stands by the door with a quiet face of acceptance in recognizing and acknowledging this fidgety entity. It observes and accepts the fragments left behind by the Future. However next to you with jacket on, keys in hand is the confidant persona of the Present. You may not notice it standing there but it has never left or will ever leave without you. While the impatient Future shifts around with ants in its pants the Present with a complacent smile looks over at the Future with the understanding of a wise parent. It is a difficult choice wanting to run off with the Future but I recommend giving the keys to the car to the Present. Be patient with the Future while it fidgets’ in the car seat next to you but sit back, relax and let the Present drive. The drive will be much easier and much more scenic.
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