A peaceful attitude...

By Vichara

While it’s optimum to have a peaceful nature on the outside, it is imperative and essential to first gain a peaceful attitude within before it can be realized externally. Easier said than done. But for the sake of your personal well being, health and mental agility obtaining and cultivating a peaceful nature will take the edges off of potentially volatile situations that could and will arise daily.

“The teaching of peace is a natural consequence of the teaching of love.” – Leo Tolstoy

indurate • \IN-duh-rut\ • adjective
: physically or morally hardened

Example Sentence:
The sculpture was so realistic that it seemed that at any moment the indurate marble form would shift position to stare back at the viewer.

Did you know?
"Indurate" is a hard word -- in more than one way. Not only is it fairly uncommon in modern usage, but it also can be traced back to Latin "durare," meaning "to harden." ("Durare" can mean "to endure" as well, and appropriately "indurate" is a word that has lasted many years -- it has been a part of the English language since the 14th century.) "Durare" is also the root of other durable English words, including "during," "endure," "duration," "durance" (an archaic word meaning "endurance"), and even "durable" itself. In addition, "indurate" can be a verb meaning "to make or grow hard," "to make unfeeling, stubborn, or obdurate," and "to establish firmly

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