Figuring "this"...

By Vichara

Like most of you I am too trying to figure all “this” out as well. These moments to sit and try to bring in the reins of my emotions and thoughts until there is a quiet space is a challenge, as it is for all of us. But as I have read, whatever can run, can also stand still. We are all capable of taking hold of life’s remote control and hitting pause…just for a moment. Who knows in that moment you might see someone else in that momemt and through the acknowledgement recognize, like all of us, we are just trying to figure “this” out.

bombast • \BAHM-bast\ • noun
: pretentious inflated speech or writing

Example Sentence:
Laura complained that the editorial columns in her local newspaper were full of bombast and offered little in the way of intelligent opinion.

Did you know?
The original meaning of "bombast" (now obsolete) is "cotton or any soft fibrous material used as padding or stuffing." It is derived through Middle French "bombace," from Medieval Latin "bombax," which means "cotton." "Bombax" in turn comes from "bombyx," a Latin and ultimately Greek word that means "silkworm" or "silk." Etymologists aren't certain why the shift from silk to cotton occurred, though one source attributes it to an error going back to the Roman scholar Pliny, who had reported that cotton was produced by an insect analogous to the silkworm. "Bombast" has been retained in modern English because it took on a figurative sense used in reference to speech or writing. Thus the basic sense of "stuffing or padding" has survived, but now the stuffing consists of words rather than cotton.

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