Not just ordinary...

By Vichara

The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that your life is ordinary. Just in the sheer accomplishment of being born, the chemical reactions to bring you into this world, as a human being is astounding. The hundreds of things you learn, the skills you gain and the multitude of sensory things you experience in just one single day…absolutely remarkable! Yes we do have troubles, there are worries and pain but with the communal resources we find the means to gain perspective and find the solutions. These are not ordinary things, you are not ordinary and this life of your is not ordinary.

daedal • \DEE-dul\ • adjective
1 *a : skillful, artistic b : intricate
2 : adorned with many things

Example Sentence:
The filmmaker makes daedal use of lighting effects and camera angles to create a noirish atmosphere.

Did you know?
You might know Daedalus as the mythological prisoner who fashioned wings of feathers and wax to escape from the island of Crete with his son Icarus. But it was as architect and sculptor, one said to have designed a labyrinth for King Minos on Crete, that he earned his name. "Daedalus" (from Greek "daidalos") is Latin for "skillfully wrought." The same skillful Latin adjective gave English the adjectives "daedel" (in use since the 16th century) and "Daedalian" (or "Daedalean"), a synonym of "daedal."

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