The right thing...

By Vichara

Today’s sermon will be interrupted by the following message from our local sponsor.

Do you know what time it is? Don’t bother to look at your watch, you won’t find the answer there folks. No the time we are in is not to be found on the face of your watch, not with the LED lights of your microwave or on that trusty grandfather clock patiently ticking over in the corner. No folks the time we are in, as a particular honored songwriter once said, is a changing. Changing to what folks? Well that is up to you. I’m only here to offer up suggestions and put down the guideposts it will be up to you what path you will step forward on. No need to pull out your credit cards folks just lace up your shoes, open your eyes and heart and step forward with equanimity, passion and resolve to do the right thing folks. That’s all, the right thing with the support of compassion and love. With that the path will become clearer and more meaningful.

Now back to the sermon of the day…

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