By Vichara
The world will always keep spinning around and the sun will rise and set. There is nothing we can do personally to stop or slow this down. It is the cruising speed of life. Many try to exceed this pace through many ways both physically through machines and chemically through drugs. Trouble is that by moving at this induced velocity you rush past the very answers you may be looking for. By taking time to adjust yourself at the cruising speed of the planet, being observant and calm, the vistas that arise will bring the answers both visually and spiritually to you...slow down or you'll miss it.
By Vichara
Geese fly in a “V” formation not only because it conserves energy it is also because no single bird has memorized the whole route that they are traveling. This example of collective leadership is much more common in the animal kingdom that in the human realm. If we were to apply this methodology in our world we would find that in utilizing rotating leadership in many realms that there would be greater initiative and agility than with those groups that are led by one executive. Because none of us have all the answers and by reaching out to each other in a supportive, non-judgmental manner we will able to grow stronger not only as a team but as individuals as well.
refractory • \rih-FRAK-tuh-ree\ • adjective
1 : resisting control or authority : stubborn, unmanageable
2 a : resistant to treatment or cure b : unresponsive to stimulus c : immune, insusceptible
3 : difficult to fuse, corrode, or draw out; especially : capable of enduring high temperature
Example Sentence:
Refractory students may be disciplined, suspended, or expelled, depending on the seriousness of their offense.
Did you know?
"Refractory" is from the Latin word "refractarius." During the 17th century, it was sometimes spelled as "refractary," but that spelling, though more in keeping with its Latin parent, had fallen out of use by the century's end. "Refractarius," like "refractory," is the result of a slight variation in spelling. It stems from the Latin verb "refragari," meaning "to oppose."
By Vichara
If we could only reach beyond our grasp, if we could know what to say, if only there was a way to change things. We have numerous thoughts like these everyday and there is always an element of loss and sadness attached to these thoughts because of the inability to fulfill these desires. The biggest reason we can’t is because all of these are based on projections either in the past of the future. Both of these regions we cannot reach. To achieve any desire of change and reconciliation one needs to be present in the moment rights now. By being present we become cognizant of all of the elemental factors that contribute to a fulfilling outcome without attachment.
sophistry • \SAH-fuh-stree\ • noun
1 : subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation
2 : an argument apparently correct in form but actually invalid; especially : such an argument used to deceive
Example Sentence:
The senatorial candidate argued that his opponent was using sophistry in an effort to distort his plan for education reform.
Did you know?
The original Sophists were ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric and philosophy prominent in the 5th century B.C. In their heyday, these philosophers were considered adroit in their reasoning, but later philosophers (particularly Plato) described them as sham philosophers, out for money and willing to say anything to win an argument. Thus "sophist" (which comes from Greek "sophistēs," meaning "wise man" or "expert") earned a negative connotation as "a captious or fallacious reasoner." "Sophistry" is reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive.
By Vichara
Don’t deny / rob the many the universal knowledge you would like to share because of a select few that refuse to see beyond their own limitations of exploration. It is not enough to sit back and be dictated what you should feel or know. Think for yourself. Investigate! Don’t rely on others. Sample from many places, listen to many voices and the distilment of ideas, theories and facts. They will all find a home in your cranium and help develop your own life, not another version of someone else’s.
dilapidate • \dih-LAP-uh-dayt\ • verb
*1 : to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin
2 : to become decayed or partially ruined
Example Sentence:
Although years of abandonment had dilapidated the old warehouse, Stuart still thought it could be salvaged and remade into an apartment building.
Did you know?
Something that is dilapidated may not have been literally pummeled with stones, but it might look that way. "Dilapidate" derives from the past participle of the Latin verb "dilapidare," meaning "to squander or destroy." That verb was formed by combining "dis-" with another verb, "lapidare," meaning "to pelt with stones." From there it's just a stone's throw to some other English relatives of "dilapidate." You might, for example, notice a resemblance between "lapidare" and our word for a person who cuts or polishes precious stones, "lapidary." That's because both words share as a root the Latin noun "lapis," meaning "stone." We also find "lapis" in the name "lapis lazuli," a bright blue semiprecious stone.
By Vichara
This could be the moment of change. This could be the day of revelations. This could be time for that one epiphany you have been waiting for makes it's appearance. All of the thoughts, feelings and experiences could gather together, stand up in front of you and SMILE. Are you ready? Because they are ready for you. Open up your heart and let them be a force of good change and act as the catalyst that you have been waiting for a long to happen.
trepidation • \trep-uh-DAY-shun\ • noun
: timorous uncertain agitation : apprehension
Example Sentence:
As she boarded the plane for her first flight, Corrine felt a mixture of trepidation and excitement.
Did you know?
If you've ever trembled with fright, you know something of both the sensation and etymology of "trepidation." The word "trepidation" comes from the Latin verb "trepidare," which means "to tremble." When "trepidation" first appeared in English in the early 1600s, it meant "tremulous motion" or "tremor." Around the same time, English speakers also started using the "nervous agitation" sense of "trepidation" that we use today.
By Vichara
Drink from the cup of today as if every drop would be the difference between life and death, pain and pleasure, knowing or not knowing. Breathe and fill your lungs with possibilities. Listen to the rustling of ideas that vibrate all around. And see as if each blink of your eyes you are given an infinite number of different lenses to see the world…it’s up to you.
rapporteur • \ra-por-TER\ • noun
: a person who gives reports (as at a meeting of a learned society)
Example Sentence:
The rapporteur compiled the available evidence into a report and presented it to the full committee.
Did you know?
"Rapporteur" was adopted into English in the early 16th century and is a descendant of the Middle French verb "rapporter," meaning "to bring back, report, or refer." Other descendants of "rapporter" in English include "rapportage" (a rare synonym of "reportage," in the sense of "writing intended to give an account of observed or documented events") and "rapport" ("harmonious relationship"). The words "report," "reporter," "reportage," etc., are also distant relatives of "rappouteur"; all can ultimately be traced back to the Latin prefix "re-," meaning "back, again, against," and the Latin word "portare," meaning "to carry."
By Vichara
We are all given stewardship of many important things in our lifetime; thoughts, the environment, love, wisdom, the tangible and the intangible. And like the marathon runner with the baton we must safeguard that which has been given to us and reverently pass it off to the next generation / runner. If we indivertibly drop the baton we need to find the strength and resources to pick it up once again and rise to the occasion until our segment of this race is done. Realize and be cognizant that you are not alone. There are many other runners, some in front, some behind and some right next to you. Cheer and encourage those all around for this is not a race to be one, but a race to survive.
beleaguer • \bih-LEE-gur\ • verb
1 : besiege
2 : trouble, harass
Example Sentence:
The new programming chief was hired to revamp the schedule for the network, which was consistently beleaguered by low ratings.
Did you know?
English speakers created "beleaguer" from the Dutch word "belegeren" in the 16th century. "[Military men] will not vouchsafe . . . to use our ancient terms belonging to matters of war, but do call a camp by the Dutch name," commented the English soldier and diplomat Sir John Smyth in 1590. The word for "camp" that he was referring to is "leaguer." That term in turn comes from Dutch "leger," which is one of the building blocks of "belegeren" (literally, "to camp around"). But neither "leaguer" nor "beleaguer" were in fact utterly foreign. Old English "leger," the source of our modern "lair," is related to the Dutch word. And the Old English "be-" ("about, around"), as seen in "besiege" and "beset," is related to the Dutch prefix "be-" in "belegeren."
By Vichara
Is there enough resilience in one’s heart to withstand all that confronts us in a day, in a lifetime? I do believe that there is but it is not solely contained in your individual self but in the communion with others. It can be found in that endless reservoir of faith that binds us all at the most primal level. Once we recognize that we cannot achieve understanding and resilience solely on our own these untapped resources will become apparent and become a reliable source of strength. It is only in recognizing the commonalities that we all share, no matter where we live, that we can form a more unified union with each other, for each and with resilience to withstand will all that tries to weaken us.
metronome • \MET-ruh-nohm\ • noun
: an instrument designed to mark exact time by a regularly repeated tick
Example Sentence:
After practicing the drums with a metronome, Lars had a better feel for tempo and kept time better.
Did you know?
The patent for the metronome was entered in 1816: "John Malzl [sic], of Poland-street, Middlesex, Machinist; for an instrument . . . which he denominates a Metronome, or musical time-keeper." The courts, however, later proved that the aforementioned Johann Maelzel copied a pendulum design of Dietrich Winkel, making Winkel the actual inventor. Nonetheless, Maelzel was the more successful marketer of the metronome and even has a notation named after him. The "M.M." in notations like "M.M. = 60" stands for "Maelzel's metronome" and indicates a tempo of 60 beats per minute or a beat per tick of the metronome as it ticks 60 times, in the case of our example. The name of the invention itself is based on the Greek words "metron," meaning "measure," and "nomos," meaning "law."
By Vichara
When you’re alone and you think no one notices the changes happening to you, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one sees when you are happy, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one feels your anxiety and heartache, someone does. When you’re alone and you think no one wants to be with you, someone does. Of course that someone is you because any shift in your physical or mental being is first acknowledged by yourself. Here is the seed. Nurture it, honor this because these are the essential elements of change that not only affect your immediate surroundings but also in the respect of these, radiate out and change the world around you. Acknowledge the beacon that you are, shine and change the world.
innocuous • \ih-NAH-kyuh-wus\ • adjective
1 : producing no injury : harmless
2 : not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility : inoffensive, insipid
Example Sentence:
Bella was surprised when her seemingly innocuous remark enraged her classmates.
Did you know?
"Innocuous" has harmful roots -- it comes to us from the Latin adjective "innocuus," which was formed by combining the negative prefix "in-" with a form of the verb "nocēre," meaning "to harm" or "to hurt." In addition, "nocēre" is related to the truly "harmful" words "noxious," "nocent," and even "nocuous." "Innocent" is from "nocēre" as well, although like "innocuous" it has the "in-" prefix negating the hurtful possibilities. "Innocuous" first appeared in print in 1598 with the clearly Latin-derived meaning "harmless or causing no injury" (as in "an innocuous gas"). The second sense is a metaphorical extension of the idea of injury, used to indicate that someone or something does not cause hurt feelings, or even strong feelings ("an innocuous book" or "innocuous issues," for example).
By Vichara
Consider the minutes of a day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop, consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious or discursive conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measured of a dehydrated person. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen, they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.
redoubt • \rih-DOUT\ • noun
1 a : a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work b : a defended position : protective barrier
2 : a secure retreat : stronghold
Example Sentence:
From his redoubt on the ninth floor, the fugitive could see the line of police cars that had surrounded the building.
Did you know?
Based on its spelling, you might think that "redoubt" shares its origin with words such as "doubt" and "redoubtable," both of which derive from a Latin verb, "dubitare." But that's not the case. "Redoubt" actually derives via French and Italian from a different Latin verb -- "reducere," meaning "to lead back," the same root that gives us "reduce." How that "b" ended up in "redoubt" is a lingering question, but some etymologists have posited that the word might have been conflated with another "redoubt" -- a now-archaic transitive verb meaning "to regard with awe, dismay, or dread." Unlike its homographic twin, that "redoubt" does derive from the same root as "doubt" and "redoubtable."
By Vichara
Again the day breaks and awakens from whatever part of the globe you live in, today’s parade of events. At any given time there are millions of parades, some trumpeting quietly, some acknowledging themselves with the not so subtlety of clanging metal of tanks and bullets. We will all participate in one or more of these parades in a day and join others in celebration and condemnation of unfolding events around us all. We are at times drawn into a parade somewhat unwillingly but once we are there we still have a choice; to follow along with that parade or guide that parade with others in a new direction rooted in Love, Compassion and Patience.
bevy • \BEV-ee\ • noun
1 : a large group or collection
2 : a group of animals and especially quail
Example Sentence:
The band's latest album offers up a bevy of new songs, as well as some remixes of old favorites.
Did you know?
What do you call a group of crows? Or swine? Or leopards? Well-educated members of the medieval gentry seem to have been expected to know the answers: a murder of crows, a sounder of swine, and a leap of leopards. They would also have been expected to know that "bevy" referred specifically to a group of deer, quail, larks, or young ladies. Scholars aren't certain why "bevy" was chosen for those groups (though they have theories). What is known for sure is that "bevy" first appeared in the 15th century and was used as a highly specific collective for many years. Today, however, bevies can include anything from football players to toaster ovens.
By Vichara
A misconception remains a misconception, even when it is shared by the majority of the people.
homily • \HAH-muh-lee\ • noun
1 : a usually short sermon
2 : a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme
3 : an inspirational catchphrase; also : platitude
Example Sentence:
"I don't mind eating tofu burgers," said Darnell, "as long as I don't have to hear a homily on the virtues of vegetarianism."
Did you know?
Gather around for the history of "homily." The story starts with ancient Greek "homilos," meaning "crowd" or "assembly." Greeks used "homilos" to create the verb "homilein" ("to consort with" or "to address"), as well as the noun "homilia" ("conversation"). Latin speakers borrowed "homilia," then passed it on to Anglo-French. By the time it crossed into Middle English, the spelling had shifted to "omelie," but by the mid-16th century the term had regained its "h" and added the "y" of the modern spelling.
By Vichara
We sometimes believe that we cannot see the answers even though we have been provided with the “light” that will illuminate the correct path. Turn on the heart’s intuitive light and have faith.
anathema • \uh-NATH-uh-muh\ • noun
1 a : one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority *b : someone or something intensely disliked or loathed
2 a : a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication b : a vigorous denunciation : curse
Example Sentence:
Maryam's radical political views are anathema to her more conservative sister.
Did you know?
Historically, "anathema" can be considered a one-word oxymoron. When it first appeared in English in 1526, it was used to refer to something accursed. Shortly thereafter, however, people also began to use it to refer to something consecrated to divine use -- generally a good thing. Why the contradiction? "Anathema" comes from Greek, where it initially meant "anything devoted" and later "anything devoted to evil." The "consecrated to divine use" sense of "anathema" comes from that earlier Greek use but is not widely used today.
By Vichara
If there is at least one reward or getting up in the morning is that you have been given another opportunity to make a difference. Sounds a little overwhelming? Making a difference can be achieved in the small ways as well. Move from your home lair wit the cognizant intent to recognize an opportunity to help someone else today. Maybe open a door. Maybe just a smile and hello. Maybe just a sign that you recognize that the other person in front of you is another passenger on the big ol boat called earth. Since we are, as they say, in the same boat let’s try to help each other out…for the good of the voyage.
mau-mau • \MOW-mow (the "ow" is as in "cow")\ • verb
1 : to intimidate (as an official) by hostile confrontation or threats
2 : to engage in mau-mauing someone
Example Sentence:
"Going downtown to mau-mau the bureaucrats got to be the routine practice in San Francisco." (Tom Wolfe, Radical Chic & Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers)
Did you know?
The Mau Mau was a militant secret society that operated in colonial Kenya during the 1950s. The ferocity with which Mau Mau terrorists rebelled against British rule was well-documented by national news sources, like Newsweek and Time, and by 1970 "Mau Mau" had become synonymous with "hostile intimidation," especially when used for social or political gain. Novelist Tom Wolfe was the first to use "mau-mau" in print as a word for "intimidate."
By Vichara
Rescue the heart, rescue the mind, and rescue the spirit. Rescue them all from being hijacked by the delusionary aspects that they are being subjected to on a daily basis. Take the time each day, either as you start your day or at the end, to remind you of the true values that sustain and fortifies us all. Love, to further build a union between us. Patience, to develop the space to see things clearly. And Compassion, in order to cultivate true empathy.
plausible • \PLAW-zuh-bul\ • adjective
1 : seemingly fair, reasonable, or valuable but often not so
2 : superficially pleasing or persuasive
*3 : appearing worthy of belief
Example Sentence:
Her excuses for missing work were plausible at first, but soon became ridiculous.
Did you know?
Today the word "plausible" usually means "reasonable" or "believable," but it once held the meanings "worthy of being applauded" and "approving." It comes to us from the Latin adjective "plausibilis" ("worthy of applause"), which in turn derives from the verb "plaudere," meaning "to applaud or clap." Other "plaudere" descendants in English include "applaud," "plaudit" (the earliest meaning of which was "a round of applause"), and "explode" (from Latin "explodere," meaning "to drive off the stage by clapping").
By Vichara
Perhaps if we were given all the time in the world we could figure out all the answers to troubling questions about life. Of course the truth is that each one of us has a finite term in which we get to express ourselves in whatever means we are drawn to at various times in our life. It would be nice to know this but for some these realizations come later in life through experience. Not to worry. Have patience with yourself as you discover the ways to express yourself and be cognizant of others as they are on their way as well. You both may have an answer that the other is looking for and help each other around the next corner of life.
visage • \VIZ-ij\ • noun
1 : the face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal
2 : aspect, appearance
Example Sentence:
The model's fierce, smoldering visage appears to gaze with contempt from billboards throughout the city.
Did you know?
The word "face" may be a pretty generic word, but it has several high-flown synonyms. "Physiognomy," for instance, refers to facial features thought to reveal qualities of temperament or character ("I thought I could detect in his physiognomy a mind owning better qualities than his father ever possessed. . . ." -- Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights). "Countenance" is often used to refer to the face as an indication of mood or emotion ("Mina struggled hard to keep her brave countenance. . . ." -- Bram Stoker, Dracula). "Visage" can refer to the face of a person or an animal, and it can also refer to the appearance of nonliving things, as in "the dirty visage of the old abandoned factory."
By Vichara
If it can’t be examined with the heart you only get 10% of the real story. The actual truth, the other 90%, contains all of the intuitive and cognitive information necessary to evaluate any situation that may present itself to you. If this is not engaged you are only denying yourself out of the full experience of life. Wake it up; it wants to be engaged.
steadfast • \STED-fast\ • adjective
1 a : firmly fixed in place : immovable *b : not subject to change
2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal
Example Sentence:
Maureen knew she could count on the steadfast support of her best friend even in the hardest of times.
Did you know?
"Steadfast" has held its ground in English for many centuries. Its Old English predecessor, "stedefæst," combined "stede" (meaning "place" or "stead") and "fæst" (meaning "firmly fixed"). An Old English text of the late 10th century, called "The Battle of Maldon," contains our earliest record of the word, which was first used in battle contexts to describe warriors who stood their ground. Soon, it was also being used with the broad meaning "immovable," and as early as the 13th century it was applied to those unswerving in loyalty, faith, or friendship. Centuries later, all of these meanings endure.
By Vichara
If it has not been written; it cannot be said. If it has not been said; it can’t be written. Somewhere in between is the thought that can change the world or change the course of hearts. It is that rise in the road where a vista that has not been seen before reveals itself before the one and the many. Be calm, be thankful and be aware that it is given to each one of us. It is our right, our destiny and our inheritance for the next traveler. All of this is yours and cannot be taken away but you personally have a obligation not to turn away when it comes. Write it down, speak it out loud and engrave in your heart. Share it for it’s your legacy no matter how trivial you may think it is. It is your thought that will unfold and inspire.
cicerone • \sih-suh-ROH-nee\ • noun
1 : a guide who conducts sightseers
2 : mentor, tutor
Example Sentence:
After I bought my first set of golf clubs, Jerry acted as my cicerone, enthusiastically teaching me the basics of the challenging sport.
Did you know?
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 B.C.) was renowned in Rome as a statesman, lawyer, and writer, and he is remembered today for his skills as an orator and rhetorician. The Ciceronian style of rhetoric placed special emphasis on the rhythms and cadences of phrases and sentences and their ability to appeal to the speaker's audience. It is believed that Cicero's eloquence and learning influenced the use of his Italian name, "Cicerone," to refer to sightseeing guides, themselves known for their talkativeness and eloquence, and later, to persons who serve as mentors or tutors to others.
By Vichara
The longer you live, the more you realize that you will not get all you want from life, and your life could end at any moment. Then you begin to understand there is no real life in your body, and when you reached this understanding, you stop living for your body and the material things and concentrate on the spirit.
progeny • \PRAH-juh-nee\ • noun
1 a : descendants, children *b : offspring of animals or plants
2 : outcome, product
3 : a body of followers, disciples, or successors
Example Sentence:
The champion thoroughbred passed on his speed, endurance, and calm temperament to his progeny, many of whom became successful racehorses themselves.
Did you know?
"Progeny" is the progeny of the Latin verb "progignere," meaning "to beget." That Latin word is itself an offspring of the prefix "pro-," meaning "forth," and "gignere," which can mean "to beget" or "to bring forth." "Gignere" has produced a large family of English descendants, including "benign" (meaning "mild" or "harmless"), "congenital" (meaning "inherent"), "engine," "genius," "germ," "indigenous," "ingenuous," and "malign." "Gignere" even paired up with "pro-" again to produce a close relative of "progeny": the noun "progenitor," which can mean "an ancestor in the direct line," "a biologically ancestral form," or "a precursor or originator."