A resilient heart...
Is there enough resilience in one’s heart to withstand all that confronts us in a day, in a lifetime? I do believe that there is but it is not solely contained in your individual self but in the communion with others. It can be found in that endless reservoir of faith that binds us all at the most primal level. Once we recognize that we cannot achieve understanding and resilience solely on our own these untapped resources will become apparent and become a reliable source of strength. It is only in recognizing the commonalities that we all share, no matter where we live, that we can form a more unified union with each other, for each and with resilience to withstand will all that tries to weaken us.
metronome • \MET-ruh-nohm\ • noun
: an instrument designed to mark exact time by a regularly repeated tick
Example Sentence:
After practicing the drums with a metronome, Lars had a better feel for tempo and kept time better.
Did you know?
The patent for the metronome was entered in 1816: "John Malzl [sic], of Poland-street, Middlesex, Machinist; for an instrument . . . which he denominates a Metronome, or musical time-keeper." The courts, however, later proved that the aforementioned Johann Maelzel copied a pendulum design of Dietrich Winkel, making Winkel the actual inventor. Nonetheless, Maelzel was the more successful marketer of the metronome and even has a notation named after him. The "M.M." in notations like "M.M. = 60" stands for "Maelzel's metronome" and indicates a tempo of 60 beats per minute or a beat per tick of the metronome as it ticks 60 times, in the case of our example. The name of the invention itself is based on the Greek words "metron," meaning "measure," and "nomos," meaning "law."
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