A single drop...

By Vichara

Consider the minutes of a day like drops of water. Consider the day as a canteen that holds the minutes. Like a thirsty traveler who cannot afford to lose a single drop, consider that we should not want to waste a minute in devious or discursive conduct. Instead weigh the value of the minutes given to you with the same measured of a dehydrated person. We are all under the delusion that there is an endless amount of minutes but like the water in a canteen, they do run out. Drink wisely of the day and attempt to make each minute count.

redoubt • \rih-DOUT\ • noun
1 a : a small usually temporary enclosed defensive work b : a defended position : protective barrier
2 : a secure retreat : stronghold

Example Sentence:
From his redoubt on the ninth floor, the fugitive could see the line of police cars that had surrounded the building.

Did you know?
Based on its spelling, you might think that "redoubt" shares its origin with words such as "doubt" and "redoubtable," both of which derive from a Latin verb, "dubitare." But that's not the case. "Redoubt" actually derives via French and Italian from a different Latin verb -- "reducere," meaning "to lead back," the same root that gives us "reduce." How that "b" ended up in "redoubt" is a lingering question, but some etymologists have posited that the word might have been conflated with another "redoubt" -- a now-archaic transitive verb meaning "to regard with awe, dismay, or dread." Unlike its homographic twin, that "redoubt" does derive from the same root as "doubt" and "redoubtable."

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