4 out 5 doctors agree...

By Vichara

4 out of 5 doctors agree…experts say…leading industry officials recommend. There is always some unknown authority guiding our decisions but there is one area that no perceived authority should have dominion over and that is your spiritual domain. There is only one expert that goes by three names, love, patience & compassion. These three should guide your steps as you walk today.

hackle • \HACK-ul\ • noun
1 : one of the long feathers on the neck or back of a bird
2 : hairs (as on a dog's neck) that can be erected
3 : temper, dander

Example Sentence:
The Senator's aggressive stance toward illegal immigration has raised some hackles.

Did you know?
In its earliest uses in the 15th century, "hackle" denoted either a bird's neck plumage or an instrument used to comb out long fibers of flax, hemp, or jute. Apparently, some folks saw a resemblance between the neck feathers of domestic birds -- which, on a male, become erect when the bird is defensive -- and the prongs of the comb-like tool. In the 19th century, English speakers extended the word's use to both dogs and people. Like the bird's feathers, the erectile hairs on the back of a dog's neck stand up when the animal is agitated. With humans, use of the word "hackles" is usually figurative. When you raise someone's hackles, you make them angry or put them on the defensive

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