The steps...

By Vichara

While the grand schemes and big plans in life are essential to inspire us to greater things we must remember it is the small steps that bring us to the ultimate end. In the small steps we learn the necessary benchmarks that will gauge our progression to whatever goal we are reaching for. It is in the small steps where we learn the tolerance and compassion not only for others, but for ourselves too.

revanche • \ruh-VAHNSH (the N is not pronounced, but the vowel is nasalized)\ • noun
: revenge; especially : a usually political policy designed to recover lost territory or status
Example Sentence:
Soon after losing the northern territory to the invading army, the king began drafting a plan of revanche to get it back.
Did you know?
"Revanche" first appeared in English in the mid-19th century, deriving, along with our noun "revenge," from the Middle French verb "revenchier" ("to revenge"). The word developed its specific political application in the years following the Franco-German War (1870-71), which resulted in France losing the territory known as Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. (The territory was returned to France following World War I and then twice switched hands again during World War II.) Although "revanche" appears occasionally in English today, you are more likely to encounter its relatives "revanchism," which refers to a government's policy of revanche, and "revanchist," referring to a follower of such a policy. These words did not appear in English until the 20th century.

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