Lesson #22

By Vichara

Without failure you cannot have achievement. No one likes to fail at something but it is in failure that you find the necessary steps to resolve the situation(s) that come our way and work constructively to better solutions. The key is not to aloe the failure taint any further progress in any area of your life but realize what they are, lessons in building a more resourceful and compassionate person.

hoke • \HOHK\ • verb
: to give a contrived, falsely impressive, or hokey quality to -- usually used with "up"
Example Sentence:
Sappy music and melodramatic acting combine to hoke up the movie's romance sequences.
Did you know?
"Hoke" is a back-formation of "hokum," which was probably created as a blend of "hocus-pocus" and "bunkum." "Hokum" is a word for the theatrical devices used to evoke a desired audience response. The verb "hoke" appeared in the early 20th century and was originally used (as it still can be today) when actors performed in an exaggerated or overly sentimental way. Today, it is often used adjectivally in the form "hoked-up," as in "hoked-up dialogue." The related word "hokey" was coined soon after "hoke" to describe things that are corny or phony.

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