The "keys"...
We all have the answers…let that sink in for a moment. Say it to yourself again. We all have the answers. There is the factual and those answers are easily obtainable these days by many means, books, videos, teachers, Internet, etc. Then there is the esoteric and the answers to those humanistic emotional variances that to most seem remote and unattainable. All of the “keys” that will open the doors of understanding are in everyone’s pocket. Our reluctance to getting the “answers” is not based in ignorance but being patient enough to locate the “key” to each answer that resides in all of us. Sometimes it may take some time to get the answer but with patience you will get there.
scratch • \SKRATCH\ • noun
1 : a mark or injury made by or as if by scratching; also : a sound so made
2 : scrawl, scribble
3 : the starting line in a race
4 a : a test of courage *b : satisfactory condition, level, or performance
Example Sentence:
The team made it to the championship despite the fact that they were not up to scratch for the last several games.
Did you know?
The phrase "up to scratch" has its origins in the world of sports. In the 18th century, "scratch" began to be used for a line or mark that served as the starting point in a contest or competition. In order to begin or continue a fight, for example, a pugilist would "come up to the scratch," positioning himself at a line drawn across the prize ring. "Up to the scratch" was soon being used figuratively of anyone who was ready and able to do something. Over the years, the usage of the phrase has evolved somewhat, but something that is "up to scratch" can still be said to be ready and able in that it is capable of functioning or performing as expect
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