Three essentials...
We all just want to be love, honored and respected. Love, to feel an emotional connection and actually know that someone cares. Honored, to know that our presence here is not taken frivolously. And respected that our words and deeds have merit, not for self-glory but for the benefit of others. Of course these three cornerstones will not be present unless you are engaged outside yourself with the world and not hidden both emotionally and physically. Wile one of these is possible the other is difficult considering where the majority of us live. Take this fact that you must physically engage as the first step and with each interaction temper all that you do with a deep sense of compassion. The results will be what we all seek love, honor and respect.
edentulous • \ee-DEN-chuh-luss\ • adjective
: having no teeth : toothless
Example Sentence:
Thanks to improvements in public health and dental care in the 20th century, far fewer Americans are edentulous when they enter their golden years.
Did you know?
"Edentulous" comes to English directly from the Latin word "edentulous," which in turn comes from the Latin prefix "e-," meaning "missing" or "absent," and the Latin root "dent-," meaning "tooth." This root is at work in many familiar English words that relate to teeth, including "dental," "dentist," and "denture." It is also found in "edentate," a less common word that functions as a noun referring to an order of mammals with few or no teeth (e.g. sloths and armadillos), and as an adjective describing such mammals. "Edentate" is also sometimes used as a synonym of "edentulous."
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