A new vision...
Gandhi once said, “an eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind”. Let’s say now, today, as we wake up and meet the world – “a heart for a heart makes the whole world see”. By engaging in one simple act of kindness rooted in a compassionate heart, we can make a difference. On simple act will inspire another to another to another until it becomes a force and not a tiny voice as some perceive it to be. By bucking the system of negativity we can take control of a world with a vision of love, patience and compassion.
tremulous • \TREM-yuh-luss\ • adjective
1 : marked by trembling or tremors : quivering
2 : timorous, timid
Example Sentence:
I hardly recognized my own tremulous voice telling the EMT I was pretty sure I was okay.
Did you know?
Do you suspect that "tremulous" must be closely related to "tremble"? If so, you're right. Both of those words derive from the Latin verb "tremere," which means "to tremble." Some other English offspring of "tremere" are "tremor," "tremendous," "temblor" (another word for earthquake), and "tremolo" (a term that describes a vibrating and quavering musical effect that was particularly popular for electric guitars and organs in the 1970s).
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