Tipping the balance...

By Vichara

The world will keep spinning around with all the pain, tragedy and tears and that’s ok. What? You will say – Ok? Yes, it has been there since time began and will continue to be there but to what degree is up to you, each one of us. Use the perceived negative as a catalyst of change. Use it a inspiration to do more to tip the balance bar down and raise up the positive, altruistic spirit in a concerted effort to help others based in love, patience and compassion.

diaphanous • \dye-AF-uh-nus\ • adjective
1 : of so fine a texture as to be transparent
2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal
3 : insubstantial, vague

Example Sentence:
The honeymoon suite has a balcony overlooking the ocean and is furnished with an antique four-poster bed enveloped in a diaphanous curtain.

Did you know?
Can you guess which of the following words come from the same Greek root as "diaphanous"?
A. epiphany B. fancy C. phenomenon
D. sycophant E. emphasis F. phase
The Greek word "phainein" shows through more clearly in some of our quiz words than others, but it underlies all of them. The groundwork for "diaphanous" was laid when "phainein" (meaning "to show") was combined with "dia-" (meaning "through"). From that pairing came the Greek "diaphanēs," parent of the Medieval Latin "diaphanus," which is the direct ancestor of our English word.

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