You, the artist...

By Vichara

The day is like clay and you are the sculptor. There are various elements that may be difficult to bed, twist and shape the way you want to but it is all yours to create. While there may be some individuals that will try to lend a hand either willingly or unwillingly, the end result is still your responsibility. You are the creator. Take this mound of clay that is your day and create a thing of beauty, grace and compassion because tomorrow you get to create another one.

inveterate • \in-VET-uh-rut\ • adjective
1 : firmly established by long persistence
2 : confirmed in a habit : habitual

Example Sentence:
Since Ernie is an inveterate liar, we naturally didn’t believe him when he told us he’d met the movie star.

Did you know?
Like "veteran," "inveterate" ultimately comes from Latin "vetus," which means "old," and which led to the Latin verb "inveterare" ("to age"). That verb in turn gave rise eventually to the adjective "inveteratus," the direct source of our adjective "inveterate" (in use since the 14th century). In the past, "inveterate" has meant "long-standing" or simply "old." For example, one 16th-century writer warned of "Those great Flyes which in the springe time of the yeare creepe out of inveterate walls." Today, "inveterate" most often applies to a habit, attitude, or feeling of such long existence that it is practically ineradicable or unalterable.

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