By Vichara
On numerous levels our lives come down to terms of acceptability. How much emotional or physical pain, how much incompetency, how much information, how much nourishment and yes even how much love. At what level will you be able to feel a sense of accomplishment with yourself and others. There are some yes that more or less just shade in the day in an attempt to do what is acceptable and while this may be acceptable for one they forget a crucial element – nothing is isolated. There is an interconnection of all things and as hard as that may be to fathom, it is a solid fact. You and you alone will set the level of acceptability for yourself of course but how much will you be able to live with and how does that affect the world around you? In a world that is gauged by the accomplishments of one’s actions and deeds what will be your terms?
thew • \THOO\ • noun
1 a : muscular power or development b : strength, vitality
2 : muscle, sinew -- usually used in plural
Example Sentence:
"Care I for the limb, the thews, the stature, bulk, and big / assemblance of a man! Give me the spirit," retorts Falstaff to Justice Shallow in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 2.
Did you know?
"Thew" has had a long, difficult past during which it discovered its strengths and weaknesses. In Middle English it carried a number of meanings, referring to a custom, habit, personal quality, or virtue. The word began to tire in the 16th century but was soon revitalized with a new meaning: it began to be used specifically for the quality of physical strength and later for the muscles demonstrating that quality. In time, the word buddied up with "sinew" in both literal and figurative turns of phrase, as in "the thews and sinews of my body ached" and "their love affair was the thew and sinew of the story."
By Vichara
While conflict can be the fodder for solution at what price do you pay physically, emotionally and spiritually? You will attempt to cut back the weeds to root out answers but seedlings of more and more weeds will still exist. And while you are diligent and try to sustain a concerted effort to clear the garden, lying deep they still exist. Sometimes you just need to till the soil until hopefully all the undesired seedlings have been exposed to the air and sunlight of resolution. From here cracked and dry they will fade away for good. Although you can be diligent with the farming of your actions it will be necessary to retain a membership with others to maintain the fortitude you need for each day. A spiritual co-op with like minds that will help you, others and maintain the fields of reason.
proscribe • \proh-SCRYBE\ • verb
1 : outlaw
2 : to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful
Example Sentence:
When grammarians began to proscribe ending a sentence with a preposition in the 1700s, one astute personage noted that it is "an idiom which our language is strongly inclined to."
Did you know?
"Proscribe" and "prescribe" each have a Latin-derived prefix that means "before" attached to the verb "scribe" (from "scribere," meaning "to write"). Yet the two words have very distinct, often nearly opposite meanings. Why? In a way, you could say it's the law. In the 15th and 16th centuries both words had legal implications. To "proscribe" was to publish the name of a person who had been condemned, outlawed, or banished. To "prescribe" meant "to lay down a rule," including legal rules or orders.
By Vichara
I woke up this morning with the song “Many Rivers to Cross” as sung by Harry Nilsson in my brain. One line says “And it’s only my will that keeps me alive” and that line became reflected in all of our daily journeys. Perhaps not so dramatic some days but we all have “bridges” that we cross everyday. Decisions that need to be made in a few seconds and others that will percolate and resolve with some patience and time. Regardless of their complexity we all have many rivers to cross and it is how we get to the other side that will matter. We could use harsh deceptive ways to cross over but more than likely some karmic residue will be brought over with you and to the next bridge. This residual karmic baggage will accumulate and increase the weight of your load for each bridge to cross. Try to travel unencumbered by jettisoning the excess before you cross and make the journey with honesty and integrity not only for your own heart but for the world around you. See you on the other side.
abrupt • \uh-BRUPT\ • adjective
1 a : characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning : unexpected * b : unceremoniously curt c : lacking smoothness or continuity
2 : giving the impression of being cut or broken off; especially : involving a sudden steep rise or drop
Example Sentence:
Although Kevin liked working at the auto dealership, his abrupt manner of speaking made him a poor match for a job in customer service.
Did you know?
We’ll break it to you gently: "abrupt" derives from "abruptus," the past participle of the Latin verb "abrumpere," meaning "to break off." "Abrumpere" combines the prefix "ab-" with "rumpere," which means "break" and which forms the basis for several other words in English that suggest a kind of breaking, such as "interrupt," "rupture," and "bankrupt." Whether being used to describe a style of speaking that seems rudely short (as in "gave an abrupt answer"), something with a severe rise or drop ("abrupt climate change"), or something that seems rash and unprecipitated ("made the abrupt decision to quit college"), "abrupt," which first appeared in English in the 16th century, implies a kind of jarring unexpectedness that catches people off guard.
By Vichara
The migration is happening once again. Our frequent flyer feathered friends are making their way again north to greet the unfolding spring that turns to summer. When they fulfill that part of the arc of the circle of life they will once again return. The reason they leave – survival. They fly thousands of miles so they can live. There was a time that a faction of us humanoids followed the same trends; we moved to survive. Although today in our modern temperature controlled world there is really not the need to migrate as our ancestors once did. We now participate in another form of migration for survival, this one internally. Our minds take the baggage of “what if”, “could be”, “will be” and “hope so” and hoist them on our backs to traverse the terrain of possibilities and outcome. We take these thoughts and wishes up and down the migratory route of reason until they are fulfilled or discarded. Yes as tough as it may seem we all need to jettison some of our thoughts and wishes – for our own survival.
logomachy • \loh-GAH-muh-kee\ • noun
1 : a dispute over or about words
2 : a controversy marked by verbiage
Example Sentence:
The surprising election results have opened the floodgates of logomachy in the political media outlets.
Did you know?
It doesn't take much to start people arguing about words, but there's no quarrel about the origin of "logomachy." It comes from the Greek roots "logos," meaning "word" or "speech," and "machesthai," meaning "to fight," and it entered English in the mid-1500s. If you're a word enthusiast, you probably know that "logos" is the root of many English words ("monologue," "neologism," "logic," and most words ending in "-logy," for example), but what about other derivatives of "machesthai"? Actually, this is a tough one even for word whizzes. Only a few very rare English words come from "machesthai." Here are two of them: "heresimach" ("an active opponent of heresy and heretics") and "naumachia" ("an ancient Roman spectacle representing a naval battle").
By Vichara
Hey (insert your name here), this is your life here; just calling to say hey hope you are doing and stuff. Ok…call me.
“Beeep” – Hi (insert your name here) your life here again. You might want to call me, you know check in and make sure you’re being cognizant of the world around you. Love you, mean it.
“Beeep” – Hey (insert your name here) we’re all waiting for you. Don’t think you can ignore us over here. WE’RE WAITING!
“Beeep” – Ok, (insert your name here) your life here again. YOU REALLY need to check in with me, there is a great need for you to recognize the ”world” out there - we need you. Ok, call me….
thaumaturgy • \THAW-muh-ter-jee\ • noun
: the performance of miracles; specifically : magic
Example Sentence:
After reading all seven Harry Potter novels in a span of two weeks, Audrey was hungry for more thrilling tales of mysticism and thaumaturgy.
Did you know?
The magic of "thaumaturgy" is miraculous. The word, from a Greek word meaning "miracle working," is applicable to any performance of miracles, especially by incantation. It can also be used of things that merely seem miraculous and unexplainable, like the thaumaturgy of a motion picture's illusions (aka "movie magic"), or the thaumaturgy at work in an athletic team's "miracle" comeback. In addition to "thaumaturgy," we also have "thaumaturge" and "thaumaturgist," both of which mean "a performer of miracles" or "a magician," and the adjective "thaumaturgic," meaning "performing miracles" or "of, relating to, or dependent on thaumaturgy."
By Vichara
When we are engaged we are all seekers of beauty, love and truth. We are journeyman (women) of the journey that has so many twists and turns it can be difficult to sometimes have the confidence where we are going is the right way. We are unsure collection of bones, blood and brawn that even when we are considered mature adults we still have, tucked away, a nervous child deep inside. We want to be sure that what we do will result in some tangible good but we are only human. We can’t wait for some karmic wheel to spin around in another generation to prove our steps were good; we want to see it now. We can be impatient. Yes patience is a virtue but the very nature of impermanence is the world keeps spinning and there is no pause button. So as you journey out today try to have your steps engaged in honesty with yourself, that will be your beacon. And with this path forged with this light you will find beauty, love and truth. It is out there right now…but don’t forget to pack a lunch.
inane • \ih-NAYN\ • noun
: void or empty space
Example Sentence:
"And thus likewise we sometimes speak of place, distance, or bulk in the great inane beyond the confines of the world …" (John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)
Did you know?
The adjective "inane" is now most commonly encountered as a synonym of "shallow" or "silly." But when this word first entered the English language in the early 17th century, it was used to mean "empty" or "insubstantial." It was this older sense that gave rise, in the latter half of the 17th century, to the noun "inane," which often serves as a poetic reference to the void of space ("the illimitable inane," "the limitless inane," "the incomprehensible inane"). This noun usage has not always been viewed in a favorable light. Samuel Johnson, in his Dictionary of the English Language (1755), says of "inane" that "it is used licentiously for a substantive," which in current English means that it is used as a noun without regard to the rules.
By Vichara
Everyone needs to go on diet today! A diet to cut out the calories of confusion and the excessive manipulation from the frenetic babble shoved at us. It is one thing to be informed but it is another thing to be fattened by gratuitous news and gossip 24 hours a day. I know, we all in a certain way think it’s just for fun and we don’t listen all the time but it can be silently insidious. We take a small bite of some salacious story and that leads to another to another, then another to another and we are fattened by the frivolous. Today’s thought harkens back to the same vein as yesterday about how much time is spent in repetitive actions. By cutting one salacious story and replacing it with one nurturing or creative activity may not seem like much but it is a start. Pretty soon your mind and presence will be mentally svelte and lighter. You’ll be passing by that mental mirror and be thinking…”lookin’ good honey!”
flexuous • \FLEK-shuh-wus\ • adjective
1 : having curves, turns, or windings
2 : lithe or fluid in action or movement
Example Sentence:
The last leg of the trail is a flexuous path leading up the mountain to a spectacular panoramic view of the valley.
Did you know?
English author Thomas Hardy was fond of the word "flexuous" and described his dark-haired Tess as "the most flexuous and finely-drawn figure." "Flexuous" may be a synonym of "curvy," but it's not the word most likely to be chosen these days to describe a shapely woman. The botanists' use of "flexuous" to describe plant stems that aren't rigid is a more typical use today. But don't let that tendency deflect you from occasionally employing this ultimately quite flexible word. Stemming straight from Latin "flectere," meaning "to bend," it can also mean "undulating" or "fluid." It might, for example, be used of writing or music, or of something or someone that moves with a fluid sort of grace.
By Vichara
On average, we spend two weeks of our lives waiting for the traffic light to change. I would place a safe bet for most of us we use part of that time cursing the light and wishing it damn well better change soon! Our energies expelled for a mechanical device that has no response mechanism to acknowledge our frustrations. So if we live in the urban environment and will be spending this chunk of time waiting what shall we do? Well we could enthusiastically sing-along with the “mamma mia” part of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” while bobbing your head. Ok, ok that’s a bit silly (but fun) but yes perhaps there is something else. What if we think of just one thing that would help out the world around and just do it? Something simple that could change things for the good. Think about it, 2 weeks waiting for that light. Why not use at least a couple of those minutes to do something good.
tare • \TAIR\ • noun
1 : a deduction from the gross weight of a substance and its container made in allowance for the weight of the container; also : the weight of the container
2 : counterweight
Example Sentence:
Before charging us for the blueberries we'd picked, the attendant at Annie's Fields deducted the tare from the weight of the filled buckets.
Did you know?
"Tare" came to English by way of Middle French from the Old Italian term "tara," which is itself from the Arabic word "ṭarḥa," meaning "that which is removed." The first known written record of the word "tare" in English is found in the 1489 naval inventories of Britain's King Henry VII. The records show two barrels of gunpowder weighing, "besides the tare," 500 pounds. When used of vehicles, "tare weight" refers to a vehicle's weight exclusive of any load. The term "tare" is closely tied to "net weight," which is defined as "weight excluding all tare."
By Vichara
It has been said, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp”. But what are you reaching for? Is the quest moral in nature, frivolous in content or is this drive to go farther propelled by a “good” heart not fully realized. While yes we are never quite sure what lies in front of us, this is always conditional and will turn on a dime, there must be at it’s core the accelerant fused with love, compassion and patience - the good fuel. By firing the engines of our quest this way we will be given more of an opportunity to reach father to those answers and wishes than before. But this again circles back to what are we reaching for? What is it that we hope to find? What is the ultimate goal? No single person except yourself can answer that but you can be sure that by using the “good fuel” you will intuitively know when you reach your destination.
parlous • \PAR-lus\ • adjective
: full of danger or risk : hazardous
Example Sentence:
"Given the fragile state of the economy, this is a parlous time to be making uncertain investments," said the financial advisor.
Did you know?
"Parlous" is both a synonym and a derivative of "perilous"; it came to be as an alteration of "perilous" in Middle English. ("Perilous" is derived from the Anglo-French "perilleus," which ultimately comes from the Latin word for "danger": "periculum.") Both words are documented in use from at least the 14th century, but by the 17th century "parlous" had slipped from common use and was considered more or less archaic. It experienced a resurgence in popularity in the 20th century (although some critics still regarded it as an archaic affectation), and today it appears in fairly common use, often modifying "state" or "times."
By Vichara
Changes are happening as you read this. In fact before you started reading this change already changed. In between the letter “c” and “h” of the word change, change happened again. It may seem that change happens in big sweeping motions but is also comes in the minute sense as well. Things are set in motion, flames turn to embers, frowns into smiles, aspirations into realities and one door leads to another possibility. Yes no matter what your social-economic status may be change comes to you. It is what you do with change, that is the question. You can piss and moan about the changes happening to you or you can engage with the inertia that exists and ride with it to discover all the possibilities. It is your choice but change will happen regardless.
phony • \FOH-nee\ • adjective
1 a : not genuine or real: as a *(1) : intended to deceive or mislead (2) : intended to defraud : counterfeit b : arousing suspicion : probably dishonest c : having no basis in fact : fictitious d : false, sham e : making a false show: as (1) : hypocritical (2) : specious
Example Sentence:
"Digital tricksters increasingly place phony footage, facts and press releases on Web sites and video-sharing sites to see how quickly the falsehoods will spread through traditional and new media alike." (Sandy Cohen, The Associated Press State and Local Wire, January 1, 2010)
Did you know?
It's the backstory of "phony" that deserves our attention. "Phony" (which dates from the early 1900s) is believed to be an alteration of the British "fawney," the word for a gilded brass ring used in a confidence game called the "fawney rig." In this game, the trickster drops a ring (or a purse with some valuables in it) and runs to pick the item up at the same time as the poor sap who notices it on the ground. The trickster asserts that the found treasure should be split between them. The one who's "found" the item, convinced now of its value, chooses instead to give the con artist some money in order to keep the item, which is, of course, phony.
By Vichara
With the ever advancements of science there I a great desire to answer the question – is there life on other planets? Billions have been spent in this pursuit with some brief glimpses and bits of evidence. Most inconclusive unless billions more is spent. Why indeed it is admirable and intriguing to endeavor to answer these questions I do feel sometimes that there is life right here on earth to discover still. I’m not just talking about new plants, birds, bugs and animals but the “life” yet to be discovered between us humanoids. I know my thoughts would be considered naïve and not seeing the bigger picture of exploration but I am not suggesting cutting off the journeys to space but in addition to going out there we also journey here. Perhaps taking a few of the billions and create sustained mutual education programs between countries and cultures to recognize commonalities and discover how we can help each other. I believe that even after thousands of years that there is still life to be discovered here – within our own hearts.
Panglossian • \pan-GLAH-see-un\ • adjective
: marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic
Example Sentence:
Even the most Panglossian temperament would have had trouble finding the good in this situation.
Did you know?
Dr. Pangloss was the pedantic old tutor in Voltaire's satirical novel Candide. Pangloss was an incurable, albeit misguided, optimist who claimed that "all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds." So persistent was he in his optimism that he kept it even after witnessing and experiencing great cruelty and suffering. The name "Pangloss" comes from Greek "pan," meaning "all," and "glossa," meaning "tongue," suggesting glibness and talkativeness.
By Vichara
With the help of inexpensive pedometer I am conducting an experiment. I am measuring how many steps I take in my “take-the-kids-to-school-and-get-to-work commuter lifestyle I have adopted in the last few years. I was hopeful that even given the reduced physical daily activities that I would still be ok but I was wrong. The guidelines with this device stated that you should take an average of 10,000 steps a day; I am currently half of that. Which of course made me think, as we do in this forum, if we are all taking enough steps in a day to help out the conditions around us all. Obviously there is no treadmill of compassion that could result in producing acts to help the world around us; we need to do that on our own. But I believe, as in making an effort to physically take more steps in a day to be measured on my device, we can take just a few more steps to help those around us that could be measured by a common device called, “the heart”.
effulgence • \ih-FULL-junss\ • noun
: radiant splendor : brilliance
Example Sentence:
The effulgence of the moon in the clear midnight sky provided enough light to help us safely make our way home.
Did you know?
Apparently, English speakers first took a shine to "effulgence" in the middle of the 17th century; that's when the word was first used in print in our language. "Effulgence" derives from the Latin verb "fulgēre," which means "to shine." "Fulgēre" is also the root of "fulgent," a synonym of "radiant" that English speakers have used since the 15th century. Another related word, "refulgence," is about 30 years older than "effulgence." "Refulgence" carries a meaning similar to "effulgence" but sometimes goes further by implying reflectivity, as in "the refulgence of the knight’s gleaming armor."
By Vichara
There are some people I know that stand in front of a cool refreshing fountain when they are thirsty and don’t even see the water. Then there are others who are oblivious to the sweetest sounds because they can’t stop talking. They will be gazing at such beauty and only see chaos. So is there a way to help them see and be more cognizant? Is there a need to dive into their waters of frenetic energy and hopefully pull them up from the depths of their delusion? I don’t know of any trickery that will be effective and I think the only way is to give them a mirror of realization. You can be pointed in the right direction but unless you are willing and motivated to move forward on your own, it will never happen. For those in this state we can only offer sanctuary, love and compassion to hopefully illuminate a way for them to travel.
kapellmeister • \kuh-PELL-mye-ster\ • noun
: the director of a choir or orchestra
Example Sentence:
From 1717 to 1723, Johann Sebastian Bach served as the Kapellmeister for Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Köthen of the Holy Roman Empire.
Did you know?
As you may have guessed, "Kapellmeister" originated as a German word -- and in fact, even in English it is often (though not always) used for the director of a German choir. "Kapelle" once meant "choir" in German, and "Meister" is the German word for "master." The Latin "magister" is an ancestor of both "Meister" and "master," as well as of our "maestro," meaning "an eminent composer or conductor." "Kapelle" comes from "cappella," the Medieval Latin word for "chapel." As it happens, we also borrowed "Kapelle" into English, first to refer to the choir or orchestra of a royal or papal chapel, and later to describe any orchestra. "Kapellmeister" is used somewhat more frequently than "Kapelle" in current English, though neither word is especially common.
By Vichara
What is it that will inspire you to reach beyond the barrier of conformity and step into the realm of transcendence? Will you find it in your sock drawer or on the #3 lane of the freeway? Maybe in the half-filled coffee mug in front of you? Where will it be? I could tell you that it is in question VI; verse 5 of the Prashna Upanishad, but that would only flicker for some. I could tell you it is in a piece of music by Vaughn Williams, but that could fall on deaf ears. For many of us it could be a combination of things while for others it could be as simple as a smile. There are as many ways as there are people and we will all find our way of rising from the pettiness and delusion to inspiration and realization. It could be today, this hour, in this minute or just around the corner. The good thing is once you hold the key you will have the ability to keep opening doors and find more fulfillment with each step. Don’t forget to signal when changing lanes.
approbation \ap-ruh-BAY-shuhn\ , noun;
The act of approving; formal or official approval.
Praise; commendation.
Approbation is from Latin approbatio, from approbare, "to approve or cause to be approved," from ap- (for ad-), used intensively + probare, "to make or find good," from probus, "good, excellent, fine."
By Vichara
Today’s directions…maintain a good speed, keep going straight and when you reach curves in the road decrease your speed and safely lean into each curve, cognizant of any bumps or holes. Up ahead you will see a sign to turn. Stop, breathe and move uphill. This is the incline of realization. You will not find this on any conventional map or be detected by your GPS unit; it will only appear when you are ready. As you climb the incline of realization there will be many roadside attractions and enticements from barkers to have you stop, listen and buy into what they are “selling”. Beware of the charlatans of compromise; they will have you trade your sense of well being for the vacuous glitter of non-gratification. Be careful there will be others. Engage you’re intuitive traveler sense and stop for understanding and instructions with only those you can trust. The journey is not really that long so enjoy the scenery and sounds before you need to refill and start all over again.
alow • \uh-LOH\ • adverb
: below
Example Sentence:
"Then, with all her sails, light and heavy, and studding sails on each side, alow and aloft, she is the most glorious moving object in the world." (Noel Perrin, The New York Times, May 30, 1982)
Did you know?
In nautical use, "alow" means "in or to a lower part of the vessel," indicating the deck or the area of the rigging closest to the deck, or below-deck as opposed to above-deck. The opposite of "alow" in this sense is "aloft," used to indicate a higher part of the vessel. Yet, while we are still likely to encounter "aloft," in both nautical and non-nautical use, "alow" has become something of a rarity. When encountered, it is usually found in the combination "alow and aloft." This phrase literally refers to the upper and lower parts of a ship or its rigging, but it can also be used to mean "completely" or "throughout" -- similar to the more familiar "high and low."
By Vichara
The past plants bad seeds and the mind feeds them with fear and anger. Sift these bad seeds away from the seeds of growth and potentiality and be a “farmer” of optimism. Yes, it may seem that the acreage of life that you are tending is quite large but we are all given the tools and resources to manage. But if there is a need for help the co-op of compassion that has been set up is available to you. One rule: the help you receive you must pay back to help the other “farmers” just like you.
vulnerary • \VUL-nuh-rair-ee\ • adjective
: used for or useful in healing wounds
Example Sentence:
Aloe vera is a vulnerary plant whose extract is widely used to soothe and heal burns.
Did you know?
In Latin, "vulnus" means "wound." You might think, then, that the English adjective "vulnerary" would mean "wounding" or "causing a wound" -- and, indeed, "vulnerary" has been used that way, along with two obsolete adjectives, "vulnerative" and "vulnific." But for the lasting and current use of "vulnerary," we took our cue from the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder. In his Natural History, he used the Latin adjective "vulnerarius" to describe a plaster, or dressing, for healing wounds. And that's fine -- the suffix "-ary" merely indicates that there is a connection, which, in this case, is to wounds. (As you may have already suspected, "vulnerable" is related; it comes from the Latin verb "vulnerare," which means "to wound.")
By Vichara
There is a bird that is indigenous in West Africa called the Egyptian Plover (Pluvanus Aegyptus). This feathered friend over time has created a strange partnership and reliance with the most unlikely friend, the crocodile. This rather fearsome & dangerous predator has forged an agreement with the plover, “I have parasites and bugs that exist on my armor and you like to eat them, so hop on board!” From the most unlikely a pairing becomes a partnership and at some point we all need to forge a partnership with the most unlikely person or organization. Your strength or weakness becomes the linking point to unification. We should attempt not to discount or turn away immediately from what may be considered an odd partnership. Look what magic came from such pairings as Lewis & Clark, Laurel & Hardy, Bert & Ernie, Ethel & Lucy, R2-D2 & 3CPO, Wright Brothers, Anthony & Cleopatra, Scylla & Charybdis, Beevis & Butthead…ok, I know that one is a stretch. You get what I mean, you never know what spark will ignite to magic.
elicit • \ih-LISS-it\ • verb
1 : to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential)
*2 : to call forth or draw out (as information or a response)
Example Sentence:
The announcement of the total amount of money that the charity walk raised for the children’s hospital elicited many cheers from the crowd.
Did you know?
"Elicit" derives from the past participle of the Latin verb "elicere," formed by combining the prefix "e-" with the verb "lacere," meaning "to entice by charm or attraction." It is not related to its near-homophone, the adjective "illicit" -- that word, meaning "unlawful," traces back to another Latin verb, "licēre," meaning "to be permitted." Nor is "elicit" related to the verb "solicit," even though it sounds like it should be. "Solicit" derives from Latin "sollicitare" ("to disturb"), formed by combining the adjective "sollus," meaning "whole," with the past participle of the verb "ciēre," meaning "to move."
By Vichara
You kick, you scream and it’s like trying to break down a heavy metal door wit it’s seams sealed with cement. It is frustrating and fruitless and will drain your energies. This may seem to describe some days we all have right? We travel along, doing our best solving things, trying to understand challenges in front of us. Then there is this one thing, one challenge, one big door that refuges to budge. Perhaps this door, this challenge that we assume we need to knock down just might be the wrong door. We might get stubborn and stand our ground but this will not help. Stop, breathe and don’t bloody your hands. The door you need could be right next to this one or just maybe someone else may have the key to this door and will open it up for you. Imagine that unification of effort resulting in solutions for all. Careful now, this could catch on.
evanescent • \ev-uh-NESS-unt\ • adjective
: tending to vanish like vapor
Example Sentence:
"Dance is the most evanescent of the arts, evaporating into memory the instant it's completed." (Jordan Levin, The Miami Herald, November 13, 2008)
Did you know?
The fragile, airy quality of things evanescent reflects the etymology of the word "evanescent" itself. It derives from a form of the Latin verb "evanescere," which means "to evaporate" or "to vanish." Given the similarity in spelling between the two words, you might expect "evaporate" to come from the same Latin root, but it actually grew out of another steamy Latin root, "evaporare."
By Vichara
As I went to “sit” this morning I saw the moon sinking low off in the western sky. It was partly shrouded with a layer of milky white clouds almost like a scarf haphazardly tossed over it self in a tired reflected way. The stars just above were mutely twitching in a weak, sad farewell to their nighttime brethren. The night is almost drained of it’s power and in the east the sun is primping for it’s arrival to light our paths, help release energies in the soil and warm our chilled bodies. We sometimes fail to observe he subtleties of change as they happen. The time we get to ponder questions, observe and receive epiphanies has been slimmed by the expectations and schedules of the day. We are a society that is being driven by constant input. Try to “unplug” sometimes this week even if it is just for 10 minutes and do absolutely nothing and observe and listen to just…you.
raj • \RAHJ\ • noun
1 : rule; especially often capitalized : the former British rule of the Indian subcontinent
2 : the period of British rule in India
Example Sentence:
In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi launched a spectacular and highly successful campaign against the Raj, but despite all such efforts, India did not gain independence from British rule until 1947.
Did you know?
When British trading posts were established in the Indian subcontinent in the 17th century, English speakers were immersed in the rich languages of the region, and Europeans quickly began adopting local words into their own vocabularies. By the end of the 1700s, Hindi contributions to our language ran from "ayah" (a term for a nurse or maid) to "zamindar" (a collector of land taxes or revenues). When English speakers borrowed "raj" around 1800, they used exactly the same spelling and meaning as its Hindi parent (the Hindi word in turn traces to an older term that is related to the Sanskrit word for "king"). Other words of Hindi descent that are now common in English include "chintz," "pundit," "bungalow," "veranda," "seersucker," and "bandanna."