The reach...

By Vichara

It has been said, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp”. But what are you reaching for? Is the quest moral in nature, frivolous in content or is this drive to go farther propelled by a “good” heart not fully realized. While yes we are never quite sure what lies in front of us, this is always conditional and will turn on a dime, there must be at it’s core the accelerant fused with love, compassion and patience - the good fuel. By firing the engines of our quest this way we will be given more of an opportunity to reach father to those answers and wishes than before. But this again circles back to what are we reaching for? What is it that we hope to find? What is the ultimate goal? No single person except yourself can answer that but you can be sure that by using the “good fuel” you will intuitively know when you reach your destination.

parlous • \PAR-lus\ • adjective
: full of danger or risk : hazardous
Example Sentence:
"Given the fragile state of the economy, this is a parlous time to be making uncertain investments," said the financial advisor.
Did you know?
"Parlous" is both a synonym and a derivative of "perilous"; it came to be as an alteration of "perilous" in Middle English. ("Perilous" is derived from the Anglo-French "perilleus," which ultimately comes from the Latin word for "danger": "periculum.") Both words are documented in use from at least the 14th century, but by the 17th century "parlous" had slipped from common use and was considered more or less archaic. It experienced a resurgence in popularity in the 20th century (although some critics still regarded it as an archaic affectation), and today it appears in fairly common use, often modifying "state" or "times."

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